Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fleets of Pleiadian starships circling the earth bent on opening up a new age for us once our reptilian overlords have been defeated?

Excuse me while I yawn, that's so 2010. Dove got into that in her final days and apparently died, not as a medical event, but as a transformation to becoming a Pleiadian Commander to lead their efforts to free us now that her work here on earth had been done. For some reason we never wrote much about Dove, a consumate scam artist, apart from discussing her death in 2010;

https://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewto ... f=6&t=5963

and a few other odds and ends;

https://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewto ... f=6&t=5585

https://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewto ... 55&p=79649

https://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewto ... 8&p=51208&

But I was a big fan and followed the Dove Reports on the NESARA website for years.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by YiamCross »

Mad as she is, she's surprisingly dangerous with a track record of getting the gullible to sign over quite valuable assets, including houses, to her or her organisation on the premis this removes all liability from the assignor. This apparently leaves them free enjoy their property without any of the tedious bills from councils, utility companies etc. as the Trust takes on the liabilities whilst allowing the former owner to continue on as some kind of perpetual tenant for free. Something like that, I've never quite worked out the details as much of it goes on in secret behind NDAs. Generally all that you see is a brief crybof grief as the fleeced realise it's all a scam when all their assets are liquidated by the "Trust" to keep MS Nolson in the style to which she wishes to become accustomed.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by mufc1959 »

It doesn't quite work like that YiamCross (good to see you here). We've had a couple of people submit documents to us at work that they say "proves" their mortgage has been paid of by Nolson/UCT/E-move/Kindness credits/gibberish. As far as the punters are concerned, they've 'transferred' their assets to her and she will, using magic words, make sure they can live their debt free for the rest of their days.

In return, the victim has to pay 10% of the amount they've saved each month into their 'Kindness Credit' account. To "pay off" their mortgage, they deposit 1% of the redemption amount into their account. Then they just serve the papers on their creditors and - hey presto! - all debts are gone!

But there's no actual legal transfer of title, as that can only happen at HMLR with the submission of a TR1, and needs the consent of the mortgagee before the Land Registry will agree to a change of ownership.

So it comes as a bit of a shock for them to learn that, yes, they still have to pay the mortgage, council, tax, utilities, etc. and that all the arrears letters they've forwarded to Liz Nolson have probably just been binned. But Nolson doesn't actually gain ownership of the property, as this can't happen. Small mercy for the saps she's conned, but at least she can't make off with their actual house. The two customers who came to us were given an explanation as to why this couldn't work and came to their senses, agreeing a plan to repay the arrears.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by YiamCross »

mufc1959 wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:45 pm It doesn't quite work like that ...
It's difficult to know what exactly goes on, she may be crazy but she's not so mad as to have it all out there on social media. Hence the obsession with NDAs I guess.

There do seem to be cases where she's fleeced people for thousands, even 10's of thousands, but all we get to is a bit of the tail end vitriol of internal Fallings out so it's hard to know for sure what's going down. Most of it is kept very much on the low down which is my guess as to how she manages to keep the whole thing going year in, year out. Victims are too embarrassed to publicise their gullibility and those who fall out of favour with her don't want to incriminate themselves.

It's a shame she got out of Greek jail so quickly, the world was a better place with her there and not here.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by Boxerface »

My sister is well and truly taken in by Elisabeth Nolson, spouting her nonsense about not having to pay bills, mortgage car tax. I can't find any background on her court cases and really would appreciate any links. She says she has had the bailiffs over but was told they won't come back after three times. I am so worried she will lose her house and belongings.my sister says she is fine as all her belongings are now in a trust. So I assume that means Nolson has control? please help. ta
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by letissier14 »

Boxerface wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:35 pm My sister is well and truly taken in by Elisabeth Nolson, spouting her nonsense about not having to pay bills, mortgage car tax. I can't find any background on her court cases and really would appreciate any links. She says she has had the bailiffs over but was told they won't come back after three times. I am so worried she will lose her house and belongings.my sister says she is fine as all her belongings are now in a trust. So I assume that means Nolson has control? please help. ta
Another thread on here about her

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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by Boxerface »

Thank you. I’m fully aware of her various pages, but specifically looking for people who’ve been scammed by her. Please help, ta
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Boxerface wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:20 am Thank you. I’m fully aware of her various pages, but specifically looking for people who’ve been scammed by her. Please help, ta
That will be harder to find. Most people wouldn't want to admit that they've been scammed by her. After all, if you've fallen for the "We Buy Any Debt" kindness credit stupidity, you're either still full in on the nonsense or wouldn't want the world to know you were that stupid.

Many of the Facebook groups I used to follow to keep an eye on her have closed down. It's all Minister Emoven now.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by letissier14 »

Boxerface wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:20 am Thank you. I’m fully aware of her various pages, but specifically looking for people who’ve been scammed by her. Please help, ta
Regarding not paying her mortgage, have a look at the Tom Crawford threads on here. He had 1000's of people supporting him, but took stupid advice from stupid people, and lost his house.

I know it isn't connected to Nolson in particular, but the end result will be the same.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

letissier14 wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:07 pm Regarding not paying her mortgage, have a look at the Tom Crawford threads on here. He had 1000's of people supporting him, but took stupid advice from stupid people, and lost his house.

I know it isn't connected to Nolson in particular, but the end result will be the same.
There was an eviction in Poole or Bournemouth that had her sticky fingers all over it. I think it even had Crabby and his mate got involved when the bailiffs arrived, but I'm not going to dig for it.

Okay. My goof. It was Elizabeth Watson I was thinking of. Nolson was sticking her oar into the Crawfords and Wrecka.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by wserra »

Boxerface wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:20 amspecifically looking for people who’ve been scammed by her.
Something not easy to find on either side of the Atlantic in the absence of litigation - either civil from scammed creditors or criminal from fed-up prosecutors. "Fed-up" because the prosecution of "willing victim" scams - those where the victims are themselves greedy to the extent of suffering from willful blindness - are not a high priority for law enforcement. The same applies to potential civil actions from such victims. As Owl points out, there is understandable reluctance for people to admit "I was a greedy fool who took stupid advice from a scammer". As for creditor suits - well, they would be against the debtor him/herself, not the scammer, and "I was a greedy fool who took stupid advice from a scammer" wouldn't even be a defense.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by YiamCross »

Boxerface wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:35 pm ... I am so worried she will lose her house and belongings.my sister says she is fine as all her belongings are now in a trust. So I assume that means Nolson has control? please help. ta
If your sister has signed over her property into some kind of trust with Nolson then I'm afraid she's likely already lost everything. Nolson's methods are particularly insidious and difficult to get information on as she uses NDAs to keep her activities out of the public eye and threatens anyone who does speak out. She spent some time in a Greek Jail a few years back on drug charges but she keeps a very low profile.

There have been a number of cases where people are rumoured to have signed their property over to Nolson's "trust" only to find they've effectively given it away but, as has been said above, you won't find much information on her schemes and victims publicised. Certainly not in recent times as she, along with most other sovcits & similar, have learned to keep their activities secret.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Boxerface wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:20 am Thank you. I’m fully aware of her various pages, but specifically looking for people who’ve been scammed by her. Please help, ta
I concur with previous replies. We don't see many victims here, Quatloos is more of a ”Statler and Waldorf” commentary on sovcits and their cults. But also there are very few victims who perceive themselves as being ripped off. The cult leader (Nolson in this instance) will tell them their trust assets were seized by those evil banks, by ”big pharma" or the freemasons or Jews etc, and they'll just accept that explanation. They're already so deeply invested in the conspiratorial fantasy, this story fits with their beliefs about how things work.

Unfortunately YiamCross is right - even if your sister came to her senses tonight and asked for the return of her property, it's very unlikely to happen. The best thing you can do is plan for when the bubble bursts and she needs help to start again. It's desperate for family & friends to watch this happen in front of them though.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by kanenas »

just come across this forum while researching info on ULC Trust. I notice that the discussion is very negative but interested to know if anyone has actual firsthand experience or whether everything here is from third party hearsay. I met up with a lovely lady from ULC Trust last week to discuss what they do and how they do it with a view to joining. To be honest it made sense to me, but I like to get an all round view not just the 'sale spiel' - although she's not actually selling anything. I mean who wouldn't want to walk away from a crippling mortgage and 'debt' up to one's eyeballs? So anyone with some firsthand knowledge/experience of ULC Trust, I'd love to hear your thoughts. thanks
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by John Uskglass »

who wouldn't want to walk away from a crippling mortgage and 'debt' up to one's eyeballs?
If there was a sane, safe way of doing that easily, don't you think Martin Lewis and the people over at Money Saving Expert would be advising people to take it?
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by The Observer »

John Uskglass wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:29 pm
who wouldn't want to walk away from a crippling mortgage and 'debt' up to one's eyeballs?
If there was a sane, safe way of doing that easily, don't you think Martin Lewis and the people over at Money Saving Expert would be advising people to take it?
For that matter, if what ULC Trust is saying is true, then why isn't every barrister, solicitor, chartered accountant, certified financial planner/advisor and anyone else in the business world using this method for their clients to lower their debt?
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

John Uskglass wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 10:29 pm
who wouldn't want to walk away from a crippling mortgage and 'debt' up to one's eyeballs?
If there was a sane, safe way of doing that easily, don't you think Martin Lewis and the people over at Money Saving Expert would be advising people to take it?
There is though. It's called declaring bankruptcy. The problem is that Nolson and her ilk peddle the nonsense that you can get rid of the debt and still keep all the stuff you got whilst accumulating it.

But fools being parted from their money has been part of the human condition for thousands of years. It's where most of the topics on this forum originate.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by Wakeman52 »

kanenas wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:56 pm just come across this forum while researching info on ULC Trust. I notice that the discussion is very negative but interested to know if anyone has actual firsthand experience or whether everything here is from third party hearsay. I met up with a lovely lady from ULC Trust last week to discuss what they do and how they do it with a view to joining. To be honest it made sense to me, but I like to get an all round view not just the 'sale spiel' - although she's not actually selling anything. I mean who wouldn't want to walk away from a crippling mortgage and 'debt' up to one's eyeballs? So anyone with some firsthand knowledge/experience of ULC Trust, I'd love to hear your thoughts. thanks
I can only endorse the comments made so far, but also add that you should read other threads on this forum. These go to show that the easy solutions for debt problems, peddled in a variety of forms, do not work.
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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by TheRambler »

Jolson is far from the only one peddling this kind of woo. If you take a look at:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/305728 ... =-UC%2CP-R

Peter Wilson’s group Data Defender and GDPR Specialist, you will find it littered with examples and long winded explanations of trusts and their workings.
Paul Bartlett · 3 March at 22:37 ·
So how do you all administer your private trusts. I had one done through here a while ago. I just need to know if I have got everything in order. Do you change the land registry details and put the deeds in the name of the trust
Wilson makes frequent reference to appearing or attending court, but never volunteers details.

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Re: Elisabeth Nolson, Universal Community Trust, absolute madness

Post by kanenas »

further to my previous comment, it appears that none of the replies come from anyone with firsthand experience, rather people making assumptions about something that they appear not to understand. As I said, what ULC Trust does makes perfect sense to me. Everything comes down to trust, the right to contract or not and essentially proof of claim. If someone is making a claim against another for money then surely that claim has to be substantiated. If it can't be then there is no valid claim. I believe Peter Wilson advocates the same thing so not sure why something so obvious would be described as woo. I met up with a member of the trust at the weekend and she hasn't had to pay mortgage, council tax, utilities, credit cards/loans etc for 5 years! The bank tried to repossess but was proven to be fraudulent. It appears the fraudulent court/legal system is impotent against ULC Trust so they must be doing something right. Anyway, I've joined up and will report back at sometime in the future to let you all know how I get on.