Other Tax Protestor Arguments

Number Six
Hereditary Margrave of Mooloosia
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Other Tax Protestor Arguments

Post by Number Six »

Dan Evans, of course, has the definitive list of tax protestor arguments and their rebuttals: http://evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html

There are many others that have not been addressed, that vary from the legal; there are arguments with elements of ideological, aesthetic, ethical, "metaphysical" or religious, and logical aspects that play on people's resentments about submitting to sytems of authority. There are tax protestors who refuse to file stating that "if" they filed the government would owe them a bunch of money because of dependents and other categories of tax write-offs and unclaimed benefits. Few of these are addressed directly in the FAQ. But you see many practical recommendations in Boston T. Party's and other books where the author realized long ago that arguing the law doesn't work; whether you sign all your checks "UCC 1-207" or cash them at the payee's bank or operate only with cash, ultimately it will be up to the state and federal system who gets audited or visited by a "travelling salesman".

In terms of the ideological, metaphysical and religious, we have seen many such adherants who advocate "civil disobedience" or who enlist the Bible or other religious or philosophical text in their defense. They also rely on "ethical" or their own "moral imperatives" for why resisting, non-conformity or being "agnostic" on the issue and deciding not to act in compliance with particular rationales.

In terms of classical definitions of "logic", most of these arguments are fallacious.

I may have missed Mr. Evans' rebuttal but here are a few more:

1. "Endosing checks "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207" immunizes you against tax liability."

2. "Entering into contract with a state or federal agency or entity interferes with your natural relationships and connection to (D)deity."

3. "If I filed completely, the state/federal government would owe me lots of $$$."

4. "I (Amish, Mennonites, other religious) do not believe in the social security system but still want to submit to the authorities and pay (or receive $) taxes due--how?"

5. "Jesus waited for the tax collector to come to him instead of paying directly. Is this not the true Christian way to be? And is a letter from the IRS or DRS effectively the same?""

6. "I'm not receiving any services from the state, why should I pay in?"

7. "Am I not complicit in filing IRS or state tax forms with injustices it perpetrates?"

8. "By filing do I not and my family listed on the tax form, become surety or responsible for the nation's debt?"
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

'Choose loss rather than shameful gains.' (Chilon Fr. 10. Diels)