" we will endeavour to simplify the process of applying to the Land Registry to cancel a void and illegal mortgage."Michael O'Bernicia
23 hrs ·
We are delighted to announce that tickets are now on sale for the Manchester premiere of The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which will take place at The Moston Small Cinema in North Manchester, at 3pm on Sunday the 18th of December 2016.
The screening of the film will be followed by a Q&A session with myself and Michael O'Deira, during which we will endeavour to simplify the process of applying to the Land Registry to cancel a void and illegal mortgage.
Since we already have 20 tickets reserved and there are only 70 seats available, would all those who have already expressed an interest in attending please book your tickets at the link below as soon as you are able.
Neither of them have had any success and have lost a number of their own properties and those of friends and family.. So how in the how are they going to explain a process which they themselves, have been unable to do ?
One thing that I find very telling is that Michael has not once through out all these years of claiming success on this matter has been able to post one shred of evidence. It took him nearly two years to post a link to his case on his own website after claiming it as a win, when in reality the judgement went against him and his family.
Instead of encouraging people to read it for themselves, he preferred to tell his version which was and continued to be very different to the truth (wow sounds so much like Tom)