Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

As has been pointed out previously by posters, it is not up to the accused to decide whether they have a case to answer to or not. Whilst they can make that comment, based on the available evidence, that will be decided by the bench of Magistrates or a Judge. If they decide that there is no case to answer, the case would be dismissed.

For Guy and followers to assume that by stating that they have no case to answer in court and refusing to enter either a guilty or not guilty pleasure just annoys and aggravates the bench, who are becoming more and more aware of FMOTL practices, and more versed in dealing with their fuckwittery.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

Freudian slip there. Guilty or not guilty pleas not pleasure. Having spoken to most of these individuals previously I can assure all on here that it is definitely not pleasurable
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

hanlons razor wrote:She says that on the belief that a court can't make a verdict or pass sentence when someone has stated they "have no case to answer". I'm sure she'll be singing a different tune when guys sentence is reported on goodf .
I think I can see where she has dropped a bollock.
Read carefully what she wrote:
It's all okay folks..I have called the Court following receipt of information that they were going to cast judgment on a "no case to answer" and have been assured that they follow the rules. Now, taking that answer at face value and deeming the man on the phone was honourable I thanked him for confirming that there was no way their court could pass judgment on a "no case to answer".
Taken literally, that is technically true. If you phoned a court and asked what happens in a situation when there is no case to answer you would be informed that the accused is free to go. So she probably was told that. But what she does not realise is that would only happen if the decision of the court was that there was no case to answer. That is the scenario the bod on the other end of the phone was talking about. It would not happen just because the accused stated there was no case to answer. If she had asked what happens when the defendant states there is no case to answer she would have received a different response.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by exiledscouser »

Nonsense responses from a defendant just result in the court recording things as a formal plea of not guilty. Then they proceed as normal.

Looks like GT has used his tried and trusted foolery to wind up the bench and get sent down for contempt.

Lovin' the faux outrage of the camp-followers bigging each other up to action none of them will take. Besides, Aberystwyth is so far west it's just about in Dublin so by the time the Goofys get a bus up it'll be Wednesday next week.

Looks like he may have gone daaaaaahn
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by mufc1959 »

exiledscouser wrote:

Looks like he may have gone daaaaaahn
How awful it would be for the GOOFYs if both Guy and Jimmy get sent down on the same day. The absence of a bragging YT video suggests Jimmy might have had a bad day too.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

If he has been sentenced to a term at Her Majesty's, he will be held up by the FMOTL crowd as some sort of martyr. It will do his street cred no harm whatsoever. Clearly his no case to answer defence was as useful as tits on Tarzan
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

And quite why others would pay to listen to his advice defies logic and comprehension
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by littleFred »

Apprently Guy got 7 days for contempt. On ETFOTB:
Tom wrote:PLEASE SHARE .....Update regarding our good friend Guy Taylor Guy has been found guilty of contempt of court despite not being guilty of what he has been accused of, he has been sent to Swansea prison for 7 days, and this afternoon a women prosecutor appeared in the court and lied in the dock about guy's behaviour, she was not even present at the morning hearing and she purgered herself in court by lying about his behaviour. The Magistrates appeared to be on Guy's side however the Court Clerk Micheal Kray instructed the magistrates to retire because they appeared uncomfortable with what was happening and when they re-appeared with the clerk they found Guy guilty the Clerk more or less lead the whole proceeding's and he was especially shipped in..

What is happening in Aberystwyth Magistrates Court ? Complete corruption and it's outrageous what is going on in this court it is run by criminals against the people. Once Guy has been released we will discuss what Lawful Action (unlike them) can be take against these criminals running Aberystwyth's Magistrates court and in particular this Man Micheal Kray (criminal) Clerk of the Court.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Footloose52 »

afateworsethandeath wrote:If he has been sentenced to a term at Her Majesty's, he will be held up by the FMOTL crowd as some sort of martyr. It will do his street cred no harm whatsoever. Clearly his no case to answer defence was as useful as tits on Tarzan
It'll be lauded as TPTB working to cover the fact that he had a perfectly sound and legal defence but TPTB had to silence him in case everyone else found out about it.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by hanlons razor »

7 days for contempt

Edit: just seen little Fred beat me to it.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

All he had to do was stand in court and keep quiet. Too much to ask for I suppose where he is concerned. I bet the GOODF and EFOTB crowd are apoplectic.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by hanlons razor »

Don't even know where to begin with toms post but if must say if he was found not guilty of whatever he was originally there for but has, through his own actions, earned himself a 7 day stay at her majesty's pleasure then that could certainly qualify as justice.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

I would be surprised if he has even been dealt with for the original offence that he was appearing for. Clearly he opened his mouth to the bench, who were quite prepared to back up their threat of custody for contempt with some action.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Another successful day in court for Guy Taylor then. There's no stopping him. He just keeps on winning.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by afateworsethandeath »

With luck like his he needs to have a go on the lottery this week
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by FatGambit »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:Another successful day in court for Guy Taylor then. There's no stopping him. He just keeps on winning free food and lodgings.
FTFY :lol:
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

afateworsethandeath wrote:With luck like his he needs to have a go on the lottery this week
I'm not sure if there is a lottery terminal in Swansea prison. :lol:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by midjit-gems »

More proof the lottery is run by the government and out to defraud them of more of their hard Erm earned money

However I'm sure if he was fortunate enough to get hold of a ticket he'd win every week due to his amazing forensic analysis of the ticket and the draw
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Dr. Caligari »

hanlons razor wrote:And as always is the case these suggestions come from people who are safe at home behind their keyboard unfortunately too far from the court to be there in person to do this themselves but strongly believe that those there should totally do this as something has to be done :brickwall:
Some lovely person on GOODF posted this charming message:
it's time to deal with these fuckers in a way they should be dealt with....they should all get what Leo Frank got...
If you don't know who Leo Frank was, click here:
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by hanlons razor »

Which is always great to see when they also seem to be going to some effort to locate this person and their family...
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