Please check out this unusual persons latest efforts
He manages to become the complete package:
#1 He gets the parking ticket.
#2 He videos returning ticket to security officers at Council Office.
#3 He uploads video to social network site.
#4 He writes lots of letters ( I mean lots) .
#5 He queues in Post Office to purchase registered postage for said letters.
#6 He videos himself wearing a towelling dressing gown sitting I imagine on a toilet , making numerous phone calls to Enforcement Officers . He delights in sharing his varied and deep knowledge of Legal matters with these people. He informs them he is a " Para Legal" and also informs them he intends to follow them to the ends of the Earth.
He states that he is part of a group that stop "Bailiffs". ( We have yet to see filmed proof of this apart from his appearing at Uncle Toms Cabin).
#7 He uploads videos of conversation including all Phone numbers to YouTube.
Not for me to comment about how he expends his energies.....But he really needs a life.
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?