YiamCross wrote:I must say I do question this ban on recording in courts. Maybe videos should be banned but when you can buy a transcription of what's been said, if not cheaply, why not just cut out the middle man. Maybe that's the key, keeping the transcription companies in business.
An interesting note on that point. A court transcript has to be signed off by the judge hearing the case and he can order it to be ammended. I find that worrying.
On the issue of court recording, if allowed, it should be only by the court, and with the courts consent and approval of the recording prior to release. An audio or video record can be edited or altered, which could change the meaning or intent of what was said. Selective editing, or even intentional manipulation of an audio or video record would not be good. The court keeps a record via a transcript, but even that can miss something, or omit a key word. This is why the court probably is required to approve and allowed to amend, to ensure the transcript is an accurate record of the hearing.
Imagine if they recorded the trial, and only released the bits that they liked, would this not present a false impression for the viewer/listener? A bit like Tom Crawford reading only paragraph 91, where the judge admonished B&B for not understanding how a number was calculated but omitting 92, where he says that the error is irrelevant, and does Tom no good.
I do believe more courts should record and release their own recordings, or allow a neutral party (News organization) to record, as long as the court approves the recording before release, to ensure it has not be altered, or alternatively, broadcast it live. This is related to audio only, Video is a whole other matter