Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Thanks, for that clarification

I thought it was something like that. In passing that on to my friend, who is probably one of 10 or 20 people who still believe in the OPPT nonsense, I got this reaction:

"If you want to find negatives YOU WILL FIND IT... that's part of what you are attracting and If you want to find the POSITIVES, YOU WILL FIND IT... and why we are choosing to stand up with these issues.. that's not negative in the handling.. because the power of thought and what we attract as unity consciousness is important too... not to feed the negative..."

In other words: "If I do not hear Truths I do not agree with, they do not exist."

How do you talk to someone who has a mind that works like that? I suppose the answer is: You do not bother.

This is the sort of people, if they have some money (somehow) have channeled it into OPPT, and the failed QEG device.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yeah that kind of response is essentially "Even though you just showed me my delusions are wrong, I WANT TO BELIEVE and thus I will no matter what you say." You can't reason with people like that.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

DailyPlanet: why not hit your friend below the belt. Point him to this fine specimen of OPPT-dom:
Though no doubt you'll be critiqued for "wanting to find negatives" once more.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

Some people take the Law of Attraction too far. The mayor of Pompeii was pretty positive that Vesuvius wouldn't erupt and we know how well that worked.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

An update on Shane Bennett, a true believer who decided to stop paying his mortgage and send in all the OPPT gibberish paperwork. Here we are about 1.5 years later and his house has been foreclosed on and of course none of Heather Tucci's magical documents worked (SURPRISE!). But has Shane learned? Nope. His next project, which he somehow thinks will give him back his house too, is to send intergalactic claims of rights to the Vatican/United Nations/etc.:

There really isn't much more to say, you just have to read this insanity for yourself. This is the language he came up with:
Benevolent Intergalactic Claim Of Right

I Shane Bennett a freewill flesh and soul Homo-galactic being blessed with a living Soul and family acting peacefully in service to all benevolent beings, do hereby make Oath and state the following is my highest truth. As a Sovereign Homo-galactic Being I claim I can do anything I choose, with my freewill and energy within Universal Galactic Common Law and Natural Law to never violate anyone's creative benevolent sovereign energy expression(s). This free-willed self aware galactic being under these laws can unhindered, freely with joy pursue all things benevolent. This Sovereign Homo-galactic Being Shane Bennett has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free within and with-out of all contracts, restrictions, obligations and limitations imposed by any entity with or without soul, therefore these entitie(s) cannot exert any belief system (or) control over this Sovereign Homo-galactic Being, Within Universal Galactic Common Law and Natural Law no permission is required to engage in benevolent activities that are in-service to others. It is unequivocal in logic that each Freewill Sovereign Homo-galactic Being holds the inalienable (un)conscious right to completely own and manage their ancestral karma, intent, beliefs, intellect, divinity, affinity, incarnation, memories, physicality, DNA, energy, free will and soul, regardless of time-line, dimension, vibration or density. The only powers able to claim any authority over this Sovereign Homo-galactic Being is the amoral, de jure, benevolent creator(s).

In Now Time Service This Sovereign Homo-galactic Being

________________________________________­__ In Personification, Circumscribe, Perpetual Remembrance Shane Bennett

Filed into the Akashic records In Witness Hereto: _________________________ dated this July 24th 2014
Notice to the one is notice to the all, Student In Galactic Contract Law MSB

The line here between being stupid and being mentally ill, is, as is always the case with the OPPT true believers - very fuzzy.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

I can't wait until they stumble upon the Interparallel Universes' Decree of Total Freedom.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

So now it's an "Intergalactic Claim Of Right" and he is a 'Sovereign Homo-galactic Being ", under "Universal Galactic Common Law". I guess the plain old fashioned common law didn't work out so well for him so now he's going to call on a higher common law, that'll work so much better. I'm sure the Vatican will be trembling in their cassocks over this one and that the UN will bow down and acknowledge his Galacticness, NOT!!! I somehow thing both bodies have other more pressing issues than some whack job sending them an incomprehensible pieces of scrawl that makes no sense.

It is something new though, I can't recall ever seeing sovrun nonsense couple with Akashic fantasy before. Next the space aliens will be demanding his property be restored to him. I would say this one has gone far down the rabbit hole and it is past time for an intervention and into the need for serious treatment territory.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

And that's how Shane loses custody of his kids.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

I see that Mr Bennett signs off as
Student In Galactic Contract Law MSB
Was it Yale or Harvard law school offering that course next semester? A pretty decent Grade Point Average needed to make the cut, I suspect.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

In the immortal words of Prof. Farnsworth, "Just knowing we're in the same genus makes me embarrassed to call myself Homo."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I predict the Rule in Kisikawpimootewin may be getting a workout on this file in the next while:
... the rule in Kisikawpimootewin v Canada, 2004 FC 1426 at para 9, 134 ACWS (3d) 396: that a court may strike a proceeding based on incomprehensible arguments and allegations, where the defendant is “left both embarrassed and unable to defend itself” and the court faces “a proceeding so ill‑defined that it is unable to discern an argument, or identify any specific material facts.”
As was observed in R. v. Fearn, 2014 ABQB 233 at para 23, the court does not have to reply to gibberish.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:It is something new though, I can't recall ever seeing sovrun nonsense couple with Akashic fantasy before. Next the space aliens will be demanding his property be restored to him. I would say this one has gone far down the rabbit hole and it is past time for an intervention and into the need for serious treatment territory.
A&A (Lord Rama and Lady Tara) used to be one of the main subjects of this board until they realized that such publicity was bad and went much more low-key. One of the things Lord Rama could do was "write XXX into the Akashic records." This phrase was both used as a reward and a threat, and the first place I heard this term (it's was actually coined in 100+ year old Theosophy).

One wonders how Shane filed it, perhaps he contacted A&A. For the latest on them and Ashtar on the Road, see ... 22-14.html It's not Heather, but it's just as crazy (just a taste of what's at the link below). And yes, I realize it doesn't make any sense.

Anyway that’s all a lie. This was taken down for a very particular reason by the same Nazionists of the day, because all the wealthy family heads they killed their own children. And we know someone here in Santa Fe who is a member of those families, those 13 families. And he was guided by Mother not to go.
Rama: That’s right.
Tara: And he still lived to tell the story.
Rama: Yep.
Tara: All his other cohorts are dead. They all went to Salt Lake City, Utah to meet, and they had agreed to get on that Flight 800, go to Paris, and announce to the world the Nazionist families that they came from, and their plans to take over the entire planet as the Fourth Reich started back in 1949. So how interesting is all of this? So Lady Di, what really happened is Lady Di at that time had given secret account dossier numbers to the Faction 3 White Knights in 1996, all of the secret dossier accounts of the 78 original programs, plus Herman vs Herman, the Peruvian gold program of VK Durham. Doris and EJ Eckert were killed because they got themselves in the middle of the VK Durham Peruvian gold thing and they got taken out by the same Nazionists.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like vintage Tara and Rama cray cray, and doesn't make any more sense now than it did back then. I really do think they're smoking something special in their magic pipes. I wonder who they've found to sponge off of now that their last sugar daddy got taken away from them?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:the Rule in Kisikawpimootewin
Bet your spellchecker kicked that one out.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Heather just gets more bizarre everyday...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wow, Heather seems to becoming...if it were possible...MORE unhinged? I am on the fence about whether I should mock her gibberish, is she just stupid or mentally ill? The ramblings have become so nuts I am leaning towards mentally ill.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't for a moment discount that Heather's rants are becoming more unhinged and incoherent, however, that does not alter the fact that I think we are also watching as her personality slowly disintegrate as she slips further and further in to her delusions and world of fantasy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Heather unhinged?
Perhaps she has been listening to too many EPIC Rap battles, like THIS one:

That's between Edison and Tesla, and the LINk comes from her post.

Maybe she should do her own EPIC battle with Mr. Sino of SwissIndo, or Neil Keenan
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Here's Five minutes of writing - You get the Idea...

My name is Heather,
I'm as light as a Feather.
People would die if they would just try
to take my docs to the banker guy
He'd give you six billion
If you ask for a squillion
Cause its yours already
Not your Uncle's Freddy's
Heather's no good, not in my hood.
Here we need Elders with a few gray hairs
To tell the account holders
that we're much bolder
Than the other guy, the small fry.
I'm a King of Kings
cause its got a nice ring
And I've got a thing... for Cor-o-nations
In my own sovereign nation
You talk Sovereign and you haven't a clue.
That's my thing - that's what I do!
I'm the BiG I AM, when it comes to scams.
You can't do it. In fact you blew it
Invited delegates from all over the world.
You promise to pay 'em if they travel,
and then it all unravel'd.
They come to Morocco to just to hang out
I make no promise to pay them
They come to pay me and pray that
Hope will show them the Light
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

An update on Shane Bennett, an OPPT true believer who decided to stop paying his mortgage in early 2013 and starting relying on Heather's gibberish:

To no ones surprise, despite his use of every single OPPT document ever made, his house got foreclosed on, had all his frivolous appeals dismissed, and now hes using sov'run/freeman on the land tactics to try to prevent the real estate company from entering the property. The real estate company got a court order to allow forced entry if needed since every time they called him he told them they'd all be sued under common law and weren't getting in.

Shane's response is to print up a fancy certificate on bond paper (skip to 50:00 in the video) which orders the Canadian mounties to protect his property because hes a sovereign but a Buddhist (so he can't protect it himself, supposedly). There is a treasure trove of gibberish documents here that hes firing off to every party involved in his foreclosure. Each one has the works - "international notary" fake seals, signed over postage stamps, claims of right, etc. Shane still believes that all this is going to work and hes not going to lose his house.

My favorite thing about Shane's newest "sure-first paperwork gibberish" attempt is that he is now including $1 postage stamps on all his gibberish documents. Then he puts in the that the stamp is "valuable consideration," and somehow he thinks this now means they have a contract because the stamp magically becomes consideration through his unilateral fostered contract gibberish.