The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by guilty »

Mark P Conway it mean we can all go and support people and we will not be prosicuted yeehaaa
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by letissier14 »

guilty wrote:
Mark P Conway it mean we can all go and support people and we will not be prosicuted yeehaaa
I hope they try
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by YiamCross »

Forsyth wrote:...- you can't claim joint guilt for the action of one person even if you know that it must have been one of them.
Yes you can. It's called joint enterprise. People have gone to prison for life just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Certainly works for murder where somone in the group did it but no one knows who specifically.
Forsyth wrote:I'm not sure that it's correct to blame the CPS here, other than they should, perhaps, have given it up as doomed venture earlier on.
No one else to blame. They should only bring a case where they have solid evidence. They should certainly know if their own witnesses are lying. Totally on the CPS then.

They should never have carried on with the prosecution of Tom Crawford, talk about bringing the criminal justice system into disrepute!

Way to go CPS.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Bones »

Amanda wrote:
the judge in this case admitted that NO JUDGE IN NOTTINGHAM WAS PREPARED TO SIGN ANYTHING OR PUT THEIR NAME TO IT. INCLUDING THE WARRANT WHICH DOESNT EXSIST! A WARRANT WAS NOT PRODUCED IN COURT. contrary to the LAW which states it must be!!! It was at this point the cps was advised by the judge to go away over night and re think continuing with this prosecution.
Back in the real world, it had nothing to do with any of the paperwork relating to the eviction, rather the prosecution didn't offer any evidence in regard to the offences that the idiot 6 and the dumber one were charged with ( conspiring to commit criminal damage and aggravated trespass) - nothing whatsoever to do with the warrant that the onesie one has previously posted (but refuses to show anyone) the Crawfords received. Unlike his home, Tom is still in possession of the warrant :naughty:

Remember from previous cases Amanda, the truth always comes out in the end :whistle:
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Forsyth »

YiamCross wrote:
Forsyth wrote:...- you can't claim joint guilt for the action of one person even if you know that it must have been one of them.
Yes you can. It's called joint enterprise. People have gone to prison for life just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Certainly works for murder where somone in the group did it but no one knows who specifically.
True, now you say that I seem to recall something of the nature. I'm not convinced that the court would be easily persuaded that the breaking of a window was a joint venture (particularly where it was not a conspiracy to commit), but it may be possible. I may need to do some light reading on the subject :-)
YiamCross wrote:
Forsyth wrote:I'm not sure that it's correct to blame the CPS here, other than they should, perhaps, have given it up as doomed venture earlier on.
No one else to blame. They should only bring a case where they have solid evidence. They should certainly know if their own witnesses are lying. Totally on the CPS then.

They should never have carried on with the prosecution of Tom Crawford, talk about bringing the criminal justice system into disrepute!

Way to go CPS.
Yes, I agree. My remark was aimed more at anyone who may feel that the accused were guilty, but that the CPS had botched the prosecution. My personal feeling is that the CPS should have known that they lacked enough evidence to secure a conviction and that the mistake was in trying for a conviction in the first place rather than how they handled it afterwards. It's possible that witnesses said different things in interviews than they did in court, but I still feel this was unlikely to succeed from the start.

I do find myself wondering if the police got what they wanted out of the case, anyway, in that it defused the situation at Fearn Chase. I was waiting up until the case started to hear that the charges had been dropped at the last minute but that obviously never happened so, presumably, the CPS thought they stood a reasonable chance.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by exiledscouser »

Predictable result really. A waste of public resources and with so may defending themselves the judge was always going to lean towards their side as they often do in other arenas with litigants in person. Add to the mix the minimum wage bored shitless wholly disinterested (and ineffectual) security guards as your primary witnesses, poor CPS decision making and there we are.

But ask yourselves, what have they achieved?

Is Tom back in his now former home?
Did their rooftop antics bring about anything tangible?
If you call a night or two in the cells (many more for one guy with lots of rather nasty priors) and months having your personal freedoms restricted through bail conditions as something to crow about then yes, perhaps.
Maybe a little more street cred for the baleful Ceylon with his fellow-travellers.
Does anyone in Nottingham actually give a flying feck about this whole circus?
Only a rag-tag band the usual mask wearing cannabis ridden anarchists.
Amusement and entertainment to interested observers?
Most certainly and for that, at least, I extent to them my thanks.

The true winners I believe were the cops and every other local resident because after this event the mob, so easily distracted grew tired of and bored with Fearn Chase and moved onto the next cause celebre. There was no repetition.

This was nothing to do with the rights and wrongs of the original eviction but whether the evidential threshold was met for the indictment as charged. Clearly the judge will have known that the Crown offered the lot of them a bind-over at the outset (an undertaking to be of good behaviour for a year or so). They were only ever going to get conditional discharges or fines at best if it had been left to the jury on a finding of guilt.

Of course this will only chuck petrol on the fires blazing in the minds of the delusional camp followers but, in all seriousness where do they go from here?

They’ve won a battle without realising that the war was lost months ago.

I was amused by a Facebook comment from a keyboard rattler (sorry I can’t now find the link) saying that he or she hoped the matter wouldn’t be halted by the judge, that it go to the jury to decide. In the minds of many this decision to pull the plug early will be read in some quarters as some sort of devious trick by the PTB.

I suspect however that this may signal nothing more that an aftershock in this long-running saga, now I think finally in its death throes that has been all of Tom Crawford’s making from the very outset.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Jeffrey »

So the prosecutors overcharged and got boned.


This really shouldn't have been a surprise, they climbed onto the roof of a house. No judge is going to give them hard jail time for that.
Last edited by Jeffrey on Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by hucknallred »

To quote a recent hit single "I wasn't expecting that"

Will be up in 10 mins or so...
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by hucknallred »

exiledscouser wrote:Predictable result really. A waste of public resources and with so may defending themselves the judge was always going to lean towards their side as they often do in other arenas with litigants in person. Add to the mix the minimum wage bored shitless wholly disinterested (and ineffectual) security guards as your primary witnesses, poor CPS decision making and there we are.
Fancy doing a "Hitler learns the Rooftop 6 acquitted" script? More than enough material there.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by exiledscouser »

Hitler would probably have quite a lot to say about this.

Oh yes.

He’d be incandescent with impotent rage at the failure of his very own Judge Friesler ( to let this go before the Volksjury.

He'd be demanding answers to the burning question; how can it be in his darkest hour, communists beseiging his bunker, food amost gone, yet these heroes, exposed as they were to the elements and questionable bodily excretions were able to dine on magnificent pepperoni pizza smuggled to them through the Ring of Steel surrounding the place. Not that Hitler, a lifelong vegetarian cares for pepperoni (or ham and pineapple for that matter) but its the principle of the matter.

I imagine that his closest advisors would be soundly berated for not recruiting the Rooftop 6 for the defence of Berlin; they could stand, without consequences, on the Reichstag roof and wave a menacing hammer or two at the surrounding Russkies.

Or should that be a hammer and sickle?

A spittle flecked tirade of profanity, invective and alliteration railing against the piss-poor performance, pre & post planning par Polizei.

The material is all there, perhaps I’ll get inspiration from the conspiracy community and its reaction over the next few days.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Joinder »

The Observer wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:Jesus christ, they offered to let them get off on a promise to stay good and they rejected it!?!?
Apparently you have forgotten the first rule in the Sovrun Citizen's Playbook:
Whenever there is an opportunity, double down on your stupidity.
I don't suppose you want to rethink your comment now ?....haha, what a hoot !
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Joinder »

notorial dissent wrote:Yes, fresh stupid, instead of the old and rehashed will greatly welcomed, and may provice for some light amusement.
Oh, the verdict was highly amusing !!
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by hucknallred »

exiledscouser wrote: The material is all there, perhaps I’ll get inspiration from the conspiracy community and its reaction over the next few days.
PM me the script & I'll gladly publish like the previous one.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Joinder »

YiamCross wrote:
Forsyth wrote:...- you can't claim joint guilt for the action of one person even if you know that it must have been one of them.
Yes you can. It's called joint enterprise. People have gone to prison for life just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Certainly works for murder where somone in the group did it but no one knows who specifically.
Forsyth wrote:I'm not sure that it's correct to blame the CPS here, other than they should, perhaps, have given it up as doomed venture earlier on.
No one else to blame. They should only bring a case where they have solid evidence. They should certainly know if their own witnesses are lying. Totally on the CPS then.

They should never have carried on with the prosecution of Tom Crawford, talk about bringing the criminal justice system into disrepute!

Way to go CPS.
Joint enterprise was brought in because of gang attacks, where although some of the gang may not have wielded the knife, their presence is deemed to be part of the crime committed.
I'm not sure it can be used against someone lobbing a sandwich up to the gang !
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I don't care anymore. Tom got what was coming to him and all the rest is just fluff and nonsense. Not worth bothering about.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Bungle »

exiledscouser wrote:

But ask yourselves, what have they achieved?

Is Tom back in his now former home? No.

They’ve won a battle without realising that the war was lost months ago.
And until they all realise this there's no hope for them.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by AndyPandy »

Normal Wisdom wrote:I don't care anymore. Tom got what was coming to him and all the rest is just fluff and nonsense. Not worth bothering about.
Kept us amused and entertained during wet winter months, now Homeless, Penniless Tom will just drift off back into obscurity where he belongs, a lot poorer but no wiser.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by getoutofdebtfools »

guilty wrote:Amanda says:
I've just been given to go ahead to inform you all that. It has been established within the rooftop 6+1 case that NONE of the paperwork involved with the theft of our home was correctly filled out and the judge in this case admitted that NO JUDGE IN NOTTINGHAM WAS PREPARED TO SIGN ANYTHING OR PUT THEIR NAME TO IT. INCLUDING THE WARRANT WHICH DOESNT EXSIST! A WARRANT WAS NOT PRODUCED IN COURT. contrary to the LAW which states it must be!!! It was at this point the cps was advised by the judge to go away over night and re think continuing with this prosecution. IT COMING FOLKS ITS COMING!!! To also point something out here although i've no doubt as time goes on more on this little tit bit will transpire, but. The fantastic 7 got found NOT GUILTY today for, 1 conspiracy to commit criminal damage (NO EVIDENCE AT ALL WAS FOUND IN RELATION TO ANY OF THE 7 TO PROVE THIS) BUT 2 They also ALL got found NOT GUILTY of aggravated trespass.....lets just think about that for a little moment.......Anyone starting to click yet? More to come on these facts I'm sure wink emoticon Those people did NOTHING WRONG as has been proven. Infact they did something amazing. Not only for us but bringing to light to help others the awful crime that's going on country wide of property and land grabbing. GOOOOO ROOOFIES!!! PS COSTS WERE AWARDED TO ALL DEFENDANTS! X
Whilst I was feeling a little disappointed earlier that the CPS predictably bungled the case and the Rooftop 6 and Craig walked free and now having just got home from my shift to see the glorious Amanda Pikey has already started the shite spouting, my faith in their stupidity is restored.

Here's to sitting back and watching the car crash continue weill into the New Year :lol:

Surely it's only a matter of time before Haining pipes up too? I feel we may see a video for this one :D
Oh the irony of the Get Out Of Debt Free website :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now owned by a debt management company :brickwall: Bye bye Ceylon :haha:
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I'm disappointed that the rooftop six and friend weren't convicted of something for their stupidity but the CPS had set themselves a difficult task with the charges they went for, then seemed to be presenting the evidence for the wrong thing. It was conspiracy - let's see the email exchanges, the planning details and who participated, not hear from some minimum wage security guard about how he was distracted and how Craig wasn't threatening. It is over now and history. Regrettably it may encourage this band of idiots to believe they have achieved something and embolden them to further antics at someone else's expense.
The people I'm now concerned about are the remaining residents of Fearn Chase who will not be happy if rent-a-mob turn up again to try to get the house back.
The rest of the saga remains unchanged, Tom and Sue still owe UKAR £100k. Tom still can't go to court of his own volition. Tom and Sue will sooner or later be broke, their kids will not be getting an inheritance.
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Re: The Rooftop 6 - The Trial of the Century!

Post by Hercule Parrot »

AndyPandy wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:I don't care anymore. Tom got what was coming to him and all the rest is just fluff and nonsense. Not worth bothering about.
Kept us amused and entertained during wet winter months, now Homeless, Penniless Tom will just drift off back into obscurity where he belongs, a lot poorer but no wiser.
True, but it does seem possible that the Crawfrauds will continue to misinterpret CPS discontinuing the criminal prosecution as a signal that the original eviction was unlawful. And from there it's only a short step to further attempts to re-occupy Castle Crawford.

May be more entertainment in this yet!
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