Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Wilson »

The majority of Were bank users, know these cheques are fake and are trying to trick/cheat the system, but I think there will be a small amount of people that have been taken in by PoE, and those I feel sorry for. Peter does not give a s**t and would not p*ss on them if they were burning. He is scum.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

Wilson wrote:The majority of Were bank users, know these cheques are fake and are trying to trick/cheat the system, but I think there will be a small amount of people that have been taken in by PoE, and those I feel sorry for. Peter does not give a s**t and would not p*ss on them if they were burning. He is scum.
Yep,those who think that mortgages are fake and that they all been lied to ,will always believe in our Peter
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Check out the thread entitled -
Condemnation of the Quatloos crew over on GOODF.
Seems all those on Quatloos were buggered at school and are titled!
Reference to a Quatloos shill/troll on the were bank forum who posted a fake letter from Nat West ( I'm not registered so can't check). Seems this person has now been dealt with.
Also, those on Quatloos are not as clever as they think.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hyrion »

Pox wrote:Seems all those on Quatloos were buggered at school and are titled! ... [snip]
... those on Quatloos are not as clever as they think.
Well.... I know basic logic escapes them, but let's see how basic logic plays out if they're right on their points:
  • 1) We work for the Power, are shills that help keep the Power in place and the downtrodden trodden, some of us may even be the Power
Remember, this is according to the GOOdF group - or at least my understanding of their points.
  • 2) We're not very intelligent - I take this to mean they believe they are more intelligent - after all, they wouldn't willingly admit to being our intellectual equals and therefore "not as clever as they think" would they?
If it's true we've financially enslaved them, it's ironic how us stoopid people have managed to financially enslave, and keep downtrodden, the smarter people. Perhaps us stoopid people are more genetically disposed towards the "good luck" gene/virus then the smarter people.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by PeanutGallery »

Pox wrote: Seems all those on Quatloos were buggered at school and are titled!
I wasn't. But then I was an especially ugly child.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Pox wrote:
Seems all those on Quatloos were buggered at school and are titled!
Even if that was true it would not automatically follow that everything we post is incorrect.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones »

A little tale to show how desperate things have become on the WeRe forum for a success, any success will do


Today he has posted the below


"Scuttle off to the rest of the Shittters on Squatloos.... I paid a bill of 3 months ago!"

I do not need to post any truth as my word is good....

Marukee, as shown below your word is about as good, as a WeRe cheque, in other words good for nothing

Yet only last month, supposedly two months after he successfully paid a bill, he was asking if anyone else had


Strange, he was not singing loudly about his success, when he was asking people if they had paid a bill

Now the real kicker the evidence to show he is not being completely honest

He only paid his fee to join WeRe Bank in June :snicker:


So he managed to send a WeRe cheque and successfully pay a bill, an entire month before he even joined WeRe bank

He can't claim he paid the bill with one of his wifes cheques, because as the PN had not been registered there was nothing in the account to pay the cheque (in the crazy bat shit world of were bank anyway)

AMAZING !!!1!!!!

Not really surprising as this is the same idiot that wanted to hide the truth from people on GOODF


"Evening all.
Thought i would post something on WeRe members posting on the Get Out Of Debt Free forum.
There are posts put on there from WeRe members (some may be fraud posters?) that include their frustration over joining WeRe and not receiving cheques, updates on Prom Notes, / Accounts being varified, cheques after being sent being rejected and other complaints.
There are some members on there who are against WeRe and love this info so they can use it against Pater and the WeRe concept.
All i ask is please be patient, relax and members please refrain from posting on the GOODF forum. By all means post debts being cleared by WeRe cheques.
All the best
Yaks (Marukee)"

Marukee only wanted people to post about WeRe success's on GOODF - he didn't want anyone to post any failures.

Marukee that is very deceptive of you and could be seen as intentionally misleading others to make the same mistake as you and open a WeRe account - Then again, you are not only stupid enough to open one account, you paid to open two accounts :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

Now paying for two accounts and two cheque books, is a special kind of stupid
Last edited by Bones on Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones » ... 16#p410042


"I find that the ones, who according to them want to expose falsehood and fraud, use deception, lie out of their backteeth, forge documents, abuse people, make up false stories, including photo shopping images, make nasty phone calls, give people's personal details out on on social media, are the lowest of the low!
What is in the heart shows in ones actions..."

lie out of their backteeth ?
Make up false stories ?

Oh you mean like telling everyone you had used a WeRe cheque to successfully pay off a bill, an entire month before you had even joined WeRe Bank

Or do you mean like telling people to only post on GOODF about WeRe Bank successes and not to post anything about the countless failures.

Going by the above maurkee, who is the lowest of the low ? I think it would be the person that is intentionally misleading people on GOODF, don't you maurkee ? :shrug:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by woodworker »

LocalResident wrote:
Losleones wrote:I predict a heavy backlash from disgruntled idiots baying for Peter's blood & a return of their unemployment benefit hand outs in due course.

Hmmm, had an interesting thought as I read this. Maybe the Uk Government should open a WeRe bank account, then they could pay all the Unemployment benefit claiments with WeRe cheques, but why stop there, a WeRe cheque or three could clear the UK National Debt.
Yes, but the Queen would have to send in some promissory notes and, unlike most of the people opening WeRe accounts, she actually has a lot of real assets. Not to mention a lot of stuff with her picture on it that sort of looks like currency, you know.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by woodworker »

I just posted:

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Quatloosians and GOODFers:
I come not to praise Quatloos or to bury PoE, I come to watch the train wreck and the auto accident and to hear the cries and lamentations of the children, the injured and the dying, also known as those who have swallowed the swill that is WeRe Bank. I do not come to mock or to point out what I believe are the fallacies of PoE/s vomitus, there are sufficient to accomplish that. I merely come to enjoy myself, just as a rubbernecker receives a perverse joy in the troubles of others. If you on this forum, you noble GOODF/ers and PoE are correct in your evaluation of WeRe Bank and we Quatloosians are fools for doubting you, then surely, as time passes, your evaluation will prevail and we poor Quatloosians will be the sorrier for ever having doubted and/or mocked you. And we will bow to, and acknowledge, your superior judgment.
But if we Quatloosians, we few Quatloosians, are correct and PoE is, as I have publicly and under my true name and address already stated, a fraud, a charlatan, a conman, a crook, a mountebank and a thief in the night, and WeRe Bank and all of its associated nonsense is proven to be a bucket of shite, then we few happy Quatloosians will humbly take the opportunity to make fun of all of you (excepting those who are truly too mentally disordered to understand they are being played).
You have stated your position, we have stated ours – let us see how this plays out in the fullness of time, which I don’t expect will be very long. Whilst we are waiting, I do have a few factual questions I hope someone will be able to answer for me:
1. Has anyone proof that any WeRe check has been fully accepted and funds received from WeRe Bank by any mortgage company, utility company, Inland Revenue or any other organization. If so, I am sure that we would all be interested in seeing.
2. Can any WeRe Bank member withdraw cash from their account? If not, why not? After all, it is your money.
3. Why doesn’t WeRe Bank accept WeRe checks for monthly fees?
4. It was reported by PoE a while back that retail institutions would soon be accepting WeRe Bank cheques. Please identify such retail institutions. Please do not avoid by saying they don’t want to be known. I know of no retail business that turns away customers.
5. PoE, in response to an email of mine, stated that he has “been in court many times defending people.” Court records are a matter of public record and are available to the public, there is no privilege for them. If Peter has defended WeRe Bank members may times, it should be easy for one of you, or Peter, to identify these people by name and court and approximate date. As I just noted, these are public records, so please do not hide behind a privacy excuse.
6. In said email, Peter also stated “They always attack and make derogatory remarks of a general kind which bare no relationship to the ACTUAL AND PERCEIVABLE reality. . .” So far the ACTUAL AND PERCEIVABL REALITY is that no institution has accepted and been able to collect on any WeRe Bank cheque. That is not in dispute. If any of you can establish that Peter has irrevocably transferred funds, prior to the date hereof, to any mortgage company, utility, etc. I will donate $100 US to Oxfam (or the charity of your choice). Note the conditions: irrevocably transferred and prior to the date hereof. I’m not worried.
7. Although I have a number of other questions, I must go now. My third floor French maid informs me that she needs some guidance (you know of course that we all went to public schools, are titled and adore buggery) and then I must be to hounds.

Howard Appel
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by notorial dissent »

Bravo! Alas, I fear but the sounds of crickets will be all thy pay.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

Our conman has posted another deluded message.....
Peter Of England
4 hrs · Edited ·


HSBC/BARCLAYS/LLOYDS/NRAM/NATWEST/J.P.MORGAN-CHASE/BANK OF AMERICA/N.M. ROTHSCHILD/NY MELLON/GOLDMAN SACHS/BNP/COMMERZBANK/HYPOVEREINSBANK/ and all their fawning "bought and paid for" cheaply sold out legal teams from Shoosmiths to Mischon de Rey, Allen and Overy etc....

YOU ARE Re-Tired

Makes me laugh, he posts this kind of rubbish but is refusing to reply to questions asking when the next meeting is, they keep asking, he keeps ignoring them.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Pox wrote:Check out the thread entitled -
Condemnation of the Quatloos crew over on GOODF.
Seems all those on Quatloos were buggered at school and are titled!
Reference to a Quatloos shill/troll on the were bank forum who posted a fake letter from Nat West ( I'm not registered so can't check). Seems this person has now been dealt with.
Also, those on Quatloos are not as clever as they think.
I assume that this alleged fake letter had the effect of damaging the credibility of were-cheques? It would surprise me if anyone from here has done that, it would be unnecessary, dishonest and self-defeating. We don't need to falsify evidence that UK banks are refusing were-cheques, it would be like falsifying evidence that the sun rises each morning.

More likely that the Nat West letter is authentic, but the were-fanatics have denounced it as false as a pretext to remove it from view. Does anyone have the picture, or a screenshot? Perhaps we can publish it here instead.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

The letter was gone by the time I looked. The member who posted it, 111275RG, also spammed the private forum with posts that simply said "snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is themselves a fraud, quack, charlatan, or the like." By "spam", I mean 55 posts in one day. The member is now banned from the forum.

Good thing too, in my opinion.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, why bother with fabrications when the truth is ever so much more devastating.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

woodworker wrote:
I just posted
I see that Robswift managed to only answer one of your questions. The rest he ran away from. Probably because he has no answers.
He wrote:
How can you draw £s cash if you are not part of BOE banking cartel, hence Peter going with his own currency,
The rest of his post is the obligatory personal attack.
But Robswift's answer does not stack up in GOOF land. The original promissory note is made out in GBP. The GOOFs have repeatedly stated that "Once tendered a promissory note must be treated as cash" (Fielding & Platt Ltd v Selim Najarr 1969) So PoE is obliged to treat a GBP promissory note as though it is GBP cash. That means PoE (according to the GOOFs) is sitting on cash. Not Re. Re is not cash.
Also Robswift forgets that the WeRe bank, even though "not part of BOE banking cartel" accepts GBP amongst other currencies as payment for fees. In fact it only accepts cash. Nothing else.
I always find it amusing when someone like Robswift cherry picks one question from a list and still debunks themselves.
ETA: I forgot to mention that even though the cite is repeated continually as above the "once tendered" part does not appear in the decision.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by hanlons razor »

Bones wrote: ... 16#p410042


"I find that the ones, who according to them want to want to expose falsehood and fraud, use deception, lie out of their backteeth, forge documents, abuse people, make up false stories, including photo shopping images, make nasty phone calls, , give people's personal details out on on social media, are the lowest of the low!
What is in the heart shows in ones actions..."

lie out of their backteeth ?
Make up false stories ?

Oh you mean like telling everyone you had used a WeRe cheque to successfully pay off a bill, an entire month before you had even joined WeRe Bank

Or do you mean like telling people to only post on GOODF about WeRe Bank successes and not to post anything about the countless failures.

Going by the above maurkee, who is the lowest of the low ? I think it would be the person that is intentionally misleading people on GOODF, don't you maurkee ? :shrug:
Bones you've got it wrong!!! Maybe maurkee is talking about goodf after all don't they claim to be doing all of those things he listed?? :snicker:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Wilson »

They say because the balance in their account goes up, the cheque has worked.

I can go and put a Were cheque in the paying in machine at my bank, I can put, say 20k (not sure if there is a limit on machines) and tell the machine its a cheque for 20k.

For a brief period by account balance would increase by 20k, does not mean I have 20k. :brickwall:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by mufc1959 »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:woodworker wrote:
I just posted
I see that Robswift managed to only answer one of your questions. The rest he ran away from. Probably because he has no answers.
He wrote:
How can you draw £s cash if you are not part of BOE banking cartel, hence Peter going with his own currency,
The rest of his post is the obligatory personal attack.
But Robswift's answer does not stack up in GOOF land. The original promissory note is made out in GBP. The GOOFs have repeatedly stated that "Once tendered a promissory note must be treated as cash" (Fielding & Platt Ltd v Selim Najarr 1969) So PoE is obliged to treat a GBP promissory note as though it is GBP cash. That means PoE (according to the GOOFs) is sitting on cash. Not Re. Re is not cash.
Also Robswift forgets that the WeRe bank, even though "not part of BOE banking cartel" accepts GBP amongst other currencies as payment for fees. In fact it only accepts cash. Nothing else.
I always find it amusing when someone like Robswift cherry picks one question from a list and still debunks themselves.
ETA: I forgot to mention that even though the cite is repeated continually as above the "once tendered" part does not appear in the decision.
That cretin Robswift is clearly very worried indeed about what people on Quatloos are saying about WeRe Bank - despite his obvious lack of intelligence, I think even someone as stupid as him is aware it's a scam. At best he's a gullible moron who's fallen for the schtick of a conman. At worst he's a common thief using fraudulent cheques to steal goods and services. But he's obviously shitting his little-boy pants at having the truth about WeRe exposed on GOODF.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

woodworker wrote:2. Can any WeRe Bank member withdraw cash from their account? If not, why not? After all, it is your money.
It occurs to me that Peter might soon offer this facility, allowing members to withdraw cash (as Re notes) from their accounts. I'd be amused to see what happens when someone asks to withdraw 100,000 Res. If the notes are fancy, especially with embedded gold, they will cost Peter real money.

Peter's escape may be that only ReG units can be withdrawn as cash, and ReG units have to paid for with gold.