Jon Paterson, Man of the People

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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by MiddlesexFinn »

longdog wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:54 pm
MiddlesexFinn wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:33 pm Farage is famously known for posing in pubs with a pint in his hand.
"Posing" being the operative word.

It's pretty much a requirement for privately educated multi-millionaires who want to prove to gullible idiots that they are "men of the people" rather than self-serving toffs who wouldn't be seen dead drinking beer with the hobbledehoys they are temporarily trying to get a vote out of.
And here I was thinking we had a politics ban in Quatloosia...
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

NedSeagoon wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:42 am Wiping one's arse with a sponge on a stick, dipped in vinegar though.....ewwwww.
Don't knock it until you've tried it!
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Oh Owl, you are a caution!! BTW I saw a comment from someone with a name and a logo like yours under one of Leonard French's Legal Masses YouTube videos (about the Elon Musk accusing one of the cave divers in the Thai rescue last year of something very nasty). That could be an interesting case - not that it involves a scam but I've wished for a long time that some people (no matter whether they be rich or poor or somewhere in between) would think before they bash out stuff on a keyboard.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:19 pm BTW I saw a comment from someone with a name and a logo like yours under one of Leonard French's Legal Masses YouTube videos (about the Elon Musk accusing one of the cave divers in the Thai rescue last year of something very nasty).
Yes, It is I, Le Clerc. :wink:

I've been writing satirical material for 30 years (still) published on paper! I sail very close to the wind on ridicule and thus I have had to keep on top of copyright and libel law, hence why I follow Leonard French.

I have been threatened by lawyers for a large US company with a lawsuit on copyright and libel. I exercised the Arkell vs Pressdram defence but it was only when a national publication printed it that I knew I was in the clear. I also provided evidence to the Commons Select Committee which resulted in a change to the UK law on the satire and parody defence.

I like to think as a protagonist, rather than a lawyer, I know what the boundaries are! If Musk had been sued in the UK courts, he would be guilty as charged.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by exiledscouser »

Well the Pavement Kisser has managed to call out from the prison he currently resides, wasting his time phoning Devine.

In an earlier video Devine has a chat with JP's lawyer where she discusses with him some quite sensitive information (which he promptly put up on the interwebby), ah well, so much for client confidentiality and professional privilege.

The call from JP interrupts a lengthy and totally boring waffle-fest from Caroline Stevens.

In this linked video JP starts at 46:41, it sounds like he's on a wing in an establishment somewhere.

He's calling (in an expletive-filled rant) to say he's in court tomorrow at which time he's going to blow the whistle and bring down the whole system, the BBC, Hoaxtead Research and, well, everyone. You see if he doesn't. He's got the best news so far. His group has been infiltrated by 'bad people' but he knows who they are but he can't tell you who they are but that they know that he knows who they are. But its not you, Brian Sedgefield or Edward William Ellis.

Anyway, he's going to make legal history tomorrow when he brings down the whole fucking system, its going worldwide.

I can't say more to you Andy but its big and I'm crying, I've beaten those bastards (he is quite emotional at this point) but he's also so happy too, off now to celebrate (accompanied by maniacal laughter). Apparently Hoaxtead Research has put it about the prison that JP is a peadophile and that he's had to go up and down F Wing putting the lags straight "coz peados leave this place in a box Andy".

"Its fucking terrible in here" he complains.

Then its more of the same from JP, he's got the evidence that'll bring down the whole of the establishment, these people, he can't name them as they'll leave the country, they'll change their identities cause that's how powerful they are but he'll be naming names etc. oh yes. He's going to bring down the whole of the BBC. He's got a letter which he's had from 2014 from a very very very very very important person that'll do the job, one wonders why he's waiting almost six years to make use of it.

He sounds a bit radio rental if I'm honest but he's out of the nut house and in the mainstream prison population so he must be as sane as you and I.......

Get ready for big disappointment tomorrow when his dreams fail to materialise.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by longdog »

I very much doubt any judge is going to let him spout his delusional shit and as he's just recently been declared insufficiently bonkers to be held on a MH unit his antics will most likely just result in the case being heard in his absence while he's downstairs in the cells.

I'm hoping Princess Nutbag and ELEWE will be there to give us the benefit of their in depth forensic analysis of the ongoing frauds.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds to me like he is more than a few sheets to the wind or has found something a little stronger to up his courage.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by exiledscouser »

Woke up this morning to find....

The BBC still functioning,
the pillars of the establishment intact,
Sussex police still bungling along quite nicely.

In Top Gear stylee "I searched the internet and I found this" !
Neelu wrote:Update after speaking to Edward Ellis

Edward will be preparing a document regarding the court hearing in Wood Green Crown Court today

John Paterson is being kept in remand because no application was made by his lawyers to release him on bail, which is negligence on their part

Edward was refused audience with the Judge to give Notice of the Mass Remedy Process breach in this false prosecution in a criminal cover-up.

It was treated as a Case Management hearing only, in preparation for a trial on 4th May 2020.

6th Jan feb x 2 March Defence, Trial

The Advocate or the Defence Counsel refused to give his name

CPS Prosecutor was the same as last time

Edward says Sussex Police are most probably running Framing Frauds, making false allegations, because John is a Witness against them.

So his lawyers need to be instructed to make a bail application

That's it. I'm betting the defence have realised that whilst their client is a bit nuts he is saner than sane when compared with his loony pseudo-legal entourage shouting in the margins about world-conspiracies to silence their champion and other rubbish. The Neelu gang will be no-doubt of the opinion that the defence lawyers are "in on it (whatever it is) too, this runs much deeper than anyone thought, yadda yadda", other dark conspiracies are available.

Actually, its very difficult these days for the authorities to have someone remanded in custody pre-trial, its a very high threshold so I can only speculate that the police & CPS have some real concerns both for JP's safety and, more likely, for those at the receiving end of his vitriol.

So a festive time inside, it's time for JP to 'put out his pudding for treacle'. He he he.

At some point the court is going to wake up to the fact that banned lawyer EWE is pulling their strings with talk of this and that type of fraud and deal with the ongoing breaches of his injunction. He is really starting to stray into other areas of law.

Take for instance Awodiya & Anor v R & C Commrs [2019] BTC 6, a case involving Child Tax Credits from earlier this year. At paragraph 28, commenting with some frustration the court said this;
I am in no doubt that the claimants have no more idea of what all this is supposed to mean than I do. The reason is clear. This impenetrable screed comes not from the pen of the claimants but from the imagination of one Mr Edward Ellis, formally a practising solicitor, who was suspended from practice indefinitely in circumstances set out in full in Ellis v Law Society [2008] EWHC 561 (Admin). Mr Ellis, who now styles himself ‘Equity Lawyer Ellis’, has achieved notoriety through his frequent and mischievous interventions in the legal claims of others in furtherance of what he calls his ‘UK Mass Remedy Process’
The unique bollocks-prose of EWE allows the legal system to identify his involvement in cases. The same case quotes from Ellis v Ministry of Justice (22 February 2018 unreported) with this extract;
‘1. (Mr Ellis) has a fully formed and apparently internally consistent belief system focused on corruption. He believes that some – perhaps all – previous Prime Ministers, all judges and magistrates, the Government Legal Service and Ministry of Justice together with “State officers”, by which I took him to mean police and court staff, and probably all sorts of other people and institutions, are corrupt and that the decisions they make are, without exception, fraudulent; hence his designation of judicial decisions as “frauds”: for instance, an “evidence irrelevance fraud” when I refused to consider a sheaf of documents he handed up as being of no relevance to the issues I had to decide on this application, or a “jurisdiction fraud” when I determined that I did have jurisdiction to hear the application. The list goes on.

2. These beliefs would have just been sad had Mr Ellis not acted upon them or if his “philosophy” (his word) had not attracted adherents. But he has acted, unceasingly and voraciously over many years, and persons with grievances against the justice system have been attracted and recruited. The result is that claim forms, application notices, appeals are issued and documents purportedly filed or served at various courts, bearing all the hallmarks of Mr Ellis's unmistakable drafting. These are prolix, tendentious, mostly incomprehensible screeds, making the same assertions of fraud and corruption again and again.

3. Consistent with his activity in drafting and promoting the issue of claims, Mr Ellis would also attend hearings in courts and tribunals with litigants to conduct cases on their behalf, using the occasions to repeat in oral representation the turgid, inchoate passages made in documentary form. Increasing and unwelcome familiarly with Mr Ellis in the Masters Office led Senior Master Fontaine to issue her order of 8 March 2016.’
My emphasis above is clearly a reference to Neelu et al. It coucludes;
The result is that claim forms, application notices, appeals are issued and documents purportedly filed or served at various courts, bearing all the hallmarks of Mr Ellis's unmistakable drafting. These are prolix, tendentious, mostly incomprehensible screeds, making the same assertions of fraud and corruption again and again.
A restraint followed from this, an injunction which EWE has simply ignored.
Increasing and unwelcome familiarly with Mr Ellis in the Masters Office led Senior Master Fontaine to issue her order of 8 March 2016.’

[30] The Order of the Senior Master to which May J was referring took the following form:

‘UPON it being brought to the attention of the court that.

(1)Mr Edward William Ellis, not being an authorised person entitled to carry on a reserved legal activity or a legal activity under the Legal Services Act 2007, has issued claim forms and applications in the above and other proceedings on behalf of others and

(2)The claim forms issued by Mr Edward William Ellis and the particulars of the claim therein have been declared to constitute an abuse of process and a number of claims have also been found to be wholly devoid of merit.

It is ordered that:

1. Mr Edward William Ellis is restrained from issuing claims on behalf of others or from assisting others to bring claims in contravention of the Legal Services Act 2007.’
To no-one's surprise this case was rejected. But you have to wonder just how long it will take for the authorities to take suitable action against EWE.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by Dr. Caligari »

But you have to wonder just how long it will take for the authorities to take suitable action against EWE.
Probably by 31 February.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by aesmith »

Speaking of which, in among Neelu's proclamations I see that EWE is en route to get John Paterson out of the slammer ..
Oops ..
Update 12.20pm Edward got there late, the hearing had finished, but a supporter was able to confirm that no bail application is being entertained based on a false allegation of a breach of bail (where there was no bail) for which he is not in remand but sentenced? So this will be appealed.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:57 pm
Update 12.20pm Edward got there late, the hearing had finished, but a supporter was able to confirm that no bail application is being entertained based on a false allegation of a breach of bail (where there was no bail) for which he is not in remand but sentenced? So this will be appealed.
My Neelu-Gibberish to English filter is struggling with that. I'll just assume that it's not capable of being rendered into a normal human language due to it not being a part of the standard space-time continuum whereby causes precede effects.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by Footloose52 »

I've assumed that Paterson is already in custody from what has been said. On that basis, oddly, I found it pretty much made sense to me but I split it up and removed a couple of bits that looked superfluous:

Update 12.20pm

Edward got there late, the hearing had finished.

A supporter was able to confirm that no bail application is being entertained based on a false allegation of a breach of bail (where there was no bail) for which he is not in remand but sentenced?

So this will be appealed.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by longdog »

I think the situation is simply that Paterson was on bail when he allegedly committed the same offence. Nothing more than that.

In Neelu-World of course bail conditions and court orders don't count for anything unless the person has been convicted by The Court of Neelu.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

It is tricky to work out as when I telephoned the court, I was told that they could not tell me anything about the case as a matter of procedure. I did counter that if I had been there I could have reported on it, but the call answerer was firm that that was Chelmsford Magistrates' Court rules so I didn't push it.

What we do know is that John was sectioned and evaluated a few months back. He had been making more and more erratic threats of actual bodily harm to individuals and posting anti-semitic videos on You Tube. He was released after evaluation.

We also know that he did not desist with that behaviour, and indeed Andy Devine continued to facilitate him. What I am not 100% sure about is whether he had any previous bail conditions, but as we saw with Sabine McNeill, a failure to comply with court orders will make further bail very unlikely. He was arrested and has actually been charged with offences so, whether the original arrest was for breech of bail, it would appear to be moot. Andy Devine posted the charges. They do appear to be sufficiently serious to warrant remand but that is a matter for the courts to determine.

None of this is meant to be prejudicial to his case, simply reporting matters that have been reported elsewhere.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

longdog wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:10 pm
aesmith wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:57 pm
Update 12.20pm Edward got there late, the hearing had finished, but a supporter was able to confirm that no bail application is being entertained based on a false allegation of a breach of bail (where there was no bail) for which he is not in remand but sentenced? So this will be appealed.
My Neelu-Gibberish to English filter is struggling with that. I'll just assume that it's not capable of being rendered into a normal human language due to it not being a part of the standard space-time continuum whereby causes precede effects.
"Update 12.20pm Edward got there late, the hearing had finished, but a supporter was able to confirm that no bail application is being entertained based on an allegation of a breach of bail, which is politically painful for us to consider, so we'll pretend that it doesn't exist, (where there was no bail. Consistency? Who needs consistency, when the passion of our beliefs is what's important?) for which he is not in remand but sentenced? So this will be appealed because Equity or something. The appeal doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding; but we can deny reality until that happens."
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by longdog »

There's always the possibility of course that "No bail application is being entertained" means "No bail application was made" by his lawyer for whatever reason and a "bail application" by Equity Lawyer Ellis consisted solely of him talking to himself or shouting at the court receptionist.

Princess Nutbag tends to refer to anything being court action regardless of whether or not it is. Court rules and procedures don't matter.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by exiledscouser »

Ha ha, poor old JP placed his faith in EWE to get him outta jail but the silly old fool couldn’t even turn up on time. When he finally got there JP was on his way back to prison.

Sadly I suspect the exact same outcome would have happened if EWE had actually bothered to turn up on time in the first place. Probably delayed by treasonous satanic traffic lights installed by Jesuit Freemasons installed along his route overnight by Zionist catholics just for him.

Devine has been publishing a series of increasingly erratic and rambling phone calls from JP on You Tube, they are quite hilarious but for their somewhat tragic nature and the huge hole he is doggedly digging for himself.

I fear for his mental health but he seems so entrenched in his beliefs that he is sadly beyond either care or redemption. His particular form of anti Semitic bile is to target Zionist ashkenazi or fake Jews (I’m not anti Semitic he moans), blaming them for everything from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour to the death of Elvis.

Typical call content is along these lines;

“Now then, Andy, I want you to telephone the FBI, get them to come pick me up (from Wandsworth), I’ll then fly over to America and bring down the BBC”.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by NYGman »

So EWE has one Job, to get to court on time, and plead his clients equity case. Barring the fact that he isn't a real lawyer anymore, and should not be representing anyone, just go to show what quality representation he actually provides. On the plus side, I am sure Jon is much better of without EWE rambling to the court about fraud and fake bailiffs/courts/warrant, etc.

It isn't like EWE was held up by another case, or was otherwise hospitalized for his failing health, Its also a Monday, so nothing should have been pressign this morning. Just goes to show the quality of his work, and the high standards he employs. For him to be late to court is disrespectful to both the court and his client. Not that the court actually pays attention to him, but still if he wants to play lawyer, he should at least turn up on time for the LARP.
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:49 pm I fear for his mental health but he seems so entrenched in his beliefs that he is sadly beyond either care or redemption.
I'm pretty sure he's utterly bonkers in the colloquial sense, and I wouldn't surprised if he has a recognised mental illness, but in this day and age that's not enough on its own to get you held on a section and he's not going to accept voluntary treatment. Certainly not when he's got a supply of internet enablers to reinforce his insanity.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Jon Paterson, Man of the People

Post by longdog »

NYGman wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:37 pm So EWE has one Job, to get to court on time, and plead his clients equity case. Barring the fact that he isn't a real lawyer anymore, and should not be representing anyone, just go to show what quality representation he actually provides. On the plus side, I am sure Jon is much better of without EWE rambling to the court about fraud and fake bailiffs/courts/warrant, etc.

It isn't like EWE was held up by another case, or was otherwise hospitalized for his failing health, Its also a Monday, so nothing should have been pressign this morning. Just goes to show the quality of his work, and the high standards he employs. For him to be late to court is disrespectful to both the court and his client. Not that the court actually pays attention to him, but still if he wants to play lawyer, he should at least turn up on time for the LARP.
Not turning up on time has several advantages.

He can claim he was thwarted by circumstances, he can claim his nonsense would have worked even though it clearly wouldn't and he doesn't have to put his neck on the line by actually doing something that could get himself jailed.

It seems a tad convenient.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?