"Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

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Hercule Parrot
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Normal Wisdom wrote:I am also reflecting on Letissier14's the comments in the PoE thread on how blind hatred can affect one's wider perception. Well, in my opinion, nothing illustrates this more than Ceylon's blind hatred of the establishment, governments and in this case Nottingham City Council where he has, not for the first time, taken a perfectly benign situation and given it a totally ridiculous interpretation simply to suit his own agenda. In the discussion on the PoE thread, some people have suggested that this is a relatively new phenomenon as Ceylon has increasingly lost site of his original intention to help people in trouble. I don't think this is true. I believe his primary motivation has always been to denigrate and damage the establishment (probably and like many of similar mind, because of personal history) and probably to make a buck on the side. He has always been prepared to believe and endorse any theory, however stupid in order to further this aim.
Do we know whether Hitler started with good intentions, or whether he was always knowingly evil? Perhaps these things are impossible to know, they are questions of morality and belief.

No doubt at all that today's Ceylon is a malicious and malevolent troublemaker, a spiteful bully and liar. But hop in my tardis and come back twenty years ago, was he like that then? Did life experiences make him bitter and rotten, or was the germ in his DNA from the start?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

Judging by the quality of recent videos from the dynamic duo I can only imagine they're planting the seeds for a defence against likely prosecution on the grounds of insanity. They have my vote.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by wanglepin »

YiamCross wrote:I can only imagine they're planting the seeds for a defence against likely prosecution on the grounds of insanity.
It is more than likely as I suggested earlier that Ceylon was now trying to give the impression that he is just an harmless clown who posts nonsense for the hell of it. This is probably why most of his own posts concerning the WeRe bank and Tom Crawford have disappeared.I think it is a bit late for that "defence", no matter how much distance he tries to put between him and his promotion of WeRe bank and his god awful version Tom Crawford`s SUCCESS!!!1!!!
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Hercule Parrot »

wanglepin wrote:I think it is a bit late for that "defence", no matter how much distance he tries to put between him and his promotion of WeRe bank and his god awful version Tom Crawford`s SUCCESS!!!1!!!
Yes, FIFTEEN TIMES!1!! too late... :haha:
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by littleFred »

Ceylon never really had a cause of his own aside from "Every authority in Nottingham is terrible." So he became a supporter of other people's causes: mostly Tom Crawford but also, to a smaller degree, Peter of England.

Tom's case has dropped from the public view. There is currently nothing to do, nothing to talk about. Peter has taken his ball away from the playground and set up his own game elsewhere.

So Ceylon is in a vacuum. He is floundering, a rebel without a cause. (Sorry, there is currently a terrible James Dean biopic on telly.) He still has a camera but nothing interesting to film. He has nothing to say because he never did. So he films himself saying nothing.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by NYGman »

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... YokG_lVikp
Hello everyone,
I became a widower in December 1999 and then had two daughters of 5 and 8 years old to bring up as a single parent father. Although I tried to continue I had to give up full time work in construction until they were older. As I had no family support at the time or friends to help and was living on just benefits when my car was giving me so much trouble and having to whack the starting motor to get it started but had no money for repairs I applied for a credit card. Over a period of time although still on benefits I was offered more and more credit. Unfortunately a couple who were friends with my late wife who I hadn't known beforehand befriended me, the male side of that couple was a proffessional conman who set about conning me out of approx £13,500 all of which was credit card money for bogus business ventures which didn't exist playing on the fact that I wanted to provide for my children as best I could. Although at a later date I reported it to the police they told me there was nothing they could do as I had given the money willingly?
Anyway now with a huge amount of debt for someone on benefits I tried many business opportunities using more of banks monies and credit card companies in a bid to rid myself of the debt, unfortunately I found in this situation of fear and worry isn't the best time to be trying to start business opportunities, for instance I traded forex for about 18 months where fear and greed are the biggest problems to deal with to be successful (the fear was already there for me).
The banks and credit cards continued to offer me credit, LloydsTSB as they were at the time and who I banked with could see the credit card bills I was paying and so they invited me into the branch and offered me a £25,000 loan without me even asking for it, of course I took the loan and paid off the previous credit cards. LloydsTSB then offered me another credit card with £7,000 credit on it, even after I accepted that they offered it again by phone, it got to the point where I owed approx £50,000 including car finance, by then I was back working full time but after being messed around for work for a couple of months I finally had to stop paying my creditors and changed my bank account to Santander.
After maybe a couple of years of threatening letters and debt collectors coming to my door (I never answered the door) I finally consulted a debt help company which was a free one, I was told to write to them all asking them to stop the interest and asked for their bank details so I could pay them £1 per month. I have probably paid them all £1 per month each for around three years without too much problem until a couple of them have sold on the debt.
Although I continue to pay Barclaycard £1 a month by standing order they have sold my debt to Cabot maybe a year ago, I have always ignored their letters and phone calls, if I did answer their phone call I would ask them who they were and ask them to stop ringing my phone and asking for such a person.
This weekend I found in my post box a letter which said defendant in the little window on front above my name in capitals, the Court Summons or Claim form is dated 8th June 2015, it seems I have 5 days on top of that plus 14 days to reply.

it says
By an agreement between BARCLAYCARD (BRC) & the Defendant on or around 23/8/2004 ('the Agreement') BRC agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS £3,489.83

Unfortunately obviously I have opened the letter, they talk of Court Fee £185 and solicitors costs £80

I do not own my own home, I have just finished the finance on my vehicle which I need for work, apart from that I have about 12,000 books in my home which I sell on Amazon.

What is the worst that can happen Please, should I make another post on the Forum?

Many many thanks
Earth Truth
See, it is posts like this, and people like this who end up getting further in to trouble following GOOFy advice. I wish I could reach out and recommend some real legitimate places this person can go for help. I am sure there are legal options. Hope he doesn't go down the WeRe Route. Interesting, no recommendations so far... I wonder what scheme they will be the Scheme of the day. These type of posts on GOOFy may me Sad, time to stop reading and go to bed...

I think it is sad that people in these situations feel that that site is the only place to turn too, and that they will actually get good advice. I can see that people that desperate are just looking for simple help in getting out of a bad situation, and Ceylon and crew are there to happily pick up the pieces
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

Sadly his options aren't that promising, his best chance would be to talk with Cabot and try to negotiate a payment plan with them, one pound a month won't cut it, but payment at a rate that he can afford is unlikely to be met with much resistance.

I also think, that if he makes this as a part 36 offer (could be wrong on the CPR) that if it is not accepted, but close enough to what the Judge rules, he may not be liable for costs from that date.

Of course he won't be given this advice, he'll be told to 'Lose the name', 'ANRRTS', or all manner of other things that won't do anything to stop the wheel from turning and will likely lead to a default judgement being made against him and this then followed up with a writ of enforcement. Jimmy'll probably pipe up to tell him to put his vehicle in the name of his dog or cat (of course whose name a car is in, does not indicate ownership).

I agree that this is the trouble with GOODF, he's not going to get good advice, and basing it off the fact that he claims to have been involved in the Forex market I would suggest he has a history of getting and then acting on bad financial advice.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Normal Wisdom »

littleFred wrote:Ceylon never really had a cause of his own aside from "Every authority in Nottingham is terrible." So he became a supporter of other people's causes: mostly Tom Crawford but also, to a smaller degree, Peter of England.

Tom's case has dropped from the public view. There is currently nothing to do, nothing to talk about. Peter has taken his ball away from the playground and set up his own game elsewhere.

So Ceylon is in a vacuum. He is floundering, a rebel without a cause. (Sorry, there is currently a terrible James Dean biopic on telly.) He still has a camera but nothing interesting to film. He has nothing to say because he never did. So he films himself saying nothing.
Nail on head!
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by FatGambit »

Personally I'd advise him to base his defence on challenging Cabot's claimed right to collect the debt, I've done this myself successfully in the past (more than a few times), but as I'm a bit busy and generally fed up with anything GOODFy at the moment, I won't be replying and will leave it for the others to follow up, there are a few there that know what they're doing, hopefully the likes of Zark and Jimmy refrain from trying to help him.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
littleFred wrote:So Ceylon is in a vacuum. He is floundering, a rebel without a cause. (Sorry, there is currently a terrible James Dean biopic on telly.) He still has a camera but nothing interesting to film. He has nothing to say because he never did. So he films himself saying nothing.
Nail on head!
Agreed, although I would suggest that Ceylon is a rebel absent both a cause and indeed a clue.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by AiusLocutius »

Well seeing as everything he has snuggled up against has fallen on its face, he will no doubt shortly begin plaguing the latest news section with youtube videos of:

Gold stealing anunnaki aliens, THE SHOCKING TRUTH !!!1!!!!!
The lunar landings are FAKE !!1!!!1!!
The planes that hit the world trade centre were HOLOGRAMS !!!!!1!!!
Drink your own URINE !!!!!!!!1

Etc., etc., etc.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

AiusLocutius wrote:The planes that hit the world trade centre were HOLOGRAMS !!!!!1!!!

Blatant disinfo, the planes were real, the buildings were holograms.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by YiamCross »

I used to know someone who drank his own urine. Funny, haven't seen him around in a while.

With apologies to Carlesberg, if Ceylon had an off-road driving school would it be the best off-road driving school in the world? Would it f**k!!!!1!!!!!


(Could that be him offering helpful directions at around 1:18 in..? Very much the same outcome as Ceylon advice usually produces.)
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Bones »

Bones wrote: Nearly forgot - Sack and Crack (more appropriate than Kac and M@c, as one talks b*****ks and the other talks out of his ass), when you make accusations about people being illiterate, as you did about Ellie Cullen, who correctly and accurately reported that Tom lost his Court case, you should first learn to spell

You have put the following on all of your recent videos. Solutions is not spelt Soloutions, however as you don't offer any solutions the irony of your mistake is not lost

I might not get a mention in his videos but I think he reads my posts :whistle:



Has Mark had his teeth whitened ?


What next a hair cut and a polo shirt without a kids cartoon character on it ? Heaven forbid

As for loving all our brothers and sisters (putting aside any inbred goofer jokes) - I wonder if that also includes jews ?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Jeffrey »

For those who don't have time to watch a full hour of Ceylon, here's a condensed version of his May lecture:

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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by Hercule Parrot »

PeanutGallery wrote:Sadly his options aren't that promising, his best chance would be to talk with Cabot and try to negotiate a payment plan with them, one pound a month won't cut it, but payment at a rate that he can afford is unlikely to be met with much resistance.
Not my area of expertise, but wouldn't a managed bankruptcy be his best option?
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

Possibly, then again this isn't my area of expertise either. I only posted that to show the disparity between the advice I think he should be getting and the advice he will get.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by letissier14 »

The chances are that as the debt was taken out pre 2007 it could well be unenforceable in a court of law
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by PeanutGallery »

It depends, I would think that the continuing payment plan made on the debt (the £1 a month) kept the date of accrual to the date of the most recent payment made.

The Limitation Act 1980 provides:

Code: Select all

29 Fresh accrual of action on acknowledgment or part payment.

(1)Subsections (2) and (3) below apply where any right of action (including a foreclosure action) to recover land or an advowson or any right of a mortgagee of personal property to bring a foreclosure action in respect of the property has accrued.

(2)If the person in possession of the land, benefice or personal property in question acknowledges the title of the person to whom the right of action has accrued—

(a)the right shall be treated as having accrued on and not before the date of the acknowledgment; and

(b)in the case of a right of action to recover land which has accrued to a person entitled to an estate or interest taking effect on the determination of an entailed interest against whom time is running under section 27 of this Act, section 27 shall thereupon cease to apply to the land.

(3)In the case of a foreclosure or other action by a mortgagee, if the person in possession of the land, benefice or personal property in question or the person liable for the mortgage debt makes any payment in respect of the debt (whether of principal or interest) the right shall be treated as having accrued on and not before the date of the payment.

(4)Where a mortgagee is by virtue of the mortgage in possession of any mortgaged land and either—

(a)receives any sum in respect of the principal or interest of the mortgage debt; or

(b)acknowledges the title of the mortgagor, or his equity ofredemption;

an action to redeem the land in his possession may be brought at any time before the expiration of twelve years from the date of the payment or acknowledgment.
(5)Subject to subsection (6) below, where any right of action has accrued to recover—

(a)any debt or other liquidated pecuniary claim; or

(b)any claim to the personal estate of a deceased person or to any share or interest in any such estate;

and the person liable or accountable for the claim acknowledges the claim or makes any payment in respect of it the right shall be treated as having accrued on and not before the date of the acknowledgment or payment.
(6)A payment of a part of the rent or interest due at any time shall not extend the period for claiming the remainder then due, but any payment of interest shall be treated as a payment in respect of the principal debt.

(7)Subject to subsection (6) above, a current period of limitation may be repeatedly extended under this section by further acknowledgments or payments, but a right of action, once barred by this Act, shall not be revived by any subsequent acknowledgment or payment.

30 Formal provisions as to acknowledgments and part payments.

(1)To be effective for the purposes of section 29 of this Act, an acknowledgment must be in writing and signed by the person making it.

(2)For the purposes of section 29, any acknowledgment or payment—

(a)may be made by the agent of the person by whom it is required to be made under that section; and

(b)shall be made to the person, or to an agent of the person, whose title or claim is being acknowledged or, as the case may be, in respect of whose claim the payment is being made.

31 Effect of acknowledgment or part payment on persons other than the maker or recipient.

(1)An acknowledgment of the title to any land, benefice, or mortgaged personalty by any person in possession of it shall bind all other persons in possession during the ensuing period of limitation.

(2)A payment in respect of a mortgage debt by the mortgagor or any other person liable for the debt, or by any person in possession of the mortgaged property, shall, so far as any right of the mortgagee to foreclose or otherwise to recover the property is concerned, bind all other persons in possession of the mortgaged property during the ensuing period of limitation.

(3)Where two or more mortgagees are by virtue of the mortgage in possession of the mortgaged land, an acknowledgment of the mortgagor’s title or of his equity of redemption by one of the mortgagees shall only bind him and his successors and shall not bind any other mortgagee or his successors.

(4)Where in a case within subsection (3) above the mortgagee by whom the acknowledgment is given is entitled to a part of the mortgaged land and not to any ascertained part of the mortgage debt the mortgagor shall be entitled to redeem that part of the land on payment, with interest, of the part of the mortgage debt which bears the same proportion to the whole of the debt as the value of the part of the land bears to the whole of the mortgaged land.

(5)Where there are two or more mortgagors, and the title or equity of redemption of one of the mortgagors is acknowledged as mentioned above in this section, the acknowledgment shall be treated as having been made to all the mortgagors.

(6)An acknowledgment of any debt or other liquidated pecuniary claim shall bind the acknowledgor and his successors but not any other person.

(7)A payment made in respect of any debt or other liquidated pecuniary claim shall bind all persons liable in respect of the debt or claim.

(8)An acknowledgment by one of several personal representatives of any claim to the personal estate of a deceased person or to any share or interest in any such estate, or a payment by one of several personal representatives in respect of any such claim, shall bind the estate of the deceased person.

(9)In this section “successor”, in relation to any mortgagee or person liable in respect of any debt or claim, means his personal representatives and any other person on whom the rights under the mortgage or, as the case may be, the liability in respect of the debt or claim devolve (whether on death or bankruptcy or the disposition of property or the determination of a limited estate or interest in settled property or otherwise).
If this wasn't law then the banks wouldn't be willing to accept a £1 a month payment plan (as this would limit them to a maximum possible return of £72 on any debt. Instead the £1 a mnth scheme keeps the clock of accrual ticking, preserving their right to repayment, and allows for the debt to be dealt with later such that if after a certain period no attempt has been made, or seems likely to be made to repay it the debt can be sold on to a third party and the bank can recover some of it's expenditure.

The debt would be statute barred if six years had elapsed from his last payment of a pound, but they haven't. As such I don't think an argument that the debt is out of time would succeed.
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Re: "Ceylon" the UK's top Goodfer nothing

Post by FatGambit »

Pre-2007 unenforceability and the statute act are two different things.