Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:I have located what appears to be a copy of the Freeman v. Bank of Scotland decision on a 'mortgage protest' website ...

This appears to be a written decision, so I would hope it will be formally reported. I don't see any indication of a neutral citation or such. The decision is not listed yet on the Irish public access caselaw database, "IRLII", but I'll keep an eye on that to see if it appears later.
This case is now up on the BaiLII website:
From a very quick review it appears the text of the scanned decision previously identified matches this official version.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Burnaby49 »

So the case will stagger forward stripped of most of its claims but with the one probably of the most importance to the freemen, the sale of their property, intact:

Allegations against the second and third defendant and alleged defamation
33. As already stated, the plaintiffs’ challenge to the validity of the receiver’s appointment remains at issue in relation to the securitisation and codes of conduct issues. As the allegations against the third named defendant are linked to the validity of the appointment of the receiver, it follows that the plaintiffs’ claims against the third named defendant in relation to its duty of care and role in selling the property at 55 Huntstown Wood should be allowed to proceed.

The standard Freeman "I paid the loan off when I signed it" claim did not survive:

the Bank did not advance the plaintiffs a loan of money but instead misled and deceived the plaintiffs by ‘creating currency’; the first named defendants have committed offences under the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act, 2001.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

This is not a detailed update, but rather a collection of information I have gradually accumulated on the situation in Ireland. It appears that the current trend is for gurus to attempt to attract desperate and indebted owners of real property to subscribe to various schemes that will arguably shield the debtor from bank foreclosure.

The one that has current attracted the most attention and commentary is the Rudolphus Allen Family Private Trust:
And here's a page that has the trust document itself ( ... nny-trust/).

Naturally, you have to pay to enter into the trust. Further, persons involved in this scheme has dramatically re-entered into foreclosed properties in large groups, which has led to arrest warrants for the ringleaders
( ... 44642.html). There's a nice discussion of this ongoing drama in this forum message thread ( ... 186&page=4).

One of the major figures in the Irish Freeman movement is a Ben Gilroy. He is the leader of a Freeman-associated political party, Direct Democracy Ireland ( and operates a website where you can copyright your name for the modest fee of 250 Euros / year (

Another twist is a fake law firm legal opinion that allegedly stated that the "Household Charge", which I believe is analogous to a municipal property tax, was optional ( ... t-be-paid/). This fake opinion is allegedly another Freeman-on-the-Land product.

But the real gem I spotted is this Oct. 24, 2013 news report on the overall Freeman phenomenon in Ireland and its links to various mortgage-evading trusts ( The relevant material starts at about 14:45. This report by the Prime Time program is precisely the kind of effective investigative reporting I'd love to more of - I very much recommend this for those who have a potential interest in how the Freeman-on-the-Land / Sovereign Citizen concepts have developed in other settings.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Things aren't going too well for Ben Gilroy.
(For some reason they got his name wrong in the headline.) ... 76687.html
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Thanks for that, rumpelstilzchen.

I did a quick poke around to see what other interesting developments Ireland may have to offer. It appears one regional group has decided to set up some make-believe courts, but that has provoked police investigation:
They seem reasonable enough - everyone's welcome, except for "outlaws":
A group called Baile Féitheáin Heritage has attempted to hold 'trials' in Ballyphehane Community Centre and has summoned HSE staff, gardaí, social workers, solicitors and others to appear to be tried by a self-selected jury.

The group handed out documents purporting to be a summons to HSE staff and garda stations, demanding that named people attend a trial by 'éire court' on Tuesday 5 November at 9am “to stand trial for their acts of terrorism against mothers, their offspring and others in our community”, according to the group's literature.


The group accuses “outlaw members” of An Garda Síochána, the Courts Service, Health Service Executive, Social Welfare and schools of “operating in collusion to abduct offspring for the purpose of commercial profit, trafficking, abuse, sexual abuse and even rape”.

The summons mentioned 17 separate people and called on them to attend the court hearing in Ballyphehane. It refers to the named people as “outlaws”.

The summons stated to the 17 people that “your failure to attend shall be accepted by éire court as your agreement all complaints by (name) are true and you do agree to forthwith and without any further notice forfeit to (name) your ESTATE and further do agree to forthwith leave éire and never return and you do accept all penalties decided by éire court”.

The group's statement said: “We the community are the jury, all non-outlaws welcome to participate in the jury and or witness this historic event”.
And these thoughtful folk have uploaded videos of their antics, for example, serving 'court' notices on a number of "outlaw" targets ( The first one is the most entertaining, as the daring Freeman duo approach a family services office, the camera zooms in on hood vehicle markings, and the narrator intones “Outlaws…”. The pair enter, drop off their paperwork, and hustle away to their private conveyance! Surprisingly, a couple security officers follow, a confrontation ensues; the Freemen drive off, narrowly missing one of the security officers, to which the narrator remarks: “Outlaws get no sympathy. If they want to commit hari-kari, more power to them.”

And some other fun videos:
I also found what appears to be an associated Facebook page ( The author claims to be a graduate of the "Lawful Legal Loophole Law School". Lots of stuff, though most of it doesn't rise to this level:
Then is it seen as a commercial investment when "LORD MAYOR OF CORK" dresses up in a Pirate costume complete with Pirate hat and throws an arrow into the Sea of Cork to try claim "commercial maritime admiralty jurisdiction"?
And then there's the associated "Brehon Jury Éire" Facebook group ( ... 4091013579):
The purpose of this page is to inform the mothers and fathers of offspring that have been abducted and to afford them the opportunity to sit on the Brehon Jury and to try the criminals responsible.
And my goodness, but these outlaws are terrible, for example ( ... 4091013579):
Ω: today Wednesday 6th November 2013 AD i was forced to have a mud-bath in a pool of water on the footpath and i was then abducted by GARDA OUTLAWS while conversing with a friend on the footpath outside ANGLESEA STREET COURTHOUSE, the same gang ROBBED my shoulder-bag and umbrella

a little girl that was on the footpath and observing, was so shocked by the violent attack on me by one GARDA OUTLAW, she came over and thumped him one on his head and he tried to punch her, but the GARDA OUTLAW missed because she "floated like a butter-fly and stung like a bee" even though she is only about 11 or 12 years old, but two other GARDA OUTLAWS grabbed her little body and beat her little head a number of times against a wall and at least once against the footpath. i was in awe at that little girls courage to come to my defence against a 6 ft+ GARDA OUTLAW

i was then forced into the COURTHOUSE where some TWAT ADMINISTRATOR spoke some meaningless CRAP i did not UNDERSTAND and wanted me to accept some shit of paper intended for MR. LEO KEAVENEY, well that is not me because i remember not asking for or receiving any such TITLE, i did not enter into any CONTRACT with any IDIOT ADMINISTRATOR.

later i went to OUTLAW BRIDEWELL GARDA STATION to assist angela recover €50 the OUTLAWS ROBBED from her when those OUTLAWS had ABDUCTED angela while she assisted ewa defend against HSE OUTLAWS attempting to ABDUCT ewa's 4 year old son in the OUTLAW FAMILY COURT,during the ABDUCTION of angela the GARDA OUTLAWS tore angela's coat and when i commanded the OUTLAWS to sew it they refused, further proof the OUTLAWS will not be any loss when they leave our domain,

while attempting to recover angela's €50 one of the OUTLAWS attacked angela and then claimed that angela had assaulted him and then ABDUCTED angela for the second time today, this video was made during one of my attempts to get some SERVICE from the GARDA OUTLAWS and return to me the body of the man called angela and in similar fashion to Johnny_5 in the movie Short Circuit, i was pissed off being ignored while i was trying to get some service from the OUTLAWS.
But these watchful folk will ensure no court proceeding evades scrutiny ( ... 4091013579) ( ... 4091013579):



Sadly, no feedback on how the court appearance turned out. Poor Leo. He needed no "rest", let alone "ar-rest". Or is the "Hrrrrrrr-Rest!", in suitable pirate-speak.

Kind of refreshing to see such vim and vigour from a bunch of Freemen. You just don't see this kind of energy in the Canadian Freeman-on-the-Land movement any longer.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Burnaby49 »

And it gives you an agressive new meme to explore just when the Canadian virus is burning itself out. These guys seem crazy enough to provide some serious entertainment.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by grixit »

Hmm, Angela seems to have changed sex during the event. Hmm, is Angela actually a shapeshifting lizard who has trouble remembering the right mammal parts to simulate?
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by The Observer »

A group called Baile Féitheáin Heritage has attempted to hold 'trials' in Ballyphehane Community Centre and has summoned HSE staff, gardaí, social workers, solicitors and others to appear to be tried by a self-selected jury
It is obvious where these clowns got off to a bad start: you NEVER, NEVER hold a Freeman/sovrun trial in a building that is supported by the illicit taxes collected by the OUTLAWS. You hold trials in places that are free from the stain and stigma of government, such as Denny's - the USA's choice of culinary tribunal. Now, it is very likely that there are no Denny's in Canada, but surely there must be a similar type of establishment that could serve as a proper substitute: a cheap chain of restaurants that have poor service, greasy, undercooked food and appear like a plague in every city of the country.
"...[W]as then forced into the COURTHOUSE where some TWAT ADMINISTRATOR spoke some meaningless CRAP i did not UNDERSTAND and wanted me to accept some shit of paper...
Strange, that sounds like the perfect description of what a courtroom gets when a sovrun shows up with his/her filings.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Burnaby49 »

Plenty of Dennys in Canada however none in Ireland. In any case they should meet according to ancient local customs, over Guiness in a pub. Having had some boots on the ground experience regarding pubs in Cork I would suggest The Mutton Lane Inn or The Twins O' Brien.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by The Observer »

Not sure why I used "Canada" instead of "Ireland" in my post. Unless there was some sort of Freudian slip going on there.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Jeffrey »

Wish I has caught this thread sooner. It really highlights how "incestuous" the flow of memes is between FMOTL OPCA groups. The Irish guy cites both Menard and Moorish influence even though fundamentally the theories should be incompatible. It reminded me of a video of a QA session Menard had where a "Moor" asked him for his opinion on legal stuff.

The mortgage securitization argument is a very popular one in "Moorish" circles, Taj Tarik definitely deserves the credit for making that one popular. I believe he may have been making a version of it prior to the 08 financial crisis but afterwards modified it based on his loose reading of news reports of AIG and other groups over leveraging and derivitization of subprime loans. The connection drawn between prime loans and prime beef may have been his or he lifted it off Jordan Maxwell but he certainly reframed it in a black supremacist context.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Although it would appear that things have now turned turtle for Ben Gilroy™ he has a super duper defence. Despite video and audio evidence to the contrary, Ben Gilroy™ claims he was not a ringleader of the protestors that forced receivers off the stud farm. No, not on your Nelly! He was merely an observer and, what is more, the verbal exchange between parties was just "banter". ... 35948.html
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by notorial dissent »

Would this then be an example of Irish blarney???

There is some term my mother used to used pejoratively for something like this and I can't remember it for the life of me now.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by Penny Wise »

Ben Gilroy has done a colon and when in court he caved and begged for forgiveness for being a complete Eejit ... 99400.html
However, Mr Gilroy must be given credit for having admitted criminal contempt and unreservedly apologising to the court over the affidavit and his behaviour. Were it not for that, the correct term of imprisonment would have been six months but, giving him credit for those, the appropriate term was three months.

However, the court considered a community service order was the appropriate way to deal with the matter, the judge concluded.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by He Who Knows »

Amazing how a simple apology can get a sentence of 6 months in the slammer reduced to community service. :snicker:
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally (Niccolo Machiavelli)...and what the FMOTL never does (He Who Knows)
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by The Observer »

He Who Knows wrote:Amazing how a simple apology can get a sentence of 6 months in the slammer reduced to community service. :snicker:
Amazing how waking up to reality and realizing that you were sold a bill of goods can lead you to making the rational decision to apologize and take responsibility.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:
He Who Knows wrote:Amazing how a simple apology can get a sentence of 6 months in the slammer reduced to community service. :snicker:
Amazing how waking up to reality and realizing that you were sold a bill of goods can lead you to making the rational decision to apologize and take responsibility.
If that were/is the case then so much the better, those kind of flashes of insight are rare and to be prized. It is to be hoped that is the case and that he won't be back to the same old same old very shortly as is more often the case.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by The Observer »

Sadly, you are probably right about the probability of recidivism.
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Re: Irish Freeman-on-the-Land movement

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:Sadly, you are probably right about the probability of recidivism.
I know, sigh!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.