The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Burnaby49 wrote:
fat frank wrote: Amanda, vile women and prob the main reason so many have turned against the crawfords
Vile? VILE? A young lovely who can dance herself into your heart with this? ...

As the person who discovered this video of sweet Amanda on an old YT channel of hers,( I send to to someone else to publish ) I pride myself with the amusement it has provided across various sites and the potential for it to be re introduced into threads whenever appropriate.

I just hope we are never exposed to a revenge porn video............ :shock:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote: Beware McKenzie friends. Even MPs have now voiced concern over the ‘cult of the amateur’ lawyer.

Law Society deputy vice-president Andrew Caplen, Bar Council chair Nicholas Lavender QC and Jenny Beck, co-chair of the Legal Aid Practitioners’ Group, gave evidence to the House of Commons Justice Committee on the impact of the civil legal aid cuts under the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.

Caplen said the ‘dramatic fall’ in legal help means thousands are ‘falling through the net’.

All three warned of the dangers of untrained, uninsured and unregulated professional McKenzie friends, who have emerged to fill the gap as people are left without access to proper legal advice and representation.

Beck told the committee that McKenzie friends give only the ‘illusion of equality of arms’ while Lavender said judges need to be stricter in not allowing paid McKenzie friends to speak in court.

MPs expressed concern at the growing phenomenon. Conservative MP Steve Brine called it the ‘cult of the amateur’, which Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn said is a ‘dangerous scenario’.
A McKenzie friend is not a legal advisor and has no rights of audience, s/he is there to keep notes and help the Litigator in Person stay on track. I've found judges who are happy to cut out the game of chinese whispers and allow me to address the court where appropriate and others who won't under any circumstances. A judge can refuse entry to a McKenzie friend they believe might disrupt or otherwise interfere with the good running of the court. Perhaps they'll create a new category of Civil Restraint for failed McKenzie friends and if they do I bet Ebert will be first on the list. It makes me wonder how he could be allowed in court in any capacity when he's barred from bringing an action in any court without special permission.

It's judges who have to get to grips with the rights of litigants in person and those who find themselves in court have a choice as to whether they pay someone who has knowledge, experience and some kind of indemnity insurance or to go with the bloke in the pub who read something about it on the internet.

My experience of lawyers is that even those who are supposed to be at the top of their game, and charge accordingly, often fail to provide proper legal advice and representation.

Let's face it though, at this level of the game the poor sods who fall prey to the likes of Ebert are never going to be in a position to sue for poor performance as it will be obvious they should have run a mile as soon as they got wind of their track record.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote: Perhaps they'll create a new category of Civil Restraint for failed McKenzie friends and if they do I bet Ebert will be first on the list.
It's a possibility and as such another unhappy by-product of these types of fools, because whilst they think they're bringing the system down they are actually bolstering it and making it more constrictive.

I'm a big fan of freedom, and I'm sure most people are. I'm not talking freetard freedom here, I'm talking more about living in as non-restrictive society, as possible, with pretty much the right to do anything, up to the point where it begins to impact on society and others.

I think it's a pretty universal sentiment, regardless of political orientation, the debates are usually only ever over where exactly the lines should be drawn.

Freedom, however, comes at a price, and that price is responsibility.

When these people can not, or refuse to, act in a responsible manner, it is then that we get legislation and laws to force the issue.

If everyone was a model citizen we wouldn't need a single law, as there wouldn't be a single person to break them, but when people refuse to pay their debts, attempt to con others, commit acts of assault, or affray, commit criminal damage, or waste the courts time with vexatious litigation, then the law has to step in.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Dr. Caligari »

If everyone was a model citizen we wouldn't need a single law, as there wouldn't be a single person to break them, but when people refuse to pay their debts, attempt to con others, commit acts of assault, or affray, commit criminal damage, or waste the courts time with vexatious litigation, then the law has to step in.
As James Madison (one of the principal authors of the U.S. Constitution) wrote in 1788: "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

#six wrote:To be fair, he did win a battle or two. The eviction was initially stopped by the rent a mob. That has to class as a win. However, as everybody knows, you can win a battle or two but ultimately lose the war. And it's quite clear that the war is well and truly lost as far as the Crawfords are concerned.
SORRY but the "The eviction was initially stopped by the rent a mob" will have in fact cost him a few thousand pounds, along with the second rent a mob, the man has and will never win anything, other than "freeman of the year 2015" :haha:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

SoLongCeylon wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
fat frank wrote: Amanda, vile women and prob the main reason so many have turned against the crawfords
Vile? VILE? A young lovely who can dance herself into your heart with this? ...

As the person who discovered this video of sweet Amanda on an old YT channel of hers,( I send to to someone else to publish ) I pride myself with the amusement it has provided across various sites and the potential for it to be re introduced into threads whenever appropriate.

I just hope we are never exposed to a revenge porn video............ :shock:

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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by YiamCross »

Crawford Transcript Update.
Well thanks for all the money suckers, I'm off to Greece for a bargain fortnight on the beach... Hell, you didn't seriously think an anonymous troll shill like me wouldn't do a runner with the cash, did you???? Move over Craig, I need that sunbed!!!1!!!

No, but really, the news is not that bad. The wheels of the British justice system turn exceeding slow & I'm hoping that the audio will be with the transcriber tomorrow and we will have an estimate and we can order it via the fastest service we can afford. Follow this if you can. They charge by the folio, which is 72 words so there's no way to get a final price until they've typed it all out. The standard service is £1.30/folio and takes about 15 days from receipt of audio. Express is 7 days at £1.50/folio and the super internet age instant is 48 hrs for £1.70/folio. I'm hoping we can get the 7 day service but you never know, everyone who promised to send cash might actually comve good and there's a chance we could go 48 hour!!!!

Thanks to all you guys and gals who have followed through on your promise and trusted me to deliver. Hang on, no, just bring me another bottle of retsina, waiter. Sorry, did that come out loud?

To encourage you slackers who are still dragging their feet, if you get your cash in before midnight tonight you will be included in the SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION pdf copy of the transcript which will have REAL DIGITAL GOLD ELECTRONS woven into the virtual fabric of the antique finish document. Even WeRe bank don't have this advanced technology yet and I can't tell you how hard it was to convince the guys from Alpha Centuri to screw over the illuminati and let us have it first. These rare gold electrons are guaranteed to come from Atlantean gold reserves which have been hidden from the evil Rothschilds for 500,000 years. Eat your heart out Peter of England!!!1!!!

No, but really, I, need that extra cash to take advantage of the deal they're offering on an extra week if I sign up by tomorrow lunchtime. Don't make me come home early.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Pox »

Burnaby49 wrote:

As the person who discovered this video of sweet Amanda on an old YT channel of hers,( I send to to someone else to publish ) I pride myself with the amusement it has provided across various sites and the potential for it to be re introduced into threads whenever appropriate.

I just hope we are never exposed to a revenge porn video............ :shock:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pox wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:

As the person who discovered this video of sweet Amanda on an old YT channel of hers,( I send to to someone else to publish ) I pride myself with the amusement it has provided across various sites and the potential for it to be re introduced into threads whenever appropriate.

I just hope we are never exposed to a revenge porn video............ :shock:

Because of careless editing this posting makes it look like I'm taking the credit for finding Amanda's video. Not at all, full credit goes to SoLongCeylon.

I have to say that it would take a particularly low despicable type of person to get pleasure from the sight of Amanda so totally and unconsciously humiliating herself. Only a real shit would enjoy this sad appalling video.

I enjoyed the video.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Pox »

Sorry for the careless editing :oops:

Thanks to Solongceylon for making me laugh
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

bagman wrote:
#six wrote:To be fair, he did win a battle or two. The eviction was initially stopped by the rent a mob. That has to class as a win. However, as everybody knows, you can win a battle or two but ultimately lose the war. And it's quite clear that the war is well and truly lost as far as the Crawfords are concerned.
SORRY but the "The eviction was initially stopped by the rent a mob" will have in fact cost him a few thousand pounds, along with the second rent a mob, the man has and will never win anything, other than "freeman of the year 2015" :haha:
Say about £10k per rent-a-mob turn out and £20k for the rooftop protest?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

Phew...with confirmation that Crawfraud Manor has finally been stolen for the bargain basement price of £55,000 I was worried that TC would disappear into oblivion so really pleased to see that I am wrong.This has just been posted on EFOTB:

"I saw Tom Crawford today with guy and Linda Taylor plotting the next move... Keep up the good work guys and eagerly anticipate any news".
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by AndyPandy »

Bungle wrote:Phew...with confirmation that Crawfraud Manor has finally been stolen for the bargain basement price of £55,000 I was worried that TC would disappear into oblivion so really pleased to see that I am wrong.This has just been posted on EFOTB:

"I saw Tom Crawford today with guy and Linda Taylor plotting the next move... Keep up the good work guys and eagerly anticipate any news".
Plotting the next move... to a caravan park / tent presumably, based upon the past performances of both parties that's where they'll all end up !m :snicker:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

i would like to invite all my fellow Quatloos, to a upcoming spaces early to avoid disappointment ... 512998482/
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by bagman »

Bungle wrote:Phew...with confirmation that Crawfraud Manor has finally been stolen for the bargain basement price of £55,000 I was worried that TC would disappear into oblivion so really pleased to see that I am wrong.This has just been posted on EFOTB:

"I saw Tom Crawford today with guy and Linda Taylor plotting the next move... Keep up the good work guys and eagerly anticipate any news".
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DEAN CLIFFORD...........4/1
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by vampireLOREN »

bagman wrote:i would like to invite all my fellow Quatloos, to a upcoming spaces early to avoid disappointment ... 512998482/
Thank You. :haha:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

bagman wrote:i would like to invite all my fellow Quatloos, to a upcoming spaces early to avoid disappointment ... 512998482/
TUCO said to me:
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Bungle »

PeanutGallery wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
fat frank wrote: Amanda, vile women and prob the main reason so many have turned against the crawfords
Vile? VILE? A young lovely who can dance herself into your heart with this? ...
Please Burnaby, some of us want to keep our heterosexuality.
Bloody brilliant home movie but if she had managed to fall backwards into the children's play pen that would have made for the PERFECT ending. Perhaps next time.
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by Burnaby49 »

Bungle wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
fat frank wrote: Amanda, vile women and prob the main reason so many have turned against the crawfords
Vile? VILE? A young lovely who can dance herself into your heart with this? ...
Bloody brilliant home movie but if she had managed to fall backwards into the children's play pen that would have made for the PERFECT ending. Perhaps next time.
Greedy bastard. No matter how much Amanda gives you it's never enough, you want more. I wanted to see it end with her tumbling head-first into the TV screen but did I complain about her not doing it?
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Re: The Crawfords post eviction liabilities

Post by grixit »

SoLongCeylon wrote: As the person who discovered this video of sweet Amanda on an old YT channel of hers,( I send to to someone else to publish ) I pride myself with the amusement it has provided across various sites and the potential for it to be re introduced into threads whenever appropriate.

I just hope we are never exposed to a revenge porn video............ :shock:
That was not "revenge porn". First, Webhick was not naked, she was in costume as a destroying angel from an 80's death metal album cover. Second, that intern was not naked, he was completely covered with honey. And the other intern, who was also not naked, was merely adjusting Webhick's swordbelt.
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