UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

Neelu is in court with her global prosperity bullshit!
done the filing for mass remedy tests appeals




Tuesday, 12th June, 2018

At half-past 10
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by NYGman »

I sense a victory, only to be snatched away by those out to get her.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

NYGman wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:42 am I sense a victory, only to be snatched away by those out to get her.
curse those judges and their blasted laws. Wont someone rid me of this equity lawyer.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

NYGman wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:42 am I sense a victory, only to be snatched away by those out to get her. reality.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

SteveUK wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:52 am Neelu is in court with her global prosperity bullshit!
If they don't turn her away at the door, they only have themselves to blame... ... s-in-force
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Edward William Ellis is further down the linked list, he’s banned until 2020 whilst Neelu is back in the game in July this year.

But as you observe if these bans aren’t policed then they are essentially worthless.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

Update. So they were there to try and get rid of Ellis's CRO using the mystical power of Woo.Lord Justice Davis was having none of it though, clearly the NWO have nobbled him in advance. To put the boot in, he also decided they couldn't take the travelling circus to the Supreme Court, although this hasn't put Ellis off pursuing it anyway. Apparently having a few loons in the public gallery doesn't constitute 'public interest'. Curse that legalese.

Oh well, back to the drawing board.

EDIT - maybe they were there for something else, not just Ellis. As always with Neelu, untangling reality is never a precise science.

UPDATES: Twelve Good men and women made their concerns known on the court tapes when they witnessed Judicial Corruption by Lord Justice Davis and Lord Justice Moylan in Court of Appeal, London, Court 69 in Spivack V State A2 2018 0605 and A2 2018 0538 - there was an uproar when permission to appeal a Restraint Order and the substantive appeal to a Committal Order were refused to Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis.

The judges had been warned that it was they who were on trial and had personal liability with asset seizures of all proceeds of crime with a Terrorism Warning if they went outside their remedy only jurisdiction limit. The judges abandoned the court when the public gallery witnesses stood up and demanded justice. The Judges have granted the transcript of court proceedings and judgment between 10am and 3pm at public expense although the last time this was ordered, Equity Lawyer was denied it but it was provided to the State & Government Law Department only.

Permission to Appeal to the Supreme Court was refused on grounds that there were no public interests in the appeal despite the public gallery being full and raising concerns. Mr Ellis intends to seek permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. Franklin Awodiya Deb Sampson Andy Theodorou Ved Chaudhari Lee Cant Zeena Zaidi Neil Jennifer Nelson Edita Andrius Adam MustafaAdama Koroma Lloyd Subner Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

SteveUK wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:50 am EDIT - maybe they were there for something else, not just Ellis. As always with Neelu, untangling reality is never a precise science.
My reading of it that there were two appeals both for Ellis. 1) to appeal the original CRO; and 2) to appeal the application to commit from February, but as you say untangling reality without a third person account may prove impossible.

Now I may have missed something here, but losing an appeal against an application to commit usually means that the next hearing is sentencing :thinking:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Any links for this stuff?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

afraid not, its just rantings on her FB page, see if you can access it here:
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink » ... 94698/?t=1

People should be able to appreciate the full loony of her ramblings. She adds personal colour to text reports.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

I think I can throw a little more light on this.

Back in 2016 Neelu and certain other leading lights of the conspiracy community launched an action at the High Court;


The name Spivack ties this together with latest developments in the above comments. Hoaxtead Research reported on this at the time.

Its the perfect Neelu courtroom battle which ends badly for her. A full transcript of proceedings can be read here.

The outcome produces some withering judicial remarks from the Honourable Mr. Justice Kay;
9. The sad fact is or the harsh reality is that these claims are apt to be struck out on elementary principles. They do not disclose a cause of action. They are incoherent. What is alleged does not give rise to a private claim brought by a citizen against the State. In any event, the matters complained of are far too vaguely alleged possibly to give rise to a cause of action which this court would wish to entertain. So the claims are properly described as vexatious, they disclose no reasonable cause of action, they are totally without merit, and they really should never have seen the light of day. So I am striking out the claims in, to be clear about this, HQ16X01488 and HQ16X01307. This means that in relation to Mr Paterson he has brought a plethora of vexatious claims. He must be restrained from bringing further claims and I am going to make against him a general civil restraint order.
Good effort yer honour, that's Paterson sorted. Next, the good Doctor Spivack;
10. The same applies to Dr Spivack. She has slightly fewer claims but they are equally vexatious, equally misconceived and equally a profound waste of the court’s time. This is frankly action which can only be seen as diverting precious court resources from the matters it should be dealing with to frivolous matters it is now being asked to deal with. So I am going to make a general civil restraint order against her too.
He's on a roll. Turing to Neelu;
11. We have claims which have been referred to me by the Master brought by Mr Coyle and by Mrs Berry. These claims are as incoherent as all the others. The claim brought by Mrs Neelu Berry, 02369, issued on 5th July 2016 is conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, fraudulent in terms of court, fraudulent refusal to issue corruption claims etc. The defendants are the Secretary of State, one particular judge, one High Court Master and an actions officer.

12. These claims are again incoherent. They disclose no cause of action and you cannot sue a judge or a Master: there is complete immunity from suit of common law and under section 2(5) of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947. That is quite elementary. If judges could be sued that would completely clog up the administration of justice and would mean that they would have to face claims of this sort rather than that which the system provides for, namely proper appeal routes. So those two claims are struck out, 02368, 02369. It is interesting that they bear consecutive action numbers, I will be returning to that.
Concluding with a shot across her bows;
13. I asked Mrs Berry and Mr Coyle whether there were any other claims they have brought. I am not sure I got entirely clear answers but I am not accusing them of misleading me. I proceed on the basis that it has been proved that there are other claims which have been struck out. In the event that further enquiries demonstrate that there have been or in the event that further claims are brought and are struck out, it is inevitable that civil restraint orders will be issued against Mrs Berry and Mr Coyle. Inevitable as night follows day, so I give that warning.
So he shied away from handing out a CRO on that occasion but we know that, eventually some other judge did award Neelu one as there is one extant now, albeit it expires 20th July. As regards EWE;
14. We have finally the position of Mr Ellis which is in my judgment serious. He is the subject of a civil restraint order which is quite clear in its terms that he is restrained from issuing claims on behalf of others or from assisting others to bring claims in contravention of the Legal Services Act 2007. In my judgment there is a strong prima facie case that he has acted in breach of that order. It is an order dated 8th March 2016. The evidence comprises the following: First of all, all the documents have identical typeface.

Secondly, Mr Paterson told me in terms that he has been assisted by Mr Ellis. Thirdly, the documentation which Mr Ellis tried to file at Lewes Crown Court on Friday, 15th July contains an email from him dated Friday, 8th July which makes it plain that he has been assisting others in relation to bringing litigation and no doubt other matters too. He is the driving force behind this.

He also, and I should put this on the judgment so it is absolutely clear, that when a particular difficulty arose in relation to Mr Paterson, he asked to call Mr Ellis in support of his case. I then gave Mr Paterson a clear warning that he might be exposing Mr Ellis to the risk of proceedings for contempt of court. There was then a huddle at the back of court, Mr Ellis clearly driving the decision-making. So the evidence, direct and inferential, demonstrates that Mr Ellis is probably in breach of the civil restraint order and it follows that proceedings for contempt of court should be brought against him.

Edward William Ellis is THERE, physically in court handing out advice. The court should have just breached him but, back-peadalling somewhat the learned judge simply concluded;
It is not for me to rule on the application but the Government Legal Department will take steps now under Part 81.10 of the Civil Procedure Rules to bring a committal application against Mr Edward William Ellis on the basis that he has acted in breach of the CRO. Whether in fact he had acted in breach of the CRO or whether he has a good explanation or a defence will be for another judge to decide. It is for me to decide simply that there is a good arguable case and I am so satisfied.
So the can that was EWE's continued breach of his own CRO was kicked down the road once again and no-one did anything about it. Feck. But the judge did observe this about Ellis, my bold;
16. Mr Ellis, when that application is served on him, would be well advised to take legal advice rather than try and bat this through alone, since he frankly is not as well-equipped to deal with the law as he thinks he is.

The consequences of a finding of contempt of court in these circumstances are likely to be serious because the whole system depends on people obeying orders. If a civil restraint order is made and is then breached, the consequences are extremely serious, but I do not express a judgment on that.
Quite yeronnor but - FFS - DO SOMTHING ABOUT IT once in a while eh?

Right at the end of the judgement one of the claimants, Coyle, asks somewhat hopefully;
MR COYLE: What about expenses for coming here today?
MR JUSTICE JAY: You do not get those.
Representing Paterson in blatent disregard for his civil restraining order preventing him from doing so, EWE or rather Paterson's reliance on him as competent legal counsel is taken to task as Hoaxtead observes;

Apparently Mr Ellis has been assisting his friends, including Neelu and John Paterson, on an industrial scale since his CRO was imposed. Mr Chegwidden (counsel for the Secretary of State) notes that Mr Ellis will confirm, if asked, that he has been doing so: “The reason that he says he does so…is that he does not believe that the civil restraint order is valid against him”.

Indeed. None of this gang ever take the slightest notice of orders of the court and its about time m'learned friends grew a judicial pair and send the lot down for contempt. But, as ever the leniency, politeness and tolerance towards the conspiraloon community shown by the court means they are still there, filing useless motion after motion, wasting court time, seeking confrontation and a 'relief' they'll never achieve.

Yesterday's shambles must have been their latest go at flogging this particular dead horse. I do wonder whether we'll ever reach the point at which the court finally tires of this nonsense, shouts "enough already" and dishes out some time in the pokey.

I was going to conclude with a general observation as to what motivates the likes of Neelu and Paterson but in the linked Hoaxtead post from 2016 a comment from "Mik" below the main article makes a far better job than I might have attempted;
It seems these “truthers” all have massive voids in their lives. For all sorts of reasons they have become terminal inadequates and have missed the boat to a having a useful productive existence.

Rather than making sincere conscious efforts to address their issues and victimhood they flail about like crazy windmills seeking to blame life,the universe and everything for their sorry state.Of course no good will ever come of that.

They all seem desperate for society to collapse and even for armageddon or some rapture to act as a handy short cut to level things up.All because they feel entitled to wallow in subsidized lalaland and not get off their fat arses and make a sodding real effort in the real world.Feckin feckless feckers the lot of them.
Great observation Mik.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

exiledscouser wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:02 am Its the perfect Neelu courtroom battle which ends badly for her. A full transcript of proceedings can be read here.
Hilarious, but I am unable to read it without seething at the waste of very scarce judicial capacity. There are people out there who have real emergencies, need injunctions to prevent loss of their homes or children, to protect them from violence etc. Neelu and her clown troupe should not be permitted to abuse the facilities of the RCJ to indulge their LARP fantasies. This has been going on for years, blatantly flouting vex lit orders, causing harm and disruption to the public interest.

I do not understand why the judges tolerate this. They know the system is near to breakdown through budget cuts and inefficient administration, and they know the impact of greatly increased LIP participation (often forced by harsh cuts to legal aid). They know that the rule of law is undermined when they allow crackpots to hector and threaten them in open court, or when gangs of sympathisers boo and cheer from the public seating like a children's pantomime.

I suspect that senior judges are so certain of their own status that they regard this with wry amusement, and a novel break from their ordinary duties. But they have no right to do this, the courtroom is not an extension of their privileged education or private gentlemens club, it is a place of public service. Every hour taken by Nelly's Nutcases is a loss to other more deserving cases.

When will someone say "enough"? Where is our Chief Justice Rooke? :evil:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Burnaby49 »

When will someone say "enough"? Where is our Chief Justice Rooke?
He's certainly not in Ontario. I'm working on a post of this Ontario guy who's endless litigation, all of which is declared vexatious and struck without trial, has not, as yet, been sufficient to have him declared a vexatious litigant;
[2] In his statement of claim, the plaintiff purports to advance claims under a number of statutes, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and a long list of common law causes of action against the Province. He seeks an order requiring the government to: provide him with a job, fix issues concerning his love life, fix issues concerning organized community fraud, allow him to carry a weapon for personal safety, carry out an investigation of community fraud and hate crimes, provide him with two candid and direct contacts from within the government and the police so that he can report matters to them on a rolling basis, and to provide the plaintiff with a stealth video and audio recording device to record community thugs operating in public in violation of his rights. He also seeks damages in the amount of $151 million.
The "issues with his love life" are that he's a pig who has no love life but wants the court to supply him with one. This is somewhat difficult because he's a man with standards who has advised the court he only deals with "top shelf redheads or brunettes". In order to clarify this for the court he's submitted, in his court filings, that he requires a woman who is "fuckable".
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I suspect that senior judges are so certain of their own status that they regard this with wry amusement, and a novel break from their ordinary duties
I must admit that my first reaction was that the judges were only doing it for a laugh.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:18 am... I'm working on a post of this Ontario guy who's endless litigation, all of which is declared vexatious and struck without trial, has not, as yet, been sufficient to have him declared a vexatious litigant;
Can I ask the name of this gentleman? His antics sound worth a read.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Burnaby49 »

aesmith wrote: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:48 am
Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:18 am... I'm working on a post of this Ontario guy who's endless litigation, all of which is declared vexatious and struck without trial, has not, as yet, been sufficient to have him declared a vexatious litigant;
Can I ask the name of this gentleman? His antics sound worth a read.
Go nuts. Open up this;

Then type 'Asghar' in the 'Case Name' slot and 'Sajjad' in the 'Document Text' slot. Prepare for the avalanche and budget a block of time. The court was more circumspect in relating his arguments than I was. In the decision "fuckable" was written as "f*ckable".

It's related in one of the decisions how he won a prize at a "social event" for being the first person there who could produce a condom. He probably bought it a decade ago and still has hopes of using it one day if he finds a woman who's f*ckable. A man has to have standards. Sadly, as the court decision revealed, all of the women at that event were butt ugly skanks unworthy of the waste of a condom.
[6] The plaintiff swore an affidavit in response. He denied having behaved inappropriately with any of the defendant’s guests, whom he refers to in his affidavit as “skanks”. At one point in his affidavit, he stated:

This damage and defamation cannot be wiped with the ass of a woman since this is much pricier than the fake asses of [several women who attended the event, including the two who swore affidavits]. These women are cheap and third class and their conspiracy to frame the plaintiff has been busted. All these women are mature, butt ugly and they do not qualify for an approach in this plaintiff’s world.
Even more sadly, this is how I spend my golden retirement years.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by obadiah »

How is becoming a world recognized expert in your field, known and loved for your efforts plus being the go-to guy for beer recomendations "sad"?
1. There is a kind of law that I like, which are my own rules, which I call common law. It applies to me.
2. There are many other kinds of law but they don’t apply to me, because I say so."
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

A little snippet here, makes me wonder what she means by "mainstream media". Maybe she means "slightly less bonkers than me Youtube channels"
Ved Chaudhari, the mainstream media has been putting out for decades that Hitler died in 1947, when in fact he was sent to safety in South America [and apparently his daughters are Angela Merkel & Hiliary Clinton but they might not even know that fact, as many politicians are back door props with no parents - "orphans of the church"], so as to keep us in war mode, and they put out many people died when in fact they did not die - such as Princess Diana [such a crap picture edited in of her in the car just before the crash!!! totally out of proportion for a rear backie Peperazzi on a motorbike hehe] other celebrities who have doubles after they actually died...Paul McCartney comes to mind? I am not sure how many times our Queen has had to be "replaced" - ofcourse the agenda must not be disturbed by natural events because its all ORGANISED!!! remember from Ripple Effect 2 - you want any links just go on google or ask - is there a match with the 1952 Queen?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Burnaby49 »

obadiah wrote: Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:02 pm How is becoming a world recognized expert in your field, known and loved for your efforts plus being the go-to guy for beer recomendations "sad"?
Sad that I actually plan to read sixteen court decisions on this creep. I'm trying to figure if he espouses any sovereign beliefs in his constant accusations of being targeted by a unified conspiracy at all levels of government. Apparently that's the reason a dynamic studly individual such as him he can't get a top shelf fuckable babe or even a job interview, never mind a job.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".