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Re: jimmywx11

Post by longdog »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
arayder wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me how these delusional folks can lose income, homes, cars and get their asses kicked in court and still believe they got control of the situation such that they can hunt down their debunkers.
IIRC Ceylon and his sidekick did exactly the same. They claimed to be in possession of our personal details. But, like everything that comes out of Ceylon's gob, it turned out to be bullshit.
I spend a lot of my interwebs time arguing with morons who think their empty threats and keyboard warrior posturing actually bother me and so I will make this promise...

Jimmy... And I know you'll read this... Post, either here or on another site of your choice evidence that you have donated a mere £10 to the PDSA, and you can have my full name, address, date of birth and phone number... Your move.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

No-one has threatened to kill your dog on here Jimmy, yet another lie.

48 pages of hate? Their is certainly some ridicule of your actions Jimmy but their is certainly no hate, lots of posters on this site have in fact tried to steer you in another direction from the ridiculous path you have chosen.

You have no evidence anyone from this site reported you to YT, if you had you would have said so, or being you made it up.

Your mate was filming in a courtroom, that can lead to a prison sentence in the UK, so you should perhaps be grateful that you have been given a reason to take the video down, a reason that will suit you perfectly because you can blame someone else.

Yet again you have proved to be a coward by asking others to join this site, why don't you do that yourself Jimmy?

Your not bothered by this site, but you make a foul mouthed video about it, and publish it on You tube.

Your so not bothered about who posts on this site, you offer money for information on them such as IP addresses, again publicly.

Your about 20 years behind what you can learn from an IP address, the world has also moved on from static IP's so good luck with your hacking attempts.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Jimmy or is it ?

I have a little confession to make, I didn't actually make a complaint to YouTube, but I did report your video to Halifax County Court. Mostly because you've claimed to be arranging for someone to film in their again, at your next hearing and I really think that asking a friend to risk a criminal sentence so that you can do a YouTube on how your life got ruined is exceptionally stupid. I would think that it likely someone from the court made a complaint.

The reason why you are of interest is because for all the wrong reasons people are stupid enough to listen to you and they give attention to your moronic acts of utter stupidity. Like the whole mail buddy thing, that worked out great, until the police turned up to arrest your buddy while you were asleep. Bet him and the missus loved that.

Now as for the claim that we have ever threatened Dante, I find that accusation abhorrent. I love dogs, they are great, I even support three charities (through regular donations, not just of money but also of dog toys, balls, blankets and food) that are for their benefit. I wouldn't allow anyone to threaten a dog, simply because it was unlucky when it came to finding an owner.

Finally in the spirit of giving away the ip address, mine is
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Jeffrey »

No-one has threatened to kill your dog on here Jimmy, yet another lie.
In fact, I'm 95% sure nobody on here even knew you had a dog.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

I feel nothing but the deepest concern for the poor dog, he has an absolute fool and moron for a master.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

PeanutGallery wrote:Jimmy or is it ?

The reason why you are of interest is because for all the wrong reasons people are stupid enough to listen to you and they give attention to your moronic acts of utter stupidity. Like the whole mail buddy thing, that worked out great, until the police turned up to arrest your buddy while you were asleep. Bet him and the missus loved that.
This has been mentioned before both here and on Goodfy, but it is worth repeating in the slim hope that Jimmy finally gets the message. Jimmy you have a very bad habit of broadcasting to anyone that listens, that your methods to avoid paying your dues work and worse still you seem to revel in encouraging others to do what you have done and miserably failed to achieve, as mentioned you were also called out on GOODF for the same thing and asked to tell the truth about your situation, your answer was to call the guy a dickhead, and deny you were bankrupt.

You are bankrupt Jimmy and your about to lose your home, yet you continue to post that others should follow your advice, along with your videos accusing the Police amongst other things of "kicking the shit" out of a woman while you did your "stretch," It was 18 hours Jimmy not life.

I doubt many from this site have reported you for anything, you broadcast for everyone to see what your going to do or have done, we don't need to, as someone else correctly posted, the only person grassing you up is yourself. Quatloos are not the sole watchers of your YT videos or your "advice" on Goodf.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

Don't worry Jimmy, as soon as the Receivers have possession of your home and have sold it to pay their MASSIVE fees - they get paid first remember - might not be even be enough left over to pay your creditors - you'll be like Tom Crawford and will drift off penniless into obscurity.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

GOOFy woody65's brain is working overtime:
I agree 100% that cough loose (ie shit themselves) site is govenment funded after seeing it for the first time. No ads or paid membership, i mean, c'mon wtf....
These anti-corporate goofs only trust sites that are funded by corporations advertising..
cough loose (ie shit themselves)
I always think it is so sad when you attempt to make a joke but within the same sentence you have to explain it. It kind of proves it isn't really a joke.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

No ads or paid membership, i mean, c'mon wtf....
No ads or paid membership? Is that what you need to have to be a truther site? You need to somehow collect money from people or be paid to show the banners of those nefarious corporations in order to be free? As far as I know a lot of sites, many of which have gained a great deal of support in the 'truth' community (such as wikileaks don't have advertising or paid membership. GOODF on the other hand has shown banners for banks and such, GOODF is paid to do that, GOODF therefore takes a profit from the banking cartels.

Woody claims that we are part of the system he wants to fight against, using a forum that is funded by the system he wants to war.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by FatGambit »

To be fair, and I was amazed that someone as, err, educated as Brian Gerrish didn't realise this, the adverts on places like goodf and most newspaper sites are Google AdSense generated, which are tailored to the search history of the IP address being used to access the site, so if you do a lot of searches for 'beat my credit card debt' you will inevitably receive a lot of adverts for banking and credit card services, similarly if you search more than once at Google for Tai Girls you'll probably get a lot of adverts for Mail Order Bridal Services etc.

It's also something silly like 3p per 1000 impressions, the website owner has little input on the type of ads fed.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

True but the point still stands: GOOFs has adverts.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by FatGambit »

Yeah I wasn't disputing that, I try to avoid sites with AdSense on, although it's increasingly harder to do.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Actually my point was that for a site and movement that campaigns to be free of the corporate teat, run by individuals who espouse those views to their faithful followers, the owners and operators are more than happy to suckle at that same teat, it is also happy to pay them.

This site on the other hand is the work and the avocational pursuit of what I understand to be a single individual (although I may be wrong on that, I haven't been here that long), it doesn't fund raise, nor does it profit from the meandering scribblings we post. Yet this is the one that is considered to be part of the corporate structure and simply because unlike others this one doesn't show any overt sign of suckling on that aforementioned teat.

So Woody instead imagines that because this site is not funded by the corporate elite it is less likely to be independent than the vast majority of 'truther' network sites which are directly funded by the corporations and do not even try to hide this from their followers.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Burnaby49 »

This site on the other hand is the work and the avocational pursuit of what I understand to be a single individual (although I may be wrong on that, I haven't been here that long), it doesn't fund raise, nor does it profit from the meandering scribblings we post. Yet this is the one that is considered to be part of the corporate structure and simply because unlike others this one doesn't show any overt sign of suckling on that aforementioned teat.
Not quite. Quatloos was started and is financed by a lawyer in Texas who very rarely posts and, for all I know, no longer even pays any attention to it. He last posted in December 2014. Wserra does most of the back-room work with webhick handling the computer aspects. The rest is we moderators lording it over the rest of you. That's about it. About as basic as you can get. The site has remained pretty much the same as long as I've been following it. No bells and whistles, no flashy graphics, just text.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Not quite. Quatloos was started and is financed by a lawyer in Texas who very rarely posts and, for all I know, no longer even pays any attention to it. He last posted in December 2014. Wserra does most of the back-room work with webhick handling the computer aspects. The rest is we moderators lording it over the rest of you. That's about it. About as basic as you can get. The site has remained pretty much the same as long as I've been following it. No bells and whistles, no flashy graphics, just text.

Wait, what... I thought Bones ran the show!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NYGman »

you forgot about the Mugs and caps...


from an old reply from Jay Adkisson
We wrote AssKisser several emails. Most recently, we asked him where he gets his funding. I'm sure you realize that lawyers don't work for free, and in most cases, they entered the profession so they could get rich quick. Here was the interchange:

Name: Mark
City: San Diego
State: CA
Country: US

Question: Since your site focuses on tax, trust, and money scams and is political in nature, its entirely appropriate as a nonprofit organization that you fully disclose where your contributions come from. This kind of full disclosure would bolster your credibility. I would like to donate but I refuse to do so without a full disclosure of your recipients and/or donating organizations. In particular, I would also like to know how much of the money comes either directly or indirectly from the following organizations:

1. The U.S. government
2. State governments
3. The American Bar Association
4. Trial lawyers.
5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage). I don't want to know individual names.


Sure! The percentage of funding we receive is below:
1. The U.S. government
2. State governments
3. The American Bar Association
4. Trial lawyers.
5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage).
100% (mostly from mug sales -- people love our mugs, but our caps are cool too!).

Also, we are not a political group and do not advocate the election of any candidate of any party whatsoever.

Hope this helps!

He has only been selling mugs for about one of the last three years. How many of you believe that a tax lawyer, most of whom earn $300 or more per hour, is going to work basically for charity. And how many of you believe that the the very uncharitable things he says about tax honesty advocates have a charitable motive? Click here to read a few samples. We don't believe that his efforts are charitable in any sense of the word. Charitable causes don't trash people. We don't trash people, we criticize bad (sinful) behavior, but no people. We don't hate AssKisser, but we hate the evil that he does to people by misinforming them and by lying to them about what the tax laws say. AssKisser also contradicted his own words above in a posting on his Tax Protester's forum on July 28, 2003, in which he said:

I'm tempted to have the non-profit that sponsors Quatloos!, i.e., Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., apply for leave to join the suit as Amicus Curiae, and then immediately file a motion for Rule 11 sanctions against WTP and all involved. Those possibly interested in helping out with a such a lawsuit, contact me offline.

Wait a minute! First he says all his revenues come from coffee mugs, and then he turns around and says that he instead is sponsored by a nonprofit group. You can't have it both ways. Either coffee mugs or an external organization sponsor the costs, but he only mentioned one of the two so AssKisser must be a liar. Right after we posted this article, Mr. AssKisser trumped himself again in response to it. We found the above quote by searching his online forums using the "Search" button. Well, apparently when Mr. Askisser read this article, he responded by removing the "Search" button from his Tax Protester Forum to make it more difficult to find postings made by him that would further expose his fraudulent dealings! Click here and visit his tax protester forums and try to locate a "search" button for yourself if you don't believe us!
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Burnaby49 »

mufc1959 wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
Not quite. Quatloos was started and is financed by a lawyer in Texas who very rarely posts and, for all I know, no longer even pays any attention to it. He last posted in December 2014. Wserra does most of the back-room work with webhick handling the computer aspects. The rest is we moderators lording it over the rest of you. That's about it. About as basic as you can get. The site has remained pretty much the same as long as I've been following it. No bells and whistles, no flashy graphics, just text.

Wait, what... I thought Bones ran the show!
Well Jay Adkisson is an obscure background figure few know exists and nobody mentions so maybe he's Bones after all. Wait, no, Jay has been the subject of a Hainings and Ceylon Cak and Mak roadshow. Since no Quatloos target has ever bothered to mentioned Bones in any context whatever he can't be Jay.

Kind of sad really. Bones has done 1,111 posts without even the consideration of a passing derogatory comment while Jay, who's done only 40 posts in the entire history of Quatloos, gets to be the star attraction of a CakMak segment. sorry Bones, life isn't fair.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »


Just in case anyone over looked it.. I did get 5 seconds in one cell's video :whistle:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

I think 5 seconds is rather over estimating things Bonesy. It was more like a flash of one of your Boners and then everyone rushed to forget what they had just seen.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NYGman »

Seems Solong has given up on his Mak and Crack routine, I sort of miss the inane babbling.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.