Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Any chance of editing your post to remove the blue as a type colour? I find it almost impossible to read with my failing eyesight.

Done Hope you can read all the nonsense ok now. :)
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Thank you.
I see that grovelling e-mail was a term loaded with irony, to me it read as 'nuffin to do wiv us, guv.'
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SteveUK »

Its quite remarkable that he explains your GBP investment to the platform as "a loan to them".

I guess by his own theory, the platform of course doesn't have to repay anyone because GBP, and therefore loans don't exist!

Maybe the platform owners were taking advice from his site ages ago and decided to follow it - I'd so love that to be true, the irony would be a killer.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Gregg »

SteveUK wrote:Its quite remarkable that he explains your GBP investment to the platform as "a loan to them".

I guess by his own theory, the platform of course doesn't have to repay anyone because GBP, and therefore loans don't exist!

Maybe the platform owners were taking advice from his site ages ago and decided to follow it - I'd so love that to be true, the irony would be a killer.

Funny you should mention that. Bitconnect, he claims, refunded everyone their money. Important to know is that this super trading platform didn't trade dollars or pounds, it traded the Bitconnect internal currency, BCCs. In the ponzi run-up on their closed market, BCC were up as high as $450 or so when they upped sticks and as per their TOS they refunded everyone the running average of its price over 15 days. The rub? The refunds were issued in BCC, which did AVERAGE $ 357 over 15 days and we're at $450 when the crash came, but by the time they got the refund were down to about $20 and within hours were down below $5.

There is a better explanation over at I'm on my $@*(₩:=!\ tablet and typing is a problem for me.
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SoLongCeylon »

A wound licking video from the master investors.......scrubbing through the ashes of their BitConnect investment ... 10rsECnOcQ
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Having been humiliated from the BitConnect ponzi fiasco, Southend's answer to Warren Buffet is now investing in gold and wants his dwindling followers to invest as well. As with BitConnect, Simon gets a commission for every purchase made by anyone who signs up through his network.

The gold buying site this is all linked to is

You will see in the " how to get sucked in involved" details that follow, it costs 400 euros (£380) to join up. AS with all these pyramid things, the 400eu is needed to pay everyone's commission. You would have to invest alot of money to recoup the 400eu plus to make a return. The price of gold today (£30.84 per g ) is less than it was in July 2016 ( £33.18 per g )

The BitConnect mess and now this gold scheme just shows that Simon really is not someone from whom to take financial advice and I think his only appeal has been from those who want to get out of paying back what they owe. This tactic only has a certain shelf life before it all catches up on you.

On this page, we’ll explain how you can get involved.

Step 1:
You need to set-up an online “depot” – this is your precious-metals-account.

Click the following link to set up your Online-Depot: Get your Gold

Step 2:
At the top of the screen, on the right-hand side, you will see a flag. The flag should automatically show the Union Jack of the UK.
If you are based “in” a different country, you will need to change the flag to represent the country which is specific to you.
You can change the flag by clicking on it.

Step 3:
Just to the left of the flag you will see the words “Create Depot”. Click the button

You will now be asked to enter some basic information (last name, first name, date of birth, country, and email address).
You will then be asked to create and enter a password (twice). The password MUST include atleast 1 upper-case letter and atleast 1 numeral.

Tick the box which shows you have read and understood the company’s terms and conditions.
Finally, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm you are not a robot.

You might be asked to prove you are not a robot by selecting and ticking some boxes on a picture board.

Now hit the arrow to move onto the next stage.

Step 4:
You will now see an on-screen notice stating ‘You will receive an e-mail to verify your e-mail account’
You will need to access the email and click on the link to verify the account.
(This is a security measure).

At the bottom of the email is your Customer ID Number. Keep a note of the number – you are going to need it.

Once you have verified the Account, you will be asked to login.
So login….

Step 5:
You will now be asked to input your Customer ID Number, and the password.

Once you’re logged-in, you are in a position to finalise the creation of your Online-Depot. Before you do that, you need to understand how you can make the Account work for you, your friends, and your family.

Membership Options:
The opportunity we have featured on the show is rather unique because you have two options available to you as a “member”.

Option 1: You can, if you wish, simply choose to buy gold, silver, platinum and or palladium at great prices.

All members have an additional option available to them:

Option 2: If you like to help other people, you can do so by making them aware of this opportunity.
If you make people aware of the opportunity, you will be rewarded. Hence your friends win, the company wins, and you win! Your friends can also benefit by referring their friends!

Now; to finalise the opening of your Online-Depot, and become a member, you have to pay a (set-up) fee.

Click the following link to join: Get your Gold

Here’s the good news… the fee is refunded to you, bit-by-bit, with every purchase of precious-metal that you make. In other words, the company wants long term members, and wants to limit the benefits on offer to members-only! It does this by charging a membership/set-up fee.

The fee can be paid in one lump sum up front, or it can be paid, bit by bit, out of your monthly purchases.

The fee is 400 Euros (correct as at 13th Jan 2018). But remember, you WILL get this back, piece by piece, bit-by-bit, with each monthly purchase.

70% of every purchase you make will go toward the membership fee and 30% toward the purchase of precious metal, until such time as the Setup Fee (Agio) is paid in full. Each additional payment will be used to 100% for the purchase of precious metal.

If you want to pay the (set-up) fee in one lump sum, as part of your first purchase, then your first purchase should equate to at least 572 Euros (70% goes toward the fee).

Why would I want to pay in one lump-sum?
The answer is very simple. The rewards available under Option 2 are only triggered, (made available to you), once your 400 Euro fee has been paid in full. By paying the fee in one lump sum, you activate your ability to gain network reward payments straight away!

For further information about the reward scheme email

Step 6:
Now you’ve learned how membership can work for you, press the ‘Open-Depot’ button.

You will be asked for further “personal information” such as your address and telephone numbers (mobile/landline).

You will then be asked to specify the financials, ie, how much you want to “spend”, whether you wish to spend monthly, quarlterly, annually, and how you want your money to be split across the precious metal options.

Most people start with 25 Euros on a monthly basis, and have 100% going into gold.

Note, the 400 Euros (set-up) fee shows automatically. You get this refunded to you @ 1% of each purchase you make.

Tick the two conditions boxes, and tick “yes” to the “business-partner” option.

You’re ready to go. Press the “buy-now” button.

Step 7:
You will now need to upload some Identification and proof of address in order to complete the opening of your Online-Depot.

We suggest that you prepare for this by scanning a copy of your Passport/Drivers Licence and a recent Bank Statement, in readiness.

You can if you wish, position the passport across the entries on the Bank Statement, and simply upload the same scan to fulfill the ID and Proof of Address requirements.

You will need to keep your bank statement to hand whilst finalising the opening of your Online-Depot.

On Your Bank Statement you will find an IBAN [number] and a BIC number (either to one side of the statement or on the reverse of the statement). You will be asked to input these numbers, so keep them to one side.

You do not need to input your National Insurance Number if you are located outside Germany.

Step 8:
When inputting your ID and Proof of Address, you can check that your documents have been accepted by regularly tapping/clicking the small box which appears next to your name, located at the top right of the screen.

Once you have input the ID and Proof of Address sections, you should receive an email which will include your Customer ID, your Online-Depot Number, and it should also provide you with the Company Bank Account details, so that you can send money, and start buying.

You should keep a note of all these numbers – perhaps print out the email and keep it safe!

We’ll come back to the financials later. Next up – you need to create your Business Partner Online Account.

This will enable you to benefit from informing, and helping, other people.

Step 9:
Click on “Open Depot”: you may be asked to provide your details again. Click “yes” to “Business Partner” (BP) and click “Buy Now”.

You should receive an email which contains your BP (Affiliate) ID, and a password.

Step 10:
Sign in using your BP ID and password.

You will now be asked to complete ID and Proof of Address screens similar to those you saw when opening your Online Depot.

You do not need to input your National Insurance Number if you are located outside Germany.

You will be asked to press a button to proceed.

You should then receive another email which you need to accept.

Once accepted, you will be asked for some bank details, including your Bank Name, Sort Code, AccountNumber, IBAN (number), and BIC Number.

Tick all the boxes and confirm below.

Job done.

You should receive an email confirming everything.

Step 11:
Now for the financials.

We mentioned earlier that you have two options.

If you simply wish to buy precious metal, you can do so by handing money across the counter at one of the Banks mentioned (in the email you received with your Customer ID, and Depot Number), OR>>

You can set up a standing order by writing to your bank, and simply stating the Bank to which the funds must be sent, their Account Number, their Sort Code, and the Company Name your are crediting. You MUST quote your Depot Number as the Reference to be shown on all standing order payments – this is VERY IMPORTANT!

You then send your standing order instruction to your own bank – you remain in control!

Remember, 70% percentage of your contributions will be used to cover the Set-Up (membership) fee as explained previously. If you wish to pay this in one lump sum, upfront, then you can do so by specifying as much on your standing order; for example you might set it up like this: ‘one payment of £597 to be made on 15th of January, followed by monthly payments of £25, to start 15th of February. The monthly payments are to continue until cancelled in writing.’ [For the benefit of this example, we have assumed that £1 = 1Euro].

Note: if you wish to activate option 2, and benefit from helping others, then you MUST make sure that your BP (Affiliation) Account is “active” at all times, and that means ensuring that you have an active-membership by making regular monthly purchases of 25 Euros or more.

Note: As an Affiliate (Business Partner), you will be able to benefit from commissions on everything your downline spends. Your downline will reach down to five “5” levels. In order to unlock levels 2 – 5, your set-up (membership) fee must be fully paid. Therefore, you can either operate with just one active level, paying monthly, and this will continue until the whole set-up (fee) is paid, at which time levels 2 – 5 are unlocked, OR, you can pay your set-up fee upfront, and thereby activate levels 2-5 immediately. We trust that makes sense.

Step 12:
You now need to go into your Business Partner (Affiliate) Account (if you are not still signed in) and decide how much of your “commissions” (rewards) you want to be invested into precious metals.

Once you have signed into your BP (Affiliate) Account you need to click on the tab “Pay-Gold”.

Now type in, where it asks you to, your Customer ID, Depot Number, and the Percentage (%) of Reward Commission Payments that you wish to be used to buy precious metal (gold or otherwise). The minimum is 25%, though most Partners use 100% of their Reward Commissions to be paid back into gold.

Step 13:
Additional Security:

You now need to set up your SecureCard: an added security feature which allows you to transact with confidence.

Get back into your Online-Depot (this is the Customer facing side of the site).

Once you are in, click on the tab “settings”, which should be toward the top of the page.

Read the page first, so that you understand what a SecureCard is.

Then click on the button “Send SecureCard”.

Check your own email account, download and save, or print out, the SecureCard. Keep it safe.

Now go back to the Online-Depot and activate the SecureCard. You will be asked to enter a set of numbers from the Card.

The Card is unique to you.

Once activated, your work here is done.

All you need to do now, is peruse the Online-Depot at your leisure, and of course, spread the word!

You can obtain a landing page link for referrals from your BP Affiliate Account.

If you are happy with all of that then click the following link to set up your Online-Depot: Get your Gold

Step 14:
If you get stuck, and are truly unable to find the solution/answer yourself, then please contact us via the contact form

Big love x
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SteveUK »

Yup, that 14million step process really does hit the marks for simplicity.

I’m not sure Simon’s marks have the attention span to get beyond step 4.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Burnaby49 »

SteveUK wrote:Yup, that 14million step process really does hit the marks for simplicity.

I’m not sure Simon’s marks have the attention span to get beyond step 4.
I disagree. Most of them will make it to step 5. Then they hit the insurmountable roadblock of having to cough up actual cash.
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by rosy »

Is Simple Simon based in the UK? He seems to be promoting a pyramid scheme rather than MLM; it is illegal to establish, operate or promote pyramid schemes in the UK. ... nities.pdf

It would be a great shame if someone were to contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 /

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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SteveUK »

Burnaby49 wrote:
SteveUK wrote:Yup, that 14million step process really does hit the marks for simplicity.

I’m not sure Simon’s marks have the attention span to get beyond step 4.
I disagree. Most of them will make it to step 5. Then they hit the insurmountable roadblock of having to cough up actual cash.
What - you can only pay in cold hard cash ? What sort of gurus are they !
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Hercule Parrot »

rosy wrote:Is Simple Simon based in the UK? He seems to be promoting a pyramid scheme rather than MLM; it is illegal to establish, operate or promote pyramid schemes in the UK. ... nities.pdf

It would be a great shame if someone were to contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 /

Please don't, it's more fun to watch his followers being fleeced....
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by rosy »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
rosy wrote:Is Simple Simon based in the UK? He seems to be promoting a pyramid scheme rather than MLM; it is illegal to establish, operate or promote pyramid schemes in the UK. ... nities.pdf

It would be a great shame if someone were to contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 /

Please don't, it's more fun to watch his followers being fleeced....
Even more fun to see Simple Simon enjoying the hospitality of Her Maj!
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Chaos »

rosy wrote:Is Simple Simon based in the UK? He seems to be promoting a pyramid scheme rather than MLM; it is illegal to establish, operate or promote pyramid schemes in the UK. ... nities.pdf

It would be a great shame if someone were to contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 /


good luck with that. we've (over at Realscam) been reporting UK scammers - one with a record already in simon stepsys/baxter, steve lawson, sharon james, sunil patel, anita langley, just to name a few - and nothing is ever done. these scammers promote ponzis everyday.
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Burnaby49 »

SteveUK wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
SteveUK wrote:Yup, that 14million step process really does hit the marks for simplicity.

I’m not sure Simon’s marks have the attention span to get beyond step 4.
I disagree. Most of them will make it to step 5. Then they hit the insurmountable roadblock of having to cough up actual cash.
What - you can only pay in cold hard cash ? What sort of gurus are they !
You could go on the website and suggest kindness credits as an alternative.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Dr. Caligari »

You could go on the website and suggest kindness credits as an alternative.
Nahh, I'll just send them a WeRe check.
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by grixit »

Someone should start spamming the comments with an alternative: Liberty Pounds!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by SoLongCeylon »

The two " ex armed forces " chaps in the investing in gold video have been traced to

In one of the four gold videos, they state they are FCA registered. No record of either of them or Forces Investments on the FCA website.
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by JimUk1 »

SoLongCeylon wrote:The two " ex armed forces " chaps in the investing in gold video have been traced to

In one of the four gold videos, they state they are FCA registered. No record of either of them or Forces Investments on the FCA website.
Maybe it’s because it’s a proxy company for these-

It’s the same address as the forces investment.
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Footloose52 »

Dene Josham is Security Manager for Forbes Burton and co-founder of Forces Investments.

Forbes Burton aren't FCA registered either.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Simon Goldberg presents "You and Your Cash"

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Let me get this straight. They want you to send them losts of money, and all the information you'd need for identity theft, and in return they say they will buy PMs but there is no way you'd know if they actually do or not.

I have not dug into this but I'm guessing that the margin over spot that they are charging is rather steep as well. Assuming they actually buy any PMs, that is.And they are based overseas and fronted by a couple of dubious chgaps who are not regulated or authorised to conduct any form of investment business.

What could possibly go wrong?

Here is a legitimate PM company. Notice any differences?