This would be 1:15-cv-14127, Payne v. Klida et al., in the Eastern District of Michigan. A 41 page complaint.Jeffrey wrote:Payne also recorded that he has filed pending federal litigation (presumably his federal lawsuit mentioned over at NESARA news). Judge in charge of that case is Ludington.
Well, he wasted no time getting to his complaint, so how'd he get 41 pages? Mostly from the "Affidavit of Truth," executed by his brother, Daniel, and its various attachments telling Destry's tale of woe. Among these are Daniel's "Amicus curiae open letter," which opens:NOW COMES Destry Jame Payne, my true real Christian name, APPEARING IN PROPRIA PERSONA, Apostile Number # 104325=1-3042090-194, CASE # 12 1231770ST BAY COUNTY COURTS CALENDER, A ND THERE IS NO LAWFUL CHARGES AN I WAS FALSE ARRESTED CRIMINALLY DETAINED UNDER BOGUS CHARGES KIDNAPPED AND UNLAWFULLY DETAINED IN VIOLATION OF ALL MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND I DID FORMALLY OBJECT AND CHALLENGED PLAINTIFFS UNDER THE REAL LAW THE U.S. CONSTITUTION. MY NAME IS PATTENT PROTECTED AS SHOWN ABOVE
You can tell he is serious about this because he sealed it with five—count 'em, five—fingerprints. Anyway, attached to that is a wonderful "Amicus curiae open letter" from the "Court of Record", typed up in a font with really atrocious kerning, and covering such topics as, "Dissolution of the United States," "The Penalty for the 'Sin of the Calf' is Death," and "The Swiss Quark Cannon with lead ion bullets: CERN."I, Dan Payne, living [flesh and blood] man, blood brother to the living [flesh and blood] man Destry Payne, inhabiting the lands of the state of Michigan beyond the real physical reach of the seas, counted among the peoples who comprise said state, standing on the common laws of the land and the foundations of said laws, enter the proceedings of STATE OF MICHIGAN v DESTRY JAMES PAYNE for the honorable and just purposes of claiming damages and introducing into the matters highly relevant facts which shed as-yet unseen light on the matters, facts which expose crimes and attempted crimes of felony nature.
There is also a reference in here to Destry's previous federal case, also before Judge Ludington, number 1:15-cv-13307, filed September 18 and bounced back on October 9, when the judge described the complaint as "a 249 page amalgam of alleged state court documents, transcripts, and federal and state laws," but lacking Destry's contact information.