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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

Drop the name Jimmy ??

The only thing that has dropped since you started posting and telling more lies than James Bradley, has been your i.q :whistle:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

Reality beginning to set a in.... Well up to the bit about 'losing it in court' what an idiot !! :roll: :roll:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... tsO6vDfWK0

They've already warned me that if i don't turn up its armly prison for me. i am on record saying i will never go to court. yet they have got a gun to my head and also my families head. they are threatening to sell my family home for the sake of a couple of grand council tax. even though we have never been in arrears. i'm so mad i'm prepared to lose it in court and wipe the fuckers out and do time. i'll take one for the team just send me some vaseline to armly jail cos with my good looks i will get passed around like a doobie.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

jimmy talks big but in reality he is full of shit.
How does he intend to "wipe the fuckers out"? Bore them to death with his made-up pseudolegal gibberish?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

A couple of posts back in that same thread One-Cell also says:
the ultimate way to beat them is to ignore them EN MASSE. it works ok individually to a certain extent. but as i have proved ... when you do it they GO BONKERS. ha. its the one thing that hurts them. as it starves them of energy. in fact they have to expend more energy than they recieve. for example toms case operation hopper. spend £250,000 to secure £40,000. and also wake more people up. or my case case spend tens of thousands... to make 2k ?!?!?! so what they need most is our participation. and they will engineer this via the legal name and letters + fear and threats. but once enough of us just igore them to death it will soon cost more to enforce than they make. i have come up with a plan how to cause maximum cost to them but minimum to us... but it just needs enough people to be on board. the time is not ready yet, but it will be soon once they have started to clampdown even more... watch this space.
(my emphasis added)

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... 10#p447491

Ah, Jimmy, don't you understand, you thick twonk? They won't be a penny out of pocket, because it'll all be paid, every last penny of the Trustee in Bankruptcy's costs, from the sale of your house!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

Also, One-Cell, a couple of questions for you:

- how can you say you have "never been in arrears" when you've willfully refused to pay your Council tax?

- and how come you've got a passport if you've "lost the name"?

The hypocrisy of these GOOFYs never ceases to astonish me. Blatantly lying to gain sympathy and support, exactly like the Crawfrauds (who also were 'never in arrears' and had 'paid off their mortgage').
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

mufc1959 wrote:A couple of posts back in that same thread One-Cell also says:
the ultimate way to beat them is to ignore them EN MASSE. it works ok individually to a certain extent. but as i have proved ... when you do it they GO BONKERS. ha. its the one thing that hurts them. as it starves them of energy. in fact they have to expend more energy than they recieve. for example toms case operation hopper. spend £250,000 to secure £40,000. and also wake more people up. or my case case spend tens of thousands... to make 2k ?!?!?! so what they need most is our participation. and they will engineer this via the legal name and letters + fear and threats. but once enough of us just igore them to death it will soon cost more to enforce than they make. i have come up with a plan how to cause maximum cost to them but minimum to us... but it just needs enough people to be on board. the time is not ready yet, but it will be soon once they have started to clampdown even more... watch this space.
(my emphasis added)

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... 10#p447491

Ah, Jimmy, don't you understand, you thick twonk? They won't be a penny out of pocket, because it'll all be paid, every last penny of the Trustee in Bankruptcy's costs, from the sale of your house!
Certainly, what he's not got is the fact his house will be going to pay the Receivers wages, they love idiots like Jimmy the more they try and wriggle off the hook the more they can pile on the expenses ! :Axe:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

AndyPandy wrote:Reality beginning to set a in.... Well up to the bit about 'losing it in court' what an idiot !! :roll: :roll:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... tsO6vDfWK0

i'll take one for the team just send me some vaseline to armly jail cos with my good looks i will get passed around like a doobie.
What is his fascination with sex and prison / police cells ?

I would not take one with or without vaseline for any team - sorry guys, I like you but no that much

(my post is a joke and no offence is intended)
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

It's interesting that the local cops have devised a strategy for Jimmy No Name; they 'go equipped' with his mug-shot lifted from his passport photo. Things with the Police state are pretty advanced if Jim's right and they can read minds;
Jimbo says

knowing what i'm going to say
yes, they apparently already know what it is he's going to say!

Ere' Sarge, just 'ave a look in that crystal ball o'yours, I've got to go see Jimmy No Name, see wot it is eee's currently finkin'. Damn their eyes!..

You might lose the name but your mug comes along for the ride whether you want it or not. Better tin foil up too James, they're probably tuning in right now. In all honesty the cops will have worked out by now that Jim's a bit of a stuck record, entirely predictable and hands himself in when the APB goes out anyway.

He whinges that the Wyld 'family home' is now at risk. It is surely time for him to play his ace, namely dip into the much boasted about 'war chest', weigh in those BitCoins cleverly hidden from the Receiver and PAY OFF THOSE FECKIN' ARREARS, save your home from being sold out from under you, pull back from the brink, stop generating so much extra work for the Receiver that your equity will be keeping them in Chateau Freeman 2016 for many years to come. There'll only be one winner and it won't be you.

As has been said the Receivers won't give a shit whether JW pays up or not, stands in contempt or purges it, goes to jail or sees sense and starts to cooperate. They've got their foot well and truly on his neck and they and he know it.

Jim's home is at risk due entirely to his own rank stupidity. It is still within his ability to save things - but time is not on his side. Jim, you can avoid all this unpleasantness, you know what it is you have to do, grow up and sort it out. Please.

That said, if he does consider 'going postal' here's one for the local plod just in case their thought-reading machine is having a night off;
Jimmy No Home says

i'm so mad i'm prepared to lose it in court and wipe the fuckers out and do time.
And yes, he does have a fixation as to his virginity should he find himself in Armley.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Pox »

Bones wrote:
What is his fascination with sex and prison / police cells ?
I believe that we have also commented about the fixation of others with paedophilia?

I am not casting any aspersions, quite the opposite in fact , as I believe that those over on GOODF who do resort to calling someone a paedophile do so because they can't come up with any other name/insult and have such a limited imagination and vocabulary.

Jimmy is just being a drama queen here and over egging the pudding as usual.
If he did do another 'stretch' I am sure that we wouldn't hear the end of it!

No puns intended, it just came out like that!.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by longdog »

Pox wrote: I believe that we have also commented about the fixation of others with paedophilia?

I am not casting any aspersions, quite the opposite in fact , as I believe that those over on GOODF who do resort to calling someone a paedophile do so because they can't come up with any other name/insult and have such a limited imagination and vocabulary.
I think I've mentioned before that there's a monumental dick-head at the end of the street who hates my guts at least in part because I am openly but not obviously gay (and the fact I'm not in least bit scared of him winds him up intensely) and he's repeatedly accused me of being a 'nonce' because it's the best the little mouse inside his head working the levers can come up with. There must be a cut off point of stupidity where people are so idiotic they don't realise that making accusations of paedophilia makes *them* look dodgy not the person the accusation is aimed at.

Jimmy is just being a drama queen here...
Careful now... I was accused of being a rampant homophobe on a another forum for calling a somebody a drama queen. Which rather proved my point abut them being a drama queen to be honest :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

I think for safety's sake, it might be wise if someone local were to let the court know tht Jimmy the twit has made public threats of violence against the court. Better to be safe than sorry later. I have no sympathy for Jimmy, but would hate to see some innocent hurt.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

jimmy doesn't have the gonads. He's all talk.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

notorial dissent wrote:I think for safety's sake, it might be wise if someone local were to let the court know tht Jimmy the twit has made public threats of violence against the court. Better to be safe than sorry later. I have no sympathy for Jimmy, but would hate to see some innocent hurt.
He's also said he's going to have someone video it.

And actinglikeabanker on GOODF is now calling out Jimmy's bragging.

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... 08#p447598
HM Prison Leeds is a cat B, you will only get sent there for contempt of court on remand until your court date.

For a 2k debt by the time you get to court they will probably just call it time served and release you.

Whats all that BS about taking out the court room :lol: don't talk shite jimmy you wont do anything (classic window warrior, your pad mate in Leeds will be able to tell you what that is).

Jail isn't so bad when you 'realeyes' you had nothing to lose in the first place, perhaps you and the no-name crew can play the game of guess the name, prison number and wing if you end up doing a couple of weeks, or would that be admitting it is a relationship of convenience.

You claim to be a man, so stand by your word and do not turn up to court, as you claim, they can't do anything if you ignore them.

P.S man jail is a cake walk compared to YOI.
What they all seem to be forgetting is that this isn't about a £2k unpaid CT debt any more. It's gone way beyond that and even if One-Cell offered to pay back the outstanding CT, it'd be refused because the process now is that all his assets are called in to pay off all his outstanding debts, not just the one he was made bankrupt over. He's in court for failing to respond to the Trustee in Bankruptcy, not for owing the money.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

Somewhat refreshingly Goodf is not all that replete with Jimmy sycophants (hint: not a sycophant = shill & troll in Jim's view).

Methinks ALAB may have spent a little time at Her Majesty's pleasure when he was younger. (For north American readers, YOI is the UK version of Juvenile Hall but with extra cannabis). He's advising Jimbo not to answer bail; has he forgotten already that he meekly parades on at his nearest nick when the balloon goes up? I'm minded of Python's Brave Sir Robin so with apologies to Messer's Idle, Cleese etc;

Brave Sir Jimmy ran away
Bravely bravely ran away

When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled

Yes, brave Sir Jimmy turned about
And gallantly he chickened out

And when the plods looked for Sir Jim
He bravely bravely handed himself in

His defence was thin, his excuse was lame
And when they asked he gave them his name

Bravest of the brave, Sir Jimmy!

However and elsewhere there is hero-worship and some much needed arselikkan from teddy,
teddy wrote;

Your courage and determination are never in doubt Jimmy
And then on to some fantastic advice, bound to work, can't think why no-one's tried this before: a FEE schedule!
teddy wrote;

fair enough ! write to the registrar and tell them your terms and to attend their building not court fee . £5,000 sum certain and written chances are they want to meet before in a room to sign a good little slave waiver form with yer name , d,o,b nat ins no all in capitals just need a signature and yer free to leave .a financial instrument to access a certain fund , as youve been remiss to pay yer contract tax .
they will try to extract that way .
Aaaaaaand his work there is clearly done. What could possibly go wrong? Someone else long on advice and short on action themselves.

Finally a big hello to all the members of Jimmy's fan club at West Yorkshire Police who, I have on good authority, drop in from time to time, please see the post immediately above. Please also have a trawl through the lost property locker at Halifax, see if anyone's handed in his name, he appears to have lost one already.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

mufc1959 wrote

What they all seem to be forgetting is that this isn't about a £2k unpaid CT debt any more. It's gone way beyond that and even if One-Cell offered to pay back the outstanding CT, it'd be refused because the process now is that all his assets are called in to pay off all his outstanding debts, not just the one he was made bankrupt over. He's in court for failing to respond to the Trustee in Bankruptcy, not for owing the money.
An excellent point. Thanks to Jim's cunning plan ALL of his creditors can now join the queue for a slice of the equity which they might otherwise have given up on, piecemeal. Now Norwood Interiors will get paid. Barclays Partner Finance, Barclaycard, in fact anyone who Jim tried to palm off with a magical WeRe cheque.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by YiamCross »

exiledscouser wrote:
mufc1959 wrote

What they all seem to be forgetting is that this isn't about a £2k unpaid CT debt any more. It's gone way beyond that and even if One-Cell offered to pay back the outstanding CT, it'd be refused because the process now is that all his assets are called in to pay off all his outstanding debts, not just the one he was made bankrupt over. He's in court for failing to respond to the Trustee in Bankruptcy, not for owing the money.
An excellent point. Thanks to Jim's cunning plan ALL of his creditors can now join the queue for a slice of the equity which they might otherwise have given up on, piecemeal. Now Norwood Interiors will get paid. Barclays Partner Finance, Barclaycard, in fact anyone who Jim tried to palm off with a magical WeRe cheque.
I don't think the £4K war chest is going to be much help to poor old Jimmy here. Sounds like he's going to need a lot more than that, probably in excess of £20 K by the time everyone has taken their slice and added on their costs. Not forgetting the hit he's going to take on the house at auction which could easily be twice that in itself.

On the bright side, he'll probably have enough change left over after the fire sale of his assets for a few pots of Vasalene so it's not all bad. He'd better hope for a room at Her Majesty's pleasure too since I imagine finding somewhere to rent with his track record, credit history and lack of identity is going to be something of a problem.

Impressive how effortlessly he managed to turn his life around from living in a nice little house with a wife/partner and a great dog and nosedive it into a future of loneliness and hostels. I hope the dog gets taken care of properly.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

YiamCross wrote:I don't think the £4K war chest is going to be much help to poor old Jimmy here.
Would that be a £4k war chest that the receiver controls or a different war chest that Jimmy has not told the receiver about, thereby breaking the rules?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by YiamCross »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
YiamCross wrote:I don't think the £4K war chest is going to be much help to poor old Jimmy here.
Would that be a £4k war chest that the receiver controls or a different war chest that Jimmy has not told the receiver about, thereby breaking the rules?
It seems unlikely he would have declared to the receiver the 4 grand in a tin under his bed, as featured in his very own YouTube video, but I can't say that's the case with any certainty.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NYGman »

Any news on our friend Dante's keeper?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by guilty »

NYGman wrote:Any news on our friend Dante's keeper?
Keeper? I think Dante is the responsible adult in that relationship.
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