Hannah Shotbolt- An English Rose

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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

It looks as though I didn't completely understand what young Hannah was saying about the value of the bond. She was reading from this:
http://philosophers-stone.co.uk/wordpre ... is-fallen/
A child born into a wealthy family will have a higher debt bond value than someone who is of a lesser perceived “income bracket” rating.

So, the value of the bond depends on the wealth of the parents. :snicker:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

"Babylon is Fallen" is the magnum opus of Keith Thompson/Kate of Gaia. His disciples hand that out and send it to officials claiming that it is a "spiritual contract" that is entered into upon touching the paper that it's written on. I believe Hannah said before that she tried to file it in court the last time she went.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by grixit »

Hmm, it takes effect when you touch the paper. Isn't that the same as the anthrax threat?
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:"Babylon is Fallen" is the magnum opus of Keith Thompson/Kate of Gaia. His disciples hand that out and send it to officials claiming that it is a "spiritual contract" that is entered into upon touching the paper that it's written on. I believe Hannah said before that she tried to file it in court the last time she went.
Does it specify where you have to touch the paper? Because I'd hate to think that I was inadvertently consenting if one of these contracts found it's way to the smallest room of the house.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Burnaby49 »

PeanutGallery wrote:
Bill Lumbergh wrote:"Babylon is Fallen" is the magnum opus of Keith Thompson/Kate of Gaia. His disciples hand that out and send it to officials claiming that it is a "spiritual contract" that is entered into upon touching the paper that it's written on. I believe Hannah said before that she tried to file it in court the last time she went.
Does it specify where you have to touch the paper? Because I'd hate to think that I was inadvertently consenting if one of these contracts found it's way to the smallest room of the house.
Don't worry. Any inadvertent evidence was, shall we say, flushed away.

There is a famous quote to cover your situation. Maximilian Reger, a Geman composer who died far too young, was once confronted with a hostile review of his work. His comment was;

"Ich sitze in dem kleinsten Zimmer in meinem Hause. Ich habe Ihre Kritik vor mir. Im nächsten Augenblick wird sie hinter mir sein!" ("I am sitting in the smallest room of my house. I have your review before me. In a moment it will be behind me!"
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by The_Nidhogg »

Oh wow, I had hoped that Hannah would receive a rude awakening at court and drop this nonsense. More fool me and with a record of assault the courts are sure to treat her leniently. I'm sure picking a fight with them is a good idea. /sarcasm
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

From what she's posted she's not in court again till Monday. If she plays silly name buggers with the court she may well find herself back on Tuesday to say sorry for what she did on Monday after spending a night staying as guest of a real sovereign.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by The_Nidhogg »

She believes herself to be an "actual Queen".
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=68 ... =2&theater

the videos mostly about some fallout she's had with some other nutters and includes the excellant line "apart from me going to prison, I'm squeaky clean"

this post on the other hand is full ofstupid sov word games legal theory.

https://www.facebook.com/hannah.shotbol ... =1&theater
Hannah Rose Chris Grey that's the point. Your parents register your real name to the crown rendering it the crowns intellectual property in law. They then claim rights to the body the name is attached to after 7 years where they claim it under maritime salvage, something to do with the cqv act 1666. Miss means missing and Mr means mystery. The body has been declared lost at sea under maritime admiralty law and thus you are enslaved body mind and soul ...
Quick disclaimer: I study Scots Law so it is possible there may be a few minor differences however as almost all of the legislation dealing with IP is UK wide I'm assuming that broadly speaking IP law is the same in both Kingdoms.

Just double checked and the statues apply to both but its possible their will have been minor differences in interpretation in the two legal systems. So take the following analysis with a pinch of salt.

Your parents register your real name to the crown rendering it the crowns intellectual property in law

No they don't. They register your birth. In any case that is not how intellectual property law works. Although she does not specify what kind of IP she believes is acquired I presume it is copyright as the two terms are often used interchangeably by those without legal training. Nevertheless I'll briefly deal with the others aswell. I am aware that sov word games are unwinnable but I feel she has made enough progress passing this stuff off as law a rebuttle should be put out for when her followers eventualy stumble over Q.

The key legislation here is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998 (CDPA), the Trademarks Act 1994 (TMA),Registered Design Act (RDA) and the Patents Act 1997 as amended in 2004 (PA)

It is neither a Trade Mark or a registered design because they have their own registers as laid out in their respective acts (and also because a birth certificate is neither a brand nor a design!)

It is not a patent- Patents require that an object is new, involves an inventive step,are capable of industrial application and is not contrary to public policy or morality. See PA S1

Even if we followed the mad reasoning that a person is born new and is capable of industrial application, there is no inventive step and slavery certainly runs against public policy and morality.

Copyright then. S1 of the CDPA does not include people's names in the list of copyrightable material. You will not find Birth certificate in that act at all.
They then claim rights to the body the name is attached to after 7 years where they claim it under maritime salvage, something to do with the cqv act 1666.
Utter nonsense. That act is an obsolete act for declaring someone who has been lost at sea dead so succession can take place and any spouses become free to marry again.

For any sovs wishing to play word games here is an article on how the courts interpret statutes. http://www.lawlectures.co.uk/law1/Docum ... Paper).pdf

They do not play pedantic word games.
Miss means missing and Mr means mystery.
Miss means missing and Mr means mystery

to quote Rafiki “wrong again”. Miss- Misstress and Mr- Master.

Wikipedia has a nice wee piece http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr.

Dictionaries definitions
The body has been declared lost at sea under maritime admiralty law and thus you are enslaved body mind and soul ...
No it hasn't. Nor could it be. Slavery is illegal in the UK see the Slavery abolition Act 1833.

So much nonsense from someone who has been in the movement in for a comparably short time. Being young, reasonably attractive, English, and working class she has the potential to gain a large freeman following very quickly and could quite easily rouse a gaggle of white knights from the dregs of disillusioned British sovdom. I hope that she will fail to ascend to full guruhood after all to quote the insane Meta in the now defunct WFS “theres only one QUEEN over there and she doesn't SHARE”.


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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

To understand Hannah's ramblings you have to understand Keith Thompson/Kate of Gaia. Good luck with that - this is a person who claims that there are energy beams being emitted from the pyramids that prevent the moon from rotating on its axis.

It seems that Hannah is all aboard the Kate of Gaia express for her next court appearance. It likely won't end well, but at least she's not like this other disciple who ended up shouting at the police from his roof: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10 ... =2&theater
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

Well she's not like "Sammy" just yet. I am surprised from reading his facebook that he wasn't taken in under a section, although it seems that his landlord and the bailiffs are coming back on Monday (if he is rented accommodation is being evicted he will have had a considerable amount of notice as the law is very strict on what procedures should be followed in the UK).

I think the idea behind Kate of Gaia and Keith Thompson is to make it deliberately confusing and irrational. If the theory makes sense it can be debunked by a rational thinker and argument it's the timecube of the Sov movement (for those unaware timecube is a theory that modern physics is wrong and this man http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gene_Ray is right).

The other nutters Hannah got into a bit of a beef with seem to be old school anonymous. Those aren't nutters although they may do things for "teh lulz" they are usually rational actors of decent intelligence (the history of anonymous and it's origin on the web board 4chan is something I remember, because I was involved in that part of the internet way back then and had some knowledge of the very early acts by anonymous before the movement became co-opted by the crazies and conspiracy theorists). Fun fact the symbolism behind the masks is nothing more than the simple fact that V for Vendetta was a recent movie and lots of people had worn or were planning to wear "V" costumes for Halloween.

The only reason they chose to use masks because Anonymous was protesting scientology who have a "Fair Game" policy (that could have put individual members at risk if they identified themselves). Their isn't any symbolism whatsoever or meaning attached to the mask itself and it's a fallacy to think it is at all important (the name "Anonymous" comes from a 4chan board /b/ where the majority of posters are listed as Anonymous the name was chosen as a joke between board members because to the unaware it looked like /b/ had only one user, who posted a lot and rarely agreed with itself). The name and the mask (even the fact that Anonymous wears masks are not actually linked).

It's perhaps also important to note that anonymous operates on a general rule that anyone can be anonymous, anyone can join and propose an op but for an 'op' (an op is any action performed by Anonymous as a group) to take place it needs to have support from some other anon's. If it doesn't, you can still do it yourself, and you can still call yourself anonymous but they'll mostly just point and laugh at you for having no friends.

Anyhow it seems that Hannah managed to piss off a few of the serious anons, most likely for a couple of reasons, she put herself forward to be the spokesperson for Anonymous and did so in a way that implied leadership of the movement. To a lot of old school members thats a bit like turning up late to a party and changing the music to Justin Bieber. It's just not done. That and calling one of them a filthy tramp got their goat. It seems from what I read on Hannah's page that Anonymous turned up got pubbie tears and then got bored and decided to move on to better things.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=15 ... =2&theater

In the most recent update, we get an overview of the story so far, the various driving offences, and a summary of the various OPCA documents Hannah sent to the courts. It's a mixture of materials and theories from various gurus. Right to travel, right to grow weed, strawman etc.

She decided not to attend her Monday court date and it appears the court proceeded in her absence. The charge for not registering her vehicle was dropped but she got fined for driving without a license. The fines were £300 for the offence and £625+ for court costs. Good news though: Hannah is "not accepting" these fines. Can you get jail time for unpaid fines in the UK?

A warrant was issued over a marihuana possession charge but she refuses to turn herself in. If (when) she gets arrested, the police will be guilty of terrorism. She's not worried about jail though, and thinks it may actually be worth it.

So to sum up: Victory!

Oh and this is an excellent observation:
I think the idea behind Kate of Gaia and Keith Thompson is to make it deliberately confusing and irrational. If the theory makes sense it can be debunked by a rational thinker and argument it's the timecube of the Sov movement (for those unaware timecube is a theory that modern physics is wrong and this man http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gene_Ray is right).
You can pick out any, ANY Kate of Gaia radio show and you will hear absolutely preposterous absurdities. Just the other day, Keith/Kate masterfully proclaimed that prior to the Julian calendar, there was no moon orbiting around the earth. Oh, and word is that the moon is actually made out of titanium. And it's hollow. AND it's worshiped as a false goddess, or something, because "money" is actually pronounced "moon-eye". Also, the standard mathematical value of "pi" is wrong. Keith/Kate figured it out and the REAL "pi" is just 22/7.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:The charge for not registering her vehicle was dropped but she got fined for driving without a license. The fines were £300 for the offence and £625+ for court costs. Good news though: Hannah is "not accepting" these fines. Can you get jail time for unpaid fines in the UK?
Don't think so, I'll have to check. Much more likely is that the debt is enforced by a court bailiff, so, sooner or later, some gorilla with half a brain and a little bit of knowledge of the law will be visiting her to get some money or goods off her. (The law is rather technical in this area and don't expect either the bailiff or Hannah Fuckwit to get it right.) Put simply, if she knows what to do and isn't worth anything much, she may sort of "get away with it". If she's got any sort of employment the court should get round to taking the fine out of her wages. If she's on benefit (= welfare as you Americans call it) the fine will be deducted at a few pounds per week from her benefits.
What she will have is next to no chance of getting motor insurance after this, and, if her car isn't seized and actually is "her" car, she and the car will have a marker against them on the Police / Car system and can look forward to future journeys being interrupted by inquisitive members of the local constabulary. (This may or may not actually happen but if she keeps driving when she shouldn't do so, she risks being remembered by the local Police who will happily stop her and confiscate her car when they run out of more interesting things to do.)
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by notorial dissent »

Since it already sounds like she doesn't have a license to begin with, hasn't registered or licensed her vehicle, I think maybe taking her vehicle might just be the safest solution for all concerned. She doesn't strike me as the variety that would keep up or even have any kind of insurance either, so she is truly a public danger.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

I believe the law in the UK is that if you are driving an uninsured vehicle on the public highway the police can seize the car at the roadside. Which would leave Hannah free to travel anywhere she wants, provided it's on foot. The police only do this as a last resort, or if they are feeling particularly interested in stopping that person from driving. I would guess that an uninsured, unqualified Sov would qualify for a free car cubing.

What is also interesting is she said she was on a provisional licence, to our friends overseas that means she's on a learners permit, she shouldn't drive without having someone qualified to supervise her (and insurance as a learner).

Now Hannah has six points on that and if she continues to drive without a licence will continue to accrue points and rack up fines and debt and may even find herself disqualified from driving. Being a 'Freewoman' Hannah is of course likely to head down this path and in so doing screw up her life.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

So this was inevitable. Hear the harrowing account of the English rose's arrest and release. Sounds like she was fined for failing to attend court: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=15 ... =2&theater

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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

Hannah doesn't seem to have enjoyed her latest arrest. She claims that she was strip-searched, which on the face of it seems a bit extreme (of course given the tendency of some Sovruns to exaggerate,embellish, just plain lie) we don't know if it actually took place or not and I would hesitate to take Hannah's word at face value. Equally we don't know about Hannah's conduct at the police station and it is possible she may have comported herself in such a manner that meant such a search was required.

By law the police can only strip search someone if they have reason to believe that they may be concealing class A drugs or a weapon. An inspector needs to sign off on such a search. It also needs to be conducted by an officer of the same sex, Hannah doesn't mention any of these details and gives the impression that Officer Meeks was the only person involved in this. This I feel is for Hannah to play a discrimination card and also to portray herself as a victim of whatever her cause is.

The sad thing is, that going by the comments on the video, people seem to be lapping up Hannahs story.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by JamesVincent »

PeanutGallery wrote: The sad thing is, that going by the comments on the video, people seem to be lapping up Hannahs story.
At this point in time people want to believe that the LEOs are crooked, corrupt and inept. If you look at the headlines (which I don't for good reason) everyday there is another cop done wrong story, half of which turn out to be BS. People want to believe that their officers are wrong, that they are discriminatory, that they don't follow the law. If they believed otherwise then they wouldn't have anything to complain about and all the headlines wouldn't make sense.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Normal Wisdom »

To be fair to Hannah she does say in the Facebook comments that the strip search was conducted by females although she doesn't say if they were police officers or not. It's several of her supporters who jump to the conclusion that the particular named male officer took part. If the strip search took place it does seem a little excessive as there has to be reasonable grounds.

However what has been passed over in all the furore is that she was taken to court in the morning and fined in excess of £1000 which clearly she has no intention of paying. It's also not clear if any of this relates to the motoring offences that she has also admitted.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

PeanutGallery wrote:By law the police can only strip search someone if they have reason to believe that they may be concealing class A drugs or a weapon.
Only Class A? Didn't know that. Anyway, don't forget (unlike me and the Police computer) Ms Fuckwit was previously stopped in relation to weed as well as her driving issues, so the boys in blue have an extra "reason" for searching her.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Normal Wisdom wrote:To be fair to Hannah she does say in the Facebook comments that the strip search was conducted by females although she doesn't say if they were police officers or not.
Make that ladies in blue. The chance of them not being Police officers is next to nil. If you were strip searched by anyone other than LE and medical professionals it would be national news, people would be being prosecuted, losing their jobs, resigning, getting sued etc.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self