Now we see a lot of crap paperwork on this page, but BBD has gone to town. He even includes a UCC filing form (p22), and has had then whole lot properly notarised (p107).As we know, judges really love this.
He seems to owe a grand and is being threatened with bankruptcy, and possible charging order on his house.
As always, remember folks
His legal 'facts' being relied on include BDW's pcn, and a whole lot of copy pasta from the internet.We await your response. Silence gives consent. Silence creates a tacit and binding agreement through acquiescence.
His FB page is an absolute delight of nonsense.If we are also not mistaken, ‘forcing’ inhabitants to pay for this insidious tax is dare we say it, slavery. For councils to have taken
by force from ignorant, yes ignorant, people for 20 years without once letting up on the pressure to ‘pay’. To strip people of their
property, to drive them from their homes, to steal ‘unpaid’ money from wages and benefits and to send ‘non-payers’ to prison for
failing to ‘pay’ is, let’s be honest, just……evil. Many of these victims could not ‘pay’, not, would not ‘pay’.
Rejoice in his works: ... pmffEUSSLx
this is going to be an eviction, make no mistake about it. They never learn.