Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

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Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by LPC »

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philip Kaufman, of Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, is on trial starting today for failing to file tax returns, obstructing the IRS, and filing false claims.

He supposedly hasn't filed a correct return since 1992, the IRS assessed $814,000 in tax for the years 1992 through 2000, and then, in 2008 and 2009, Kaufman filed three separate returns for the year 2008, claiming a total of $7 million in federal income taxes withheld and a refund of $865,041.

And he's representing himself at trial.

Should be fun. I wonder if it's worth a trip downtown to watch.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by LPC »

PACER shows his name as Richard P. Kaufman, Case 2:10-cr-00553-JS-1.

There's some interesting stuff in the docket, because Kaufman was released on $20,000 bail, but then announced he didn't want to have to pay bail, so the judged ordered him taken into custody and ordered a psych evaluation. Apparently, Kaufman changed his mind fairly quickly because the order was later vacated (and there was no psych evaluation).
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Famspear »

From the report cited above:
Prosecutors said they expect Kaufman to argue that he had a “good-faith, subjective belief” that he was not required to report the income he made as a dentist.
How very Cheeky of him!

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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Cpt Banjo »

According to this dismissal of a wacko civil suit this nutcase and a fellow idiot filed against the IRS and various officials, he's a total crank and no stranger to the courts. A sample:
Pro se Plaintiffs Richard Philip Kaufman and Michael Norley have filed this “Complaint on Contract and Promise on Value (Sweat Equity) Loaned” purportedly as relators on behalf of “The People of the State of Pennsylvania.” Plaintiffs have named more than 60 Defendants, including the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), the Secretary of the Treasury, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the entire Pennsylvania state court system, Pennsylvania state judges, federal judges and federal prosecutors. Plaintiffs make wholesale attacks on the legitimacy of the IRS, the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. treasury and system of currency, some state and federal courts, and other individuals or entities that Plaintiffs believe to be “acting as agents” for the IRS...

...Plaintiffs also claim the power to “issue orders to process this suit” (¶ 47). Accordingly, Plaintiffs have taken it upon themselves to issue orders in this case as “common law magistrates” and “private attorney generals.” Plaintiffs have flooded this case with numerous such filings, such as a bond which Plaintiffs have filed in the amount of “One Trillion, Three Hundred Billion Dollars” as “consideration” apparently to dismiss the state criminal prosecutions against Plaintiffs and as “DEMAND TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC DEBT DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR [sic]” (Docket No. 109).
http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/di ... 44141/138/
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Nikki »

AHA :!:

Their crucial error is revealed. They should have referred to themselves as "private attorneys general." It's these little slips that blow an otherwise perfect case.
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Famspear »

As of the middle of May, Kaufman and Norley also had attempted homicide charges pending against them.


See the May 26, 2011 opinion in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (in part):
Plaintiffs allege a wide conspiracy, including the IRS and the other Defendants, who have "routinely aided and abetted" the IRS (¶¶ 23(o), 30, 53). In addition to the IRS, the alleged
conspiracy includes: 1) Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner; 2) Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Benjamin Bernanke; 3) the Depository Trust Company; 4) the Delaware
County, Pennsylvania court in which criminal charges for attempted homicide and aggravated assault are currently pending against Norley and Kaufman (Magisterial District Court 32-2-49); 5) the arresting officer on those state criminal charges (Erjon Mollaj); 6) federal prosecutors representing the United States in the pending federal criminal tax case against Kaufman (Zane David Memeger and Joan E. Burnes); 7) the IRS special agents investigating Kaufman (Jeffrey S. Brown and Joseph C. Keiper); 8) federal judges who have presided over Kaufman's criminal prosecution and a previous civil case Norley filed (Judges Eduardo C. Robreno, Jr., M. Faith Angell, J. Curtis Joyner ); and 9) the Clerk of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Michael E. Kunz)......
(emphasis added; footnotes omitted)....

Kaufman v. Internal Revenue Serv., Civil Action No. 10-cv-1610 (RLW), U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (May 26, 2011).


http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case? ... 04&scilh=0
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Famspear »

From The Delaware County Daily Times, Feb. 23, 2011 (excerpt under the fair use doctrine):
......Richard Philip Kaufman, 60, of Glen Mills — who was federally indicted last August for tax fraud — along with 57-year-old Michael Norley of West Chester, were arrested following an assault.

[ . . . .]

The incident occurred shortly after two employees from a repossession company knocked on Kaufman’s door. Kaufman did not answer the door, so the employees decided they would leave his property. Just as the employees attempted to leave, Norley reportedly pulled into Kaufman’s driveway in an sport utility vehicle, blocking their access to the street.

When Norley got out of his car, he reportedly had a black zip-tie bag in one hand and a solid metal bar in the other hand, records say. Norley then demanded the victims — a 20-year-old Plymouth Meeting man and a 19-year-old Conshohocken man — leave Kaufman’s property. The victims explained they were there to repossess a vehicle.

Norley then allegedly struck the victims with the metal bar, according to court records. Shortly after, Kaufman came out of his home and reportedly assisted in the beatings, using a baseball bat, records say.

The victims suffered multiple severe injuries and were taken to the hospital......
http://www.delcotimes.com/articles/2011 ... =fullstory
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Famspear »

Kaufman's friend Mr. Norley is a real work of art. Here's a news report on some of Mr. Norley's prior exploits:

http://www.dailylocal.com/articles/2009 ... =fullstory
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Demosthenes »

We had an earlier thread on these nitwits when they lost their ECF/PACER privileges.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Judge Roy Bean »


http://dailylocal.com/articles/2011/08/ ... =fullstory
A federal jury Monday convicted dentist Richard P. Kaufman, 61, of Glen Mills, of all counts relating to a scheme to obstruct the Internal Revenue Service.
Sentencing before U.S. District Court Judge Juan R. Sanchez has been scheduled for Nov. 7.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Ivy-League Educated Dentist on Trial

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Interesting read on Kaufman and Norley flailing away in court:

http://dc.findacase.com/research/wfrmDo ... DDC.htm/qx
May 26, 2011


The opinion of the court was delivered by: Robert L. Wilkins United States District Judge


Pro se Plaintiffs Richard Philip Kaufman and Michael Norley have filed this "Complaint on Contract and Promise on Value (Sweat Equity) Loaned" purportedly as relators on behalf of "The People of the State of Pennsylvania." Plaintiffs have named more than 60 Defendants, including the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS"), the Secretary of the Treasury, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the entire Pennsylvania state court system, Pennsylvania state judges, federal judges and federal prosecutors. Plaintiffs make wholesale attacks on the legitimacy of the IRS, the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. treasury and system of currency, some state and federal courts, and other individuals or entities that Plaintiffs believe to be "acting as agents" for the IRS.

Defendants have moved to dismiss the Complaint under Rules 12(b)(1), (2), (5) and (6). For the reasons set forth below, this Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to entertain Plaintiffs' suit. Accordingly, Defendants' Motions to Dismiss (Docket Nos. 4, 11, 52, 74, 75, & 76) are granted. Moreover, because Plaintiffs have abused the litigation process through their numerous improper filings, including signing and filing counterfeit orders as "common law magistrates" or "private attorney generals," Plaintiffs' CM/ECF privileges are revoked and they are enjoined from submitting any additional filings in this case without prior leave of the Court.
The court goes to seemingly tireless lengths to outline and describe the lunacy these two crackpots engaged in and it's a litany of sovereign mythology gibberish.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three