Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

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Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Dezcad »

It has been rescheduled (see Notice and OTSC below). The plot thickens, as Pete's brother (one of Pete's 3 co-counsel in his trial) has stated that a Motion and Affidavit filed under the brother's name was actually filed by Pete. Pete now may be subject to a two-level offense increase and not get out as early as he hoped.

CASE NUMBER: 08-20585

You are hereby notified that the Resentencing Hearing presently scheduled for April 11, 2011 is adjourned without date*.

*The Court has been informed that Mr. William Butler was only retained to represent the defendant on appeal, he is not admitted to practice in this district, he no longer represents the defendant and will not be appearing at the hearing. Mr. Cedrone has informed that the Court that he needs additional time to contact the defendant regarding his representation because the defendant has indicated he no longer wishes Mr. Cedrone to represent him. The Court has been informed that Mr. Lane is physically unable to represent the defendant at this time. The Resentencing will be reset when the Court can confirm who will be representing the defendant. If present counsel wish to withdraw they shall be required to file the appropriate motion and if defendant seeks the Court to appoint him counsel, he must file the necessary request and affidavit of indigence.
Case No. 08-20585
v. Hon. Gerald E. Rosen

At a session of said Court, held in the U.S. Courthouse, Detroit, Michigan on April 5, 2012

PRESENT: Honorable Gerald E. Rosen
Chief Judge, United States District Court

In a judgment entered on May 25, 2010, Defendant Peter Hendrickson was sentenced to a 33-month term of imprisonment for each of the ten counts of conviction, with these 33-month terms to be served concurrently. Defendant then pursued an appeal from his conviction and sentence, but also filed an April 14, 2011 motion with this Court seeking to vacate, set aside, or correct his conviction and sentence. This motion stated on its face that it was signed, filed, and served by Jack R. Hendrickson, Jr., Defendant’s brother, who was one of the three attorneys who represented Defendant at trial. (See Defendant’s 4/14/2011 Motion at 20.) In addition, the motion was accompanied by a sworn affidavit purportedly executed by attorney Jack Hendrickson, in which he spoke of the “confusion” exhibited by his co-counsel, Mark Lane, at various “key moments” during Defendant’s trial, with Mr. Hendrickson concluding in this affidavit that Defendant’s “constitutional right to a fair trial was utterly compromised” as a result of Mr. Lane’s performance. (Defendant’s 4/14/2011 Motion, Ex. D, Jack Hendrickson
Affidavit.) By order dated April 21, 2011, the Court dismissed Defendant’s motion without prejudice as premature in light of Defendant’s pending Sixth Circuit appeal. Shortly
thereafter, attorney Jack Hendrickson wrote to the Court, stating in a June 2, 2011 letter
that Defendant “entirely wrote and filed [the April 14, 2011] motion under my name [and]
using my password” to gain access to the Court’s electronic filing system, contrary to
Jack Hendrickson’s “mistaken understanding . . . that [Defendant] was filing it pro se.”
(Jack Hendrickson 6/2/2011 Letter to Court at 1.) FN1 This letter further expressed Jack
Hendrickson’s view that his co-counsel, Mr. Lane, “presented the case professionally” at
Defendant’s trial, and he sought more generally in his letter to “clear any damage to Mark
Lane which may have been caused by” the motion filed by Defendant.
(Id. at 1-2.) Plainly, this letter, when juxtaposed against Defendant’s April 14, 2011 motion, raises a number of troubling issues.
Defendant’s Sixth Circuit appeal has now been resolved, with the Court of Appeals issuing a February 8, 2012 ruling in which it affirmed Defendant’s convictions but vacated his sentence and remanded for resentencing. Accordingly, the case has now returned to this Court for a forthcoming resentencing hearing. Upon reviewing Defendant’s April 14, 2011 motion in light of the June 2, 2011 letter sent to the Court by attorney Jack Hendrickson, the Court has determined that the concerns raised by Defendant’s motion should be addressed at Defendant’s resentencing hearing, and that the parties and their counsel should be placed on notice so that they will be prepared to discuss these concerns at the forthcoming hearing. FN2
In particular, under § 3C1.1 of the United States Sentencing Guidelines, a defendant is subject to a two-level increase in his offense level if “the defendant willfully obstructed or impeded, or attempted to obstruct or impede, the administration of justice with respect to the investigation, prosecution, or sentencing of the instant offense of conviction.” As examples of obstructive conduct covered by § 3C1.1, the accompanying application notes cite the production of “a false, altered, or counterfeit document or record during a[] . . . judicial proceeding,” as well as the submission of “materially false information to a judge.” U.S. Sentencing Guidelines § 3C1.1, cmt. n.4(C),(F).
The misrepresentations contained or otherwise embodied in Defendant’s April 14, 2011 motion arguably qualify as obstructive conduct within the meaning of § 3C1.1 and its application notes. This motion purports on its face to have been written, signed, and filed by an attorney, Jack Hendrickson, who has stated in a communication to Court that he did not, in fact, perform these tasks. In addition, the motion is accompanied by a sworn affidavit purportedly executed by Jack Hendrickson, but Mr. Hendrickson’s June 2, 2011 letter to the Court certainly suggests, if it does not state outright, that he did not make and does not attest to the statements attributed to him in this affidavit. The motion and affidavit, then, appear to be false or counterfeit documents that have been produced during judicial proceedings in this case, and their filing seemingly constitutes the submission of materially false information to the Court. Alternatively, to the extent that Defendant’s submission of the April 14, 2011 motion and accompanying affidavit of Jack Hendrickson would not trigger a two-level increase under § 3C1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines, the Court nonetheless may consider Defendant’s post-sentencing conduct at the forthcoming resentencing hearing, as part of the Court’s overarching task of determining an appropriate sentence under 18 U.S.C. § 3553. See, e.g., Pepper v. United States, 131 S. Ct. 1229, 1249 (2011); Wasman v. United States, 468 U.S. 559, 572, 104 S. Ct. 3217, 3225 (1984).

Accordingly, for these reasons,

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that at Defendant’s forthcoming resentencing hearing, Defendant and his counsel shall be prepared to address the question whether Defendant’s offense level and resulting sentencing range under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines should reflect a two-level increase under § 3C1.1 of the Guidelines for conduct that constituted a willful obstruction or attempted obstruction of the administration of justice.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant and his counsel shall also be prepared to address the question whether, in the absence of a two level increase under § 3C1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines, Defendant’s post-sentencing conduct should nonetheless be considered in the Court’s determination of an appropriate sentence under 18 U.S.C. § 3553.

s/Gerald E. Rosen
Chief Judge, United States District Court

FN1 In a telephone call to the Court’s case manager shortly after Defendant filed his April
14, 2011 motion, Jack Hendrickson made similar assertions that he was not involved in the
preparation of the motion, and that it was filed without his knowledge or assistance.

FN2 2Counsel will be provided with copies of Jack Hendrickson’s June 2, 2011 letter in
advance of the resentencing hearing. The Court notes that, as of the date of this order, there remains an outstanding question as to who will represent Defendant at the resentencing hearing. The Court understands that Defendant might not wish to be represented at this proceeding by Mark Lane or by Mark Cedrone, another member of Defendant’s team of trial counsel. It also is clear, in light of the developments discussed in this order, that it would not be appropriate for Jack Hendrickson to represent Defendant at the resentencing hearing. Accordingly, in a notice issued on April 4, 2012, Defendant and his existing trial counsel have been directed to resolve this issue, and the Court has adjourned the resentencing hearing without date until it has been advised as to who will represent Defendant at this hearing.
(bolding added)
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Dr. Caligari »

That should leave a mark.
It looks like Prevaricatin' Pete picked picked a peck of perjury.
And his own brother turned him in....
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I wonder when Harvester is going to give this important news to his fellow LostHopes posters...
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by grixit »

You gotta help out family in trouble, but not forever.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by wserra »

How can forging an affidavit and then submitting it to the Court in support of a motion not be an attempt to obstruct justice?

What a maroon.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by notorial dissent »

So Cedrone and Lane have deserted or been jettisoned-depending on whose story you believe, by the already sunken SS Lost Hopes, and aren’t interested in a second round of failure it would seem.

Amazing, the fantabulous felon may yet get his sentence increased beyond what it was when he was on the verge of getting the current one reduced. An incredibly example of someone tossing victory, pyrrhic though it was, right in to the mouth of defeat and then saying “bite me”, you couldn’t make stuff like this up.

I wonder what other charges he could garner on this one, perjury starting the list, and criminal impersonation, forgery, and I would be that in that context it probably counts as a felony, as well as a bunch I can't even think of. I would suspect this probably mean brother is buh bye as counsel as well, since this could have cost him his license on top of everything else, but then Pete never has had much concern for anyone but Pete.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Kestrel »

Dezcad wrote:Pete now may be subject to a two-level offense increase
One step forward and two steps back. 33 months minus some plus a whole bunch. WTG, idiot.

Remind me again how much of a reduction he was expecting to get, compared to the likely increase he'll get now.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by The Observer »

Wow, what a mess. I wonder if the idea to forge the affadavit came from Harvester?
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by wserra »

Kestrel wrote:Remind me again how much of a reduction he was expecting to get, compared to the likely increase he'll get now.
Quoting from the remand part of the Sixth Circuit opinion:
The district court erred, however, in applying the two-level enhancement for obstruction of justice for Hendrickson's testimony concerning whether the civil judgment against him was void.
So he gets two levels off on appeal, and then adds them right back for being an idiot.

And that's iff Judge Rosen treats it as a two-level enhancement, and not as independent post-sentence conduct. If he treats it as the latter, all bets are off, up to the statutory max. So long as the sentence reflects the conduct one way or another, however, I doubt the govt would separately charge it. But you never know.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Quixote »

Defendant then pursued an appeal from his conviction and sentence, but also filed an April 14, 2011 motion with this Court seeking to vacate, set aside, or correct his conviction and sentence. This motion stated on its face that it was signed, filed, and served by Jack R. Hendrickson, Jr., Defendant’s brother, who was one of the three attorneys who represented Defendant at trial. (See Defendant’s 4/14/2011 Motion at 20.) In addition, the motion was accompanied by a sworn affidavit purportedly executed by attorney Jack Hendrickson, in which he spoke of the “confusion” exhibited by his co-counsel, Mark Lane, at various “key moments” during Defendant’s trial, with Mr. Hendrickson concluding in this affidavit that Defendant’s “constitutional right to a fair trial was utterly compromised” as a result of Mr. Lane’s performance. (Defendant’s 4/14/2011 Motion, Ex. D, Jack Hendrickson
attorney Jack Hendrickson wrote to the Court, stating in a June 2, 2011 letter
that Defendant “entirely wrote and filed [the April 14, 2011] motion under my name [and]
using my password” to gain access to the Court’s electronic filing system, contrary to
Jack Hendrickson’s “mistaken understanding . . . that [Defendant] was filing it pro se.”
(Jack Hendrickson 6/2/2011 Letter to Court at 1.)
It appears from Jack Hendrickson's letter that the motion, and the accompanying affidavit, were filed using Jack Hendrickson's password in the court's electronic filing system. I know nothing about the court's electronic filing system, but there must be a way for lawyers to "sign" motions electronically. I have signed very few documents electronically, but when I have, it was done by inputting my user name and password for the system that generated the document. I suspect that if one were trying to file a motion using the electronic filing system, one would reach a point at which the system would want an electronic signature to proceed. That is, at some point, one would have to enter one's user name and password. To file a motion and accompanying affidavit one would have to do that twice.

So, Pete talked his brother into letting him borrow his password to file a pro se motion. He drafts the motion and affidavit and tries to file them using the electronic filing system. He reaches a point at which the program wants a password. He may or may not have been informed by the system that he was "signing" the motion and affidavit. Even if he were informed, it is possible (I would say likely) that it never occurred to him whose electronic signature he was affixing to the documents. I hate to be the one to say it, but I think Pete may not have intended to forge anything.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by webhick »

Quixote wrote:So, Pete talked his brother into letting him borrow his password to file a pro se motion
Not necessarily. I used to maintain a small network for a lawyer's office and it wasn't all that hard figuring out what their passwords were or at least locating their "clever" hiding place.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by wserra »

Quixote wrote:I have signed very few documents electronically, but when I have, it was done by inputting my user name and password for the system that generated the document.
That's how the ECF system works as well.
I suspect that if one were trying to file a motion using the electronic filing system, one would reach a point at which the system would want an electronic signature to proceed. That is, at some point, one would have to enter one's user name and password.
At the very beginning. Anything you then file is deemed to be under your signature.
So, Pete talked his brother into letting him borrow his password to file a pro se motion. He drafts the motion and affidavit and tries to file them using the electronic filing system. He reaches a point at which the program wants a password. He may or may not have been informed by the system that he was "signing" the motion and affidavit. Even if he were informed, it is possible (I would say likely) that it never occurred to him whose electronic signature he was affixing to the documents. I hate to be the one to say it, but I think Pete may not have intended to forge anything.
Fortunately for those of us whose worldview depends on thinking the least of idjits like Hendrickson, that turns out not to be the case. Here is the affidavit Judge Rosen is talking about. It is hand-signed, by someone who purports to be Jack R. Hendrickson, Jr. It is witnessed, by the way, by someone who purports to be Doreen Hendrickson.

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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by webhick »

wserra wrote:Fortunately for those of us whose worldview depends on thinking the least of idjits like Hendrickson, that turns out not to be the case. Here is the affidavit Judge Rosen is talking about. It is hand-signed, by someone who purports to be Jack R. Hendrickson, Jr. It is witnessed, by the way, by someone who purports to be Doreen Hendrickson.
Doreen Wright, actually. Which as we know from the amended 2002 "tax return" was one of her aliases. It looks a lot like her signature. Funny thing is that Jack was one of the witnesses to the statement she attached to said tax return and they don't match. One looks nothing like the other. I'm no handwriting expert, but from a layman's standpoint it looks like Jack is a lefty when witnessing documents and a righty when signing affadavits.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by rogfulton »

webhick wrote: I'm no handwriting expert, but from a layman's standpoint it looks like Jack is a lefty when witnessing documents and a righty when signing affadavits.
Close enough for non-federally connected work?
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Cathulhu »

When he described "Cracking the Code" as "Simple. Obvious. Comprehensive. Telling." it's obvious that it's Pete, whose ego replaces common sense.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Famspear »

What about the notary public?

If the notary signature was forged, how did the person forging that signature get hold of a notary seal?

If the notary signature was not forged, why did the notary in question get involved in this? Did she (I assume from the name it's a she, but I guess I could be wrong) know that the "signature" of Jack Hendrickson was forged?

I don't know about Michigan, but in Texas a notary is supposed to obtain assurance that the person appearing before the notary (in connection with either an ordinary acknowledgement or an affidavit) is not an imposter -- e.g., by asking for some sort of picture ID documentation like a driver's license.

I wonder whether the notary in the Hendrickson case could be in for some trouble.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Famspear »

From the Michigan Secretary of State's web site:
A notary public is an officer commissioned by the Michigan Secretary of State to serve as an unbiased and impartial witness. The most common function of the notary is to prevent fraud by attesting to the identity of a person signing a document. Notarization on a document certifies that the person whose signature is entered on the document personally appeared before the notary, established his or her identity, and personally signed the document in the presence of the notary.
(italics added).

http://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-12 ... --,00.html

If the signature and seal of the notary in this case were forged, I wonder what the criminal penalty in Michigan would be for that?
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Gregg »

Cathulhu wrote:When he described "Cracking the Code" as "Simple. Obvious. Comprehensive. Telling." it's obvious that it's Pete, whose ego replaces common sense.
Agreed, I also saw a few grammar mistakes/quirks that screamed Pete. Not to mention,I finds it hard to believe that any attorney not in the batshit crazy specialty would attack a Federal Judge or make a comment about how the Judge hurried the case so he could go on vacation. Even if you don't actively practice law, that's a bridge that didn't need to be burned.
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:When he described "Cracking the Code" as "Simple. Obvious. Comprehensive. Telling." it's obvious that it's Pete, whose ego replaces common sense.
Agreed, I also saw a few grammar mistakes/quirks that screamed Pete. Not to mention,I finds it hard to believe that any attorney not in the batshit crazy specialty would attack a Federal Judge or make a comment about how the Judge hurried the case so he could go on vacation. Even if you don't actively practice law, that's a bridge that didn't need to be burned.
Just when the Pete Hendrickson saga was getting sort of boring......

Pete's one "victory" -- a remand for resentencing -- has now turned into a situation where he might end up having his stay in Federal prison extended.

If this turns out to be what it is apparently alleged to be -- an attempt by Pete Hendrickson to use his own brother's identity to file a forged affidavit with a federal court and thereby perpetrate yet another fraud -- wow. Just wow.

I know Hendrickson is a slimy character, but if he forged that affidavit (forget about the motion for the moment, just look at the affidavit), the state authorities in Michigan could look at that. And, I wonder if Pete could be subject to a Federal felony prosecution under 18 USC section 1001 or some such provision (?).
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Re: Hendrickson Resentencing Rescheduled

Post by Cathulhu »

What is genuinely pathetic is that Pete is still trying to reopen the trial he was convicted on. He simply cannot even consider the fact he is wrong. He got convicted, has nearly served the sentence, and he's still screaming "But I'm right!" :brickwall:

That's one hell of an ego!
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