Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Michael Gaboury: We have been doing this for nearly a year with WeRe clients.

Micheal Gaboury: The point surely is that many who use WeRe bank Need the course material we provide for their own protection and settlement of the LLTs.
Whoa, is this a piggyback scam? Is this guy offering consulting services to WeRe Bank customers?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Michael Gaboury: We have been doing this for nearly a year with WeRe clients.

Micheal Gaboury: The point surely is that many who use WeRe bank Need the course material we provide for their own protection and settlement of the LLTs.
Whoa, is this a piggyback scam? Is this guy offering consulting services to WeRe Bank customers?
Does read that way, doesn't it?

A freeman guru offering consulting to people who have been suckered by a freeman guru. That's a whole new level of pitiful.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Nope, apparently Peter blesses his efforts as he's too busy casting his pearls before lazy, stupid swine.
Peter of England: Excellent Michael - I have so many things to attend to on a daily basis. On the whole people are lazy and will not dig into the integrity of the material presented to them - they want it doing for them. I cannot. I don't need the education on that level. I had the intention to offer and run workshops BUT the appetite was seemingly not there in the UK. The malaise on the UK citizenry is heavy indeed - not that much better elsewhere, I admit, but in other countries they have the language difficulties and a lack of common law and general knowledge.

Micheal Gaboury I have the knowledge and am prepared to share with those who wish. I have been running seminars in Canada and Australia, but as you say there is only one or two from all of the UK. Therefore I am going to set up a company in the UK and deal with the banks there myself. On my own behalf, but also am willing to train folk who are interested. I am aware of your great knowledge for what you do, and after 9 years of study and research still do not come near what you know. (bow) but I do know Equity and Trusts, and I have a great deal of experience in the courts in canada, scotland and Newcastle.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by PeanutGallery »

I have a great deal of experience in the courts in canada, scotland and Newcastle.
Why are the courts in Newcastle so special? Do you need to great the Judge with a hearty "Way Ay Man"? Or make sure your robes have black and white stripes?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Pox »

PeanutGallery wrote:
I have a great deal of experience in the courts in canada, scotland and Newcastle.
I wonder what the charges against him were? And what convictions he received?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote: Good luck with that, mate. I'm sure it'll go about as well as your stellar crowdfunding campaign: ... ccountable
Gaboury appears to be Canada's latest and finest export.

There's what I think is a photo of him, intent clear, I'm after bringing down the legal profession.


Zeke's link takes you to a Footle word-fest. I love it.
.......processes of the courts and the legal system to effect unlawful but legal results upon an unsuspecting Public......
Oh no, legal - yet unlawful. Or is it illegal - yet lawful. Whatever can be done?

As I'm typing this I can see out of my window one of those Legal Name billboards which another prominent Canadian Keith otf Thompson (or one of his personas) is responsible for. Can't be cheap Keith, keep throwing your money away, those ad execs won't get their bonuses otherwise.
Funds will be used to educate and for support in offsetting Court Fees when necessary. Also for protection from Court costs in Unsuccessful causes.
As there is no method of 100% assured results, the contingency for failed causes must be considered in any endeavor of this sort.
So that'll be all of them.

After all there's now $185 after just two months crowd-funding burning a hole in their collective pocket. About enough to buy a bottle or two of the sort of claret enjoyed by m'learned friends after wiping the floor with the latest Freeman court jester.
We have started 6 Causes all involving various Banks. Most in Canada, one in England. We have several Pending in the United States.
So not long to wait now before all the new successes start to flood in. New York. Ottawa and Newcastle.

On Tyne. Them Geordies will just love him.

A quick Google found that Michael is elsewhere on the net. Here he is posting the usual guff about birth bonds. ... on-notices
THIS IS ACTUAL & CONSTRUCTIVE PUBLIC NOTICE by grantor as owner and holder of all rights, titles, and interest with the non-negotiable instrument claim number # RW 447 477 524 CA that will have attached to it the following Private Reserved Numbers that will be used to refer to these Documents/Items filing numbers: Private Reserved Numbers MJAG-000 through MJAG-99999. This is nunc pro tunc from the date of February 1, 1978 A.D. for All past, present, and future general deposits. Commencing with the following: RW 447 477 524 CA MJAG-000, RW 447 477 524 CA MJAG-001, RW 447 477 524 CW MJAG-002, RW 447 477 524 CW MJAG-003.

THIS IS ACTUAL & CONSTRUCTIVE PUBLIC NOTICE by grantor along with all attachments and proceeds therefrom, of establishment on All past, present, and future general deposits are fully claimed and the records are being held in a private, confidential manner and are proprietary.

That "nunc pro tunc", love it, works every time but in Michael's case things can't be retrospectively fixed as in my humble assessment he's always been a knob-head. I'm guessing he's just given the Canadian equivalent of his National Insurance number & his DoB away too. His address follows which I won't quote but he's from Ontario which Burnaby will no doubt have views on. Why do they do it to themselves?

Of course, you could always dive into his wordy tomes such as;

which is a link to his new book, The Book On Equity (Volume One of Eight) Part 1....MAXIMS! (Parts two to eight do however appear to be works in progress at the moment).

I seem to recall that our very own Bali Mann was knocking out something similar for £100 a pop, a dreary list of made-up legal definitions on his Letraset with which to depress and piss off courts on your road to abject failure. Volume 1 is however pretty good value, a snip at a shade over $25 and if you contribute more than $30 to the crowd-funding you'll get a copy thrown in for nowt.

He's also published an impressive series of videos on U Toob; ... 2F&index=2

There's a saying, birds of a feather, seems Mike will be right at home with his sycophantic buddy Mr. SMITH.

Oh, I also thought that PoE has surpassed himself in the modesty stakes so
Peter of Poundland immodestly wrote;
Give thanks to Peter of England for the gift he delivered to you all
So, in my best Monty Python voice;

"all Hail! and give thanks to Him for the Gift He has delivered to us All".

Sadly though, he too isn't the Messiah, just another very naughty boy.

Also I'm on my knees giving thanks for all the entertainment both now and nunc pro tunc, (thanks Petey) and his ensuring that his fellow freeloaders seeking something for nothing get themselves deeper into the shite though the use of his products.

I'm not worthy! I suck! I'm scum!
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

Color me surprised that Peter would let someone else make money from WeRe Bank customers. (I assume Gaboury's advice isn't free, and he doesn't accept payment in Re.) Perhaps Peter sees the value in letting someone else handle his customer service complaints. Oh, and having a patsy. "Your Honor, our checks have always been in Re only. I didn't tell WeRe Bank customers to write them in British pounds, independent consultant Michael Gaboury did that. Whom I remind you I have no official affiliation with whatsoever..."
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

Gadboury (is that a Canadian make of chocolate?) was a regular contributor to the World Freeman Society forum using the nom-de-guerre "Tekkiefirst". See

http://www.public.worldfreemansociety.o ... mitstart=0

It's from a few years ago but you kind of get how he's now managed to gravitate towards and finally now appears to be firmly locked in orbit around PoE given the 'stellar' cast of earlier influences he describes.

You know he's a hopelessly lost cause when you read;
Michael Gadboury wrote;
The first person that influenced me was Rob Menard, a brilliant thinker and pioneer in the movement.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Pox »

We have enough of our home grown idiots without the Canadians exporting to us.

Thanks Burnaby :lol:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Looking down his Facebook profile, he's been on the Woo Train for at least the best part of five years.

He has also appeared a few times on 'Freethink Radio' ("You're free to think whatever you like, as long as IT IS THIS), but good luck trying to find those appearances on this site. It's like 1996 vomited on a Geocities site:

I'd imagine that's exactly what the inside of a sovereign citizen's mind looks like.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm guessing he's just given the Canadian equivalent of his National Insurance number & his DoB away too.
That might be his date of birth but not his "National Insurance Number" if, by that phrase, you mean his Social Insurance Number (SIN). The SIN's been around for a while. I got mine in the mid 1960's. just after they started getting issued;
A social insurance number (SIN) is a number issued in Canada to administer various government programs. The SIN was created in 1964 to serve as a client account number in the administration of the Canada Pension Plan and Canada's varied employment insurance programs. In 1967, Revenue Canada (now the Canada Revenue Agency) started using the SIN for tax reporting purposes. SINs are issued by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (previously Human Resources Development Canada).
The SIN is formatted as three groups of three digits (e.g., 123-456-789).
The top of the card has changed over the years as the departments that are responsible for the card have changed:

· Manpower and Immigration
· Employment and Immigration Canada
· Human Resources Development Canada
· Government of Canada
The 2012 Canadian federal budget contained provisions to phase out the Social Insurance Number cards because they lacked modern security features and could be used for identity theft.[1] As of 31 March 2014, Service Canada no longer issues plastic SIN cards. Instead, an individual will receive a paper "Confirmation of SIN letter".

It was originally issued for a limited purpose, to have a government issued identification number for employers to identify employees for income tax purposes. All tax filings, employment records, source deuctions submitted, have to be accompanied by a SIN number. But mission creep moved in and now it is required for almost all interactions with government.

The number RW 447 477 524 CA MJAG-000 can't be a SIN because the SIN is a nine digit number with no letters. However if you extract the nine digit number in the middle of this mess, 447 477 524, it looks possible because Ontario issued SIN numbers start with a 4. I got mine in British Columbia so it starts with a 7. But the SIN is not just a set of random digits, it's created by an algorithm and it is easy to check if a nine digit number conforms with this. There are various on-line aps you can use to do this. Like this one; ... number.php

Toss 447 477 524 in this and you get;
Social insurance number 447 477 524 is invalid
You can't confirm that one is validly issued by the government by using these aps since even if it comes out valid in the ap it is simple to fake a number that fits the algorithm. However if a number doesn't fit it is a fake.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Chaos »

TheNewSaint wrote:Color me surprised that Peter would let someone else make money from WeRe Bank customers.
it's not about that. It's about Poo not having to say things that will get him jammed up. Again, much like his marks, let someone else take the hit.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
TheNewSaint wrote:
Zeke_the_Meek wrote:
Whoa, is this a piggyback scam? Is this guy offering consulting services to WeRe Bank customers?
Does read that way, doesn't it?

A freeman guru offering consulting to people who have been suckered by a freeman guru. That's a whole new level of pitiful.
Guaranteed gold plated sucker list. If they'll fall for WeReNotaBAnk they'll fall for another.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

Peter has still not issued a single WeRe Bank card and has been caught out by the BBC telling porkies in regard to none of the Banks he claimed accepted WeRe Cheques, had in fact rejected them
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Bones wrote:Peter has still not issued a single WeRe Bank card and has been caught out by the BBC telling porkies in regard to none of the Banks he claimed accepted WeRe Cheques, had in fact rejected them
I get the strong impression that he's stuck with the bank cards since being outed, and doesn't know how to proceed with that part of the scam. I would have said he never intended to get to roll out in the first place if it wasn't for the pic of all the cards on his desk.

In lieu of any actual development, he's just posting increasingly incoherent ramblings about politics and iminent financial meltdown (When? Next week. Always next week.) He also seems to have doubled down on the whole 'Satanist child kidnapping cult' stuff, which is verifiably nonsense.

Distraction tactics dressed up as rabble rousing as usual, but he really has had the wind taken out of his sails this time.

Resorting to posting an old freeman vid from five years ago, he writes:
This is a Tribute To What Almost Was but then went away....
ReMovement tried to rekindle it too....but again people just don't seem to have sufficient desire for change.
He's also getting even more antagonistic towards his bewildered marks:
Mick Atkinson: I have and want to carry on with my Were bank account, but need to contact someone, as I'm a bit lost! I've got a cheque book and everything but am unsure what to do next; Peter can you help?

Peter Of England: Please read the information on the website and then having educated yourself on the nature of money and "monetary unit of account" which the banks deal with you should be able to stand firm and pay your "supposed debts" to the criminal corporatorcracy with a valid promissory note ie cheque. Simple n'est pas?

Barbara Watson: Peter! If one man/woman is not able to get a response, then WeRe should address his/her concern; i don't believe it is helpful to say "What a crass comment"

Peter Of England: One man/woman out of hundreds! WeRe not a big organisation. Excuuusseee me!
Probably to Notorial Dissent's chagrin, I'm not going to bother posting links to all of the above. It's all on the chaotic meltdown that Peter's Facebook page is quickly becoming.

The only thing that puzzles me is why there aren't more of his marks haranguing him for answers; the cards were supposed to be delivered last month. I guess he's either sold precisely zero cards, or has finally blocked every single dissenter who expects to much of his con and all that's left is the last remnants of this scam neutron star.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

Peter Of England: One man/woman out of hundreds! WeRe not a big organisation. Excuuusseee me!
From now on, I will imagine all of Peter's rants being read aloud in Steve Martin's voice. It helps! Try it with this one:
Peter Of England: Please read the information on the website and then having educated yourself on the nature of money and "monetary unit of account" which the banks deal with you should be able to stand firm and pay your "supposed debts" to the criminal corporatorcracy with a valid promissory note ie cheque. Simple n'est pas?
(segue into "it's like those French have a different word for everything" bit.)

After all, WeRe Bank is the real-life Fred's Bank. "You got $1,500? I'll put it right here, in my white suit. White suit, front pocket. I got it."
Last edited by TheNewSaint on Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Chaos »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote: but he really has had the wind taken out of his sails this time.

getting caught with that keyfob was pretty damning to the scam.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

It was reported upthread that WeRe Bank had moved:
Fearnchase wrote:Brampton House Business centre have just confirmed that Were Bank no longer reside at Were Bank, that went well.
Can anyone confirm he isn't at Brampton House?

The website still uses that address. If Peter has no way of collecting any post sent to WeRe Bank, then he is collecting no money from suckers to pay for monthly subs, cheque-books, cards or anything else.

It seems Peter is, as they say, a busted flush. For now, at least.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Next week. Always next week.
Peter has jam at tea yesterday and tomorrow. ("You couldn't have it if you did want it," the Queen said. "The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day.")
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

TheNewSaint wrote:
(segue into "it's like those French have a different word for everything" bit.)
Merde comes to mind for PoE. N'est pas?

There's a quote said to be attributed to George W Bush - accurate or not it's still amusing - that "the French are no good at business, hell, they don't even have a word for entrepreneur".