Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by arayder »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote: So it looks like he's doing a two-teired approach - meet at the carpark, then off to the secret venue once he's vetted the group. Nothing surprising there.
Sounds like the behavior of a cult leader.

My guess us that some past venues have realized after the fact that they rented out their halls to somebody engaged in a fraud. It doesn't seem to me that Peter goes back to the same place twice, but I could be wrong.

The meet-at-the-car-park ploy suggests Peter knows if he publicizes the meeting site all somebody (debunker, dissatisfied WeRe customer, the last pub owner) has to do is send the venue an email telling them what WeRe bank is all about and then he's out in the street.

I hadn't considered the notion that Peter would vet the group to see if their is a non-believer in the crowd. This is in character with his move to make the WeRe forum a closed group. If Peter is worried that a "troll" might join the group then one would figure that he's planned to have the muscle on site to tell the interloper that he's not going to be joining the group.

Speaking of muscle, ya' gotta' figure that out of all the disappointed WeRe bank clients there's going to be a couple who aren't going to take Peter's jive talk about how and why their checks are bouncing and decide to do something about it.

Maybe it's these folks Peter wants to keep out of the meeting.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

longdog wrote: I read it more as "I want to set up a way of scamming more people out of more money but I want to establish a buffer zone of people who will get their heads kicked in when the whole thing finally collapses".
I said elsewhere on here before that the more intelligent predators, in these ponds, tend to like to have a fall guy around.

It's a rule of thumb that can be used to determine a players place on the totem pole, it's why we know that the litigation facing Haining's of this world, or the house losing Crawford's are the sheep, where as the brown envelope receiving players, like Smith, or Gerrish, are the shepherds, leading the lambs to slaughter.

One day Ceylon, and Tom, will wake up with immortal words of John Lydon floating around in their heads "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?".

The easiest man to cheat is the greedy man, as his avarice will do it to himself, and in these circles that's never been more true, where the lack of character, the lack of honesty and integrity has served to create an ever constricting monster, born of their own deceits, that is dragging them further and further down, financially, and in terms of reputation, with plenty of levels of hell for them to still descend to.
arayder wrote:Sounds like the behavior of a cult leader.
There are agencies that do consider groups at the extreme fringes of these movements as being cults
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by AndyPandy »

timcurgenven1 wrote:No shit Sherlock

Daniel Thomas
Today at 1:51pm
Beware of what you are saying on here as the Trolls are out in force. Just had one send me a message that he has contacted my local council to warn them of my sending a cheque. Like I have said else ware, just show that a cheque has cleared and that money is transferred.

Daniel Thomas
Today at 12:38pm
Hi Peter! I think that the only way to shut the trolls up is to show that a cheque has cleared and that funds were transferred.
Alternatively, don't brag that you're about to commit an act of fraud on the Internet, as law abiding citizens ( who pay towards the facilities you're enjoying / using ) Might just take exception ! :Axe:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:.....Haining's of this world, or the house losing Crawford's are the sheep, where as the brown envelope receiving players, like Smith, or Gerrish, are the shepherds, leading the lambs to slaughter.
I have been trying to work out who could be putting anything in brown envelopes for these idiots. What's to gain? Who wins from any of this?

A small run down removals company getting a few extra jobs? A low end security company winning a few days work? A development company getting a small patch of less than prime land? The banks will almost certainly lose a lot more than they would have gained if the mortgage had been paid.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote: I have been trying to work out who could be putting anything in brown envelopes for these idiots. What's to gain? Who wins from any of this?
Gerrish gets plenty of "donations", he is the "media" after all, and a senior figure at conferences and speaking engagements.

People like Crawford and Haining are mere fodder, egg them on, encourage them, and milk their actions for propaganda purposes.

The mortgage stuff is just very expensive theatre, paid for by the evicted martyrs, and the tax payers.

The smart monies in the suit and ties, and often in brown envelopes.

I knew one in America who used to get between $50k and $100k a year in donations just towards web hosting costs, about $50k a year from speaking engagements, about $50k in other donations, plus income from books and merchandise.

On a good year he was pulling over $250k, and that was over a decade ago.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:
YiamCross wrote: I have been trying to work out who could be putting anything in brown envelopes for these idiots. What's to gain? Who wins from any of this?
Gerrish gets plenty of "donations", he is the "media" after all, and a senior figure at conferences and speaking engagements.

People like Crawford and Haining are mere fodder, egg them on, encourage them, and milk their actions for propaganda purposes.

The mortgage stuff is just very expensive theatre, paid for by the evicted martyrs, and the tax payers.

The smart monies in the suit and ties, and often in brown envelopes.

I knew one in America who used to get between $50k and $100k a year in donations just towards web hosting costs, about $50k a year from speaking engagements, about $50k in other donations, plus income from books and merchandise.

On a good year he was pulling over $250k, and that was over a decade ago.
I doubt Gerrish gets more than 100 views on a good day. Most of those are probably people like me wandering by to see if he's really as big a twat as I've heard. To save anyone else the trouble, yes he is, at least if not more so.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:
I doubt Gerrish gets more than 100 views on a good day.
The guy in America didn't get $50k's worth of traffic either, it doesn't stop these types taking multiple donations for these things though.

You tend to have two types of fish they angle for, petite tippers, those that give a small, often regular donation, these type are frequently vulnerable people and exploiting them helps keep things just about ticking over, and then you get whales.

An example whale for a conman might be someone's feckless and not very clever son, never worked in his life, then aged 50 inherits as the only child from his hard working and prudent father.

Then you convince him real banks are out to get him, so he should invest in your pretend one instead, or the real media is corrupt, so he should invest in your pretend media instead, or that real politicians are greedy, so he should invest in your pretend one instead.

It's just like when a fake roofer knocks on your door and tells you he can see loose tiles on your roof, before charging you ten times the going rate to fix something that didn't need fixing, which he blames on the real roofer before.

Then when you've paid you never hear from him again, not even pretending to do the job he said needed doing, that actually didn't.

ETA: ... genda.html
I stormed out, followed by a lady called Pat, and a man, I cant remember his name, a biggish man, soft spoken with a bit of a beard, and she explained to me that Brian didn't like Hemming either, and that Hemming had only been invited in order to trick him, to make him fall into a hole. So I decided to trust Brian, though I did say he should have told me what his plan was. So I handed in my summery and documents, and also a generous donation to fund Brian Gerrish's work - which I assumed at that time to be to stop institutional child abuse.
I make donations to things, we all do, nothing wrong with making or receiving donations.

However, do all donations go where the donors expect?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by mufc1959 »

You know, with all of this rubbish posted on Facebook, I think Peter is not only batshit crazy, but he's also canny as f**k. ... 9179700768

This is how it's gone down.

- cheques not accepted? That's because you didn't get them pre-approved (or 'cleared' as WeRe Bank calls it) before you sent them.

- cheques still not accepted? You obviously didn't fill them in correctly. It's your fault. Watch this video. You are just idiots.

- cheques still not accepted? You probably forgot to send the allonge. It's your fault. Watch this video. You are incapable of following the simplest instructions. Educate yourselves!

- cheques filled in correctly, pre-approved, with allonge but still not accepted? It's the bank's fault. Send the notarial protest.

- cheques filled in correctly, pre-approved, with allonge AND notarial protest but still not accepted? You probably filled in the notarial protest incorrectly. Watch this video. You are nothing but uneducated morons and need to pay attention.

- cheques filled in correctly, pre-approved, with allonge, notarial protest filled in properly but still not accepted? It's the bank's fault. Take me to court!

- the bank wants an electronic transfer and you've sent me the account details? You expect me to phone you back?

- the bank wants an electronic transfer and you've sent me the account details? Ah, okay, if the bank wants to use Swift, here are a series of impossible tasks you must force the bank to complete before I'll do it.

- the bank won't comply with my conditions for using Swift? The bank is evil, supporting terrorism and crime. It would be against my moral code to use the method of transfer it has requested. It must use Swallow!

- the bank won't accept my Swallow transfer (an email saying "it's cleared! Hooray!"). It's the bank's fault.

He knows exactly what he's doing. That "Swift has been Swallowed" piece wasn't written off the cuff on the back of one Red Bull too many. He's an experienced conman and has thought about this very carefully, anticipating what the next stage will be in his "customers'" journey through this quagmire and doing everything he can to persuade them that it's everyone else's fault but his when it all goes tits up.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by exiledscouser »

On Peter's FB site and within the smooth recruitment drive for more stooges as the pyramid grows from the top down;
Peter of England wrote:these are PAID positions and can be very lucrative for those with the necessary belief systems in place
That'd be a suspended belief system I suppose, must be available for an immediate start in September. I wonder how their "lucrative' remuneration is to be paid?

And then today in the latest of what appears to be a purple patch of postings, enigmatically and perhaps prophetically;
Peter of England wrote:Arrests are coming.......but whose going to be in the cage, that's the question? Pip! Pip! Pip!
Answers on a post card to the usual address. At least he seems to have (mostly) fixed the problem with his caps lock key.

A comment from "Janis Beck", one which for the moment has survived a visit from the Ministry of Truth;

"So does this mean that more banks will now accept WeRe cheques"

No Janis. No bank does - not even WeRe Bank. When will the penny drop?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by slowsmile »

Now PoE is colluding with someone to defraud the DWP - this prospective WeRe Bank member wants to attend a WeRe meeting and claim it was a job interview so he can get expenses for the journey - naturally PoE is only too willing to help. ... 22R4%22%7D
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Don't seem to be many takers for the meeting on Saturday so far reading the comments on FB.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

Our Peter doesnt like being questioned:
Beware of what you are saying on here as the Trolls are out in force. Just had one send me a message that he has contacted my local council to warn them of my sending a cheque. Like I have said else ware, just show that a cheque has cleared and that money is transferred.
Most Recent

Peter Of England Faith moves mountains - By the fact that you ask for proof CONFIRMS the disbelief. What do you think this is running on...fairy dust! Let you be the first to show it works(?) Thousands per month aren't joining in order to confirm it's a scam...if it was by now, don't you think it would have been rumbled?
22 minutes ago · Edited

Peter Of England And this is my page ...I say what I like and what I choose. Fear is the destroyer of your everything...
21 minutes ago
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by YiamCross »

Peter Of England Faith moves mountains - By the fact that you ask for proof CONFIRMS the disbelief. What do you think this is running on...fairy dust! Let you be the first to show it works(?) Thousands per month aren't joining in order to confirm it's a scam...if it was by now, don't you think it would have been rumbled?
22 minutes ago · Edited

Peter Of England And this is my page ...I say what I like and what I choose. Fear is the destroyer of your everything...
21 minutes ago

Thousands per month aren't joining. Full stop. End of. So far only 600 & odd in the forum and probably less than that in the bank. So thousands haven't joined, there will never be thousands and I'm surprised it's got into the low hundreds, though hou many of them remain active once they find out they can't pay for a second hand bin liner with a Weary cheque I have no idea. Not many I expect. It takes a special kind of stupid to sign up in the first place, the kind which will part with money without proof of a viable product but to stay on while the cheques come back like like rubber bullets from a dullard's thick head would require an extraordiary level of stupid. Kind of Jimmyw levels and that's a rare attribute unsustainable for very long.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

Just because he hasn't been busted yet, doesn't make it legitimate. These things take time, a case has to be built, evidence needs to be gathered. So, yes, he hasn't been "rumbled" yet, but I suspect it will happen in due course. Madoff wasn't "rumbled" for many years, yet what he was doing was quite illegal.

Time is not on Peters side. He really is delusional :brickwall:

Edit: And based on the definition [to be found out], I believe he has been rumbled, in that he has been reported to many authorities, and they are well aware of his actions, they have just yet to act, so Peter, you have been rumbled...
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

Peter wrote:Thousands per month aren't joining ...
True, they aren't. The private forum has about 200 new members/month, current total 633. As most forum posts are tales of woe, I doubt that many of those 200 actually sign up for the bank; perhaps 100/month. I expect a similar number give up on it, so the membership is stable at around 300 to maybe 400.

These are guesses and I wouldn't argue about a hundred or two either way, but I think it is highly unlikely he has as many as 1000 active members each paying £10/month.

With this turnover he needs to keep attracting new member just to keep still, let alone grow the business. And he can't do everything: dream up new gimmicks, and do the admin, and give 3-hour lectures every month. Hence the franchise lark: get other people to do the legwork in return for a small proportion of the £25.

The American are tougher than us Brits on cheque fraud, so Peter needs a buffer to deal with problems like:
210980DL wrote:I wrote a check to my friends company for services rendered. They cleared, he waited 7 days he spent the money. But now they reversed the transaction. They are calling the checks fraudulent etc now I am a bit worried, those are some serious accusations. Anybody have some advice? They cleared the check now 8-9 days later they say Fraudulent.

Above post I live in the USA and it was wells fargo. There needs to be a formal notice to wells Fargo sent from Were Bank. They claim it's fraudulent like "Were Bank" does not exist.
060572MW wrote:DL,
I am in the same situation as you are and I live in the US as well.
Wells Fargo actually shredded my rent check that sent out at the end of July to cover the remaining time for my lease.
Wells Fargo sent a letter with a copy of my cheque front and back with the statement showing what to do. They also said that they no longer accept foreign cheques. On top of that, they wrote VOID across my cheque. :shock: :shock: :shock:
That was very disrespectful

Now I'm not sure if I send them a copy of the of the copy they sent me with the cheque information on it or write another one?
Source: private WeRe Bank forum, "The Banks are voiding our cheques" thread.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NG3 »

NYGman wrote:Just because he hasn't been busted yet, doesn't make it legitimate. These things take time, a case has to be built, evidence needs to be gathered.
I'd imagine they'd want to attend one of his meetings, for surveillance reasons, before they make a move, you know to witness and record him blatantly digging his own grave.

& especially if there's also been international complaints I'd imagine they've been liaising with the prosecution service from day one so that they can play it out exactly to order to make a perfect case.

I mean this really is on a plate for them so they might as well take their time and get the maximum result out of it, while seeing if it leads to connections with any other undesirables as well.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by notorial dissent »

Just as an FYI for the UK readers, American banks DO NOT accept foreign checks for clearance except on a hold for clearance basis that can take upwards of two months, and they charge a whopping fee for the privilege, plus top of the line exchange rate fees. I suspect what happened on the yoyo's check is that it was processed in normal batch, since whoever took it didn't spot it was a foreign check, and that they didn't get it back from FED mismatch in the normal turnaround time since they didn't quite know what to do about it either. If more than a handful of them come through a Comptroller's Circular will go out to the banks to NOT accept them, and they'll be outed to the outsort file.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by mufc1959 »

I think the person whose cheque was shredded had previously boasted that he'd paid up his lease to the end of its term. Although my knowledge of US law is limited to watching Judge Judy, I gather there is far less protection for defaulting tenants than there is in the UK.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by notorial dissent »

Depending on where he lives, the terms of his lease, and past actions, he could be right and properly screwed and out of an apartment, not to mention going to jail if the check was large enough. Bad check laws vary from place to place, and some are downright nasty, particularly if fraud is or could be claimed to be involved.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by slowsmile »

NG3 wrote:[
I'd imagine they'd want to attend one of his meetings, for surveillance reasons, before they make a move, you know to witness and record him blatantly digging his own grave.

& especially if there's also been international complaints I'd imagine they've been liaising with the prosecution service from day one so that they can play it out exactly to order to make a perfect case.

I mean this really is on a plate for them so they might as well take their time and get the maximum result out of it, while seeing if it leads to connections with any other undesirables as well.
Why would they need to attend a meeting? PoE has his meetings recorded and uploaded on to youtube.