Revolting Republic

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

Hercule Parrot
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Revolting Republic

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Apologies if this is old ground, but I stumbled across an interesting Eire messageboard -

The topic linked above is very long, spanning nearly 2 years & 1000 posts, but provides an interesting narrative into their local GOOFy-types. Ben Gilroy is mentioned a lot, seems to be a blowhard along the the lines of Guy Taylor.

It seems that they have a "Land League" which vaguely correlates to the E&W "Response" mob, but the Irish chapter are somewhat more aggressive in tactics. I clicked around a few yewtoobs and there was much jostling (also a pleasing amount of Father Ted style swearing), eg -
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Revolting Republic

Post by vampireLOREN »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Apologies if this is old ground, but I stumbled across an interesting Eire messageboard -

The topic linked above is very long, spanning nearly 2 years & 1000 posts, but provides an interesting narrative into their local GOOFy-types. Ben Gilroy is mentioned a lot, seems to be a blowhard along the the lines of Guy Taylor.

It seems that they have a "Land League" which vaguely correlates to the E&W "Response" mob, but the Irish chapter are somewhat more aggressive in tactics. I clicked around a few yewtoobs and there was much jostling (also a pleasing amount of Father Ted style swearing), eg -
Thank You Hercule, made me homesick :thinking:
If people from Poland are called Poles Why are aren't people from Holland called Holes?