Darwin award nominees?

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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by fortinbras »

Chris Coverdale, a 69-year old crank who was jailed for 42 days, doesn't come close to qualifying for a Darwin Award. As I understand it, the Darwin Award is a FICTITIOUS recognition for contributing to the evolution of humanity by doing something so stupid as to take one out of the line for passing along one's DNA. This usually involves stupidity with fatal results, but it could include something with similar effect such as a lifelong prison sentence. A 42 day jail sentence doesn't come close.
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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by slowsmile »

If we are going to give an award for the most stoopid FoTL / Sov Cit quotation perhaps it should be called the GOODFY - or the DeSallieNaetion?
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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by Demosthenes »

If you want to read more about Jerry and Joe Kane, I wrote an article about them in 2010.


Some things to keep in mind about this story:

1) It's outdated. In the US, the movement has grown, the militias have made a comeback and are wading hip-deep in sovereign goo holding their assault rifles over their heads to keep them dry, and a new generation of sovereigns (many of them from the extreme left side of the spectrum) have joined.

2) Jerry and Joe were father and son. I'd been monitoring Jerry on his cross-country, debt-elimination lecture tour for almost two years and considered him relatively harmless. I only noticed Joe because he accompanied Jerry and I thought it was kind of creepy that a 16-year old had been turned into a Jesus-figure. According to Jerry's followers, Joe had the 'healing touch" and Jerry and Joe played it up in their matching white suits. At the initial fatal traffic stop, the father was indeed the relatively harmless one; the son, tired at seeing his father dealing with yet another cop, did all of the shooting. Since then, I've been keeping a closer eye on the kids of these wingnuts.

3) This violent event was not unique. http://www.deathandtaxes.com/antigovviolence.pdf

4) American gun culture may be a factor in what makes these guys uniquely dangerous in the US (and to a lesser degree Canada) but the true weapon of choice for the movement is the bomb. Timothy McVeigh's "kill number" (168 dead, 600+ injured) is still the one to beat. The more ambitious sovereigns want to use bio-weapons (usually ricin, and more recently, abrin and pure nicotine.)

5) In the US, there's an interesting international terrorism angle. Al Qaeda, Russia, and ISIS have all considered how to harness anti-gov fervor in the US. Russia seems to be focusing most on the militias while ISIS attempted to recruit Moorish sovereigns at the Ferguson, Missouri protests.
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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by NG3 »

Demosthenes wrote: 5) In the US, there's an interesting international terrorism angle. Al Qaeda, Russia, and ISIS have all considered how to harness anti-gov fervor in the US. Russia seems to be focusing most on the militias while ISIS attempted to recruit Moorish sovereigns at the Ferguson, Missouri protests.
Russia is pushing in the UK scene too
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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by Jeffrey »

Demosthenes wrote:Russia seems to be focusing most on the militias while ISIS attempted to recruit Moorish sovereigns at the Ferguson, Missouri protests.
What? I don't recall any ISIS during the Ferguson protests. I did see Moorish sovereigns at the protests. There was black panther involvement including a few times I saw black panther sovereign citizen activity which was interesting to see but no ISIS.

Where's the Russia thing coming from, the closest to that I've heard of was Dean Clifford writing to Putin from jail, along with the oddly pro-Putin undercurrent that there's been on alt-media.
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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by Demosthenes »

Jeffrey wrote:What? I don't recall any ISIS during the Ferguson protests. I did see Moorish sovereigns at the protests. There was black panther involvement including a few times I saw black panther sovereign citizen activity which was interesting to see but no ISIS.
The new black panther / sovereign citizen stuff at Ferguson was very serious indeed. The two panthers that were arrested last fall (one was a sov cit) plotted to blow up the Ferguson police station and/or the St. Louis Arch during a protest. They pled guilty and were just sentenced to 7 years each in federal prison last month. There are a bunch of sealed documents in this case, so I'm assuming we'll see future cases that relate to this one.

The ISIS stuff in Ferguson was interesting because it started the same day that the terrorist group released the Foley beheading video, so ISIS was quickly becoming a big name in the US.

Most of the recruiting efforts were online, but I consider this screen grab from CNN to be an excellent lesson in situational awareness.


The Daily Mail picked up on the ISIS attempts to recruit Ferguson protesters immediately. The US news published
their stories four months later when the FBI and DOJ pointed out the attempts.

http://www.ksdk.com/story/news/local/fe ... /20786973/
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Re: Darwin award nominees?

Post by Demosthenes »

The Russian propaganda stuff is a story for another day.