The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by hardcopy »

So, upthread....Tom requested someone from the Land Registry be present at this hearing, forgot he had made this request and wondered why they were in court ?
That sums the whole thing up, its like Laurel and Hardy, but in REal life.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

letissier14 wrote:Bradley has just updated his latest audio discussing Tom Crawford & Mark Gillards court cases yesterday

B&B don't apply for costs as can still reclaim them under mortgage agreement.
I think this comment from Judge Philips is really important as it does indicate that there is a clause within his agreement that he can be responsible for 'post' eviction costs and more importantly, that B&B are going to impose that clause. Any thought that Tom may have that he may be entitled to some proceeds from the sale (over and above the amount of mortgage due) have gone.

We also have the little matter of the costs from his many other failed cases that he has kept quiet about.

"I am entirely satisfied that Mr Crawford has persistently issued claims or made applications which are totally without merit,"
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by AndyPandy »

hardcopy wrote:So, upthread....Tom requested someone from the Land Registry be present at this hearing, forgot he had made this request and wondered why they were in court ?
That sums the whole thing up, its like Laurel and Hardy, but in REal life.
For a legal representative of the Land Registry to have been there it's likely he named them, along with b&b as co-respondents, so they were obliged to turn up. The fact that Tom had forgotten this and questioned why they were there, would not have gone down well with the Judge and would have added to his decision to grant the Civil Restraint Order, he was wasting everyone's time with these various Without Merit claims.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by wanglepin »

fat frank wrote:even if he transfers stuff in to the kids names, the OR can take them back and say he did it to stop it getting taken
I think they could make him bankrupt indefinitely as happened with Roger Hayes who apparently had signed everything over to a relation before his court cases were even heard. He kept this little bit of information from his freeman supporters simply so he could say “they got nothing from me”. But it came out in the end.
Status Discharge Suspended Indefinitely See Footnote
Footnote Order suspending bankrupt’s discharge under Section 279(3) of the Insolvency Act 1986 until the fulfillment of conditions as specified in the Order made by the Court and effective from 28 October 2011 ... CaseType=B
I am not sure if they can snatch Grannies pad but I wouldn't be surprised. Tom Crawford and wifey might be a little too dim to actually to think of handing it to anyone else.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by grixit »

NG3 wrote:
longdog wrote:
Perhaps he added the Land Registry as a respondent thus clocking up more costs he will be liable for.
Yes, he was there because of Tom, I meant that once there he appeared to have no purpose. It was money for nothing.
But it's considered rude to point during a hearing and say "look at them yoyos".
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

NG3 wrote:Do you think he will cooperate with a bankruptcy?

Do you think he will declare all assets?

Do you think he won't try and sign assets into others names?
a) Maybe initially no, maybe no permanently but as has been pointed out that leaves him undischarged. I don't even know if he's allowed or would get a "basic" bank account in that situation. Plus it might up his chances of getting looked at by HMRC, since they know he can only work cash in hand. Also, I think petitioner or receiver can go back to court and complain he's not cooperating and get him held in contempt.
b) He can't hide SMH. Everything else is likely trivial in comparison.
c) See b plus he's too stupid and too late. Even if he did something at this point it would be seen as evasive and knowing him and his advisers it would be complicated paper crap that had no meaning in any court on the planet.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Skeleton wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:I'm beginning to wonder if Tom is stupid enough to interpret the judge's comments as meaning he needs to go round to 3 Fearn Chase to serve the occupants notice.
Given that Tom announced on EFOTB that he had "hands down won the case" anything is possible. Tom won't do it but a couple of posts on EFOTB from him and another tirade from Amanda may trigger one of the loony's to do it for him. I am actually surprised it has not happened already.
I have mixed feelings about this because it needs to go badly wrong before anyone starts taking notice of FMOTL sovereign types in the MSM or government and acts to damp it down now. A serious incident involving injury or death seems to be the only way of getting society to act.
Part of me does however relish the idea of one of Tom's supporters facing several angry builders or a 60kg Rottweiler. "Ooh look, 'Tyson' is creating joinder with your leg."
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

hardcopy wrote:So, upthread....Tom requested someone from the Land Registry be present at this hearing, forgot he had made this request and wondered why they were in court ?
That sums the whole thing up, its like Laurel and Hardy, but in REal life.
Tom is done, he needs to wake up and smell the coffee, he is not a well man, both physical and mentally, I find it unbelievable that his "followers" are encouraging him to continue down this "path of doom". I HAVE ONE WORD FOR TOM.........STOP
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

bagman wrote: I find it unbelievable that his "followers" are encouraging him to continue down this "path of doom
I'm not sure they are all "followers", or even "supporters", some people just get off on this sort of thing.

Some won't care what's happening to Tom, as long as either money is rolling in, in some cases, or he's providing "entertainment", to others.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Gregg »

YiamCross wrote:
So I'm putting out a call to anyone interested in chucking a tenner, or whatever, into the kitty to order a copy. It will probably cost about £150 and a few PMs have garnered pledges for about half that so far. If we get enough contributions then it could end up very cheap fun indeed.

Let me know if you're up for it and I'll organise a means to make it happen when I know exactly how much it will cost. I'm expecting that when we have it we'll publish it in the way the Godsmark judgment was but I'm willing to put a few quid towards the betterment of mankind by diminishing the Crawford's scope for lying.

I am good for whatever you have not yet raised, this is the most entertainment I've had since I discovered pornography...send me a PM with some means of sending you the payment.

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by #six »

YiamCross wrote:Bradley Knight reckons the transcript of Tom Crawford's High Court appearance yesterday will make for very entertaining reading as well as showing up the idiots lying about what happened. Sadly it will lack the ambience of Ebert shouting advice to Tom but the essence of the madness will be preserved.

So I'm putting out a call to anyone interested in chucking a tenner, or whatever, into the kitty to order a copy. It will probably cost about £150 and a few PMs have garnered pledges for about half that so far. If we get enough contributions then it could end up very cheap fun indeed.

Let me know if you're up for it and I'll organise a means to make it happen when I know exactly how much it will cost. I'm expecting that when we have it we'll publish it in the way the Godsmark judgment was but I'm willing to put a few quid towards the betterment of mankind by diminishing the Crawford's scope for lying.
Count me in. Were Cheque ok? If not I've got hard cash too ;)
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

Good video which really gets to the heart of why these people believe what they do and why they don't try to climb back out of the rabbit hole when they realise it's all a crock. ...

Makes sense to me.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:Good video which really gets to the heart of why these people believe what they do and why they don't try to climb back out of the rabbit hole when they realise it's all a crock. ...

Makes sense to me.
In all these cults (& this can get to cult levels), not just FOTL, once they start immersing themselves, and cutting themselves off from others (see all the alt. media, closed groups, bannings etc) it becomes harder and harder to turn back.

Most of the time they come to realise their spewing pure crap, but when everyone else around you is too, you become influenced and don't want to be ridiculed for going against the hostile crowd (see Asch Paradigm).

In turn this can heighten other issues, particularly related to mental health.

Our brains are complex, starting with the sub cortex, the mammalian brain which in turn developed a neocortex, or what you may have heard referred to as the outer “grey matter” layer of the brain, which grew atop the older sub cortex.

The neocortex provides a mechanism for fine-tuning and augmenting the functions of sub-cortical structures, like adding power steering to a car to enhance its performance.

Now, if you look at history you can see that the speed of evolution to the brain is unsurprisingly connected to the speed of assimilation of information.

The more connections you make, the more you learn, the more your brain evolves.

Think of it this way, imagine two men, one is everywhere, talking to everyone, at every moment in time, & the other exists at only one moment in time, and in only one place.

Which one is going to be smarter?

Even if the individual who was in only one place was to speak to the man who was every where, during the last second of the universe, he still wouldn't absorb the information of that individual, not least because of time constraints.

Necessarily then the guy with the greater number of connections, and who absorbed the most information, would have absorbed more knowledge, and his brain would have evolved faster.

This is how a part of what we call the neocortex evolved.

Now when you join a cult, or become to deeply embroiled in something, instead of forming millions of different and unique connections you begin to make a much narrower band of connections, and amongst that narrow band you find an increasing number of repeated themes.

Instead of the brain making multiple connections, and evolving and learning it is piling the same message on top of itself again, and again, and again, until it begins to believe the message as a certainty, whether it's based on fact or not, and this process of absorbing by rote, and creating delusions from them, whilst the brain isn't evolving, causes a retardation, and a form of brain damage, although if one removes themselves from the embedded situation the brain can usually recover pretty quickly and return to normal growth and evolution.

However if you don't get out of the rabbit hole, and you then throw in the sheer scale of losses for some, causing major stress and trauma, as well as greater denial, coupled with the heightened delusion of persecution, and an increased state of paranoia, it can lead to full blown mental health issues.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Skeleton »

YiamCross wrote:Good video which really gets to the heart of why these people believe what they do and why they don't try to climb back out of the rabbit hole when they realise it's all a crock. ...

Makes sense to me.
Good video mate, makes perfect sense, as time as gone on it has become more and more apparent that the Guru's are well aware of their target audience, IE the desperate and the stunningly stupid, and they simply do not care. I would class Tom Crawford as he sees it in guru land now and I think it was entirely planned, he loves the limelight, he took over a Facebook group and people listened and agreed (if they want to remain a member of the group they had to), he loves public speaking and interest from the press. Trouble is it cost him his home and from latest reports his health is suffering, which given the mess he has made of things is sadly only to be expected. He will not back down though, I have said from day one that Tom "enjoys" the publicity, examples are the hat, "Hello my name is Tom Crawford" and the "poor me" looks into camera.

Sadly as someone else mentioned it is an act that was totally destroyed by his behaviour on the the day he was evicted, I agree he has never recovered from that day. His anger was justified, anyone would be, you just screwed up big time, but he chose to use the platform to out the "Cuntstables," the scumbags and the corrupt courts etc. His pleading for wet signatures and seals was stunningly stupid.

Now there are videos appearing on YT that refer to the EX96 as a "warrant" and it has to be signed in wet by a Judge. These people will continue to move the goal posts, and Tom will support that, he has no other option left now. The final bill has not appeared yet, when it does he will go quiet for a couple of weeks but then he will return to rally his troops and again achieve absolutely nothing.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by #six »

I fear the final bill will be the end of him. A life of bitterness and anger isn't healthy for anyone especially when you don't have a hope in hell of getting the justice you perceive to be yours.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Philistine »

wanglepin wrote:[
I am not sure if they can snatch Grannies pad but I wouldn't be surprised. Tom Crawford and wifey might be a little too dim to actually to think of handing it to anyone else.
Maybe granny was the only one with an iota of sense and left it to the grandkids.
Nothing left to lose for Tom so why not go the distance...
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by wanglepin »

It makes sense to me too Yiam. Particularly this quote
They are fixed in their views ..... One of the arguments is, well they are still speaking about it.They are still part of the movement. They are still upholding these values. Well of course they are, they got no choice.They are forced to believe it. They are homeless for one, they need the support of those who got them into this mess.
I have said it before, as in the case of Guy Taylor, Roger Hayes and Crawford and a few others. They hit a point of no return. They some how see themselves as "forced to believe this freeman get out out of debt for free shite knowing dam well it will never work. They then turn from being normal people into fully blown freeman goofers and hit the speakers circuit dragging other poor suckers, no hopers and desperate people with them in their wake knowing all the time they are blatently lying. Some are mentaly ill or become mentally ill (John Harris springs to mind), some are just devious criminals out for a quick buck ( Hayes and Ceylon Mark Haining spring to mind).
It was refreshing to watch that video.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

All part of the new business?

Form an orderly queue, please.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:All part of the new business?

Form an orderly queue, please.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

NG3 wrote:
YiamCross wrote:All part of the new business?

Form an orderly queue, please.
Posse Comitatus, it's right back to it's roots, pay your money, get your badge and indoctrination.