Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by DailyPlanet »

Is Schmidt getting modest?

Herein, he talks about making just $18 million from the RV:

Tax Exemptions and Making $18 Million from the RV/GCR

Broadcast in Spirituality 11 months ago

The Sedona Connection

This week Dave discusses some key points on how to make $18,000,000 from the RV/GCR and then a way to have massive tax savings through the best exemption in the world for U.S.Citizens. Dave will also have James Mendez, a dinar broker/dealer in Puerto Rico as his guest.

> http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-sedona ... -the-rvgcr

That was just 11 months ago
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Red Panda »

Dave is now returning to Blog Talk Radio. The costs at Doublewide network are just not sustainable. Evidently finding advertisers was too much of a burden and Doublewide doesn't take Dinars or Dong. :cry:

One of his best buds has access to 98% of the funds on the planet, but no coin is coming Dave's way, at least not yet. :violin:
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by LightinDarkness »

Red Panda wrote: One of his best buds has access to 98% of the funds on the planet, but no coin is coming Dave's way, at least not yet. :violin:
The Ambassador...not funding yet another Lightworker? Gee, it seems like The Ambssador is quite stingy. He could have saved Ron Van Dyke from his legal problems, bought him the best medical care in the world...and now could have given Dave Schmidt a platform to speak "the truth" from. Yet for having all those trillions of dollars, the Ambassador never seems to spend a penny.

Its almost as if the whole thing is made up...!
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by DailyPlanet »


Double Wide suited Dave very well.
In the UK, they have a term: "Wide Boy" :



Wide boy is a British term for a man who lives by his wits, wheeling and dealing. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it is synonymous with spiv. The word "wide" is in this sense means wide-awake or sharp-witted.

It also means someone who wears, or would wear, a W-I-D-E tie. Dave rarely (or never) wears a tie. But if he did, it might look like this:

Image : Image

Dave is truly Double wide, and he should return at some time...
Maybe after the RV, which is due any day now.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by DailyPlanet »

Inside a $24M scam: Buy the Iraqi dinar
CNBC-Jan 15, 2015
The opportunity was pitched as a way to profit from a nearly worthless Iraqi dinar. Scammers promised profits were nearly guaranteed if investors bought dinars at today's values, and then exchanged the dinars back for dollars at a later date once the dinar exchange rate presumably improved.
. . .
By the time the scheme unraveled, federal officials say victims handed over nearly $24 million to the con men for the Iraqi currency they thought would make them rich.
> http://www.cnbc.com/id/102341687
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Red Panda »

Dave says an important date for "the Family" is May 17. An administration in the Family runs for 70 years and there is a two year transition period as the administration changes. That two years in the current transition will be up on May 17, which is why there is reason to hope some big changes are in store for us as the new administration will soon have full reign to start implementing their plans for humanity.

The Ambassador can then put significant resources behind his "war on ignorance". Hmmm. Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and more recently Joseph Smith have tried to lift the masses, but we are still in the muck, killing and robbing each other. Are we hopeless or will the Ambassador have the right plan? :thinking:

Lucky for us the Ambassador survived an attempted poisoning two years ago when the RV was ready to go, perhaps better luck on the RV this time. Only 12 days to go . . .
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by DailyPlanet »

Good news ?:
"Not only is an RV well underway underway... it is close to being finished"
May 6th Report - Dave Schmidt

Dave Schmidt is in China, so that means he is "getting to work" on serious business.
And this "period of silence" is good news too... since it means "things are getting done behind the scenes"
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Red Panda »

DailyPlanet wrote:"Not only is an RV well underway underway... it is close to being finished"
What I heard is that the neutering of the cabal is close to being finished. If this means a new banking system is in place, that doesn't necessarily mean an RV will follow. I don't see how a new banking system will prevent what is occurring right now, which is fraud, theft and all kinds of financial chicanery. It doesn't matter what kind of system is created or who is involved, as long as humans are behind it, there will be immoral acts committed, and those who have the gold will make the rules, and take the gold from those who have it.
Dave Schmidt is in China, so that means he is "getting to work" on serious business.
He is just a mouthpiece, what role could he possibly have in this other than preaching to the faithful?
And this "period of silence" is good news too... since it means "things are getting done behind the scenes"
Things like figuring out how to keep his story going without having to give proof that anything is really happening.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Gregg »

Kids, this is an anti-scam website, quit talking about the RV, Dragon Family and Dave Schmidt like any of them are real...you're scaring the pets....

Ok, so Dave Schmidt might be real, but he's, well, really nuts.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg wrote:Kids, this is an anti-scam website, quit talking about the RV, Dragon Family and Dave Schmidt like any of them are real...you're scaring the pets....

Ok, so Dave Schmidt might be real, but he's, well, really nuts.
Well, they are SCAMS, fantasies, delusions after all, and while Dave Schmidt might be real, he's, well, really really really really nuts.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:
Gregg wrote:Kids, this is an anti-scam website, quit talking about the RV, Dragon Family and Dave Schmidt like any of them are real...you're scaring the pets....

Ok, so Dave Schmidt might be real, but he's, well, really nuts.
Well, they are SCAMS, fantasies, delusions after all, and while Dave Schmidt might be real, he's, well, really really really really nuts.
But is he really, really, really, really nuts? Or just really, really, really, really nuts? And where is the dividing line? Is it when you start believing what someone with a non-relevant PhD tells you about funding or when you start believing that extraterrestrials are getting ready to fund the RV?
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by notorial dissent »

I'll take both for $50 Alex. Although I think the aliens bit pretty well clinches it.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Red Panda »

Dave now says that there will be no public RV - i.e. it will not be possible to walk into a bank and cash in your Dinar. There may be a private exchange, but it will not happen until at least September. The RV/GCR will follow the acceptance of the Yuan as the world reserve currency and not before.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by DailyPlanet »

Dave Schmidt must have run out of money.
He is back offering a seminar again:

Atlanta Workshop on Sept. 12th

No sign that the Ambassador will be there since he says:
"we have really great new information... including about where all this money is going to come from."

I think the Ambassador has given up on Dave, and decide to concentrate his efforts elsewhere. Apparently some people who feel that they were conned by DS and the Ambassador at one of Dave's seminars are going after the Ambassador through his new operation - and he may not like that.

I wonder if Schmidt will unveil a new character. Many months ago, he was talking about a Dragon Family "princess" he had met.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Perhaps; but I'm also wondering if Dave put a ton of money into the yuan and then saw the value of his pile take a beating in recent days.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by DailyPlanet »

He had suggested that strategy to his followers - such as they are.

I doubt you will hear an apology or explanation about why it failed
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Red Panda »

DailyPlanet wrote:I wonder if Schmidt will unveil a new character. Many months ago, he was talking about a Dragon Family "princess" he had met.
Yes, Dave has a new character. The Ambassador is no longer Dave's secret source of intel. They parted ways after Dave found that the Ambassador wasn't reliable. He would say things and they wouldn't happen. Dave now says the Ambassador doesn't have the money he thought he had, he is waiting on it, like everyone else.

Dave is now suggesting that there will likely be little in the way of a public exchange. He is not counting on an RV, but is involved in several private exchanges which he says are in the process of being funded. Folks submitted their currencies in the summer of 2015 and have been waiting ever since for their funds. Dave was quite excited in November of 2016 when he reported there was lots of action in Reno, but that faded into the election results and Thanksgiving. Dave said "they" (Dave says the three primary sources of funding are the Elders, the large Trusts and the Dragon Families [although not the one the Ambassador is part of]) were now waiting for the Presidential Inauguration before releasing the funds, that was then pushed to after the Treasury Secretary was confirmed.

Mr. M. is Dave's new high level ex-CIA contact. He was on Dave's show in January, but since then Dave has had to keep a low profile to prevent his very reliable and very high level sources from being identified. Mr. H. was also mentioned, but he hasn't been on the show.

Dave's recent show (Feb. 15, 2017) was to be an Update and Q & A. There wasn't much of a Q & A, Dave shut the show down early due to a lack of callers.

Dave said (48 min mark) that his Hong Kong sources told him that a number of trillions of $$ have been moved into the US for the currency exchanges. Dave states that when large sums of money come into the US, it will be subject to the scrutiny of Homeland Security and the US Treasury.

It will be interesting to see what Homeland and the Treasury have to say about trillions of $$ coming into the US for currency exchanges, when the FBI says, "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) are investigating a currency investment scheme involving the Iraqi dinar and certain other foreign currencies."

Dave previously reported that HSBC was taking over Wells Fargo (evidence anyone?) and will be the primary bank handling the exchange. Wikipedia currently reports HSBC's total assets as $2.4 trillion. So I wonder if these trillions Dave is taking about are going to be added to their total assets or are they part of it already? If part of it already, they are going to be pretty thin by the time the currency exchange payouts are completed.

Dave says that if you have ZIM you are likely stuck with it, and about half the Dinar out there is counterfeit, so some folks may be stuck with their Dinar as well.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by notorial dissent »

This doesn't even qualify as bad fantasy, just delusion.
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Gregg »

...and Mr. H will demonstrate
ten somersets he'll undertake
on solid ground!
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Re: Dave Schmidt had better be right about the RV

Post by Burnaby49 »

Gregg wrote:
...and Mr. H will demonstrate
ten somersets he'll undertake
on solid ground!
That was my favorite song on Sgt. Peppers and it was only recently that I learned that it was, literally, almost a straight transcription of an old circus poster on John's wall;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
