Trading with the Enemy Act

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Trading with the Enemy Act

Post by LPC »

Minden Exchange Bank & Trust Co., v. Roger L. Wells et al., No. 4:11cv3015 (U.S.D.C. Neb. 6/17/2011), was an interpleader action brought by a bank as trustee (mortgagee) following the sale of real estate in order to settle competing claims against the proceeds, including federal tax lien claims.

Highlight of the final order:
The court finds Roger Wells's motion to dismiss is untimely and largely incomprehensible. The defendant's argument that the court lacks jurisdiction because "all courts are operating under the (1) trading with the enemy act" and that the courts are essentially "foreign states" is frivolous. The motion is replete with "tax protester" rhetoric and there is no merit to defendant Wells's contentions. Accordingly, the motion will be denied.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Trading with the Enemy Act

Post by fortinbras »

THe Trading With the Enemy Act is a fixation with some of the sovruns because it was mentioned (with an amendment) in the 1933 Gold Clause Repeal ("HJR 192"). I cannot recall the last time anyone was prosecuted under the Act.