Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by YiamCross »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I have mixed feelings about Mr Gillard. I was unimpressed by ... I can see this backfiring on him, both in legal situations and social/government situations....
Pretty much everything which professional journalists are trained to avoid. Partisan reporting, failure to fact check to ensure the story is accurate and worth seeing and not least protect against libel actions. Add desperate attention seeking into the mix and the temptation to sensationalise with salacious speculation is irrisistible. It also requires no imagination and is a lot easier than hunting out facts.

Sadly the strata of society he operates in is more inclined to respond with direct action than resort to law and equally happy to disregard the rights and wrongs of a situation before responding with tyre slashing and broken windows. How long before physical assault is added to the list?

Back in the day unsubstantiated gossip was filtered out of the mass media and stayed local. Now it makes up the major part of what appears on the web and tends to attract extreme reaction from a much wider pool of the disturbed prepared to respond in kind and worse. Controversy is a powerful tool for building an audience but it sure does bite back hard.

As far as I'm concerned they can slag each other off as much as they want in private but the ultimate effect of making their bitch slapping fests public is to provide a smoke screen for real offenders to operate behind. When every idiot who upsets some other idiot is called out as a paedophile the world gets tired of the word and it makes it a lot harder to expose the real thing. And there are a lot of idiots out there, as the Crawfords and their cronies have proved in spades.

It also diverts attention away from real problems with the banking system because we get so tired of hearing yet another scumbag attempt to weasel out of a legitimate debt by chucking wild accusations of fraud and conspiracy at the banks that genuine victims of injustice go unnoticed.

This is the worst of the harm these "people's journalists" do because not only do they muddy the waters to protect the guilty, they rob professionals of the resources they need to do a proper job which helps the wrong to flourish.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by wserra »

Jeffrey wrote:Well Gillard has his lung thing, which means he's not healthy enough to, for example, walk around a mall... :sarcastic:
Not to mention smoke.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Daft Ada »

Another new video from Mr Gillard attempting to get breakfast this morning.
Nothing short of embarrassing and it does seem like he is not his usual self.

If you read this I urge you to stick to what you are good at (helping people) and keep videos like this personal.
Its not doing your credability any favours.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by NG3 »

Peoples internet radio?

Whois comes up with:

PO Box 639 Kirkland WA 98083 US

So do a lot of other things: ... /main-info ... cid=139079

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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Sponge »

guys having a breakdown
seriously think he sounds pissed / drugged and if that is true, he is driving under the influence
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Daft Ada »

Seems like he has a new car (possibily a "loaner")

I seem to remember him saying that he had a lot of black paint poured over his white car.
The car in this video appears to be black or another darker colour.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by NG3 »

Daft Ada wrote:
I seem to remember him saying that he had a lot of black paint poured over his white car.
I'm not sure we can take anything Gillard says as gospel.

He also said he couldn't attend court because he was unwell, and the same day (the day prior to his security guard video) he was in that same shopping centre, making a nuisance of himself.

He also tells us in that video (in the captions) about his ankle being stamped on, and it being so bad it needed hospital treatment, yet we then see a further 15 minutes of video without one single mention of it, and where he's clearly able to walk without any discomfort.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by IDIOT »

PeanutGallery wrote:
IDIOT wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote:THowever inside the shopping centre Mr Gillard was not in a public place, he was in a private place to which the public is invited.
The public order act 1986 states otherwise.
Would you care to point out where, I've had a brief look but can't see anything. My understanding is that the shopping centre would be considered private property to which the public is invited and that if the management company (or their agents/employees) wish to prohibit access to the property then they are more than able to do so.
More detailed guidance on these offences can be found on the Crown Prosecution
Service website at
: ... #Section_4
Public Order Act 1986
states that the offences

may be committed
in a public or a private place
, except that
no offenc
e is
committed ...
by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or
another dwelling.

(Section 4(2))
Section 16
gives the following definition:
public place” means

any highway,
, and
any place to which at the material time t
he public or any section of the public has
access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of
express or implied
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

IDIOT wrote:"(Section 4(2)) Section 16 gives the following definition:
‘“public place” means -
(a) any highway, ... , and
(b) any place to which at the material time the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission;
Are we splitting hairs? A shopping centre is a place to which the public only has access by virtue of implied permission. So, for the specific purposes of the Public Order Act, a shopping centre, restaurant or cinema is classified as a public place.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by JonnyL »

Looks like Bradley Knight and Mark Gillard have had a falling out of sorts.

Bradley Knight: 'For clarity i never wish to hear from mark gilliard again but that said he is on his lows and there is absolutly no need to poke and prod him furthur when he is down. I would go as far to say he even offended my wife but i understood he is unwell, whereas i tried compassion but she told him to fuck off. Unsure which of us took the right avenue'
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Daft Ada »

And as fast as it was posted, the breakfast video is gone.

Engage brain and then post.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by letissier14 »

It appears Mark Gillard is now taking it out on Bradley Knight now - weird

Bradley Knight
1 hr ·
I attended two court hearings for this guy, coupled with a third incase colon turned up save as to cost and this is what I get, sadly he thinks it bothers me which it does not just saddens me greater. He let me down and indeed a another.

Mark Gillard
Just a gently warnling Brad. My extensive video showinf Tracey speeding off before the police arrive (cos she had been drinking). won't help. The Police giving me my keys back also make you look jyuts a knob. Calling the police is nothing short of a GRASS. Your evn oissed o camera it shows clearly..
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Mark Gillard
Finally. there is the very very very worrying matter of WHY you and Tracey want me to slpeep over to the exp-ent that you are adamnat. ARE YOU SWINGERS?:
Remove your comments on darry Chruchils page about me beinf ill and on meds that affect driving or MY VIIDEO MAY GO UP
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Mark Gillard
my VIDEO will without doubt damage this 'secret' team you apparantly have, who no one knows, heres of or meets and I understand there is a lot of hisitory regarding you about a buiuling firm. I can dig deep lad.
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Your deluded, you just can't see it. I have defended you to the hilt. I find it offensive you involve my wife in deluded statements about being swingers, that's just sick. Upload the video as you see fit, it will show you for the ill person you are. You are sick but just can't see it due to stress and drugs you are taking.
1 hour ago

Bradley Knight
Upload the video mark, please do, I want you to.
1 hour ago

Mark Gillard
Whatever, the delusiojn is that you think you have some sort of power in the queens bench when they judges actually MOCK you
I saw a judge grining ast a comment you made as if to say 'what a knob'
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
yeah whatever, the judges don't mock me but mocked you for coming out with silly statements
Mark just check yourselves into hospital and hopefully in three months time you will be in better standing
1 hour ago

Mark Gillard
Don't forget I FILM EVERYTHING and was wearing a ID card recording device that shows you purchsing 2 bottles of 1.5litre bottles of VODKA at such a late stage of day.
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
I am weekly in the courts and never had a judge mock me. Equally I have never accused a judge of being a liar like you did in court.
Mark please post the video.
1 hour ago

Mark Gillard
Who isn't a piss head, yur bins were full of empty bottles of vodka.
The judge sniggered as did another on the day i failed to attend.
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Difference is I have many friends that visit my home of socialise, you may not which is sad and we casually drink in the evening as frienda
1 hour ago

Mark Gillard
I was happy with your comments about me untilo you began referring to mind controling meds and how i should be allowed a car.
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Mark Gillard
I thought you didn'tn have time with all this work you do for vulnerable people PRO BONO, lol
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
We are ordering the transcript from that hearing for which I think your a wanker for not attending,you let me and Jo down. But you live with that as you see fit. In court all I pretty much said to the judge do as you see fit as no parties are here
1 hour ago

Mark Gillard
I took poics of your bins in the office and kitchen. So glad I did.......
1 hour ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
That's just weird
This is Tracey and we don't have bins in the office nor in the kitchen as I freak out with bins
58 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Its not wierd when you open a bin and see it PACKED to he hilt with SPIRITS. It makes one ask questions
58 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
jealous? Perhaps we should fill it with prescription packages?
57 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
What LAW drgree do you have bt the way. After all, you call yourself Brad Knight LAW
57 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
I would aver common sense for a start mark
Your attacking the wrong person, you will get no where with me or Tracey. You are the one in the wrong And deluded.
55 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Or are you just a McKenzie friend whiich basically means you have more LAW from a Beaonon comic. 90$ of the time you are refused audience so sit there like a monkey.
54 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Did you take photos of Tracey nicker draw too? You need help but you just do see it.
I am a monkey, yes
54 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Do you mean Tracey the Drink Driver or the (alleged) swinger
53 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Mark Gillard
Night Brad, I gotta go. I think my Wednesday show wil be about you and Tracey.
52 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Mark you sick and your pissing me off right now for calling and or suggesting my wife is a swinger, your fat and ugly we were just trying to help.
Please do make my show about be Wednesday and even invite me on, perhaps you can stay awake this time
51 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
But slimmer than you still, You couldn't keep the belly in all day it was hanging out, this could be why she (allegedly) likes porkie men like us 2.
49 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Your sick!
49 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Prove it?
48 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
My wife find you repulsive
48 minutes ago

Bradley Knight
Sick minded aswell as sick in illness
48 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
I did too even though she pretty, she's a dangerous DRINK DRIVER and can't stay off the stuff.
47 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Your a liar and struggle to even find your own car even though it twenty metres away, only walked about a mile to realise your going in the wrong direction yet you have detailed directions of how to walk out the station and walk across a road and a short footbridge to where your car was. This was written down for you and even after 3 hours you could not find your car. I found you in a pub asleep, I said to you sleep at mine, get some rest or stay at hotel and collect car key on the morning which you handed to me when you awoke from your sleep in the pub, even the bar staff told me they were concerned for you as you were sleeping for about twenty mins
42 minutes ago

Bradley Knight
please post your video of that incident, ideally unedited
41 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Nice dodge at why I should stay at yours, lol
40 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Trying to say you costs you weirdo.
Mark please go and get help
39 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Did you purchase 2 bottle of Vodka for the record (its on vodeo anyway but i'd like your 'honest' answer)
38 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
my wife is seeing this and she is sickened by your comments, I am just pleased my kids were not in my house during your stay
For clarity I don't have a clue if I purchased two bottles of vodka, if I did, then so be it. I seriously can't remember. However, what I will say I don't ever recall buying two bottles of vodka post the video online and show people that I can afford two bottles of vodka
35 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Please get some help? do you mean from tesco for fuel or a new washing machine, I need one. Prove I need help. If you were a lwayer you might be lucky gettint the professionals to agrre i'm sick but i doubt anyone woulod believe a Mckrazy friend with a BEANO law degree.
35 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
can I get a certificate from beano, do you have Any contacts there?
33 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
You struggle to afford 2 bhottles of Vodka? how much is your mortgage and how do you fund it?
33 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
I fund it by asking people like you for no money, does that work for you?
32 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Oh so it's free then?
31 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Well did you pay me for the time you wasted of my time.
You paid me for nothing nor did I ever ask you for money, you are sick and deluded
Problem for you Mark is I have massive success between I and the group, we have some failures but they are few and far between.
That's my shield from idiots. Invite me on Wednesday and gladly set aside time, if you don't I am going to post this thread.
26 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Asking for money by the way - (1 you and Tracey's 20 odd quid train tickets. (2 £25 quid printing fees cost less i understand. (£70 spent on lunches and BOOZE- Tracey's alcohol (4 bottle wine) and that was only the second day, lol
I never BOAST about charging Pro Bono like you always do. I have several comments copied. over the months. What a show off.........
25 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Mark Gillard
How do you pay for your mortgage Brad - andwer the queation?
24 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
tracey did not eat and shared a burger, save as to costs. You really are something special. You did not buy 4 bottles of wine and we paid for our own train tickets and the printing fee was for your own paperwork
i pay for my mortgage from people like you
I am a shill Mark do you not realise
23 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
From people like me....overpriced (it's free etc)
23 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
I was being patronising, you well know I don't charge
22 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
2 bottles of vodka, went on the piss straight after court Drunk throughout lunch.......
21 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
nonsense, guess you have the video.
20 minutes ago

Bradley Knight
I had a very nice evening with two decent people and my wife, none of which will validate what you are saying as they were with me the whole day including the evening. Never once was a glass of vodka drunk, let alone two bottles. Again please post the two videos you state you have, I invite you to
17 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Threaten to post the thread it will only go to back up MANY other peoples claims especially about your denial to ALCOHOLISM and WHAT NOW appears to be Tracey's (alleged) ALCOHOLISM
16 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Just post them to your massive audience because I assure you I am going to post this
see the sad thing is for you I don't even resent you for your comments. It just provides substance to your illness.
15 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
I have the vids, taking of chanell figures, how many bdo you have?
15 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Post them
14 minutes ago

Bradley Knight
Have not a clue what bdo's are
14 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
I have work to do for people. why haven't you? COS YOU DO FECK ALL MOST OF THE TIME. After all what does a beano Mckenzie friend do all day other than get cramp in his arse and getting smirked at by the judges.
12 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
Well as I say because you laid it out there I am going to order the transcripts. I agree I do feck all the time however, other people do. They are even assisting that person with the British Gas meter issue, perhaps attack them too, might aswell get that out the way.
10 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
Does BDO'S mean Brad and Dreamers(alleged) overnight swingers
9 minutes ago · Sent from Web

Bradley Knight
I don't know why I am replying but I guess it's because I desire you to wake up.
I don't know you said it not I, your deluded to think my wife would fancy someone like you let alone allow her in the marital bedroom. You are so sick......
7 minutes ago

Mark Gillard
God night then as I have real work to do. Not get pissed on Vodka then post middle of the night silly argumentative audio only show. Get your faces on camera. SHOW YOUR TRANSPARENCY AND STOP hiding.......
6 minutes ago · Sent from Web
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Bradley Knight
Thanks Mark. I will start stop hiding
3 minutes ago · Sent from Mobile


Barry Bolton Shit I got bored reading but I get the picture. Everyone seems to fall out over silly things consistently .
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Bradley Knight Sad but a learning curve for us.
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Gordon Letissier whatever went on between you two is your business but for him to have a go at you about court when he couldn't even be arsed to turn up is a bit rich
Like · Reply · 1 · 57 mins

Bradley Knight Nothing really gone on other than this. I went to court on the 3rd hearing in order to prevent colon if he did turn up does not get costs. We dont even talk, he is reacting to me saying to daryl churchill to leave him alone, his is that drugged up that he can not see that. Then i get this out the blue so thought fuck it i shall just post it.
Like · Reply · 43 mins · Edited

Bradley Knight He did not even talk to his para legal friend whom did an awesome job in his court preperation, i never knew her before this case but very happy to have meet her as she is very good.
Like · Reply · 42 mins

Gordon Letissier was that Jo?
Like · Reply · 40 mins

Donna Reece His typing is all over the place, he's clearly in a bad way. hope you and Tracey are ok.
I've never seen jo work but I've heard good things about her I know you said in the phone you thought she was bloody good
I do have to ask though, was wrong with buying two bottles of vodka? Is there any proof you drunk them and if so when?
Like · Reply · 39 mins

Bradley Knight He said i brought two bottles of vodka over lunch utter nonsense. Yiam was present and a friend of mine was present who did not drink. Perhaps yiam drank these.... check with him.
Like · Reply · 29 mins

Bradley Knight We left mark straight after court and gave him a treasure map of how to find his stolen car but he failed to find his stolen car which was left in the same place he left it, minutes from train station.
Like · Reply · 27 mins

Donna Reece Yiam said what happened. I'm at a loss why he's now attacking you after all your help. Pm'd you x
Like · Reply · 23 mins

Tracey Knight This is exactly why i do not want Bradley helping anyone bs don't want any one in our lives
Like · Reply · 17 mins

Simon Finch What the hell is going on?
Like · Reply · 13 mins

Donna Reece Mark being mark by the looks of it
Like · Reply · 4 mins

Bradley Knight Sadly its just his medication i think.
Like · Reply · Just now
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Christ, this is turning into a tragedy. I can't even laugh at Mark Gillard now, he seems to have gone right over the edge and it's not funny at all.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by IDIOT »

Fair play to Bradley for taking this guy under his wing but the writing was on the wall long ago hence why I started this thread on Gillard.

Mark, get help, please.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by vampireLOREN »

IDIOT wrote:Fair play to Bradley for taking this guy under his wing but the writing was on the wall long ago hence why I started this thread on Gillard.

Mark, get help, please.
Today's video was very sad, it will be some time before I will look at another of his. He now appears to be another victim of this nonsensical movement.
Last edited by vampireLOREN on Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Skeleton »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Christ, this is turning into a tragedy. I can't even laugh at Mark Gillard now, he seems to have gone right over the edge and it's not funny at all.
Fully agree.

Note the spelling mistakes and his general use of grammar, that's not Mark. He needs help, I hope he gets it soon.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like a pair of very boring very petulant children having a spat. Gillard is, I am convinced now, quite deeply disturbed, and I'm not sure what Knight's damage is. They both strike me as thoroughly unpleasant tiresome people of the we're always in the right variety, and never are.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Gregg »

I agree that it's not a positive indicator and the concensus seems to be smoking is a bad thing to be seen on TV. Even historical dramas where it would have been common in everyday life tend to avoid showing smokers where possible.
I did not know this until I saw it on a special "Making of" type show about Saving Mr Banks, an historical drama about the making of Mary Poppins and specifically Walt Disney.
Tom Hanks was conflicted about the role because (and this is the part I did not know) if a movie shows someone smoking, it automatically gets an "R" rating (not sure how this translates to the UK, it means no one under 17 unless with an adult here in the USA) In the USA, this can be a big difference in sales depending on the target audience, and this film was wanting to be at least kid friendly, so the PG13 rating was a must.

Hanks wanted to portray Disney accurately, but Walt Disney was a notorious smoker even for the early 60's, something on the order of 4-5 packs a day. A good bit or editing was used to show on some occasions Disney with a cigarette, but never actually smoking one.

I found that interesting. I am also, at 51, trying to kick the nasty habit, I have known people who died of lung cancer, and its not pretty. TO suggest its not somewhat harmful is denying reality and anyone who says nicotine is not addictive has never stood under a ledge in the rain in January during a rain, to have a quick cigarette.
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Gregg »

Pox wrote:
Philistine wrote:
IDIOT wrote:Here!!!!!!!!!!!BREAKING NEWS
Could you please post a synopsis. This is a forum, not a youthtube aggregator.
It's only 3/4 mins long but the gist is that a rock was thrown through a window at his house and reference to other vandalism on other days - tyres slashed etc.

Veiled reference to who the culprit might be.

It sounds like a civil matter to me....
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Re: Mark Gillard UK, he's trying.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Gregg wrote:I found that interesting. I am also, at 51, trying to kick the nasty habit, I have known people who died of lung cancer, and its not pretty. TO suggest its not somewhat harmful is denying reality and anyone who says nicotine is not addictive has never stood under a ledge in the rain in January during a rain, to have a quick cigarette.
I was in that exact position 2 years ago. I bought an e-cig, and 100% converted on the day it arrived. I am still utterly addicted to nicotine, but a much cleaner, safer and cheaper delivery method. I have probably gained at least 5yrs of healthy, productive lifespan. Give it a try! ... eport.aspx
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