Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

DailyPlanet wrote:There's one small problem : There isn't enough Gold.
But that is where the Galloping Galactics come in: They foresaw this problem and have considerately ordered Planet Aurum to head post-haste to Earth-Shan. The merging of both planets into one will provide all the gold we will need to enjoy the prosperity promised by the guru scamsters of these prosperity shows.

Of course, some may see that there is a problem with two planets "merging" and will see it as a cosmic disaster. Since DK has a background in chemistry, perhaps he can weigh in with the effects of gold toxification.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
DailyPlanet wrote:Since DK has a background in chemistry, perhaps he can weigh in with the effects of gold toxification.
As a real scientist, I can tell you that opinions without experimental data don't matter. So, I ran the following test.


Initial results weren't promising, but a willingness to keep trying even though to do so would be stupid is what makes us Americans exceptional.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:So, I ran the following test.
Which only goes to show that an evening with Deep Knight can be dangerous to your health. Supermodels, everywhere: At the end of your date, if DK invites you to come up to his laboratory and see his test tubes, take a rain check and head straight home.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

So, what you're saying is, Deep Knight's SprayTan formula #3754-45b doesn't work?
(Offers to work in Deep Knight's laboratory as supermodel spray tan remover.)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by davids »

Please bring back the water-powered sex bus!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:Please bring back the water-powered sex bus!
That was just a misunderstanding; it was actually ethanol-powered :mrgreen:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Heather's done !

After failing to attract enough sheeple, and money...
She's making her last posting, and shutting down her website
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LaVidaRoja »

But don't worry! Next week, she'll be back with a new website and a new scam!!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

I can't figure out what her final post says.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

It simply says

In Pure Love, Peace, and Gratitude, with the full responsibility and liability of I AM:




11111!!!SOURCE FOURCE !!!11111

As for "Source Fource," these are small "action figures" (dolls) from Microsoft. No foolin'.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

About the Last Post: ... -page.html

Maybe to mark the occasion, she should cremate some Courtesy Notices.
Or, if that's too "final" for her, she can freeze some documents, and hold them in the freezer.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by morrand »

wserra wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:He [Edward Velazquez - WS] was indited by grand jury in 2007, made a plea deal in 2010, but has apparently changed his mind and is looking to Heather for help.
In a nutshell, that's exactly what happened.

The indictment charges that Velazquez lied about his company, his contacts, his "investments", himself and everything else down to his dog's name, all for the purpose of defrauding his clients. He dicks around for a while, changing lawyers a couple of times and getting nowhere. Finally he does in fact plead guilty and splits. When he is captured and jailed, he moves to withdraw his guilty plea. The withdrawal motion makes it clear that he not only agreed to plead guilty, but also to cooperate against coconspirators and in fact had several conversations with the govt. Do the DooBee'ers know that?

Now he is dicking around again, pro se, desperately trying to avoid being sentenced by filing stuff like this. It begins:
Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing the opportunity for Absolute Truth to BE by the Absolute Knowledge from within absent limits;

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY and AUTHORIZATION, all rights reserved without recourse,
without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, the undersigned bondservant, state of body,
one of "The One People" (as defined per UCC Doc. No. 2012079290), eternal essence
inbodied (as defined per UCC Doc No. 2013032035), divine spirit incarnate (as defined in
Apostolic Pontificate), public policy, UCC 1-201(31) and (33),
and on and on and on, without saying a bloody thing.

His most recent masterpiece - filed last week - is more of the same. This time, however, the type fades into unreadability. A definite improvement.
An update on Edward Velazquez: He had appealed his conviction—no, wait, that's out of order.

You will be unsurprised to hear that he was convicted on his original plea, Heather's magic paperwork notwithstanding, and sentenced to 136 months in prison and $5.5 million in restitution (and no fine, Judge Zagel thinking that money was better put toward reimbursing his victims). He appealed three times, and two went through. The opinion by Judge Tinder was released last week.

"While we presume many criminal defendants are less than enthused about attending their own court proceedings," it begins, "Edward R. Velazquez's aversion to the inside of a courtroom was extraordinary." Seems that Mr. Velazquez appealed, in part, Judge Zagel's ultimate decision to impose sentence in his absence. Judge Zagel's decision to do so doesn't seem very surprising in light of the fact that his previous attempt to drag Mr. Velazquez to court caused several injuries to the defendant. Nevertheless, he (or his appointed counsel) asserted his right to be present for his own sentencing, and as suggested by the opening quoted above, the appeals court held that the district court was not obligated to hold off sentencing until the defendant felt like appearing voluntarily.

Now, I hadn't realized—though I should have—that we'd discussed Mr. Velazquez here, and started researching and writing up a long post about his case, and it turns out not to be so useful. Most of his filings go on and on, and it's all stuff we've seen before, mostly, but I did want to highlight some passages in the bulky Document #83, his motion to withdraw his guilty plea, the one Wes links above. So I'm going to copy-and-paste that section of my draft. Excuse me if this is repetitive.

——paste line here——

His grievance is common enough: that defense counsel conspired with the prosecution to compel him to sign a plea agreement against his interests. He gets there through his attached Appendices A through J, various notarized papers—and of course, since they’re notarized, they’re absolutely, positively, 110% unrebuttably true! He then goes into various ramblings about how the grand jury is a fraud, and he was coerced into a plea bargain, and demands (among other things) his attorney’s $50,000 fee refunded to him. Also, that since the plea bargain is void, the court’s out of jurisdiction. Just to make clear that this isn’t any ordinary ramblings, but genuine sovrun ramblings, Mr. Velazquez seals his document with a red ink thumbprint (under certification, among other things, that he “is not insane,” which I’ll assume is true). The appendices are enlightening, and suggest that, like powdery mildew, Mr. Velazquez’s chase down the rabbit hole festered for quite some time before erupting into flower on the records of the court. Some samples:
Mr. Marcus came for a legal visit following the email that I sent him regarding looking into the jurisdiction and no quorum issue of the Title 18 Class Action. During this visit, Mr. Marcus asked, “why are you bothering me with this Title 18, its just going to get rejected for being frivolous.”

Mr. Marcus … tried repeatedly to convince me to get off the Title 18 Class Action Lawsuit. He stated that Judge Zagel was a Nazi and would react harshly at sentencing if the prosecutor found out I was on the Class Action. He then explained further the urgency to have my PSR done and that I should get off the Title 18 Class Action.

Also on July 28, 2012, in court Mr. Marcus stated for the record “Do you want me to go back to the MCC and try again, Judge?”. This is a clear and direct violation of my rights under the 6th Amendment.
There is also some sample dialogue which is charmingly S. J. Cannell-ian, except written by a soon-to-be-convicted con man:
People present were: … Brian Hayes (Prosecutor), Brian Netols (Prosecutor), John Diwik (FBI agent) … Eduardo Velazquez (Shackled)

John Diwik: I have been investigating Edward now for over a year because frankly, Edward is a guy that appears to be the type to be investigated. (smiling) He also likes to do business in other people’s names such as his mother, M— Velazquez and a friend of his by the name, Tom G—. From my investigation, I discovered Edward purchased 5 townhouses from a guy named Norman S— and a condo in downtown Chicago from a guy, Andrew L—. All properties had been purchased with either no doc loans or stated income loans in his mother’s name. Here are the mortgage riders and various documents (passed out docs). In addition to homes, Edward likes his cars. He likes driving nice cars. We have information revealing the fact that he bought several Porsches with the cash from the cash backs he received from the real estate purchases.” Winks an eye at Edward and he says, “Porsches”.

EV: Save your breath Diwik. You got nothing on me. You know it and I know it. So call off your game show, which is nothing more than a poor excuse to waste even more, good taxpayer money. Whoever is giving you this info is taking you for a long ride Diwik. It doesn’t behoove you to go chase around a bunch of ghost stories.

John Diwik:I’m not chasing ghosts. I spoke to Guy, Tommy, Ty A— and a few others. I’d be reallyy worried if I were you. Really f— worried, pal, HEHEHE (Laughing and smiles).

EV: Remember what I said Diwik, that’s all I got to say to you.

John Diwik: Oh yeah? What’s that? Remember what?

EV: Save your breath. The world doesn’t need another failed hero like Obama.

John Diwik: (smiling now) I don’t think you appreciate the seriousness of the situation you are facing; mortgage fraud is no laughing matter. You’ll never see the light of day if you don’t cooperate. Not if I can help it.

EV: What fools you all are to come in here like this and accuse me of more of your lies. Go ahead and do what suits you best. I know the truth and its only a matter of time before everyone will too. You’re finished in this business. You’re through. You despicable piece of s—; you and all your crew can go to hell. You want a war? I’ll take you to war.

Brian Netols: Mr. Velazquez please calm down.

Brian Hayes: Eddie there’s no need to get irregular.
(my bolding and redactions)

The affidavits that document all of this bear a certificate that starts off, “If executed without the United States…,” which probably ties into the sovrun roots of the whole thing. There are further affidavits from Mr. Velazquez’s common-law wife, Aphrodite Partalis (who lived with their daughter and their dog, Apollo, at the time of the bust—Apollo and Aphrodite, and remember, this is all in verified affidavits of truth).

——paste line here——

Aphrodite went on to take up a more active role in the case, as Edward's "attorney-in-fact," and showed up at sentencing, not just to speak on his behalf, but also to remind his actual attorney of record that they had filed a bar complaint against him. (His attorney's attempt to use this to get off the case failed; I can't find any record of the complaint on the Illinois ARDC site, so either it was a bluff or it was dismissed.)
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

An absolute masterpiece of saying absolutely nothing, at great length.

I suppose one can occasionally be thankful for old typewriter ribbons or bad old copiers. This definitely sounds like an instance.

What an incredibly charming individual. :sarcasmon:

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

"I can't figure out what her final post says."

I think I have that problem with almost ALL of her posts.
She has her own special language: Heather-speak, or gibberish.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Alcibiades »

At last, the End of the Party.

While we were aware that the Aouchtam One People community imploded a while back, the details about what transpired were lacking. Here we have former residents Brian Kelly, Lisa Harrison, Dani McKenny (D) and Mel Batty opening up (at least in part) about the experience. ... twork.html
It starts with them giving Heather a thorough bagging, in turn. It turns out that she was just a deceptive manipulator with a hidden agenda whose day-today persona was completely at odds with her public face. Quelle surprise!

I suppose that this is effectively their collective mea culpa, but towards the end they go all wishy-washy and say that sure, they inadvertently mislead people about the OPPT as Heather's unwitting agents, etc, but it was all part of them growing as individuals, giving people a sense of self-empowerment, encouraging change in the world etc - the usual hogwash. And they can't quite bring themselves to admit that the OPPT filings were, in truth, complete bunkum. They are under "active research" Dani says, as they all now move forward to the next Big Thing. And according to Lisa, their usefulness lies not in their legal validity but "empowerment energetically to us".

Perhaps they have learned something from being burnt by the whole experience, but they seem to all too eager to hitch their wagons to another New Age paradigm as quickly as possible.

So, not with a bang, but a whimper.

Oh and here is Justin's recent account of other details about the commune, ruling a line under the whole experience as far as he is concerned. ... -from.html.

Sort of interesting in a voyeuristic sense, but not terribly surprising.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

What most fascinates me about the OPPT is just how quickly the entire conspiracy community got swept up in the frenzy. These people will believe ANYTHING that tells them what they wish were true, and OPPT was just preaching to the sovereign citizen crazy choir.

To be honest, while I found the whole thing fascinating, I stopped paying attention after the end of the sex bus tour. I didn't even know the commune imploded, although that was inevitable. But its just interesting how even in the face of total failure, these guys still don't admit the obvious. They still appear to refuse to acknowledge all that OPPT gibberish was just that - gibberish.

They want to believe. And so - even in the face of reality slapping them down again and again - they will continue to do so. And isn't it interesting that all the OPPT pumpers who spent so much time claiming Heather's paperwork was going to save us all are no where to be found? They take the conspiracy world by storm and when it all imploded years later there is no coverage of this ANYWHERE on the MANY SITES that pumped this stuff.

The big winners here are the OPPT prophets (Heather, Brian, Lisa, et. al) that essentially got a 2 year vacation from the real world by collecting a ton of donations to live off it all. I would wager that between the sex bus and morocco trips, people donated $150k+, and if you add in the OPPT scam, thats another 125k to 275k+. Most of those people couldn't afford to donate - they were people deeply in debt praying that when the OPPT prophets when to Morocco to commune with aliens that the OPPT magic paperwork would begin working, or that by donating to the sex bus they would get to meet their prophets and they would help them with their paperwork for their foreclosures, credit card debt, etc. So, so many people scammed.

Fear not though, the OPPT prophets are already beginning to on to the next scam. It appears as though Brian is now "working" with hope on the whole "Fix the World" scam.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

My favorite part of that blog post by the way:
Many people thought the OPAL tour was going to be a community on wheels, with all things being provided for, without explicitly negotiating this between new arrivals and facilitators. This is known as a Tacitus agreement, or an implied agreement. As people arrived on the tour, the OPAL crew became increasingly aware of the expectations others were placing at their feet.
Wait, wait. You are telling me that a group of people whose shared interest revolves in getting out of all obligations and responsibilities expected that the OPAL tour would simply provide for all their material needs? Why, who could have seen THAT COMING?

Also,it appears many of their Morocco transactions were led by "guides" who they are SHOCKED to learn later were ripping them off. I mean, the naivety is just adorable here. Well, duh, idiots - a whole bunch of Western hippies in Morocco? Of course the people "helping" you are ripping you off - you don't know the culture and are basically offending the local community by barging in and interrupting their way of life. You have a target written on your backs for this kind of thing.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

This blog post is gold - here is an example of some of the many problems the caused the break down:
By mid may, numerous implied agreements were beginning to present disharmonies. One resident would often walk around nude and engage in urine therapy openly. This was not agreeable to the residents, and it appears no resolution was able to be affected. Further, there were several dogs living in the Clubhouse, and some of the garden was destroyed, along with a constant flow of dog scat left on the grounds. The group who was taking care of the garden was incensed that no one was taking the responsibility of cleaning the dog scat. The dog's 'owner' was not offering up their serves either. Several heated arguments took place as a result.
So someone is running around peeing on things and someone else is letting their dog poop all over the place, including the weed garden (they had a weed garden). Which, by the way, is ultimately what caused the whole thing to end - the authorities found out about the weed garden and the weed growers were NOT happy when they had to dispose of them.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by DailyPlanet »

Some folks may want a corpse (Heather's?)

That's a bit much. But a Profound Apology will work for most of us.

Only Brian Kelly "manned up" (at last!) and gave the Apology, for having deceived people.
The others gave elaborate excuses
Last edited by DailyPlanet on Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Last post on this for now: I watched the video for those of you who are interested but don't want to go through all 1.5 hours of it. Even now these idiots don't get it was all a scam and Heather was just riding the prosperity/new age wave to get donations. They have convinced themselves that it was a giant government conspiracy to stop them from being successful with their "5d media network" and that Heather was some sort of undercover agent. The truth was/is that the "5d media network" was only popular when there were enough morons listening to think they were going to get out of their debts with the gibberish OPPT paperwork. After so long even people that stupid move on (to new scams).

The level of insanity here, as has always been the case with the OPPT, is amazing.