Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

They just couldn't live without their daily dose of Dinar.

Greetings readers~

Some of you may not know about this yet, due to the size and reader volume, nesaranews has been separated into multiple blogs to make reading easier for you all. The heavy duty awareness information is on this original blog. All natural healing and homeopathic information and recipes are now being posted on the homeopathic blog. Alternative and hidden technologies are on their own blog. The real and truthful RV/GCR news now has it's own blog. Galactics now has it's own blog. Republic now has it's own blog.
Links to these blogs are just above this message under the title of each blog. All blogs are laid out the same way and also contain links to the other blogs as well. I hope this makes reading and finding desired information much easier for you all. I am almost done getting this all set up. All the links are not finished yet. I have already received much positive feedback from those who have noticed and emailed me about it. Thanks!
A website emailed me notifying they included the homeopathic blog in their list of good sites to visit. That was great! Thanks!
I will put this in a post as well for comments.


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Guess what? No postings! Wooooooooo!!! GO RV!!!!!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

CNBC had a January report, "Inside a $24 million investment scam: Buy the Iraqi dinar," about the BH Group, and a true believer left the following message.

Well It is clear you have not read EO13303 or CPA order 39 Iraq's money the Dinar was valued at 3.22 prior to the UN sanctions Iraq was brought out of Chapter 7 June 27th 2014 by the UN the IMF in 2006 stated they agreed to allow the IQD to return to 3.22 plus 20% adjustment for inflation. What I fail to see why you insist that a nation’s currency will never RI (reinstatement) of the former value especially a country that is as rich as Iraq between the Oil and minerals, in 2014 a 10 mile wide vein of gold was discovered south of Bagdad. Iraq is currently holding approximately 120 tons of gold in reserves to add value to the currency as the US holds 70% of its reserve's in gold. Granted EO13303 was written to allow the Big Boys in but it also allows the little guy in too. EO13303 is why President Bush stated the Iraq war would not only pay for itself and then some. The US gave Iraq 4 billion dollars in 2003 to help rebuild its reserves in exchange for Iraq Dinar at 4000 to 1 so the US is holding trillions of dinar. The Department of State wrote The Future of Iraq Project out lining the Economy & Infrastructure Working group that outlines the rebuilding of Iraq it's 198 pages. Besides President Clinton did not balance the budget the Kuwait Dinar revalued and he took credit for it by saying he balanced the budget President Bush Sr did this with the Kuwait Dinar Clinton was in office when it RV (Revalued) Bush Jr just used he’s dads playbook in Iraq. The IQD is sitting on a programed rate NOT the true value which will happen once it is internationally recognized again. Lastly have you read the book of Revelations? Iraq will be the richest country in the World!

10-mile wide vein of gold! Woooooooo!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

10-mile wide vein of gold! Woooooooo!
In the real world.

All of the world's gold would not fill 3 Olympic sized swimming pools.

Iraq has for all practical purposes no gold they didn't buy, the geology of oil and gold are kind of mutually exclusive.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

The new NESARA News RV/GRC board is still empty except for the original post (nothing but a picture of the 25,000 Dinar note) and "mission statement" above. The mission statement has a 12 second video attached, which starts as someone dressed in Bedouin garb speaking and ends up as a goat licking and bleeting. No doubt to suggest it's those damn Arabs fault they haven't made us filthy rich.

This is all surpising given the imminent RV. Honest. I have it on good authority from Tony that it's traditional to RV currency on Easter in the Arab world.

4-3-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Sunny] I think all the information is great. Still telling people it's sometime this weekend for their currency to change value. Our guy calls from Iraq and says every government agency is on high alert this weekend. I am telling you exactly what I'm being told...any min...2 hours...2 days...anytime...the entire system is connected...banks finalized their plans, rates are there. Waiting for the magic moment to announce it to the public. Abadhi says he will do that this weekend. Other countries have paid people. We know the system works. Everyone thinks something should happen over the weekend. No reason, I know of for it not to happen. Could be next couple of hours.

4-2-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] Yes, some people in Iraq have been paid, from the top down, and one day it will be turned on for the masses...When they get to the masses, we will also get paid. The PM himself is going from province to province, telling them when this is going to happen ...the system connecting all the banks was hooked up, and that was needed for the masses to go. We still haven’t gone, and it could be another few days, but all the final pieces have been put into place...The banks are ready, the rates have been set, the currency has been passed out in Iraq, they have announced many times that they will do this within a couple of days on their television; the banks over here have connected their system...Everybody is ready to do this, and they have a new window that is being broadcast over there.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Alcibiades »

Deep Knight wrote:Yes, some people in Iraq have been paid, from the top down, and one day it will be turned on for the masses...When they get to the masses, we will also get paid. The PM himself is going from province to province, telling them when this is going to happen
Not to mention the continuous scrolling on the TV and the almost daily reminders in the mosques which has been going on - according to Tony - since last year.

You have to wonder why the Iraqi people haven't risen up as one after this constant torment and overthrown their useless deceiving government, promising them riches and delivering nothing (except to the elites, of course). Then there's Tony's earlier intel that some towns have been paid and not others and they are working their way to Baghdad. That's the clever modern way to revalue a nation's currency and to maintain calm, apparently.

Given his record to date on RV matters, the PM is lucky not to be heckled and have shoes thrown at him whilst traipsing around the provinces reassuring the masses.

His political opponents must be thinking that it is a good time to have a coup now, since most of the army is up north batting ISIL and the PM is out of the office, gladhanding.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Still no posts except the goat video on the NESARA News RV/GRC site. No doubt it's a running joke (funny, no?). Personally, I was expecting the RV on Sunday, no wait, I was expecting to have lots of left-over hard boiled eggs. Easy mistake to make.


4-6-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] Everybody, all around the world, was expecting this to go on Sunday. There are bank personnel at work right now, trying to figure out when this didn’t happen. Iraqi television is still saying that stage four will come to an end in the next few days. People we are talking to in Baghdad still have not received their money, but they have relatives in other parts of the country who have received theirs. Baghdad will be last to receive, and then it will be announced. I did get another window of time from Iraq. They are highly upset about this weekend because most thought this was going. Everyone is just waiting. The actual RV has already been done for some weeks; we are just waiting for an announcement.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by rogfulton »

TNT Tony wrote:There are bank personnel at work right now, trying to figure out when this didn’t happen.
Hey Tony, I think we all know "when this didn’t happen". :brickwall: :haha: :beatinghorse:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

Tony was in court last week and his Motion to Dismiss was denied. Two week jury trial set to begin June 8th. ... ny-Renfrow
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Nellie wrote:Tony was in court last week and his Motion to Dismiss was denied. Two week jury trial set to begin June 8th.
I bet that put the fear of God into him and now he's eager to mend his ways.

4-10-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony Information from all directions are super-positive... On the television, they are saying that ‘phase four’ is to be concluded in the next couple of days. We heard the cards are all being adjusted to the new rates... and banks authorized to exchange starting at a certain time today ...tells us we are closer than ever.

4-8-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] Some are saying the HCL has not been completed. Kurdistan has just published what they are paying their citizens according to the HCL...Their payments cannot happen without the HCL agreement having happened. [ there any validity...that the RV will not come to pass because they are waiting for two years for the value of the dinar to increase?] They have people sitting in banks right now who are trained to do this. They are on standby for a rate change today. Abadi saying the Iraqis will have this in a few days, and their television is saying that as well. People are waiting on pins and needles, and it doesn’t make sense that they are waiting for two years. They have no currency in Iraq – they de-dollarized, but people are still using dollars because there are no dinar. In Iraq, they were supposed to get approval at noon today and we don’t know yet if they have that. it’s a great day with great information.

Dratzo, wrong again. 2nd time this week - the 1st was that it turns out Easter is NOT the traditional time for currency revaluation in the Middle East. And it made so much sense, what with "East" in both "Easter" and "Middle East" and all.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

"Eager to mend his ways"??? Not exactly. It more like.....Time to start a new scam. This was just introduced at TNT the other day:



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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »



Well, the Deep Knight Home for Wayward Supermodels comes to mind...
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

I was thinking "The totally tax free Chili Dog British Virgin Islands Retirement and Recreation Foundation"
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:I was thinking "The totally tax free Chili Dog British Virgin Islands Retirement and Recreation Foundation"
Well, it used to be the Virgin Islands until DK spent a weekend there.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by texino »

The Observer wrote:
Gregg wrote:I was thinking "The totally tax free Chili Dog British Virgin Islands Retirement and Recreation Foundation"[/quonge]

Well, it used to be the Virgin Islands until DK spent a weekend there.
Ha ha ha ha, good observation Observer! Also , props to DK for keeping a weather eye on this scam and cherry picking the high points of humor from the madness, also to Greg,ND,Wes and more; all of whom make the Q. Thanks. (yeah that's a bit too sweet but I mean it)
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Permita que los buenos tiempos

Deep Knight is barred from, ahem, carrying on his activities in the British Virgin Islands. Feeding grounds of the Reptilian House of Windsor, don't cha know. As for the American Virgin Islands, the population is so small it's hardly worth the bother. I mean, at the rate I process virgins is 15 minutes of pleasure worth a 2-hour flight?

4-16-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] Security was a big issue over the last 48 hours, proving to the banks and oil companies that they are stable enough and have plans in place to protect the oil, etc. We know they are waiting for the announcement of the RV. ...they are excited about seeing something in the next two days, about a currency change... On Monday, we were told the banks should be exchanging on Thursday, and in Baghdad they are saying over the next few days. It could go as long as the weekend.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by woodworker »

We now have a new reason why the RV has not happened (and an excuse for why it will never happen), the RV can't happen until the terrorists have been defeated and we have invaded and defeated Syria and Iran. Great job of moving the goalposts to exclaim the non-occurrence of a bullshit event that was never going to happen anyhow, BECAUSE IT IS ALL BS AND A SCAM. Also, as an aside, my commenting privileges at Dinar Detectives has once again been suspended.

"[Mnt Goat]: I am saying and have been saying now for months is the RV plan has changed and is now much, much bigger that for just the country of Iraq and saving the global economy (which will be a band aid anyhow at this point). What it is - is all about fighting terrorism in the middle east region of the world and making sure Iraq is secure for investors and its boarders, for tourism and investors are protected prior to any bringing back their currency online. It is also going to be a staging area for the end result which in future operations against Syria and Iran. The coalition military will need secured air bases and ways of stockpiling the buildup of equipment and supplies for this endeavor. It is that simple folks. No conspiracies, no boogie mans just that plain and simple. So when this is accomplished to the point of satisfaction of those PTB who really control it all, then we might have our first shot at an RV."

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

Looks like TNT Tony, facing an actual trial date, has decided to change his plea.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

And another story on Tony's intent to change his plea. ... anges-plea
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

Tangentially related, but it appears the RV did occur, however, it was executed by ISIS:
“I swear by Allah, O you who feign to be knowledgeable and shout with falsehood in every gathering, surely the slave markets will be established against the will of the politically ‘correct’!” decries Umm Sumayyah al Muhajirah, an allegedly female columnist for Dabiq who penned a defense of the terror group’s slave trade. “And who knows, maybe Michelle Obama’s price won’t even exceed a third of a dīnār, and a third of a dīnār is too much for her!”

(A January estimate puts a single golden dinar at $139 USD.) ... th-40.html
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Tony is still being posted at Dinar Guru

5-17-2015 Intel Gurus TNT Tony & DC [via Already Blessed] EVERYTHING IS GREAT...NO BAD NEWS...HANG IN THERE!

5-18-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] Let’s talk about Ramadi a bit more. I want people to understand this because it was all over the news over the weekend. ISIL raised the flag, but things aren’t always what you hear or see. Take it with a grain of salt, and know they are a couple of days behind with the news. There was a meeting on Friday night and they were directed to initiate the international rate. On Saturday, MasterCard is fully international, at the exchange rate of the country where you are using it. On Saturday/Sunday, we found the rate was $22 (USD) to 25 dinar. We talked to government people in various places, and they confirmed that rate. They said, “This is our RV; it’s a go!” They have to start with an official international rate, and then they can publish the real rate. The next 24-36-48 should see something now that it’s so widely known. The MasterCard article has said that they are able to use those cards today, and that means that there must be international trading rates in place. They have set up a new window, and it should be this week...some people are suggesting June, but I don’t think it will take that long.

5-20-20-15 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] In Iraq a lot of good things are going on. There were meetings last night and passed a couple of laws. They got the GO this morning, clear sailing for everybody. It looks good! There are no problems over there, even in Ramadi. They have Mosul under control. We have a guy over there... in Kurdistan... saying...and the rate was $22 for 25 dinars...those we talked to in Baghdad today don’t yet have it. Their friends and relatives do have it and are spending at that rate. Baghdad will not get this until it is announced, which is when we get it as well. On Iraqi television, Abadi held a news conference at 11pm to announce things are moving forward. He did not express any concern over the ISIL situation, and said that there would be major economic reform in the next day or two. There is not a lot to do over there except for DO IT! Some people on this side expected it to be done today, and they have scheduled rehearsal for tonight, tomorrow, gearing up for a flood of people to come in. They are telling their staff that they want to run through this one last time. I think it might be a great day for us!

5-22-2015 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] We are talking to people actually walking the streets, and they say that ISIL only has one section of the town, and it’s not a big deal. They feel they are winning against ISIL, that they pushing them out. It’s very different on the ground than what we see on CNN or the news. Last night banks sent out memos with a potential start time. In Iraq, their Prime Minister has said that “In the next day or two” their lives will change drastically. On Monday, the US said that they would not block this any further... We are in the middle of the perfect storm. The US always preferred a weekend, and even better a holiday weekend.

Unless the "everthing is great" post was referring to Tony getting some free room and board at Club Fed, it almost seems as if they're ignoring this event.
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