Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by longdog »

Freeman: "I'm gonna send my NI card / birth certificate / driving licence / V5 back... That'll show 'em!"

Normal person: "What will that show them?"

Freeman: "Well of If I send my NI card / birth certificate / driving licence / V5 back it'll show 'em!"

Normal person: "Yes but WHAT will it show them?"

Freeman: "You're a paid government shill!!!"

Rinse and repeat.

It never ceases to amaze me that these wabble of wowdy webbles never ask themselves who their inane protests are going to inconvenience most, them or TPTB. I mean... I don't have a TV licence for the very good reason that I think TV is for morons (excluding Clarkson/May/Hammond Top Gear and The Walking Dead) and I could, if I were so inclined, tell TVL that I don't have a telly but I can actually cost the parasitic bastards more money by ignoring their threatograms and telling their enforcement agents to fuck off and come back when they have a warrant... Minimal inconvenience to me and maximum cost and inconvenience to them but sending documents you might actually need to get a job / get a home / sell your car? Nope... That's just dumb.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by letissier14 »

Noel Kennedy - Admin on BTBAB with yet another stunning success





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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by longdog »

SUCCESS BOOM!!!!1111!!!!!11!!!!!!ONE1111ELEVEN!!!!11!!! :haha:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by daveBeeston »

That's a special kind of stupid right there,maybe he's worth his own thread as he has potential of long term entertainment value.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by AndyPandy »

It's car crash, you know you shouldn't look but you can't help yourself, it's all dated and you can see exactly what's going to happen and the best thing is that it's all played out for the benefit of the masses on social media.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by letissier14 »

Bet they will be watching the postman daily, to see if he delivers "The £5m Commercial Lien" to them :haha:
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by daveBeeston »

letissier14 wrote:Bet they will be watching the postman daily, to see if he delivers "The £5m Commercial Lien" to them :haha:
But surely it would be FAKE the same as all the other documents they have sent him...........

The stupidity levels of these people never cease to amaze me.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by NYGman »

It is just amazing. Love the history, it is like a car crash in slow motion but broadcast to a worldwide audience on Facebook. I love the progression over time, and this encapsulates the typical Freeman experience.

1. "Discover" a law that you interpret to mean the specific debt you owe, for services you receive, is not actually a valid debt. To reach this conclusion, you disregard all common sense, use outdated laws, selectively read those laws, Proudly publish your conclusions on the Internet, that your legal analysis is air tight, water proof, and indefeasible, because your legal skills and understanding is far superior to the company you are trying to stiff. don't foget to Share everything, and encourage others to follow your brillance.
2. React to the letter you receive from your creditor, with indignation. Point out imaginary flaws based on your continuing misunderstanding of the law, and legal requirements. Ignore it, as it is invalid, or respond with a letter, letting know you are ignoring it, and while you are at it, request a bunch of irrelevant information
3. Debt gets sold to a third party, and using your great legal mind, question the authority of the debt collector, to actually collect. Again, request irrelevant documents, and just generally ignore them.
4. Laugh off notifications of collection attempts, optionally, inform them that their attempts are illegal. Also at this point, you can provide a fee schedule, if not already provided earlier
5. Feigned outrage when the bailiffs show up at your house to collect or install a Pre paid meter. Threaten to sue them for violating the same laws, you believe do not apply to you. Call the Police to report a crime, and then blame a conspiracy when person answering the phone isn't jumping to your aid.
6. Final step, end up loosing your property, having a Pre-paid meter installed, destroying your credit, and in extreme cases, loosing your liberty. However, this is never you fault, as you know the law, but everyone else, form Police, to Bailiffs, to Judges don't know it like you do, so they must all be corrupt, and in it together, because they all work for the same corporation, as these agencies don't really exist, they are just all role-playing.

What amazes me is that there are so many self-taught legal experts, who have found something in the laws, that no other legal scholar has found. Further, they expect their legal findings to be followed to a tee, and are so surprised when they lose, that it must be that the system is conspiring against them, and not that they are just dead wrong. We keep seeing the same thing played out, over and over, with the same result. You would think at some point they would realize it doesn't work, and try another tactic. My suggestion to them is to go ahead and pay the obligation in full, then sue them under your theory to recover, with costs and interest. However, for some reason, none of them are willing to try this, which to me is odd, as if their position was so cut and dry, they would have nothing to lose, and could even make a nice return on the interest.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Hilarious levels of fail. Any more of this, he will deserve his own topic. The war is not over, until he has repaid those arrears.

NB - held the enforcement officers & sparky for 3hrs? I doubt that very much. If he even briefly attempted to detain them, they would've called the Police themselves and "False Imprisonment Kennedy" would have been led away in handcuffs. And now he's going to "lien them personally" is he? Will be fascinating to see how that fares under UK law.... :haha: :haha:
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Hercule Parrot »

NYGman wrote:What amazes me is that there are so many self-taught legal experts, who have found something in the laws, that no other legal scholar has found....
Alexander Ross (viewtopic.php?f=52&t=10576&p=226823#p226823) goes some way further than that - he's now claiming to have developed the science of physics to an 'incredible' extent, exceeding Einstein's achievements:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... 74#p458374

It is hardly surprising that the legal system is child's play to such an intellect, or that the judiciary are forced to underhand tactics to suppress his equally astonishing litigation victories.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by mufc1959 »

I love following the average GOOFY's progress through the various forum threads:

1. New member intro
2. 3 letters/A4V/PCNs
3. Removal of Implied Right of Access
4. Dealing with DCAs/Solicitors
5. Dealing with Court/Summons
6. Dealing with Bailiffs
7. Bankruptcy

Rather like this, only without Testing and Acceptance.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Pox »

mufc1959 wrote:I love following the average GOOFY's progress through the various forum threads:

1. New member intro
2. 3 letters/A4V/PCNs
3. Removal of Implied Right of Access
4. Dealing with DCAs/Solicitors
5. Dealing with Court/Summons
6. Dealing with Bailiffs
7. Bankruptcy

Rather like this, only without Testing and Acceptance.
I would suggest that they do progress to testing and acceptance -

They do seek solutions, but they are UNrealistic and acceptance is just another step down the rabbit hole - this is their version of finding a way forward - but generally downhill.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by letissier14 »

An update on Noel kennedys stunning success



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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by longdog »

Monumental amount of butt-hurt there from Noel as he now has precisely two options... Use the pre-payment meter which will take somewhere in the region of 60% - 70% of every bit of credit he puts on the payment key to go towards paying off the debt or just don't use electricity at all. Either way he has lost and he's going to have to do what the rest of us have to do and actually pay for his utilities.

I suppose there's the third idiotic option which was popular over on GOOFY for a while of installing his own meter but Npower will twig to the fact he's not buying credit in very short order at which point he'll be cut off entirely and prosecuted.

I would imagine Noel is absolutely incandescent with rage at this point which gives me great pleasure.

ETA: Oh... And then there's the fourth option of waiting until they receive the commercial liens for umptysquillion pounds (even though he says 'money does not exist') and back down of course. :beatinghorse:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by AndyPandy »

He's wonderful, how can someone get everything so wrong in so short a post, if he doesn't want to pay for electricity why doesn't he just stop using it, how can he not be liable to pay for something he's used :shrug:

I spent 12 years of my early life working for the CEGB (which then became National Power), power stations then were big, dirty and dangerous. Why does he think he can get something for nothing, someone has to dig the coal, transport it to the power station where it's turned into powder and injected into a boiler, electricity produced under massive pressure / spin of the turbine blades, out onto the pylons and through substations until it reaches a home and on at a flick of a switch and this parasite doesn't want to pay for it - twat, deserves everything he's got !!
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Noel is an utterly amazing idiot, even for this group of idiots. So all his righteous fury was for naught. They ignored him and installed a PP meter and so now he can either pay or sit and sulk in the dark, and even if he doesn't pay they will take him to court for the arrears. So much stupid in one place. The commenters aren't much better. How do these people manage to be that stupid and clueless.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by longdog »

AndyPandy wrote:He's wonderful, how can someone get everything so wrong in so short a post, if he doesn't want to pay for electricity why doesn't he just stop using it, how can he not be liable to pay for something he's used :shrug:
You're not paying attention... According to The Consumer Credit act it's 'paid through commerce' :shrug:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by AndyPandy »

They even tell him under what legislation they've done it Electricty Act 1989 Schedule 6

1)Where a customer has not, within the requisite period, paid all charges due from him to an electricity supplier in respect of the supply of electricity to any premises or the provision of an electricity meter, the supplier may—
(a)install a pre-payment meter on the premises; or

(b)disconnect the premises,

and the supplier may recover any expenses incurred in so doing from the customer.

The 'Agreement' in Regulations he's talking about The Electricity (Prepayment Meter) Regulations 2006 - he didn't read far enough, in the notes at the bottom.

An agreement as specified in the Regulations is not required when the electricity prepayment meter is being used solely to collect sums for the supply of electricity or provision of an electricity prepayment meter to the current premises.

http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2006 ... 010_en.pdf

Dick head, obviously he cannot read, he's lucky they didn't just disconnect him !
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by letissier14 »

Some guy called Lance on GOODF talking about commercial liens

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... ytm7PkrLcs

Also video


Listen to the crap from 9m 15secs he is spouting :haha: :haha:

The more I listen to this the more wacky he becomes
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by exiledscouser »

longdog wrote: I would imagine Noel is absolutely incandescent with rage at this point which gives me great pleasure.
And which will solve Noel's problems reading when it gets dark, the 'leccy having been disconnected.

Noel will shortly be joining Toothless Lance, Manor-less Guy and Nutty Neelu in the 100% complete "success with commercial lien" club.