Dave Champion still at it

Joey Smith
Infidel Enslaver
Posts: 895
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:57 pm

Dave Champion still at it

Post by Joey Smith »

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"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to suijuris.net)
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Re: Dave Champion still at it

Post by Olsenfin »

The "infamous" Jay Adkisson?

Way to GO, Jay! That's a lot better than being merely "notorious".
Tax Man

Re: Dave Champion still at it

Post by Tax Man »

Champeon wins the award for Most Annoying Voice. His inflection at the end of words makes it sound like he's grunting as he pinches a loaf. You can tell he's a Rush Limbaugh wannabe who loves to hear himself talk (referring to his radio show as the "conservative zone", kind of a pathetic attempt of mixing the EIB network with the "No Spin Zone.")
"Their site is a hate site designed to destroy their competitors."
If you look at Jay and Chris's website, they basically do planning and litigation for people who have assets. None of their competitors would seemingly be "destroyed" by what's on Quatloos, unless their competitors cater to those who have no assets or legitimate business operations.

Some disgruntled attorney wrote that Jay and Chris:
"ignore the 1,000's of cases where their competitors cases are found legitimate....I'm tired of you slamming everyone else to discredit everyone else....remove all your negative posts except yours or this attorney will be down your throught like a hive of killer bees."
This particular quote was probably posted by a certain attorney whose planning has made national headlines because it was so terrible (and exposed by J&C). So yes, I can understand why this guy has a problem with J&C. Because they expose the type of planning that is destined to fail and do further harm to the client. Shouldn't the client know that they could wind up getting screwed by certain techniques?

The same concept applies to Quatloos. Shouldn't people have a resource to avoid falling for tax scams promoted by people like Irwin Schiff, Larken Rose, Champeon?

After an annoying fake laugh, the fat bald host then imagines what motivates the men behind Quatloos.
"What motivated them to want to dedicate this entire....they obviously have a great designer.....what could the agenda of these guys be? I realized there is nothing substantive on the site..."
Then Champeon gets a little more precise as to why he's angry with Quatloos...Champeon says everytime Quatloos refutes the truth of the income tax, they requote IRS site ...... that Champeon disposes of in *his publication.*

Re: Dave Champion still at it

Post by Nikki »

Why doesn't he bother to mention how he sold out all of his supporters to keep his own tush out of jail?
Tax Man

Re: Dave Champion still at it

Post by Tax Man »

Nikki wrote:Why doesn't he bother to mention how he sold out all of his supporters to keep his own tush out of jail?
Because assholes tend to do that kind of stuff.