Locking threads & other actions

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Locking threads & other actions

Post by AndyK »

Instead of adding to a locked thread:

In a sincere attempt to absolve myself of the reputation as the "moderator from hell," I have refrained from locking threads, placing posters in moderated status, and pulling wings off flies without a reasonable advance notice.

Other moderators, of course, are free to take such actions as they wish -- especially locking threads which are on a rapid trip to nowhere.

However, in defense of my evil twin (who seems to be responding to the medications), there does appear to be a great deal of sense in granting a poster sufficient latitude to demonstrate his/her ineptitude (Give them enough rope to hang themselves).

Visitors to Quatloosia should see that all visitors are welcome -- to the extent that they abide by the jurisdictional laws.

Thus, I recommend not moderating Percy; unless he absolutely refuses to play nice.
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Re: Locking threads & other actions

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I agree. If he, or Dnatural, persist in starting new threads which are simply continuations of the old, then we can talk about moderation; but for now, I'm still ready to give them the chance to be productive members.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools