Illuminati PR

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:First of all, we ALL have to come from Illuminati bloodlines.
Uh, I think that was the point of my post. After all, if all of us come from Illuminati bloodlines, then there really isn't anything special about one person in comparison to another. Hence, my comment about you bragging about your family connections.
Deep Knight wrote:I'll let my thwarting list speak for itself.
And yet you failed to thwart:

Leisure suits
"Gilligan's Island"
Donny and Marie Osmond
The Kardashian reality series
Near beer

As well as the latest travesty, unicorn frappuccinos.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:First of all, we ALL have to come from Illuminati bloodlines.
Uh, I think that was the point of my post. After all, if all of us come from Illuminati bloodlines, then there really isn't anything special about one person in comparison to another. Hence, my comment about you bragging about your family connections.
First of all, I brag about my "erections" not my family "connections." Why you would think saying I'm related to the "Miss Manners" of 18th century Saxony is bragging is beyond me, I guess you have your emotional scars from being forced to participate in human sacrifice as a child like the rest of us.

If I wanted to brag, I would tell you about my being related to the royal families of Russia (through Ivan the Terrible), England (Bloody Mary), Transylvania (Vlad the Impaler), France (Charles the Mad), and Sicily (Paulo the Twice-Acquitted).

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:I'll let my thwarting list speak for itself.
And yet you failed to thwart:

Leisure suits
"Gilligan's Island"
Donny and Marie Osmond
The Kardashian reality series
Near beer

As well as the latest travesty, unicorn frappuccinos.
Leisure suits - What makes you think Satan wasn't behind them, and clothes made from polyester fabrics in general?
"Gilligan's Island" - WAY before my time, although I understand it had a devastating effect on evil. Delayed the introduction of the leisure suit by 12 years.
Donny and Marie Osmond - Again, ones of ours (Satan was a BIG fan of their 70's variety show)
The Kardashian reality series - Ditto. Satan used to date Kim (until his wife found out), and lost a bundle when he bankrolled one of the spin-offs.
"Feelings" - This video should set you straight and show why Satan would have never touched this with a 10-foot pole
Near beer - I would be happy to thwart non-alcoholic beer, but that's been given to the Food and Beverage Division. The fact that they haven't been able to get rid of Velveeta cheese after 60 years should tell you how things work over there.
Unicorn Frappuccinos?

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by The Observer »

Well, there it is - just more proof of the tone-deafness and how out of touch DK is:
Deep Knight wrote:Unicorn Frappuccinos?

Yes, unicorn frappuccinos. It would help if you would check your "Assigned Missions" in-box once in a while. You would discover that you were supposed to thwart this last month.

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Am I to understand this "frappuccino" has no coffee or caffeine content what-so-ever? Now that's evil. So evil even Satan wouldn't have anything to do with it.
Just when you thought coffee shop orders couldn’t get more irritating than extra hot, venti, soy, quadruple-shot lattes (minus the foam), Starbucks has kickstarted a new trend for magical, colour-changing versions of the Frappuccino, its popular blended coffee drink.

Last month, the chain unleashed the Unicorn Frappuccino – a limited-edition blue-and-pink drink available for just a week – in the US. Starbucks say the beverage starts off “sweet and fruity, transforming to pleasantly sour” and is “finished with whipped-cream-sprinkled pink and blue fairy powders”. Critics were less charitable, with one reviewer comparing it to fluoride mouthwash – albeit with 400 calories and 59g of sugar.

But because the Unicorn’s selling point perhaps wasn’t its taste but rather its looks, the Unicorn has already spawned its fair share of brightly coloured copycats. A Mermaid Frappuccino (green swirls instead of blue and pink) has been created by a Starbucks barista in Michigan who ran out of the dizzying list of ingredients needed for the original, so instead mixed a vanilla-bean base blended with freeze-dried blueberries and drizzled “a toasted coconut matcha sauce” over her creation. Elsewhere, other employees masterminded the Dragon Frappuccino (green tea Frappuccino with vanilla-bean powder and a berry swirl).

Mythical creatures aside, Starbucks fans’ thirst for novelty seems unquenchable, with “secret menu” items causing a stir in recent years. In reality this is less of a menu and more of a list of recipes you can plead with a busy barista to whip up. Liquid Cocaine, for instance, is four shots of espresso and four pumps of white chocolate syrup poured over a glass of ice. For coffee expert Will Corby, from subscription service Pact Coffee, the latest crimes against caffeine have left him torn. While he is broadly in favour of anything that introduces people to coffee – and coffee shops – he worries that frappes that do contain coffee are often “covering up delicious flavours that farmers have developed”.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

A big "shout out" to our Curse Casting Division for getting some ink!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Spells, witchcraft and curses done on President Trump

3:00 PM EDT 5/23/2017 BOB ESCHLIMAN
Diane Wagman is an author who frequently writes op-eds for The Los Angeles Times newspaper. In her latest, however, she brags about doing something particularly vile against President Donald Trump. The column's title: "I Put a Spell on You, Mr. President." Wagman says she's not a Wiccan or a devil worshipper. She just simply believes in the power of positive thinking. And, she positively loathes the thought of our nation's president and the people he has working for him in the administration.
The president remains under constant attack for doing exactly what he told the voters he would do—what we elected him to do. Now, more than ever, he needs your prayers. --

Posted by Olive Oyl at 3:40:00 PM

What was actually written:

Op-Ed I put a spell on you, Mr. President
By Diana Wagman
May 23, 2017

I cast a spell on the president. I was not alone. Thousands of witches, believers and people like me all over the world performed “A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him” under the waning crescent moon last month. It was not meant to physically hurt him, only to keep him from succeeding at his tasks. Now he’s complaining he’s the object of a “witch hunt.” Maybe the spell is working.

I heard about the incantation from the Oracle of Los Angeles. I’m on her email list and the subject line “Bind Trump, not your breasts” caught my eye. The binding-spell movement started with an article on Medium posted by Michael M. Hughes, a writer and magician. I don’t believe in the devil, but I do believe our country has gone to hell, and I am willing to try anything to save us.

But before I lighted my candles, I researched binding spells. I didn’t want to send bad vibes into the universe. There is enough evil in Washington already: Stephen K. Bannon, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions. The dark and terrifying have risen.

I discovered that binding spells are the oldest known variety, way pre-Christian, going back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Every culture from the Celts to the Tibetans had them. Everywhere and always, they were cast not to harm but to impede.

I also found an article on Breitbart calling on the religious right to say prayers specifically protecting the president from the “Bind Trump” spell. Another article from the National Catholic Register quoted Father Vincent Lampert, the designated exorcist for the archdiocese of Indianapolis. “Spells have power,” he said, but only on the spiritually weak. Could there be anybody more spiritually challenged than Donald Trump? If the Catholics were worried about this spell, there had to be something to it.

Spells, meditation, mindfulness, the oms I say in yoga, the prayers my Episcopalian family send my way — I don’t see any difference. It’s the power of positive thinking, or it’s like visualizing a job interview or a tennis match beforehand so it will go well. It’s all about conviction, about concentrating and believing, with all your heart, that you can make a difference. The Bible tells us so. Matthew 21:22 : “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Sign a petition. Give $20 to Planned Parenthood. Pray for Mike Pence to realize that women don’t exist just to tempt him into an extramarital affair. Cast a spell so that the self-centered plans of a dangerous narcissist will fail. To me, it’s the same thing, if you have faith.

I have faith, generally, in our democracy. I have faith that our government was designed to be of, by and for the people, not a select wealthy few. Lately, my faith has been shaken. What will come of us if we continue to support a man who lies, who promotes fear and distrust; a demagogue who thinks only of himself?

The “Spell to Bind Donald Trump” was first performed in February. I joined in April. I followed the clear, easy instructions posted online (just Google “Bind Trump” or check out the #Bind Trump Facebook page).

I found an orange candle in a box of multicolored ones we use for our Hanukkah menorah. I printed the required tarot card off the Internet and propped it up. I cut an unflattering photo of POTUS out of the newspaper, and I burned it while chanting the words of the spell. My husband was watching “SportsCenter” in the other room. I stood at the kitchen sink. It took less than five minutes. More time was required to get the components together, although that wasn’t difficult — no eye of newt or boiling cauldron required.

At first, I was discouraged. Immediately, the House of Representatives blindly passed the healthcare bill and it seemed no matter what the Senate would do, insurance companies would have the right to raise premiums and cut the elderly or infirm. Maybe I don’t believe in the devil, but I believe insurance companies are his spawn.

But little by little — and much more quickly over the last two weeks — Trump began to falter. The backlash against his firing of James B. Comey, his revealing interview with Lester Holt, his spilling of classified information to the Russians, the Comey memo, Kevin McCarthy’s taped voice joking that Trump was paid by Putin and the appointment of a special counsel, to say nothing of his constant, contradictory tweets — maybe the binding spell is doing its job. I’m sure Republicans wish they could do a binding spell for his phone and his fingers alone.

The next waning crescent moon will be May 23. I plan to complete the ritual again, but that’s not all. I’ll keep signing petitions, calling my representatives, sending donations to the American Civil Liberties Union and marching to City Hall. A binding spell is fine, but it’s not enough.

I believe in resistance and in the power of collective action. Working together by the millions — sending out shared, fervent hopes and dreams and wishes, praying, voting, even casting a binding spell — we cannot be ignored. Doing these things, keeping the faith, gives me hope.

Now, that's what I call Satanic. For those of you who want to perform this curse at home, I suggest you have it done professionally, but if you insist...
Hear me, oh spirits
Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air
Heavenly hosts
Demons of the infernal realms
And spirits of the ancestors

I call upon you
To bind
Donald J. Trump
So that his malignant works may fail utterly
That he may do no harm
To any human soul
Nor any tree
or Sea
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, as you have been reminded, you have to have those self-assessments in for your yearly reviews early this year (because "you know what" has been scheduled for the night before Christmas). Now I know that most of you think I only come here to brag about the bad things I've done, but this time it's to help you guys out, honest. The review process may be the worst kind of BS, but it will determine next year's level of compensation and whether you're eliminated or not, so take it seriously and learn to play the game.

First of all, you have to rate each of your 3 most valuable accomplishments using 6 possible levels. These are fairly self-explanatory.




The next section can be filled in directly from this table, making it easy. Be sure to rate yourself honestly!


Use "Wingdings" for your ciphers.


There is only one way to learn the hand signals well enough to pass that part of the test: Practice, Practice, Practice. Just do it, and no whining or excuses.


And finally, proof read the document for spelling AND GRAMMAR. For example, in the past I've confused my supervisor about exactly what sin I had committed by falling prey to this common mistake.

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

BTW, I finally got my t-shirt from Illuminati Oktoberfest, where we celebrated our Bayerish (Bavarian) roots. Oooh-weee did we get bombed that night, I still have the stains on my lederhosen to prove it!


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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

I would like to wish all you Illuminati out there, "Happy Black Friday." As you know, this is a celebration of you-know-what, which even this many years later the fools in the general public are completely unaware of. Just shows the power of persistence, and those handy Chlorox bleach sticks.

Steely Dan (named after a steam-powered dildo in the book "Naked Lunch," so I figure they had to be one of us), wrote this holiday song:
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Full title, steely dan from Yokohama. More radical than these singing boys.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Full title, steely dan from Yokohama. More radical than these singing boys.
In the mid 70's I was loosely associated with a "conceptual art" project that had a 8' X 8' X 8' gold-painted plywood cube mysteriously moving around my college campus. In it were people who were both moving it and reading James Joyce's Ulysses aloud. At the time I was told more than once that "Steely Dan" had come from this novel (I hadn't read Naked Lunch and so didn't know this wasn't right). I heard this a bit later too, and not from an associated source but in something written in some magazine or something. I guess one novel of unassailable prose is much like another to some people.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, December 7, 2017
Nibiru and Annunaki Lie

Posted on 15/08/2011 by chaukeedaar

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.But by their fruit you will know them.

It must have been around the infamous year 2003 that I ordered a book by Zecharia Sitchin – “The 12th Planet”. Absolutely innocent I was looking for information on Aliens and UFOs and stumbled upon the Zeta-Talk website (unbelievable, but this crap is still online!).

This whole earth-cataclysm-pole-shift-armageddon scenario was very new and very shocking to me at the time, so by Sitchin’s work I planned to deepen my information on that subject. He is the one who introduced the ancient myths about Nibiru as Planet X and the alien visitors of the Annunaki. His claims are propagated all over the web, so I won’t reproduce them here. Fortunately I never came post the first couple of pages – this stuff was just boring and with no scientific persuasive power.

Now, almost a decade later and by the help of my friend Stefan, I understand why my intuition hindered me from wasting my time with Sitchin.

Ancient Sumerian Tablet, The 1st recorded civilization on earth


Sitchin’s self-introduction on the back of his books and on the internet always tried to imply that he had graduated in ancient languages and history. But the simple truth is:

Sitchin graduated from the London School of Economics, University of London, majoring in economic history.

At the time Sitchin wrote his books, there was absolutely no chance of correctly translating ancient Sumer without thoroughly studying this language and the ancient tablets for a long time, and surely not by studying Economic history!

One of the most distinct and qualified critics of Sitchin’s thesis is Dr. Michael Heiser, M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. The scientific questions in his Open Letter to Sitchin from 2001 were never answered convincingly, nor will they ever be – not because Sitchin died in 2010, but because his claims were a complete hoax.

Zecharia Sitchin is not a scholar of ancient languages. What he has written in his books could neither pass peer review nor is it informed by factual data from the primary sources.

Likewise when Mr. Sitchin tells readers things like the Sumerians believed there were twelve planets, the Anunnaki were space travelers, Nibiru was the supposed 12th planet, etc., he is simply fabricating data.

It isn’t a question of how he translates texts; the issue is that these ideas don’t exist in any cuneiform text at all........... Dr. Michael S. Heiser


To produce fake “scientific” research results and to invent another most entertaining ancient astronauts story – this can have different motivations. Did Sitchin just try to copy Erich von Dänikens success by abusing the Sumerian sources that are only really known and “debunkeable” by a handful of people on this planet? Was it money, or did he even believe in his own theories?

To give another light on this question it is most interesting to dive into the real role the “London School of Economics”, where Sitchin studied, takes in the world of the powerful global elite, the dark cabal of the Illuminati/top Freemason/Zionists.

The London School of Economics is a part of “The City of London“, the financial and factual power center of the western world, owned and ruled by the Illuminati faction of the Rothschild’s and serves as talent factory for their economic leaders. We can safely assume that most if not all of these students are initiated on various degrees of the local masonic lodges, their secret “knowledge”, their occult rituals and apocalyptic belief systems.


As Armin Risi describes it in “TranscEnding the Global Power Game“, various secretive organizations have always believed in a coming political messiah that would run their planned world government / New World Order, stating of course that Jesus was not the announced messiah.

Belief in alien gods as well as etherial entities is a core component of their “secret knowledge” and rituals, as well as the key masonic and apocalyptic principal, “Out of Chaos Comes Order”. If we combine all these aspects of this brotherhood belief system, Zecharia Sitchin comes right out of this tradition: The apocalyptic planet Nibiru, the Annunaki, genetic masters and “gods” of mankind.

I really cannot say if Sitchin was knowingly distributing these lies, or if he was just abused by masonic deceivers *. In their goal of creating a global atmosphere of Armageddon, the Illuminati made a clever move by injecting the tale of Nibiru into the UFO and New Age communities.

As a blogger or YouTube author, you only have to include a word like Nibiru and you get immense hits and feedback from the scared audience. It’s shockingly easy to program our minds!

Every year for a long time now there has been misleading information traumatizing people about some planet X/Nibiru that never comes to pass. Every time the dates pass, new dates come. So many people can save a lot of time and even money in their lives by thinking critically. Use some common sense and do your own research.

Everyone makes mistakes, try learning from them, I put this out here for people to make up their own minds.

Watch and research the things I show in it. There's much more to this and I may post more on this subject soon. Share and get this information out about these people trying to rewrite history and shill people out of money at the same time.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 10:14:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous December 7, 2017 at 10:29 PM
This is a lie ! Adam & Eve were the first recorded civilization on Earth !

Baldfaced lies! Masons are fastidiously law-abiding and only get high in states where it's legal for recreational use. And of course the Illuminati are behind the Planet X material, not only will it discredit our enemies when it doesn't happen, when it actually does it will surprise the @#$! out of them! A two-fer!

You want more proof? Graduates of the London School of Economics. Need I say more?

John F. Kennedy, Mick Jagger, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Monica Lewinsky
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Burnaby49 »

You want more proof? Graduates of the London School of Economics. Need I say more?

John F. Kennedy, Mick Jagger, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Monica Lewinsky
Don't forget our own contributor Gregg.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:
You want more proof? Graduates of the London School of Economics. Need I say more?

John F. Kennedy, Mick Jagger, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Monica Lewinsky
Don't forget our own contributor Gregg.
A common misunderstanding based on the fact that Gregg is really Keith Richards and Mick, the other Glimmer Twin, went there. In reality Gregg/Keith went to Cambridge as an undergraduate, and got his PhD in Philosophy at Oxford by defending the thesis, "Man's striving for 'satisfaction' and 'girl reaction.'" He was for it.

Seriously, I understand Gregg is not only a study-money-guy, but he used to teach it too. No doubt how he got an invite to join the Imperial Illuminati Air Force, two places we needed more expertise were "cost savings" and "torment." Add to that a rock solid rhythm guitar and a knack for training dachshunds in the martial arts, and it's easy to see how he quickly rose up the ranks. Unfortunately, years of substance abuse has caused a few problems which modern electronics can only partially fix.

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Gregg »

Yes, I was a conservative young American abroad in Britain to learn economics from communists. To me, the ultimate irony is I came out of it a Keynesian.

I've been commanding the Imperial Illuminati Air Force and weaponizeing wiener dogs ever since. Oh, and building cars, but only for the money... :D
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Burnaby49 »

Gregg wrote:Yes, I was a conservative young American abroad in Britain to learn economics from communists. To me, the ultimate irony is I came out of it a Keynesian.

I've been commanding the Imperial Illuminati Air Force and weaponizeing wiener dogs ever since. Oh, and building cars, but only for the money... :D
You send Burnaby49 hunting for a pub you're going to be outed.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Gregg »

Actually, LSE is a damn fine school, I think its far more influential than both Harvard and Yale.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by notorial dissent »

I've certainly always heard it described as the best.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:I've certainly always heard it described as the best.
Of course it is, because "it" is really "us," and "we" are better than "them." David Icke (pronounced "ick-ee,") knows the truth, but is such a @#$! that only the very wise believe him.

David Icke, Oxford, and The Illuminati Breeding Ground
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:55

In the following video, David Icke, one of the most controversial figures in the world gives his take on what is really going in the world for those who consider themselves to be “unplugged” from the Illusory Matrix provided by the Mainstream Media.

For years, David has harped on the comings and goings of The Illuminati, Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations, As David Describes them, these groups are a Brotherhood as old as mankind itself, and they manipulate and control the minds of the media, military, CIA, Mossad, science, religion, and the Internet, with witting or unwitting support from the London School of Economics.

At the apex of the Brotherhood stands the “Global Elite,” identified throughout history as the Illuminati, and at the top of the Global Elite stand the “Prison Wardens.” The goal of the Brotherhood — their “Great Work of Ages” — is world domination and a micro-chipped population.

I understand Icke randomly raves about them in some of his videos, enough so that it's a tenet of his followers that it's a nest of vipers and spies. And you say they have pubs nearby? Sounds like a GREAT place.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pubs nearby? It's in the heart of London. These are the pubs I had a beer at the day I infiltrated the London School of Economics communictions centre (The George IV).

Craft Beer Company - Covent Gardens
Two Brewers
Walkers of Whitehall
Red Lion (Crown Passage)
Tom Cribb
Marquess of Anglesey
George IV
London Pub
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
The Constitution Con (A Sad Tale of Parchment Idolatry) by Michael Tsarion

The Trinity of Slavery. This basic diagram delineates how Atonist royals maintain world control. By way of theology and politics are human hearts and minds enslaved. Through secret societies the hierarchy of control is perpetuated and monitored. As French poet Charles Peguy wrote: "Tyranny is always better organized that freedom."

Because of the confessions and evidence provided by intelligent, informed whistle-blowers from within religion, politics, royalty and masonry, we know a great deal about how the engines of world and mind control operate. However there are pitfalls when insiders with myopic insight and inflexible allegiances and prejudices attempt to instruct the masses as to the intricacies of oligarchic control. When it comes to exposing the dirty little secrets, and dirty big secrets of those occupying the highest levels of the Atonist power-pyramid, objectivity is essential. Photographs of their hideous visages, taken from a rickety platform constructed by their agents, will be “blurred” and inadequate, to say the least.

Posted by Freewill at 12:05:00 PM
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