That's right readers, "The Dove of Oneness" aka "The DOO" who is also the executive director of the international NASERA take action teams is not fat by fault. No, the the reason for her stout stature stems from the virus “adenovirus 37
or Ad-37”. How about that? When quizzed about the possibility of weight gain secondary to a diet high in saturated fats, the flightless bird squawks "lies all lies" and goes on to say that the virus was created in military labs just like AIDS and the Swine and Avian Flu. Dove does admit that Ad-37 is passed in food and not from human contact. Still, the only cure for such troubles is vaccination, and The Dove vows all vaccines are developed by the military as well and just infect rather than prevent. I see no small irony here, since The Dove claims that the NESARA bill was pushed through by General Officers and special operation teams. Dove also claims almost supernatural protection provided her by her military pals and even though "the government" has tried to shut her site down by launching up to one million attacks at once, her service connections have protected her. Seems like they would cure her of fat person's flu. Oh well, I'm sure after Oprah reads this, the vaccine for Ad-37 will be big news and maybe even force NESARA's announcement.
The Dove is not fat, she's sick
Moderator: Deep Knight
- Grand Debunker of Medical Quackery
- Posts: 548
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The Dove is not fat, she's sick
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
- Posts: 5397
- Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
- Location: Washington DC
Re: The Dove is not fat, she's sick
As for Dove's girth, that's easily explained as CIA misinformation, much as was her picture in the Tacoma Tribune in 2004. From Dove's comments about that article (see )doveofo wrote: NESARA Ends Lies About Swine Flu/Vaccine, Credit Cards
September 29, 2009 2:45 pm PDT
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
LIES, LIES and MORE LIES About Swine Flu
Swine flu (H1N1) did not just happen. The US military and Illuminati
scientists created swine flu in the labs of Los Almos, New Mexico,
during 2006 through 2008. Now experts are saying the swine flu has
components of the 1918 Spanish flu! And claiming the Spanish flu was
a form of swine flu. They are re-writing history.
In the last few months, the swine flu virus has been beefed up with
the Spanish flu virus which may make it more powerful. Most swine flu
is being distributed through food in restaurants – fast food and other
FACT: Very few diseases leap from one species (pigs) to another
(human)! Rabies is the notable exception.
Remember, AIDs was said to have come from monkeys; AIDs was/is an
invented disease which was invented in a military lab in Maryland and
in other places.
Avian flu was also an invented virus by the US military and others.
West Nile virus and Lyme disease were also invented by the US military
and others trying to come up with bio-weapons.
The highly publicized swine flu vaccine is expected to make many
people ill with other illnesses; it is not safe. Now some states are
passing bills to require that all citizens get the vaccine!
If you want to fend off the swine flu or other virus disease, I
suggest you take something called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution). You
can find it on the internet.
Some researchers have discovered that there appear to be a “virus”
which is making humans obese. This virus is named the “adenovirus 37
or Ad-37”.
What researchers do not know is that this is also a created virus
manufactured by the US military and others in their bio-weapons
research. Ad-37 is widely responsible for the increase in obesity in
the US. Mainly, it has been distributed through fast food, medicines
and vaccines. It is not passed on from one human to another.
NESARA will shut down all US research into bio-weapons. Clearly, this
research is dangerous to all of us.
Banks in the US have recently been cutting good customers’ credit
lines in order to make the bank’s balance sheet look better. Banks
are also raising the minimum payment percentage on credit cards
without any causal action by the credit card holder.
Big banks are run by bad people – most of whom are Illuminati. NESARA
removes the Illuminati and makes banks serve the customers. NESARA
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
Dove uses a pen-name for security and privacy reasons. The term "White
Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big
business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from
a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person.
Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the
benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and
banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. Our http://WWW.NESARA.US
website has had over 69 MILLION visits since October 2003.
Dove of Oneness Worldwide NTAT Director wrote: However, S.R. had to ambush me last Thursday because he needed to get some
pictures of me. After approximately 547 days (18 months) of supposedly
researching the trash S.R. wrote, he showed up on my doorstep TWO days
before his libelous and fraudulent trash was printed. When S.R. got back
to the office on Thursday, he emailed pictures they took of me to a CIA
office where the CIA “tampered” with the pictures. The picture which the
paper printed showing my face in the Sunday edition, was actually
“stretched diagonally” and manipulated to try to make me look “crazy”.
The other pictures of me were also manipulated and tampered with by the
CIA and then sent back to the reporter S.R. to use. This is just one of
the many mistakes these people made which will bring them down.
"Follow the Money"
- Posts: 5397
- Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
- Location: Washington DC
Re: The Dove is not fat, she's sick
Dove at work. Originially our CIA minions photoshopped this to show Dove in a thong bikini, but it caused all their computers to crash, so they settled for making her look crazy (it's a standard option, click the "sanity" icon).

Dove opens the door. Run!
"Follow the Money"
- Grand Debunker of Medical Quackery
- Posts: 548
- Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:08 am
Re: The Dove is not fat, she's sick
Of course we all know who the CIA Stooge at Quatloos is. Still, I was under the impression that "The Company" was affording Dove special protection, as I recall her saying that cars tried to run her off the road but the drivers were unable to get their cars to hit her. (she could see them fighting the steering wheels) and this was CIA vu-doo at work.
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
- Posts: 5397
- Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
- Location: Washington DC
Re: The Dove is not fat, she's sick
No doubt you're thinking of this from April 28, 2006. One of my favorites due to the "quintillion pages of zeros" material.texino wrote:Of course we all know who the CIA Stooge at Quatloos is. Still, I was under the impression that "The Company" was affording Dove special protection, as I recall her saying that cars tried to run her off the road but the drivers were unable to get their cars to hit her. (she could see them fighting the steering wheels) and this was CIA vu-doo at work.
To US National Security Agency and Other Intelligence Agency People
by Dove
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
There are numbers of good people who work for the US National Security
Agency and also other intelligence agencies for the US and other
governments. It is to these good people, and people who know them,
that this information is addressed.
I have learned of the existence of a certain bank account which was
established on orders from the US Treasury Department and the Federal
Reserve in 1989. This bank account is was initially set up in the
Cayman Islands location of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). The bank
account is a perpetual trading account which has been trading since
1989; all the funds are in US currency and the funds in this account
have grown to ASTRONOMICAL levels.
There is so much money in this account, that the number of pages
needed to print out the amount of funds in the account begins on the
Page 1 followed by row after row of zeroes – 000,000,000, etc. – and
page after page filled with zeroes. Between Page 1 and the last page
of the pages showing the funds in this account, there are more than
QUINTILLIONS of pages! Some of you in the NSA and other intelligence
groups know about this account; I am giving these details to show I
also KNOW about this account.
However, the American people and the American government are NOT
benefiting in any way from this extraordinary perpetual trading
account. It is currently being ILLEGALLY used by very corrupt people
who are constantly damaging the world and the world’s people. The
corrupt and terrible people who have set up credit lines against this
extraordinary perpetual trading account include:
George H. W. Bush (Bush Sr.), ex-President 1988-93 and CIA Director
James Baker, ex-Sec. of State 1989-92 (“The Janitor” - black ops
and clean-up)
Nicholas Brady, ex. Sec. of US Treasury 1988-93
Henry Kissinger
And other enemies of the world’s people
There have been 600 lines of credit set up against this extraordinary
perpetual trading account and NONE of these lines of credit, not one
penny of funds, are being used to help the world’s people!
I have the capability to obtain funds from this extraordinary trading
account for NESARA and the world’s people. Let me explain how and
HOW: I can act to access funds in this account without being harmed
by the Illuminati;
I can arrange for PROTECTION for people who help me and
NESARA and they cannot be harmed by the Illuminati.
PROOF that the Illuminati cannot harm me or NESARA or NESARA helpers:
I have a proven history of being protected from Bush Sr. and all the
other Illuminati who are enemies of America and the world. Here are
two proofs:
1. My website, http://WWW.NESARA.US , is attacked by the Bush government
over 30,000 times A DAY. The government is trying to log into
http://WWW.NESARA.US and take the website down – 30,000 times a day! That’s
31 attacks PER MINUTE every day!
Because my Dove Reports and all my efforts for NESARA are on
http://WWW.NESARA.US, the Bush government CANNOT succeed in their attacks. I
have the active protection and intervention of much more powerful
forces who easily protect our website and will continue to protect it
2. In 2003, the IRS (US Internal Revenue Service – income tax
organization) was ordered to attack me and my bank accounts. As all
of you know, if the IRS sends an order to your bank telling the bank
to turn over all the funds in your bank account to the IRS, the bank
will do it without hesitation.
I was not aware that the IRS was trying to seize money from me – this
is because I am protected from the IRS because all my money goes to
NESARA. A person who was publishing lies about NESARA informed me
that he had been told by the IRS that the IRS was trying to get
$12,000.00 USD from me. I never knew about it.
I have had two bank accounts in Bank of America in Olympia, Washington
since January 2002. One of the bank accounts has the name “Dove” on
it. And, the “Dove” account is interest earning, therefore, the Bank
of America has every year sent an interest earned statement to the
IRS. The IRS certainly had records of my bank accounts.
However, no matter how hard the IRS has tried to seize the money from
my bank accounts, they have never gotten one penny! This is because I
and my bank accounts are protected due to my total dedication to
As for proof of physical protection, twice while driving on the
highway in the last few years, I have been protected when other
drivers made mistakes which should have resulted in my vehicle being
hit by theirs. In one incident, my car and the other car over-lapped
in physical space for a few seconds. My vehicle and I were kept
totally safe and there were no collisions.
Some of you people who work for the National Security Agency KNOW
there are forces much greater than the Illuminati who are intervening
here on Earth. You have access to ultra top secret information and
you KNOW about the interventions by these forces. These are the
forces which protect all who are helping NESARA.
Some of you good people working for the National Security Agency and
other intelligence agencies DO NOT want to serve the Bush government.
You abhor the terrible activities of the Bush government. You want to
see Bush and his henchmen removed, but you don’t know how to do it.
YOU CAN HELP remove Bush and Bush’s unlawful, never-elected government
by HELPING NESARA! And, I can GUARANTEE that ALL of you who help
NESARA WILL BE FULLY PROTECTED by the very powerful forces who have
continuously protected me, my website, my bank accounts, and have
provided physical protection to me and numerous other people who have
helped NESARA at various times. I have the authority to arrange to
have you protected if you are helping NESARA.
NESARA needs one million metric tons of gold to back NESARA’s US
Treasury currency. In year 2000, the NESARA Law was passed by
Congress without enough gold to back NESARA’s US Treasury currency
which will be exchanged for Federal Reserve currency. Because NESARA
did not have enough gold, NESARA was passed with a 10% exchange rate.
This 10% exchange rate means that if NESARA were announced today, and
you had $1,000 USD (One Thousand Dollars) in your bank account,
tomorrow, you would have only $100 USD (One Hundred Dollars) in your
bank account!
This 10% exchange rate would DEVASTATE the world economy as well as
America. The same Judges who put Bush Jr. into the White House were
in charge of the writing of the NESARA Law. (See the “History” behind
NESARA at to understand why
the Judges of the US Supreme Court were in charge of the drafting of
the NESARA Law.)
Many countries hold large amounts of Federal Reserve currency in their
central banks as “reserve currency” and many corporations and
individuals in the US and in other countries have considerable
holdings of Federal Reserve currency. NESARA’s 10% exchange rate
means everyone holding Federal Reserve currency/electronic funds would
LOSE 90% of their wealth in Federal Reserve funds. NESARA cannot be
announced until we FIX this exchange rate issue.
To fix the exchange rate in NESARA, we must obtain a CONTRACT for
ENOUGH GOLD to fully back NESARA’s US Treasury currency so the
exchange rate in NESARA will be 100% and no one will lose a single
I have investigated and found sources of millions of metric tons of
gold in the Philippines, Asia, and private mines from which to buy one
million metric tons or more of gold to back NESARA’s US Treasury
Today, April 28, 2006, I priced one million metric tons of gold at the
London Fix Closing Price of $644.00 per Troy ounce. The total price
for one million metric tons of gold at today’s price is
$20,705,083,000,000.00 - Twenty Trillion, Seven Hundred Five Billion,
Eighty-Three Million Dollars.
Before the NESARA Law Task Force can go to negotiate the contracts to
purchase NESARA’s gold, NESARA must have significant funds to prove to
gold sellers that NESARA can pay for the gold. Sellers of gold will
not agree to negotiate with us unless we can PROVE we have the funds
to buy the gold. Therefore, we need large amounts of funds in a bank
account in the name of NESARA’s corporation, WPAIC, so we can schedule
negotiations for NESARA’s gold. The sooner we obtain the contract(s)
for NESARA’s gold, the sooner NESARA can be announced.
After the gold contract(s) are obtained, the NESARA Law will be
amended to state NESARA has one million metric tons of gold and the
exchange rate of Federal Reserve currency to the new NESARA US
Treasury currency will be 100%, therefore ensuring no one will lose
money due to NESARA. Another amendment to NESARA will require all
funds held by WPAIC to be turned over to the President Elect, who is
elected in the federal elections a few months after NESARA’s
announcement, and will require the President Elect to take
responsibility for using the funds to pay for NESARA’s gold and
For the last month, I’ve been learning about the perpetual trading
account which the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve
authorized and established in 1989. The funds in this account are
ASTRONOMICAL. This account has held these huge funds for many years,
but, clearly, the funds are NOT being used by the US government for
America nor to help the world’s people. Most of the 600 credit lines
against this account are held by Illuminati who are using the funds to
harm the world and build their own personal wealth.
NESARA needs to obtain a sizeable amount of these funds for NESARA’s
gold and NESARA’s many improvements.
There is a fairly simple way to obtain these funds for NESARA. There
are three things needed to obtain these funds:
1. Federal Reserve Gray Screen Access.
2. The public codes for the account.
3. The private codes for the account.
The codes are provided by a group in the National Security Agency
(NSA). I am asking those of you working for the NSA or other
intelligence groups, who can help obtain these codes, to contact me
and offer your help to NESARA.
Or if you have a friend who works for the NSA or other intelligence
group and your friend wants to see the Bush government removed from
power, ask your friend to help NESARA by helping obtain some or all of
these three things for NESARA – the Federal Reserve Gray Screen
access, the public codes for the account, and the private codes for
the account.
Here are the specifics on the perpetual trading account which were
obtained via Federal Reserve Gray Screen access using public codes in
February 2006:
The computer programming underpinning this perpetual trading process
includes an Infinite Rotating Key Device with No Time Lapse Mechanism.
I’m requesting those of you who wish to help regarding this account to
contact me by sending an email to with the
Subject of “Funds Access”.
Or, if you wish more privacy, please send me a letter addressed to:
3430 Pacific Ave SE #A6-217
Olympia, WA 98501
Or, if you have a telephone security device which provides security
for you to call me, you who work in an intelligence position can
obtain my home telephone number and call me to discuss helping NESARA.
And, I can prove the protection is very real. (There will also be a
very large financial reward to those who help NESARA obtain funds from
this account.)
Here’s how I’m proving the protection for those helping NESARA is very
real. This Dove Report is going to be posted on a special web page on
http://WWW.NESARA.US . I am also posting a NEW ticker tape message on the
http://WWW.NESARA.US home page which asks NSA and other intelligence
personnel to click to find out how they can help remove the Bush
government in the near future this year. Clicking on the ticker tape
message will take people to the special web page containing this Dove
Report. This will ensure up to a million visitors are likely to read
this Dove Report in the next few weeks; we have over a million hits on
http://WWW.NESARA.US every month.
This perpetual trading account – ACCOUNT NUMBER: 010301349 – is one of
the BIGGEST ULTRA TOP SECRET financial activities in the world! The
Illuminati George H. W. Bush, James Baker, Henry Kissinger, etc. do
NOT want people knowing this perpetual trading account exists. All
funds generated in this perpetual trading account are “OFF LEDGER”
funds and are never made public. This is one secret the Illuminati
have tried very, very hard to keep hidden.
This Report exposes this secret perpetual trading account. Because we
are exposing it, I fully expect there will be an increase in the
number of attacks on our http://WWW.NESARA.US website after I post this Dove
Report. Asking for help from NSA and intelligence personnel on our
ticker tape message will add to the number of people who will read
this very important information about the perpetual trading account.
The Illuminati will order a big increase in efforts to attack and take
down our http://WWW.NESARA.US website.
However, our website and this Report will remain untouched by the
Illuminati attacks. The fact that http://WWW.NESARA.US will continue to be
online and available will PROVE the Illuminati are prevented from
causing harm to those helping NESARA.
The very same, massive protection will be given to all people involved
EVERY STEP as we obtain the funds for NESARA, negotiate the gold
contracts, amend NESARA, and do the NESARA announcement from the White
Contact me now if you or someone you know can help NESARA obtain funds
from this perpetual trading account. The SOONER funds are obtained
for NESARA, the sooner the gold contract(s) can be negotiated and
signed, and the SOONER we can get NESARA announced and REMOVE the Bush
Help NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
Dove uses a pen-name for security and privacy reasons. The term "White
Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big
business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from
a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person.
Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the
benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and
banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. Our http://WWW.NESARA.US
website has had 32,850,382 visits since October 2003.
But Dove has nothing on Sherry Shriner, who is an anti-NESARAite but believes everything Dove & Co. say. She takes a road trip every summer to spread orgone blaster made from auto body repair resin, crystals, aluminum shavings, magnets and copper coils and always reports some incident where a "phantom car" tries to get her killed. Here is a comment from 2007 where she suggests that if you see something in front of your car, an animal or perhaps a small child, run it over!
Street Theater - ever see cars or even semi trucks just vanish into thin air? They will use the element of surprise to startle you hoping to cause you to have a car accident. Or they will will blind your car from others being able to see it who then run right into you at high rates of speed. They will also use small animals to run out in front of you to startle you to cause an accident. Learn to just run them over. Most of these kinds are just holographics the "at the last second" kinds usually are..they want the element of surprise to cause you to react quickly and end up wrecking your car and possibly hurting yourself in the process.
"Follow the Money"
- Princeps Wooloosia
- Posts: 3144
- Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 4:50 pm
Re: The Dove is not fat, she's sick
Y'know, may more than millions in money, those NESARA saucer people or angels or whatever would probably do us more good if they brought us a cure for obesity.
Surely one of those spaceships is carrying a copy of "How to Serve Man".
Surely one of those spaceships is carrying a copy of "How to Serve Man".
- Tragedian of Sovereign Mythology
- Posts: 695
- Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:57 am
- Location: 71 degrees north
Re: The Dove is not fat, she's sick
[cheap shot]Soo, the solution would be to eat less??[/cheap shot]texino wrote: Dove does admit that Ad-37 is passed in food and not from human contact.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.