NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:And the dumb just keep getting dumber. Obviously critical thinking, or thinking for that matter, was not in their career path requirements.
As Charles P. Pierce has said, fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is determined by how fervently they believe it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

My True E-Verify Story

The person who is really Deep Knight's wife has a new job. She got "laid off" in early spring after an audit recommended closing down the entire division and outsourcing the jobs to a Canadian division to save money. This was the inspiration for my recent Deep Knight mystery. Her new job is much more challenging and pays substantially more, but she had one problem, E-Verify.

It is a belief among birthers that if something is amiss in Social Security records, it's because something is phony, not because somebody made a mistake. Which is strange considering their opinion of government accuracy and efficiency otherwise. So, if President Obama has a SSN for Connecticut. it MUST be the result of fraud, not someone typing in a "0" instead of "9" on the zip code used to determine residence location. The height of fraud proof is a system called "E-Verify," which tells employers if you're really a citizen or not based on your name, birthdate, birthplace & SSN. It fails for President Obama's SSN, which Orly sez MUST be because he's not a citizen. Just ignore the notice on the website telling you that famous people have been removed from their database so stalkers and such can't use it to confirm information.

My wife not only submitted the necessary E-Verify information, she gave them a scanned copy of her original SSN card, passport, and driver's license (they said only one was necessary, but she's a thorough kinda girl). We had 2 weeks before her first day, so we went on vacation and got back 2 days before her first workday. There was only one problem, she had failed E-Verify. After a bunch of running around, she got the right original documents in her company's hands, and after only 10 days they finally got things to clear. The problem? The Social Security people had her birthday wrong. It was her older sister's.

My wife's parents are both deceased, but I assume that they got SSN cards for their kids for the same reason mine did, the IRS started to require them to claim children as deductions. This would mean sending the forms in at the same time (or perhaps it was a single form). My mother-in-law could have made a mistake, not outside of the realm of possibility, but it's more likely that someone typing the information into old computer punch cards did.

If she had been running for president and Orly didn't like her politics (the first unlikely, the second almost certain), no doubt she would have used this to argue that my wife wasn't a citizen. After all, she was born just the other side of Lake Ontario from Canada, so nothing prevented her from swimming across the lake, giving birth, then swimming back - did it?

P.S. My actual wife is nothing like Velna, she's never been a paid assassin and rarely kills people, unless you count that weekend in the Hamptons...
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

What's Orly up to these days? Besides claiming "vindication" because a former birther is a presumptive presidential nominee, and bashing the President and immigrants of course.

Obama-media attacks me for not laughing at birther jokes. I don’t laugh because the usurpation of the US presidency via use of a stolen SSN and bogus IDs is not a laughing matter!!!

Posted on | June 18, 2016 | 8 Comments
orly taitz »

Obama, the funniest president: Laughter isn’t just the best defense—it’s a powerful image strategy, too
Salon – ‎7 hours ago‎

SATURDAY, JUN 18, 2016 09:00 AM PDT
Obama, the funniest president: Laughter isn’t just the best defense—it’s a powerful image strategy, too
Throughout his presidency, Obama has been better at comedy than the pros—who would normally be taking him down

Obama, the funniest president: Laughter isn’t just the best defense—it’s a powerful image strategy, too
Granted, your appreciation of Obama’s humor likely depends on your political leanings. I doubt, for example, that Orly Taitz ever laughed at any of the birther jokes with which he has peppered his annual routines at the WHCD, or that featured as the culmination of this bit he taped for a televised celebration of Betty White’s 90th birthday. It’s tough for people to laugh at themselves, particularly if it gets in the way of self-righteous zealotry.
Laughter is the great agent of disarmament of criticism. Yet I’ll still miss Obama’s performances when he’s gone. He was better at it than anyone else we’re likely to see.


8 Responses to “Obama-media attacks me for not laughing at birther jokes. I don’t laugh because the usurpation of the US presidency via use of a stolen SSN and bogus IDs is not a laughing matter!!!”

June 18th, 2016 @ 5:27 pm
We have here another fool who does not see the forest for the trees.
Obama is no laughing matter, unless, of course, you are an enemy of this country and all it used to stand for.
This man will one day eat his words and, if there is any leniency from God, he will be forgiven for his stupidity.
It absolutely floors naive me, how many fools are living and breathing in this country and in fact, on this planet.
It is shocking and sad to realize that this planet was once a paradise and is now an object in space, overwhelmed with
failed specimens of humankind.

June 18th, 2016 @ 5:51 pm
Don’y worry much. It will be hilarious when Obot and Michelle hang upside down from the gallows on the WH lawn for treason. Shades of Mussolini! Ha-Ha-Ha, BWaaaaaaaaaaah!
Give it to em, Danno!!!

June 19th, 2016 @ 9:49 am
The impeachment of President Obama has gone from unlikely to zero. Perhaps, Obama needs to be slapped with a motion of NO CONFIDENCE. President Obama has failed to carry out his obligations to the American people. Obama is now making decisions that are detrimental to Americans.

June 19th, 2016 @ 10:05 am
How can we forget that back in 2012 Donald trump offered Obama $5 million dollars to his favorites charities if he would release his college records and travel itinerary during those years? He did not say birth certificate. The republicans even mocked him. Obama went on The tonight show and joked about it saying “yeah Donald and me are old friends, we grew up in Kenya together” I guess the Soros/MSM media blocked Trump from a rebuttal on it?

Nigel Haversmith
June 19th, 2016 @ 2:20 pm
Yeah, how are those court cases workig out for you, Orly?

June 19th, 2016 @ 2:44 pm
For all the bla bla bla about “building bridges” the Obama administration sure has us living on the wrong side of the new Iron Curtain
June 19th, 2016 @ 7:05 pm
the cases against the NAZI regime or communist regime did not succeed specifically because dissidents lived in those regimes.
June 19th, 2016 @ 8:17 pm
there is no motion of no confidence in US pres, there is only impeachment

A bit thin skinned, aren't we?

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not sure Loony Lena really understands humor to begin with, would require a sense of humor and proportion both of which she is totally lacking. She certainly doesn't appreciate it when it about her or at her expense, so if she doesn't like being laughed at she should quit with the stupid and nasty that provokes the aforementioned.

Since the last of her real birfering lawsuits have now finally bit the big one and only a couple of her pest suits are still lingering on life support, or she is trying to get them on life support, she has been sucking up big time to the Donald since he is her IDEEL, to borrow a bad movie reference. She still manages to slip in a few birfer reference now and again, but I really don't think anyone is paying any attention to her any more. I expect she will continue to make a spectacle of herself until the election is over ans he doesn't get appoint Attorney General for her troubles, at which point she will most likely go off shrieking in to the wilderness. She has in fact gotten quite boring and pedestrian.

On a serious note, congrats to Mrs DK, and tell her she should be headed for sainthood after putting up with you all these years.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:It is a belief among birthers that if something is amiss in Social Security records, it's because something is phony, not because somebody made a mistake.
The belief is just not limited to birthers, it affects all conspiracy nuts. As Vincent Bugliosi remarks in his book that exposes the idiocy of the conspiracies surrounding the JKF assassination, in the minds of conspiracy buffs there are no mistakes, there are just sinister implications.
My wife's parents are both deceased, but I assume that they got SSN cards for their kids for the same reason mine did, the IRS started to require them to claim children as deductions
That requirement went into effect in 1987. Prior to that, most minors who got SSN cards was for the primary reason they could get jobs and fill out the W-2.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Right you are, and I have been using my number since well before 1987. I have a Colorado-coded SSN, which means my parents got them after we moved in 1963. This is also when my father started working for the US government, so it may have something to do with that. I talked to my sister last night, and she also remembers my mother complaining about having to get SSNs for us when we were kids, which she also took to be because of tax forms. Perhaps it was something for government insurance?

Then again, it could have been part of the Obama conspiracy! Various families were fed spurious information about having to get SSNs for their kids, thus clogging the system just at the time they would have otherwise noticed the inconsistencies in the documentation of a deep undercover Islamic Manchurian candidate!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Right you are, and I have been using my number since well before 1987. I have a Colorado-coded SSN, which means my parents got them after we moved in 1963. This is also when my father started working for the US government, so it may have something to do with that. I talked to my sister last night, and she also remembers my mother complaining about having to get SSNs for us when we were kids, which she also took to be because of tax forms. Perhaps it was something for government insurance?

Then again, it could have been part of the Obama conspiracy! Various families were fed spurious information about having to get SSNs for their kids, thus clogging the system just at the time they would have otherwise noticed the inconsistencies in the documentation of a deep undercover Islamic Manchurian candidate!
I was required to get one for my phony undercover ID in order to work as an Illuminati. That way, if my cover got blown, I could claim that I had been duped along with the rest of the hoi polloi, so obviously I could not be working for the NWO. Certainly the 9 digit number I was given is meaningless and entitles me to nothing in terms of being able to claim SSI or Medicare benefits (since we all know the plan is declare the whole scheme bankrupt once the last baby boomer gets to age 62 - refer to Illuminati Conspiracy Schedule #413-BG-0232 in your handbook). The fact that all of those withheld taxes from the masses only went to fund my retirement plan, mansion, sports car, private jet, yacht and a couple of exotic tropical isles is the stuff that conspiracy tales are spun from.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight wrote:Right you are, and I have been using my number since well before 1987. I have a Colorado-coded SSN, which means my parents got them after we moved in 1963. This is also when my father started working for the US government, so it may have something to do with that. I talked to my sister last night, and she also remembers my mother complaining about having to get SSNs for us when we were kids, which she also took to be because of tax forms. Perhaps it was something for government insurance?

Then again, it could have been part of the Obama conspiracy! Various families were fed spurious information about having to get SSNs for their kids, thus clogging the system just at the time they would have otherwise noticed the inconsistencies in the documentation of a deep undercover Islamic Manchurian candidate!
My father died in May (he was 96 and lived a very full life, having outlived 3 wives), and I have been handling a lot of the paperwork. Today I got digital copies of stuff from his "Government Group Life Insurance" (now handled by MetLife) which included the original application from July 1963. My brother's, sister's, and my consecutive SSNs are on this form. We moved to Colorado in June of that same year, and as I have have Colorado-coded numbers, so this must have been when and likely why we got them.

My wife's number is consecutive with her sisters, and knows her parents got it because it was well before she started working. Her father worked for the NY Central and then his part was taken over by Amtrak, which started in '71, so that may have something to do with it, and this was right before her older sister got her first summer job.

BTW, as this relates to the original point, my better half has been at this new job for 3 months, but it was only a couple weeks ago E-Verify got back to her company about fixing the mistake they made, acknowledging he actual birth date was correct after getting copies of her passport and birth certificate, and saying they had corrected it. I sure hope these aren't our NWO government shock troops, if so they're gonna make kinda sloth-like jack-booted thugs.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:...ut it was only a couple weeks ago E-Verify got back to her company about fixing the mistake they made,...

No, no, no! I just explained above that there are no mistakes, just sinister implications. Please go back to your desk and start over.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

My wife told me that each page had a disclaimer about how the SSN could not be used as an ID, and that the number was for taxpayer identification purposes only although other government agencies were allowed by law to use them. But isn't that what E-Verify is in practice doing? I also recall that people from the same political subculture as Orly complaining that a SS card would be used as a "national ID."

I also recall the local university starting to use SSNs as student numbers in the early 70s, and bit of a scandal when some student criminal group harvested numbers from posted test scores and grades outside of classrooms and matching them to people. Phony tax forms showing refunds, don't cha know. However, my favorite all-time story from that place and era was about phony Colorado drivers licenses. Some students in a dorm had made a giant facsimile of an over-21 license with a unisex name but without a photo, had people stand in front of it, then took and laminated a Poloroid photo. Everything was scaled to give the right proportions and size. Worked until a bouncer at a local bar noticed lots of young people with the same name. When the police went to bust them, there was a line out their dorm room door.

Update. Just got off the phone with the insurance people for "Federal Employees Group Life Insurance," which is abbreviated "FEGLI," and I discovered what they use for its common name. I swear to god I thought they said "Fugly Customer Service" when they answered. Does the New World Order have no shame?
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