That's Crazy Talk!

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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Gregg »

Let's take a few notes on this, and really, I know very little about astronomy, but even I know.....
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Earth Will Experience 15 Days of Darkness in November

NASA Confirms Once Again
Earth Will Experience 15 Days
of Darkness in November 2016

This Is not a drill, Washington, D.C. ( NewsWatch33) – NASA has confirmed that the Earth will experience 15 days of total darkness which starts between November 15 and 29, 2016. The event, according to NASA, has been waiting for this pronominal event to happen.

Astronomers from NASA have indicated that the world will remain in complete darkness starting Sunday, November 15, 2016 at 3:00 am and will end on Monday, November 30, 2016 at 4:45 pm.

According to officials, (the November blackout will be caused by an astronomical event between Venus and Jupiter).

Between Venus and Jupiter? Mass-wise, that encompasses about 1/3 of the Solar System. I am constantly amazed how people can look up in the sky and see Venus next to Jupiter and be convinced they are right next to each other when in fact they're not, they're just at certain times, in the same direction away from us.

Charles Bolden, who was appointed to the head of NASA by 'president' Obama, issued a 1000 page document explaining the event to the White House.

I have a theory that stupid people think that the more words you use, the smarter you are.

According to the report, Venus and Jupiter will engage in a close parallelism, only being separated by 1 degree. Venus will pass to the South-west of Jupiter, causing Venus to shine 10 times Brighter than Jupiter. The light from Venus will heat up the gases on Jupiter causing a reaction.

As I said, when they're within 1 degree of each other, that just means they're both in the same direction. And while this is more or less as close as they get to each other (Venus' year is 225 days, Jupiter's is a little short of 12 years, so they get this aligned from out perspective every few years. Next, Venus, of course, has no light, it just reflects the light from the sun. As such, its just logical that nothing reflected from Venus is going to have any more effect on Jupiter than the normal solar radiation it receives at all times. We could probably have almost as much influence if we all turned on flashlights and pointed them at Jupiter at the same time.

The gaseous reaction will release an unprecedented amount of hydrogen into space. The hydrogen gas will make contact with Earth’s Sun at approximately 2:50 am. The amount of hydrogen making contact with the Sun will cause a massive explosion on the Sun’s surface temperature to increase to 9,000 degrees kelvin in an instant.

An outjet of hydrogen from Jupiter would take something like 3 years to reach the sun. They're a LONG way away from each other. Of course, the amount of hydrogen it would take to influence the sun (which is just a big ball of hydrogen to start with) is more than the mass of Jupiter to begin with. I mean, you could shoot Jupiter, the whole planet, at the Sun and the biggest difference it would make is the gravitational chaos it would toss into the rest of the planets. The sun would hardly notice. Like, bug on your windshield, and a little bug at that. The nominal temperature of the Sun is, according to my Phil Plaitt reader, is 5777 K, a very little cypherin' on my part concludes that the amount of hydrogen needed to excite a hydrogen fusion reaction that much is,.well, a shit ton more than a little outgassing from Jupiter caused by a reflection of light off Venus would cause.

The Sun will then attempt to cease the explosion by emitting heat from its core, (diagram shows above)

Do these nudnics think there is a Sun core temp switch on some cosmic dashboard? Are they stupid enough to not know that the Sun is pretty much a big damn explosion, emitting heat from its core? Do they need diagrams?

The heat will cause the Sun to dim to a bluish color. Once the Sun reaches the Bluish color, it will take approximately 14 days to restore its normal surface temperature, returning its color of the Red Giant.

Blue is, radiation spectrum speaking, the wrong direction from the yellowish place it is now. Its sure as hell not Red now and it ain't ever gonna be blue. Also, it won't "dim" to blue, dim or bright would be a measure of volume while color is a measure of frequency. Its kind of like them saying the rise in heat means the water is deeper. Again, the 14 day thing is a serious miscalculation of volume of the Sun, there ain't much in the rest of the Solar System that could do anything to the Sun that takes 14 days. All of the planets are like a coffee cup compared to the Sun being a swimming pool worth of stuff.

While the Sun is cooling the surface, the light from the sun will be much dimmer because it takes anywhere from 7 – 8 and a half minutes, depending on the Earth’s rotation, for light from the Sun to hit Earth. People will not know the event has happened until 2:58 am on November 15th.

Against my better judgement I'll assume their maths are right, it does take a few minutes for light to reach Earth from the sun. But as I mentioned, the gas from the whatchamaidgit that caused the whole show, unlike light, doesn't travel at the speed of light. Something with mass coming from Jupiter to the sun would take YEARS to make the journey. Seriously, its like walking to New York from Beijing, on crutches, and taking lots of breaks. Its a long phucken way, kids.

Bolden held a conference with Obama Administration to discuss further details of the Blackout” event. According to Bolden, “We do not expect any major effects from the blackout event. The only effect this event will have on Earth is an increase of 6 – 8 degrees in temperature. The polar cap will be mostly affected by this. No one should worry much. This event would be similar to what Alaskans experience in the winter”.

An increase of 6-8 degrees wouldn't have much effect if you're in Denver, but if you live east of Pittsburg, you'll need a boat. He's right, the Polar Ice cap might be affected. What Alaskans experience in the winter is mostly low level comas and binge watching shows about beaches and islands.

Boleden further added, "The only other effect it will have is everyone will get to have a true Black Friday after Thanksgiving."

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:06:00 PM
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Great analysis Supreme Commander! Expect a promotion shortly (although exactly what is above your present rank is a mystery to me). Give your tailor a head's up that he will need to stock up on gold braid.

BTW, one of the problems with simply moving your hoax up a year is that you get your dates wrong. The conjunction, where as viewed from earth the planets look close together but are really about 500 million miles apart (a short hop, skip, and jump), happened in August!

Aug. 28: A brilliant double planet. Shortly after sunset, in the west-southwest sky, the two brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, will be strikingly close together. As seen from the Atlantic Seaboard, for example, only 5 arc minutes (or one-sixth the apparent width of the moon in our sky) will separate the two, making for a very eye-catching sight!
Update: While the days of darkness in late August and early September were successfully covered up by our brave Illuminati, we're gonna have a bigger problem hiding the recent collision between the moon and the Chrysler Building.

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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by notorial dissent »

Jupiter is about 5 and change AU from the sun and Venus on a good day, translates to about 480M miles and change. Any light reflected from Venus would have about the same effect as light reflected from the moon would have, which is to say NONE. This is hooey of the first water. There is no such report.

This is a hoax that goes back as far as 2015 and was detailed here, Hoax Slayer
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by LightinDarkness »

There is an absolutely batsh*t crazy guru that does the prosperity circuit called Yosef. Hes constantly pumping the dinar as RVing any day now. Hes now on the whole "New Republic" kick. He hosted a 3.5 HOUR conference call that is basically the propserity cult's wet dream. It is 100% fantasy but all the true believers are talking about it today:

- Paul Ryan is now your new Republic President.
- Elections have been cancelled, new election to be held January 3.
- RV before the elections.

Enjoy the insanity here: ... eFL7/jVFg1. I love how they talk about it as if it were all fact and not 100% delusion.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Gregg »

Deep Knight wrote:Great analysis Supreme Commander! Expect a promotion shortly (although exactly what is above your present rank is a mystery to me). Give your tailor a head's up that he will need to stock up on gold braid.
Well, ever since I found the 666 tattoo on my (expletive deleted), I've been preparing for the Big Guy's job once he retires. That's how I managed to get people in one lifetime to pay me to fly helicopters, drive a race car and attend car shows.
This is an actual picture of me, living like a Boss (pun intended) in the way only the chosen can get away with.


Obviously I made a deal with the devil.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Obviously I made a deal with the devil.
Is going to McDonald's your part of the bargain?
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Gregg »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Obviously I made a deal with the devil.
Is going to McDonald's your part of the bargain?
That was a clumsy attempt by the so called "good" people to take me out. I can assure you that everyone responsible in that incident is now living in extreme pain. Especially the clown.

Even the interns are starting to feel sorry for some of them.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by wserra »

You made a deal with the devil and you're drinking water?

They don't make devils like they used to.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

What? Never heard of "Devil Water?" :D
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by The Observer »

Knowing Greg, I am guessing that is jet fuel in the water bottle.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Gregg »

wserra wrote:You made a deal with the devil and you're drinking water?

They don't make devils like they used to.
As I get older I try to be a little careful with the $90,000 car. That and I seem to recall it being about 115 degrees in Salt Lake that day so the altitude and the heat kind of forces you to almost have a water IV to survive.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by notorial dissent »

Neat car, and for $90K it had better be, but still neat car.I can see the enjoyment in your face. Although why anyone would willingly subject themselves to 115° heat is well beyond my kenning.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Gregg »

notorial dissent wrote:Neat car, and for $90K it had better be, but still neat car.I can see the enjoyment in your face. Although why anyone would willingly subject themselves to 115° heat is well beyond my kenning.
It doesn't even have a stereo. But it will outrun an F-16 until takeoff.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by notorial dissent »

You'd think that for $90K they could at least spring for a good stereo. :snicker:
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by JamesVincent »

If it's anything like some of the cars I've driven a stereo wouldn't be heard unless the engine is off. A couple of them would negate out the stereos of cars around them much less their own.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Trust me, the Millers wouldn't risk a loss due to distracted driving! :mouthshut:
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by jcolvin2 »

Gregg wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Neat car, and for $90K it had better be, but still neat car.I can see the enjoyment in your face. Although why anyone would willingly subject themselves to 115° heat is well beyond my kenning.
It doesn't even have a stereo. But it will outrun an F-16 until takeoff.
You appear to be channeling the late great Hunter S. Thompson. From Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (conversation between the narrator and his attorney):

"Well," he said, "as your attorney I advise you to buy a motorcycle. How else can you cover [a motorcycle race in the Nevada desert] righteously?"

"No way," I said. "Where can we get hold of a Vincent Black Shadow?"

"What's that?"

"A fantastic bike," I said. "The new model is something like two thousand cubic inches, developing two hundred brake-horsepower at four thousand revolutions per minute on a magnesium frame with two styrofoam seats and a total curb weight of exactly two hundred pounds."

"That sounds about right for this gig," he said.

"It is," I assured him. "The fucker's not much for turning, but it's pure hell on the straightaway. It'll outrun the F-111 until takeoff."

"Takeoff?" he said. "Can we handle that much torque?"

"Absolutely," I said. "I'll call New York for some cash."
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Gregg »

You busted me. If I had ever taken the good Doktor for a few laps, though, I feel he would approve.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, May 18, 2017

I wanted to let you know that we have noticed over half a million reptilian are trying leave the planet right now! Trying to escape! They have made a barrier with a new formula of chemtrails they have made to shield themselves from the Galactic Fleet so they can escape without being noticed basically , it shields our radar and the electromagnetic pulses that the sun creates to protect the entrance or the eye. So they use these chemtrails and make it so they are undetectable to escape. They have this shield that the chemtrails make over the ships it stays with the ship after the ship maneuvers through the trails slowly, making it appear as a cloud formation. . The ship makes it through the eye and firmament by appearing like a wierd space storm at that point . We have had over 1500 reptilian plus other entities that have left this way so far. We are working on a way to neutralize these chemtrails and block their escape.. most are criminal and have been abducting humans for years as we all know. So they want to round them up to dispose of them properly, so they can not do any harm to any others in the Galaxies or Universe's .

Posted by Popeye at 4:14:00 PM


Anonymous May 18, 2017 at 5:20 PM
I would like to know who counted half a million reptilians..

David May 18, 2017 at 5:52 PM
lol...reptilians leaving the planet by way of chemtrails. Who actually believes this stuff? really.

Joseph Basinger May 18, 2017 at 6:19 PM
I think this man is a rv/gcr guru.need I say anymore
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:I wanted to let you know that we have noticed over half a million reptilian are trying leave the planet right now!
Yes, they are leaving to get back home to Zeta Reticula IX in time for celebrating their version of New Year's Day. There is nothing unusual about this, happens every year.
Trying to escape!

Illuminati HQ offices quickly get emptied as everyone is jockeying to be the first one out the door and on the next available spaceship off Earth before they get caught up in the interstellar traffic jam between here and the Outer Rim. So that is why they are trying to escape.
...most are criminal and have been abducting humans for years as we all know.

Well, abduction is a rather harsh term. It is better described as the reptiles simply taking souvenirs home for family and friends.
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