The speeding was sufficiently minor that the driver would have qualified to do a Speeding Awareness Course, cost around £90, with no prosecution. But freeman1975 decided to fight. Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 section 172, the police required him to name the driver. freeman1975 explained that he didn't have the permission of the other three possible drivers to name them, and anyway it was the police's job to prove who it was. And it certainly wasn't him, because he no longer drives but travels.
freman1975 was prosecuted for failing to name the driver. He used these arguments, also demanding to know who the injured party was, and so on. Unsurprisingly, he was found guilty.
This would actually be a fine, plus costs, plus a victim surcharge. Our hero doesn't take this lying down. He appealed.freeman1975 wrote:Up-shot, I got fined £1000+, plus 6 penalty points
The appeal was held in October. Conviction upheld; another £475 costs. He required them to move the case to Queens Bench. They didn't.freeman1975 wrote:I believe it gonna cost the system a tidy sum, ha, ha, ha.
In December 2014, he tried another appeal. Meanwhile, the Magistrates' Court was threatening bad things if he didn't pay his fines.
In January 2015 he received an arrest warning.
A few days ago he was arrested and banged up until the magistrate could see him, and then ...
freeman1975 wrote:The upshot was, I got a 28 days prison sentence, suspended and to pay the fine within 28 days, otherwise serve the time, if not paid.