NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Orly Taitz blames suicide on people being upset with President Obama's SSN.
Nothing odd about that. I have committed suicide several times over the years during the Obama administration. The Illuminati contract, howver, provides for instant resurrection and return to service.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Earlier this week, Orly filed yet another brief in one of her birfer appeals .... ... uments.pdf

... in the absence of solid evidence or clear judicial error in the trial court, she has fallen back on suggesting that the judges are following the Nazis or the Communists, or that they're guilty of some wrongdoing by which the Obama White House is blackmailing them (are all the judges guilty of something they can be blackmailed for? And how come it hasn't discouraged them from deciding against the govt in a bunch of other recent cases?).

For some reason my Trial Diplomacy professor neglected to teach us this persuasive method.

I am offering twenty-to-one odds to anyone who thinks she'll win this appeal.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This is the first time that I've seen an allegation, in an appellate brief, that a certain item was retrieved by a "wayback machine".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Although the name comes from a Jay Ward animated cartoon that was part of the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show, here the Wayback Machine is an internet search engine geared to roust up old and long-superceded webpages.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Orlena never fails to amaze, as they say.

Having read her current effort in effluence, I still can't say that there was much there to be made of, other than her rather long winded attempt to earn yet another round of, and much deserved contempt citations. I guess I didn't realize you could call a judge a Nazi scumbag traitor and not get sanctioned for it. You live and learn. Certainly none of the ones I used to be familiar with would have put up with it, and one would have gone positively fissionable, and that would have been fun to see, his courts were always fun to watch, as long as you were just observing.

At any rate, after scraping all the horse dung, vituperation, and general dreck out of the 30 some pages, it seems to come down to her appealing having her original case thrown out because the mean nasty old judge wouldn't let her break the rules in general and in specific move a case from state court to federal court when she was the plaintiff.

For some reason, it seems she thinks, and I use the term advisedly, that a court following the rules, and in particular its rules, is some how prejudicial to her and treason, or somethign to that effect, I'm never quite sure with her. At least as near as I can determine that is the basis of her appeal, that and she is using the wrong statute as her authority for appeal.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Orly has come up with a new myth:

An unnamed person in the Higher Education Services Corporation, in NY, has revealed to her that Obama's financial aid paperwork revealed that he was receiving aid as a Indonesian citizen.

It turns out that the Higher Education Services Corp is the NY State Govt agency that tries to assist students to pay for college. It started around 1975, but it seems to exist to help New Yorker pay for college, not to help out-of-staters enroll in NY colleges. My impression is that Obama got a scholarship to Columbia College, and I am not at all certain if he would have ever submitted papers to HESC. But I am truly impressed that someone who examined the papers he may have filed in 1981 can still remember these details after more than 30 years. .... And, by the way, will this HESC person come forward and identify him/herself??
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote: .... And, by the way, will this HESC person come forward and identify him/herself??
Probably about the same time Orly writes(herself) and files a real and coherent brief(on time and properly) following ALL the local court rules. In other words, "nebah"!!!!

Just as an aside, wouldn't this "HESC person" be violating all sorts or privacy and confidentiality rules and laws, even at this late date?

Quite a memory feat to remember one specific application out of the thousands upon thousands they must have processed over the course of their tenure in that office more than 30 years ago.

Even stretching my willing suspension of disbelief button repeatedly doesn't make this one plausible.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Oily also forgets to consider the possibility that, under Indonesian law, he might have been an Indonesian citizen (I don't know or care if that is true). Even if he was an Indonesian citizen, though, that means absolutely nothing when it comes to determining whether or not he was a natural-born U.S. citizen. If I recall correctly, I can claim some foreign citizenships because of my ancestry; but I was born in Massachusetts, and under U.S. law I am a U.S. citizen. So is the President, Oily.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Yes, a quick visit to the site shows that the Higher Education Services Corporation makes grants for New York State residents, so it would make no sense for a foreign national to apply to them. Or for that matter President Obama who was a resident of Hawaii. Which would make this obvious for everyone except Orly and her fans.

As for comments you get everything from short to long

Tabitha Stevens
June 20th, 2013 @ 6:26 pm


Arthur J Plourde
June 20th, 2013 @ 10:05 pm

Congratulations Orly!!! AMERICA and it’s citizens have been betrayed by comprehensive CONSPIRACY, that put in power a non citizen, black person, who is and never has been able meet the CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT to be POTUS. All the Courts where you have stood pleading this issue have shown their defiance for the law and the CONSTITIUTION they swore to uphold at the time they took the bench. There denial and continued gross mis conduct with regards to this matter indicate they should all be arrested and tried for “TREASON”. Further, the U S Congress both houses are filled with criminals, crooks and treasonous people who have violated the trust of “We the People” they are suppose to serve. Will this never end, Will no one have the gumption, guts, courage, fortitude, strength, will, and character to stand and correct this VERY EXCRUCIATING AND MOST PAINFUL AND VERY COSTLY DECEPTION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!! Is there not one of the Military Staff Officers who will stand for AMERICA? Can the House of Representatives move quicker on this to have this NIGHTMARE ENDED FINALLY? Can neither House in Congress not issue a no confidence resoultion, which would cause action to be taken. AMERICA AND IT’S CITIZENS NEED ACTION NOW!!! Pray for our NATION!!!!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

The birfers wouldn't be quite so annoying if they didn't, in the midst of insisting that Obama was not a natural born American, remind us that he is, y'know, one of them, ummm, a person of color.

And I actually worry about all this birfer talk that throws in 'usurper', and even 'traitor' (for what, being born abroad?!) .... I honestly believe they're trying to incite an assassination attempt. I didn't know they loved Joe Biden that much.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

From the Birther Think Tank (not a pro-birther site).

Did Orly Taitz Find A Whistleblower Or A Smokeblower???By Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

Orly Just Lay There And Prayed For A Whistleblower To Come Along!

Orly Taitz has found a WHISTLEBLOWER! Here is page 4 from her recent filing which contains all the juicy information. I converted it to text, and then back to pdf to make it darker and easier to read. The entire unedited pdf is in the notes.


Here is a text rendition:


I am an appellant In Taitz: v Obomo, Fenstein, Emken In front of the Fourth District Court of Appeal,
State of California CaseG047746. I have personal knowledge of the facts described below and attest
under the penalty of perjury of the following;

1. On 06.19.2013 I participated In a rally in front of the U.S. Capitol.

2. At the rally I met a whistleblower, who is an employee of the Higher Education Services Corporation In Albany New York. (Hereinafter HESC)

3. The whistleblower advised me that she is seeking to provide to a judge evidence of fraud.

4. The whistleblower stated that she personally reviewed financial aid records of Mr. Barack Obama. She reviewed the financial aid microfilm, where it stated that Mr. Obama received financial aid as a foreign student, citizen of Indonesia.

5. Whistleblower stated that usual modus operandi of the Higher Education Services Corporation, Is not to destroy the records and as of the date of our conversation 06.19.2013 the microfilm of the record was in the safe of the corporation.

6. Whistleblower stated that she and several other employees made copies of the aforementioned foreign student record for Mr. Obama in case someone in the corporation management decides to destroy the original records.

7. Whistleblower stated that she made the statement due to the fact that she is concerned withfraud committed by Mr. Obama, as being a citizen of Indonesia he was never legitimate for the u.s, Presidency.

8. Whistleblower provided me and wrote in her own handwriting her first and last name, her home and cell phone numbers and her work and personal e-mail addresses.

9. Whistleblower stated that she is concerned about retaliation by Mr. Obama and Obama regime.

10. I did my due diligence and verified that indeed aforementioned whistleblower is employed by the Higher Education Services Corporation.

11. I verified that Mr. Obama indeed transferred from the Occidental college to the Columbia University in New York, therefore his financial aid would be handled by Albany, New York office.

12. Due to the fact that the whistleblower is concerned of retaliation. I am asking the court to allow to submit her identification information under seal and any testimony, if needed by the court, to be done in camera.

I attest under the penalty perjury that all of the Information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

/s/ Or. Orly Taitz. ESQ Appellant
Taltz v Obama, Feinstein, Emken

Here are my thoughts. First, she has a reasonably competent legal assistant working for her. The format is much cleaner, and professionally put together. The language appears to be English, which has been doubtful in the past.

Second, if these claims pan out, Taitz will have found evidence that Obama either lied on his college financial request forms, or does in fact have dual Indonesian citizenship. Whichever, this will prove more of an embarrassment, than proof of ineligibility. Whatever Obama may have put on his college forms does not trump the Hawaiian birth certificate. This is much the same as the publisher’s blurb. Interesting, but not proof of ineligibility. We already know Obama smoked pot and snorted coke when he was young. Finding out that he lied about where he was from would be kind of anticlimactic.

Finally, I sincerely doubt that these claims will pan out. If the Whistleblower did have documentary evidence, it should have been attached to the filing. And, one would think Orly would be bragging that she had the documents. This leads me to believe that any alleged documents are in the hands of the Whistleblower. Which means even Orly hasn’t seen them yet.

It seems weird to me that if the Whistleblower(s) had any desire to bust Obama out, why wait until after the election? These papers would have been worth a mint to Donald Trump, or numerous other Republicans. The Democrats were poking Romney with him teasing some kid in high school. This would have provided some good pokes right back at Obama.

And too, why would a Whistleblower who is scared of retaliation go to a California lawyer who hasn’t won a case? Wouldn’t they seek out a good New York Republican lawyer? Additionally, these records would have existed in 2007 and 2008. Either the Clintons, or the Republicans who were still in control of the White House, would certainly have uncovered this information. So, I don’t think there are any such documents.

But that is just my opinion. The documents will either surface, or they won’t. Time will tell, but I suspect this will fizzle out along with all the other wild Birther claims.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

One of the comments on Orly's posting of her press release announcing her new "evidence"

Rod Riddle
June 22nd, 2013 @ 5:57 pm

Retired Postman and true patriotic American Alan Hulton gave us this proof a few years ago already. He signed a sworn affidavit and said he would submit to a lie detector test at any time to confirm his account. Mr Hulton delivered mail to the parents of Terrorist Bill Ayers (one of of Soebarkahs’ heroes and mentor) in the city of Glen Ellyn, Illinois. On one afternoon as he was delivering their mail, Mrs. Ayers was standing outside with a clown that looked out of place who was also sporting “Giant Elephant Ears.” She told Alan she wanted to introduce a G-Slice to him who was a foreign student that she was helping put thru College. Soebarkah was standing there and said “I’z gonna be da Prez 1 day!” True story.


Are Orly's fans as crazy as they appear, or are they just acting up because they've got behavior problems?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

They're every bit as crazy as they appear and then some, many of them living in really unregistered realities. Some of them in fact are working at having even less contact with our reality than others.

The problem with Squirrely's ebidence and daffydavits, is that they are just that, wastes of paper from people even more confused than she is.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Years ago, based on an idea I found here at Quatloos, I kept a Nigerian 419 scammer as a "pet" for a month or so. Basically I got an e-mail inviting me to share $millions if I would send scammer a bunch of information, including banking. I told him I was excited about doing this, but turned out to be too inept to actually do it. You know, my computer scanner didn't work right, I couldn't figure out how to dial international on my FAX, and then of course the snowstorm and subsequent flooding prevented my getting into town to do it there... Anyway, I wasted the scammers time until he got fed up and told me where to get off. I wonder how long it will take Dr. Orly?

this is a part of an e-mail I just got from the whistle blower regarding Obama’s foreign student aid from the U.S. government
Posted on | June 23, 2013 | No Comments

My scanner’s adobe features were affected by the virus and I have been working all weekend to fix it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Let's see, she has been at this for how many years times how many complete and utter court fails? The spirits do not see any hope in sight.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

One reason NESARA loves Orly is that they share the same bad habits. When NESARA sees its adherents getting bored, it releases “it’s here!” announcements. Think of all the times NESARA has been implemented in secret and only details remain, but for some odd reason is never actually announced. And, after a bit, you never hear about it again (or have any of the people with inside information apologize for being wrong).

Orly has taken a page from this book with here whistleblower from HESC. Forget that this agency wouldn’t have had jurisdiction, that the report is legally hearsay, and that Orly’s submission of her story was rejected by the court – she promised us evidence that for some strange reason has disappeared. No doubt the Obots got to the whistleblower and using liberal thug tactics forced her to give lame excuses to Dr. Taitz. Hee, hee, hee.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

And it gets even better.

If Obama had been a foreign national, according to HESC rules, as reported, he wouldn't have been eligible for any kind of grant from them. In order to be eligible you have be a US national, AND a 12 month resident of the state of NY. So if he got a grant from them as claimed, he would have had to have been a citizen, resident of NY.

The other, more insurmountable issue is that HESC didn't come in to existence until several years after he entered school in NY.

Details, details, little nit picky details just keep getting in the way of a good conspiracy story.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 3, 2013



Barack Obama Harvard Transcript ... script.jpg

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:02 AM

Amazing evidence! Not only his birthplace right at the top (where it should be as prescribed by scripture) the over-done wrinkles in the paper don't transfer to the type! Then there's the list of classes and grades (e.g. "Econ 482 - Advanced Marxism - A; Bus 403 - Basic Job Creation - F"). And these idiots think this is real?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I am SO tempted to sign up on sites like this, and then subtly let it be known that I have perfected a method of making gasoline from seawater at a cost of only 3 cents per gallon -- all I need is $250,000 in "seed money".

It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Philip J. Berg has been suspended from the practice of law .... oddly, not for his birfer lawsuits but for neglecting and abandoning perfectly ordinary cases. ... Suspension