Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

First of all, if you look up Erasmus of America's PO Box, you find these:

Bishop Tim Garner
PO Box 1465
Seneca SC 29679

Biblical Teachings of the Word Of God, Pentecostal Holiness. Christian living.

Garner Communications Network Radio GCN
P.O. Box 1465
Seneca, SC 29679 map Phone: 864-364-9938

The Mission of this Ministry is to teach the Pentecostal / Holiness Movement which started in this Country at the Azusa Street Pentecostal Revival which has been persecuted from the beginning but we know the Power of God which is demonstrated in our Churches with the Manifested presence of the Holy Spirit. We know that the enemy of mankind
does not want the free flow of the Spirit Of God.

We endeavor to teach the Word Of God with the Power Of The Holy Spirit , & the King James Bible.

The Bible is under attack in every aspect of today’s modern world. It seems even in the Colleges & Universities there is no understanding of the teachings of God given to us through the Holy Spirit. They call it a book of Myth & Legends. The purpose of this Ministry is to bring back the teachings of our
forefathers not the watered down version being taught today. We know that the power has left many churches because they have forgotten the old ways of Holiness, Righteousness, Godliness, Uprightness of Heart with God in the Covenant he established through his Son Jesus Christ. Today only 40 – 50 % of the Bible is being taught. We know the Whole Counsel Of God (Old/New) Testament must be practiced to know God in the Christian faith. We want to bring people to the realization that the Bible is the key to living the Christian life. The Truth of the Bible being lived in His People daily is the key to relationship with God.

This is the Whole Counsel Of God

We Teach The Walk, The Way, The Truth, & The Light Of Gods Word necessary in this modern age.

Sure sounds like Erasmus prose to me. Then there's this for Wade Timothy Garner of Seneca SC from 2008 ...

Seneca man sentenced to federal prison for wire fraud
Anderson Independent Mail
Posted July 3, 2008 at 8:10 p.m.

Wade Timothy Garner of Seneca has been sentenced to 27 months in prison for wire fraud, according to the office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina.

Garner, 48, also was ordered to pay $309,063.74 worth of restitution, according to a news release from the office of U.S. Attorney W. Walter Wilkins. Fourth Circuit Judge William B. Traxler imposed the sentence.

Since early 2006, Garner has taken various amounts of money from individuals in the Upstate saying he had access to certain no-risk, high-return investments, Wilkins said through the release. Several investors who had failed to receive profits on their investments with Garner began demanding return on their principle. Garner was unable to return the money and left the area, according to the release.

The FBI then found Garner living in a motel in Greenville. An FBI employee, posing as a rich investor, phoned Garner and asked about investment opportunities, according to the release. Garner said he had excellent, no-risk investments to make available to the caller, had always made money for his clients and never had lost any of his investors’ money.

With those misrepresentations tape recorded, the FBI arrested Garner, according to the release.

Wilkins commended FBI Special Agent Paul Jacobs’ work on the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney David Stephens of the Greenville office prosecuted the case.

© 2008 Anderson Independent Mail. All rights reserved.

Here's his mugshot.

Thanks to Patrick McKinnion and his blog "BadFiction - a look at bad movies and worse politics" for this lead. Maybe Cathulhu and other bad movie fans should check this site out ... For example I just found out they made a movie out of the book "The Harrad Experiment" that stars a young Don Johnson (before he made the film "A boy and his dog," which is one of my favorites).

"This movie is so 70's it was filmed on polyester. Wow. Not only that, this movie absolutely beats you over the head with "the message", showing much the same tact and subtlety usually associated with thermonuclear weapons" ... -2012.html
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Well strip my gears DK! I remember that interstate truck thing. Thanks for the bad film/fiction info. (I also think "A boy and his dog" is a great movie) It was foolish of me to spill the Panama deal, but no matter. Since the Japanese announced they were ditching the mighty atom as a power source, we are jumping into LNG transport. I cannot reveal where we are getting the ships, but when it comes to boats of all types, we are hooked up.
Just one more thing DK. In your opinion, is that Tim Garner fellow wearing a false head of hair?
As always, thanks for the benefit of your wicked knowledge.

T. B."Texino" Panama- A paradise between the seas!
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

'Ras me!

Friday, September 28, 2012
THIS IS BRILLIANTLY EXPLAINED! From Erasmus of America - Sept. 28, 2012

This cuts thru all the political doublespeak we get.

[‘Cause Bishop Tim, er, Wade, er, Martin, er, Hunter, er, Erasmus is such a brilliant guy! A long screed on how debt is bad, but Omni Law is good leads to...]

…. No politicians are ever going to recover this swindled money for you. Only the ten American Civil Tribunes created by the Omni Law. It was designed so the big boys can't control these ten Civil Tribunes behind the scenes. If started honestly instead of letting the politicians place into office the first ten American patriots I will make sure are placed into office by how the wording to the Omni Law states in legalistic language, I doubt if the big boys can ever figure out after that how to get control of these ten honest men and women placed into office after the first round in office.
I endorse Mitt Romney as the better of the two choices for President this November. My Omni Law is a much more powerful to solve the problems of America than the next President in the White House, but let him run the smaller details of America. … I like Ron Paul for trying to be honest in Wash., D.C. which is very difficult working within the heart of the babylonian beast there, but if you vote for him in November, you are in reality voting for Obama.

[We go from having the Confederacy rising again, repossession of the Louisiana Purchase and other dire threats, to endorsements for the general election?]

My posted reports were watched closely by Washington intelligence and it appears that they now have had to cancel their plans for the "October Surprise" where Obama and C.I.A. were going to cause the collapse of the American economy, C.I.A. stirs up a racial war in America, Obama declares martial law, and the plan was America had a dictator for life who was Obama. I am too good at national economics. They try to collapse the American economy and the cry goes up nationally that I become the economic czar of America.

[Once this is proven by nothing happening in October, Erasmus will be a national hero!]

I raised the spectre of potential Confederate States of America withdrawal from the federal union if Obama started mass killing the American people in all 50 states. Because Washington intelligence knows I got the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb technology from the Moscow Institute for Nuclear Studies years ago, they couldn't be sure if I would or would not share this colossal weapon system technology with a foreign nuclear power in exchange they backed up very effectively if required the national independence of the South. I made the price of Southern real estate potentially too high and so the October Surprise of Obama is I understand cancelled at this point. Now as an economist, I prefer a national economy of 50 states rather than an original 13 states with others gradually joining it. War is destructive and does much damage to any economy suffering from it. As a Christian I prefer the ways of peace. I do require the Omni Law has to be passed in America regardless if Obama, Romney or anyone else is elected President of America.

[Better do as he says, after all, he got a Doomsday Bomb and ain’t afraid to use that bad boy.]

Those wishing to help finance the Omni Law Drive, send a check, etc. to … Those backing us will go on a private listing. After the Omni Law is passed, we will set up our Camelot Project which will house this world food industry but also be the source to birth many major new industries for America and the world. Our registered list will get either exclusive or else first option on incredible powerful new industries we will launch. We will target to solve all the technical problems of the world such as water, food, energy, etc. and it is likely we will end up dominating the world market and economy. When the Camelot Project is started, we should have no problem in returning all finances you sent us. And we might as well have a $100 million super prize to be divided equally based upon amount of financing that you sent to us. To make it interesting, only the first $10 million of financing will be eligible for this. If we received $100,000 in financing due to this offer, the math says you would get back $1,000 for every $1 you supplied us and we plan to also return the principal on this of this.

[And you can’t argue with the math, so it HAS to be true!]

Regular name will be public when I testify before Congress or for other important national reasons coming soon.

[Somehow, after all the ones he’s used, I don’t think Erasmus remembers his regular name anymore.]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:20 PM


1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 4:31 PM
WHY are you telling THE PEOPLE to pass your OMNI LAW? WHY aren't you telling the politicians, who have the POWER to pass your Omni Law?
The politicians IGNORE the people. Haven't you witnessed the Tea Party and Occupy demonstrations, ultimately to no avail?
In addition, your articles are WAY TOO LONG and, although I'm an avid reader, when I see an article with the paragraphs all lumped together, I am NOT going to read it.

[Pass his Omni Law, and you won’t have to read long articles with the paragraphs lumped together anymore!]

Replies 1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 7:08 PM
Huh? Did I read correctly? You are telling Erasmus his articles are WAY TOO LONG? I'd rather they be too long than too short! I love it when he is posted! But thanks for suggesting that he contact the worthless politicians. Tea Partiers have done that for four years or more about Obama's eligibility, but their representatives and senators are either brain dead or part of the plot so it is not likely to work for Erasmus any more than it does for the people in regard. Maybe a Million Patriots March would get it done, do you suppose?

2. Anonymous September 28, 2012 11:27 PM
That's EXACTLY why I told him to contact the WORTHLESS congress, like we the people have for YEARS and YEARS to NO AVAIL. WHAT does he think WE THE PEOPLE (without any representation whatsoever) can DO about his "OMNI BILL"??????
ONLY BIGWIGS with money can sway congress. Does he have money? Doesn't he KNOW anyone influential with congress? Certainly that wouldn't be the peons like us! How about taking his case to the THRIVE people. They have a CORPORATION WITH MONEY behind THEM. Then there's PICKENS and how many more -- all with money and connections.

2. Anonymous September 28, 2012 5:31 PM
Thank you for being a true Patriot.
I figured out the DDB.
Interesting, SEM.
Please count me on board.

[For those of you without the decoder ring: DDB – Deaf Dumb & Blind; SEM – Survivability Evaluation Methodology; CMJBE – Commanding Major Jackass of the Birther Empire]

3. Anonymous September 28, 2012 7:24 PM
I endorse Mitt Romney as the better of the two choices? I get an attitude when I keep hearing this BS about the better of the 2 evils. It's still evil just the same. The whole voting process is nothing but an illusion and fraud anyway. If it were for real, then you would have the choice, as they have brainwashed this country in believing, between the rattle snake and a cobra. The bottom line is that as long as there are politicians, there will always be suffering, misery, death and wars. Not until the sheeple wake up like they did in Iceland, will anything ever change for the benefit of the people.
The next Killer & Chief if it gets that far will be Romeny no matter how many so called voted Obama gets. Why do you think Romeny attended the last Builderberg meeting?
The agenda is to collapse this country and murder most of the people in this country and especially those who may have the ability to do critical thinking. If you wear glasses you better beware.
We are living in the Twilight Zone on Steroids.

[Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. Not to mention that men don't give cheeses to girls with diseases.]

Replies 1. Anonymous September 28, 2012 11:21 PM
EXACTLY! Romney has a WHOLE STAFF of war-mongering Zionist dual-citizen "ADVISORS". What do you THINK they will ADVISE Romney to do? Number 1 - war with Iran. Oh...but Romney's ALREADY PROMISED "that"! On the other side, you have Obama with 45 Zionist war-monger CZARS busy dismantling the country, schools, the Gulf, 2nd Amendment, etc. plus every one of his appointees and half his cabinet are Zionist dual-citizen war-mongers. Your term Murderer-in-Chief is especially appropriate.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Cathulhu »

No editor alive would pass this crap.

Hey, I'm out of rewrite Hell, and forging ahead with action, adventure, and romance. 25,500 words and counting! Much happier with the prose now that I've seen the terrain. :mrgreen:
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

After a long break, and previously endorsing Mitt Romney last Friday, Erasmus o' America now endorses Mitt Romney!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I withheld endorsement of Mitt Romney until I heard him in debate with Obama last night. Until now I wanted to make sure that he was not a Republican version of Obama. He is not! Because I was impressed with Mitt Romney as of last night when at last I heard much more in detail what he really stands for, I now postpone my Nov. 7 deadline until Nov. 20, 2012. Those who have read my previous reports know what I am referring to. So long as Mitt Romney wins on Nov. 6, I will want to meet with him within 10 days after winning the election. So long as I am satisfied with his answers, I will totally cancel for now my original legal deadline of Nov. 7 concerning which way the Southern States will go.
[Silly me, I thought you said your deadline was September 9, but if that was true the South would have already risen, so it must have been the NWO making me think you had written that over and over and over again.]
... I think now that Mitt Romney should win on Nov. 6, He talked good common sense in the world of reality today. Obama did not last night! In case Obama should somehow win which I doubt he will, I will be contacting foreign governments in the next few days as to what nation I would set up this world food industry in outside of America if Obama won. Obama is the enemy of Christian civilization, enemy of free enterprise despite his claims to the contrary, believes in nothing America was founded upon in 1776, and if Obama should somehow win, America will lose my family trade secret food industry which the Vatican under Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ ... I will not back Obama with this very powerful Vatican endorsed family trade secret food process and product my father invented after spending millions of dollars to find it and perfect it. My great grandfather back when money was worth a lot more than now spent $500,000 trying to create this food product. He was a brilliant business man and wealthy. ... I am willing to coach Mitt Romney on some economic tactics he would not learn from ordinary economic courses. With my help. Mitt Romney can have a fast building American economy that Obama could never offer America. I was very poorly impressed with the fake national economics I heard from Obama last night. He does not have the answers that America needs.
... go to Nesara News and look at their search box at the left top and put in Erasmus of America (my pen name) and read the report on an economic parable like Jesus might have taught. This simple story will teach you some powerful economics even the most ordinary person can potentially understand! I evaluate my master formula in national economics is as powerful in application as Einstein's formula in physics which told how to build the atomic bomb in World War II.It will definitely work! Just apply it using the sound economic principles of reality rather than the "politically correct" economics of Obama and other socialist dreamers not caring about scientific reality how national economics really works.
... As Stalin of Russia said in the 1930's, corrupt America with enough drugs, loose sex, and degenerate music and it would finally collapse into Communism without a fight! He instructed Beria to tell American Communists this was a major way to overthrow America from within. And Moscow instructed a top American "expert" on child raising to make it "politically incorrect" to raise American children by Bible standards of raising families and as this "top American expert" explained to an F.B.I. undercover agent whose testimony later got to me, America would fall like a ripe plum into Communism later on. ...
Enough said. The people don't like to read too much material! One quick point! There is no political endorsement which would satisfy all people. I like Ron Paul, but he can't make it! Not to vote is to vote for Obama. Use common sense. For the moment, Mitt Romney is our smart choice. And with passage of the Omni Law, we make it well worth our while that we put Mitt Romney in the White House!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Washington already knows exactly who I am. By the way, those looking for the RV of foreign currencies to help the American economy, if not before, once the Omni Law is passed, I will make sure this RV of foreign currencies happens then. It doesn't solve all problems, but it will help the American economy, European economies, nearly all countries including in the Middle East.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:22 PM

[Sorry, Erasmus, but even with 90% of your ravings about how smart your family was edited out, it's still "too much material."]


1. Anonymous October 4, 2012 5:32 PM
Endorsing either of these Bilderberger turds is pointless. No energy should be directed to either of them. Demolish the two party system that is controlled by corporate interests and bankers.

2. Anonymous October 4, 2012 5:44 PM
BS. They are both puppets and it doesn't make you look smart to all of a sudden endorse him because of a debate. It may even have been planned for Obama to bungle the debate as a change of strategy. Your audience is much smarter than not being able to figure that out.

3. Anonymous October 4, 2012 5:56 PM
Actually we are all puppets here in this world....I guess we need to go somewhere else so that you or I can run anything unless you are part of the thirteen families.

4. Anonymous October 4, 2012 6:43 PM
Oh sure, Obozo was told to bungle the debate... BS! That drug addict was hyped up on methamphetamines or some drug and cam down faster than they planned. He is not a great debater and cannot operate without a teleprompter. It has happened before. He is a pathetic manboy that was pulverized. Did you see how fast his beard Mooch pulled him off the stage?
He is likely sick and looks sick from the slims... a Chicago term for possible aids. He is likely dying and none of this will come out until years later.
Gore is even saying the altitude caused him to behave the way he did. Yah sure. Altitude sickness doesn't usually kick in until day 2 or 3. Obozo was sure mouthing off alot today. What gives there. A new round of drugs... that's what.
This constant yammering about Bilderbergers and the 2 party system is getting real old. Reality needs to kick you in the Arse 5:32! Until the masses are awakened there will remain the 2 party system and for God sakes... work within it until it is eliminated. We cannot handle 4 more years of Obomman communism. The choice is clear!
Oh yes, next comes the slandering of the Mormon religion. I don't like their religion, but I will tell you this.
The white prophecy (or whatever it was called) says right at the brink of losing our constitution and country completely, a man will arise and save the country and take it back to Constitutional Common Law. That is a Mormon prophecy. Mitt is that man! Mormons are mostly honorable and family, God loving people. I will take that over any muslim, atheist, communist, or fabian socialist.

5. Anonymous October 4, 2012 7:06 PM
Romney is nothing but a con and a thief. He is a nwo guy. He has absolutely no respect for the US Constitution. Anyone connected to Bush Sr should be locked up.
Obama is a socialist and also has no respect for the US Constitution.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gnoose »

That's right, NESARA News anonymous commenter (who may or may not be Erasmus), Obama decided to get hopped up on meth (meth? Really? He couldn't take a classier drug like cocaine or something?) right before a nationally televised political debate. In fact, he purposefully timed his drug abuse so that he would be on a gnarly comedown during his debate. Maybe he's rebooting his public image to be edgier.

Or maybe Erasmus' threats have driven him over the edge and he finally snapped when he heard Mitt Romney gained an endorsement from the [famous person in unrelated field] of American [field of study Erasmus has no actual experience in]. :lol:

"I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines..."
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Gnoose wrote:That's right, NESARA News anonymous commenter (who may or may not be Erasmus), Obama decided to get hopped up on meth (meth? Really? He couldn't take a classier drug like cocaine or something?) right before a nationally televised political debate. In fact, he purposefully timed his drug abuse so that he would be on a gnarly comedown during his debate. Maybe he's rebooting his public image to be edgier.

Or maybe Erasmus' threats have driven him over the edge and he finally snapped when he heard Mitt Romney gained an endorsement from the [famous person in unrelated field] of American [field of study Erasmus has no actual experience in]. :lol:

"I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines..."
Actually, maybe this time it wasn't Erasmus - it's long and raving enough but lacks a comment urging passage of Omni Law - but rather one of them White House insiders. As you know, Obama's crystal meth use has gotten out of hand since he started hanging with those Chicago thugs you hear about. Street cred, no doubt. But it's nothing compared to Romney's addiction to Mormon tea, known as Salt Lake Jake on the street, and it's sub-lethal dose of Ephedrine.


Erasmus would drive me over the edge too! As you know, the White House spends over half its energies monitoring obscure websites where people post screeds against the President. No doubt each of Erasmus's updates is rushed to Obama's side seconds after they're posted. Unless he's on the pipe again, in which case they wait for the Chicago thugs to leave 'cause they're really scary black guys.

Let's hope our next president listens to Erasmus, who a well-known secret who's who organization named "The Typhoid Mary of the American massage parlor industry."
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by rogfulton »

Erasmus wrote:... I think now that Mitt Romney should win on Nov. 6, He talked good common sense in the world of reality today.
Finally, the truth is out --- Erasmus hasn't been talking 'good common sense in the world of reality'!

BTW, I haven't heard of a 'fabian socialist' before. What is it?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

rogfulton wrote:BTW, I haven't heard of a 'fabian socialist' before. What is it?

Fabian (Fabiano Anthony Forte) was a singer, actor, and teen idol in the late 50's and early 60's. His biggest hit was "Tiger," to which he added Marxist-Leninist lyrics in an effort to recruit listeners into the far-left.

Hey, lumpa sugar, you look kinda sweet
Cuter than a baby walkin' down the street
When I look into your eyes, I wanna leap
I can't conceal that you make me feel

Like a tiger, ooh, ooh, ooh, like a tiger
Ooh, ooh, ooh, just to see you smile nearly drives me wild
I wanna growl - wow!

People use the term "Fabian Socialist" when they want to convey their distaste for a political movement that relies on the recruitment of screaming teen-aged girls or good looks for its power base. See the associated terms "Frankie Avalon Anarchist" and "Justin Bieber Bolshevik" for more details.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

While you are defining terms DK, I'm still waiting on a definition for Jesus money and why it is so much better than regular money. Any thoughts?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by NYGman »

ashlynne39 wrote:While you are defining terms DK, I'm still waiting on a definition for Jesus money and why it is so much better than regular money. Any thoughts?

Isn't Jesus money redeemed by faith, for forgiveness?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

rogfulton wrote:BTW, I haven't heard of a 'fabian socialist' before. What is it?
It's a branch of thought now within the British Labour Party.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

NYGman wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:While you are defining terms DK, I'm still waiting on a definition for Jesus money and why it is so much better than regular money. Any thoughts?

Isn't Jesus money redeemed by faith, for forgiveness?
Is that Lawful Jesus Money?
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by rogfulton »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
rogfulton wrote:BTW, I haven't heard of a 'fabian socialist' before. What is it?
It's a branch of thought now within the British Labour Party.
Thanks, Arthur. I am at work and too lazy to have researched it.
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:While you are defining terms DK, I'm still waiting on a definition for Jesus money and why it is so much better than regular money. Any thoughts?
Erasmus of America wrote:Jesus Money as Jesus taught, keeps money from being hoarded. Also, two other teachings of Jesus are used to insure the value of all money, so inflation is impossible in an economy, except maybe briefly if a war or national disaster occurs. This soons wipes out all unemployment, poverty, or hard times in an economy. An economy designed to end up making all the people and businesses rich in a nation. It always works, and was overthrown 4 times by bankers, who did not like all the people getting so rich and prosperous in a nation. They had to keep this censored from school courses, to keep the people poor by enforced ignorance in the schools. They had to censor the Bible from the schools, or at some point the people would understand what Jesus taught, and then end of banker created poverty and hard times, in a nation. Folks, stop being the suckers of the con artist politicians and Satanist bankers. Pass the Omni Law and have the economics taught by Jesus Christ, now skyrocket the economy!
Believe it or not, there is a Jesus Money blog out there. Unfortunately, it was established just a couple of months back, apparently after Erasmus o' America used the term.
Purpose of Jesus Money Blog

This blog is to help people with personal finances. We will explore current topics, questions people have, practical things as well as what God has to say about money, looking at the Bible. Its fun to try to see what God wants us to know about this important topic.
I think it's pretty obvious that Erasmus wouldn't have written anything like this. However, my next hit, for a blog called "The Bitchy Waiter" looks promising.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Fake Jesus Money Tips Suck

This has been discussed before, but can we talk about it again please? Servers want tips. We want cash money tips that we can put in our pockets and then carry to the bank to deposit so we can pay our bills. Am I right or am I right? What we do not want is any thing else. You don't need to tell me how fabulous I was to your kids (that never happens) or how friendly I was (again, that never happens) and you don't need to tell me how great my hair is (happens all the time.) What we really really so completely do not ever want is that tip that looks like a ten dollar bill and then when we pick it up we see that is some message from your church saying how our soul is worth more than a 15% tip. Bullshit. I have met Jesus and I know for a fact that He does not approve.

There was a story floating around on the Internet a few weeks ago about this and I am finally jumping on the bandwagon to also announce how wrong it is. Hey, Jesus people: stop it. How would you feel if the next time I was at church I tried something like that with the collection plate? (I will be at church as soon as they install an all-you-can-eat taco bar and a frozen margarita machine). Maybe when the collection plate came my way, I could drop in some Canadian coins and an expired Groupon. Or maybe I could slip it a homemade coupon promising Jesus a 15-minute back massage. Or how about if I drop in a handful of ticket dupes from the bar printer? All of those things have as much financial value as that stupid-ass Jesus money you have been pawning off onto servers for twenty years. It's wrong and unfair. And we all know that they know it's crappy because they always do it when we aren't looking and then they skidaddle their ass out of there before we see it. If they are so sure it's a good idea, then why don't they just tell us to our face how valuable our souls are?

I am pretty certain that when they show up at the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter is going to have words with them about their behavior. You see, Saint Peter wasn't always a saint. He used to wait tables with me at Pizzeria Uno at South Street Seaport so he knows how important tips are. When we worked together, we just called him Peter and he was hilarious. He was there when we accidentally served a Muslim family an appetizer with bacon and he was laughing the loudest. I guess he wasn't too worried about because he was friends with Jesus and knew that Christianity was the only religion that mattered so whatever with the bacon-eating Muslims. Anyhoo, if you are one of those people who have left the fake money for a tip, be prepared to 'fess up when you get to Heaven. There is a special place reserved for you up there and it's called the dishroom of the Heavenly Cafeteria. It's open twenty-four hours a day and the dirty dishes are non-stop. It won't be fun but it won't be as bad as Hell. The dishroom in Heaven is air conditioned and you get a fifteen minute break every four hours where you get to eat all the Ambrosia salad you want. You'll love it.

Just to make it clear: servers do not want tips that only look like money. If you leave that Jesus money, your server will curse you and be on the lookout for you to return to their station at which time your food will take longer to get to you and your water glasses will remain unfilled. We hate that kind of tip. We want cash. What would Jesus do? He'd leave 20%, that's what He'd do. Think about it.

OK, let's check this out from Erasmus' own description.

Keeps money from being hoarded - Check (who would hoard this?)
Insure the value of money - I'm sure the value of this money is zero, check.
Inflation is impossible - Check, you can't go any lower than zero.
Censored from school courses - Never learned anything about bills like these in school.

I think we have a winner!

As for the definition of Fabian Socialist, I hope you weren't fooled by what the Fabian Society says. I mean, why should you believe them, they're Socialists! Of course the New World Order has put up sites and stories like this to confuse you! Just think a moment, if Fabian WASN'T a Socialist, why did ultra-leftist John Wayne give him a part in the Movie "North, to Alaska" as Stewart Granger's brother?
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The person who does the "Jesus Hates Smut" website (now at wordpress) seems to be a worthy competitor for Erasmus.
Every Cry of Bingo is a Prayer to Satan
Posted on January 7, 2010

Churchs that gamble and sell booze are actively serving the dark fallen angel Lucifer. For every cry of BINGO!is a prayer to satan himself.

Its time we take a stand against the churches that seek out to damn souls to hell for the sake of “fun” and “profit”. A BLOT on a bingo card is a big black bingo blot on the souls of the peopel who are addicted to this dangerous form of gambling. Millions of blue haired old ladies looking to get their fix, the danger and seduction of gambling is a express elevator to a belching pit of horror that will last for all eternity!

Covetousness (1 Cor. 5:10-11 is “a desire to have more” (Vine and is “a strong desire after the possession of worldly things People who are covetous are unrighteous and will not enter into heaven (1 Cor. 6:9-10

The love of money (Ec. 5:10; 1 Tim. 6:10 is a form of covetousness. Many people, if not all people, who gamble love money (wealth). The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil (1 Tim. 6:10). One of the evils resulting from the love of money is gambling and all the evil associated with it – hatred, crime, divorce, alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty, homelessness, prostitution, suicide, etc.

Not loving our neighbor (Matt. 22:39 is sin. When we love our neighbor, we do him no harm (Rom. 13:10). The gambler “desires the property of his neighbor without any compensation, and thus works ill to him. The dealer in lotteries desires property for which he has never toiled, and which must be obtained at the expense and loss of others”

Lust and licentiousness (1 Jn. 2:16; 2 Cor. 12:20-21 41; are sins involved in gambling.

Are you prepaired to die in your sin? Do you want to turn on Jesus for a four corner win? When you look down at that B13 salivating and waiting for the B5 to finish your line do you know you are spitting in the face of all thats holy? Turn or burn ladies, its your eternity
The next post is even better.
stear clear of queer steer
Posted on January 7, 2010

We have come across some odd inforation that some steer are in fact gay and being sold to christians for consumption. The bible doesnt say its wrong to eat homosexual beef, but we feel to be on the safe side its best not to consume gay cow meat. If cows are full of gay hormones its in our best interest not to eat the gay hormones out of fear of getting queer feelings.
All of this is right below the Jesus Money post at

Fortunately for Erasmus, my expert analysis says this is all tongue in cheek. For example:
Feeling run down in your relationship with the lord?
Is intellectualism interfering with your relationship?
Don’t fear! We have the cure and its LEAD! Good ole fashion lead made from recycled wall paint.
Too bad, I was going to turn MacHaffie onto this site.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gnoose »

Deep Knight wrote:Too bad, I was going to turn MacHaffie onto this site.
I'd refer him there anyways. It's not like he's ever understood the idea of satire or facetious comedy before, (if I had a nickel for every time a conspiracist has cited an article from The Onion or a Borowitz report to support their pet theory. I so wish I was joking right now...) so I'm sure we're not in any danger of him starting anytime soon.
Deep Knight
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »


… once my Omni Law is passed in America, I can recover hopefully much or most of the many trillions of dollars that were swindled from the American people by the secret power elite using corrupt elements in both political parties in Wash., D.C. which acted as their front to mass swindle the American people in the name of government. If the figures of various professional financial sources are at all accurate, then maybe the American people have been swindled by tricks they don't understand of maybe as much as one thousand times one trillion dollars. American produced more wealth than any nation before in history and most of it has disappeared somewhere … I was a financial consultant many years ago and for recovery of stolen or swindled funds like this, the usual finder's fee is something like 15% of all recovered funds. This will be my fee and used to finance the rebirth of sound industry and agriculture in America and the world, jobs for all needing jobs, financing charitable and Christian projects, etc. for America and the world. We have a large recovery of swindled funds and sound economics dictates that we pay off the national debt to maintain good national credit, state debts if covered by these funds, and then the rest goes divided equally among all legal American citizens 18 years old and older, but not illegal immigrants. This will go to the rightful heirs to these swindled funds, but not to outsiders who do not have legal rights to these funds.

[The correct term for one thousand trillion dollars is a gazillion dollars. And now, by popular demand, an explanation of Jesus Money.]

The Archbishop Wichmann of Magdeburg, Germany in 1150 A.D. set up a local system of money which practiced what Jesus taught about money in the New Testament. Also, local merchants set up merchant guilds which practiced what Jesus taught how business should be run and local workers set up labor guilds which practiced what Jesus taught how labor should work on their jobs, etc. This system of money which were special thin metallic coins practicing the teaching of Jesus on money and the two versions of Christian guilds grew with strength across Europe. Everywhere the economies boomed where this Jesus taught economic system was used! When it hit France, between 1170 t0 1270 A.D., the people became so prosperous with this, everyone became rich who lived under this! The former peasants called serfs now retired at the age of 45 to 55 and lived off of their investments in real estate and business! They dressed with the same quality clothes as the nobility. They ate apparently better courses of meals than modern Americans! Towns rapidly spread across France! Almost all crime now disappeared from society! Wars stopped as no one would work for the low wages now of a soldier! The people of France in gratitude to God for this "golden age" of mankind where nearly all the problems of human society were solved wanted to thank God for this colossal prosperity! … By the way, the men only worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week! The wives stayed home to raise the kids! The people owned their own homes. And France as a nation under this had 100 national holidays annually on top of taking off for worship on Sundays. So they had 4 days of work a week, two days of colorful festivals every week, and one day Sunday to worship the God who had blessed them with a nearly Paradise level society to live in on earth through Jesus Money And Jesus Economics towards business and labor in society.

[Ah yes, the good old days! The 12th century France was a paradise! Never mind what the historians say. But now for the best part, although I think he needs to give credit to the guy at Bad Fiction, it seems that I’m going to be put away in prison for 50,000 years and sued for 100 billion or maybe 100 trillion dollars for revealing who he really is.]

I have a heavy background in military intelligence having been raised eleven calendar years in military academies which started this whole descent into military intelligence. I seemed to have a natural talent for it and many times scored spectacular results in it. What has been identified as a C.I.A. front national website has been trying every cunning trick they could think of to try and block me from rallying the American people to restore Christian values to national power in America and restore legal integrity to highly corrupt Wash., D.C. They thought they had an angle because I agreed to give a helping hand to a Bishop Wade Garner who went through a very clever legal frame up operation of apparently C.I.A., Army Intelligence, and the U.S. Justice Dept. He was going to back answers to the energy crisis of America and had to be stopped. First, a C.I.A. operation stole $25,000 from him to take away his working capital. I was a witness how they stole this from him. Second, he was scheduled to receive $1.2 million from a deal I had with trucking sources as he had helped back a little what I had set up with the trucking connections. An Army Sergeant who had worked for Army Intelligence but now working for a high official connected with the U.S. Justice Dept., as part of an apparent C.I.A. plan, savagely beat him nearly to death. Several of us were witnesses to seeing this Bishop Wade Garner after his body was bloody and his clothes soaked with his own blood. Later, he was charged with leaving the scene of an accident after his car was reported hit hard this other car and mass smashed it in. Another person went to where the police were keeping his car impounded and photographed it. There were no dents in it, no scratch marks, etc. which means no accident had ever occurred! [Wait a second, this sounds familiar - didn't he tell this same story about himself a few months back?] This was all just a federal legal frameup as he was targeted to be destroyed. Later, he was to receive maybe up to $500,000 backing from one city, but the businessman involved apparently diverted the intended money to himself and worked with the U.S. Justice Dept. for a planned legal frame up after the Army Sergeant with gun at the head of this Garner with two witnesses present said he would blow his brains out if he didn't get some money fast. Garner was set up with extreme charges against him as this wild conspiracy unfolded against him. He was not allowed to enter the plea of innocence how they arranged this. He was not allowed to have an attorney of his own choice. He was not allowed to have any witnesses nor any legal defense given on his behalf. He was not allowed to appeal this highly Kangaroo Court federal operation.
This C.I.A. front website blew its cover well by how it acted and tried to smear me because I let this Garner have use of a postal box for a ministry of his briefly until he got his own permanent post box or whatever for mail deliveries. It had never been publicized but before his legal troubles, he used to gather young men from poor neighborhoods and had several Christian speakers teach them about Christianity and why they should believe in God.
Now I can be tough when required. I happen to be good at law. I defeated in state court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me. He lost for the first time in his career. I have engineered other legal upsets at times. If C.I.A. had no regard for American law, this situation with this Wade Garner could be like a worm hanging from a fishhook to catch a sucker fish. They tried to smear me because I was willing to try and help him regain control over his life ruined by our gangster element in Wash., D.C. They made a terrible legal mistake by trying to use this to block me from getting my proposed Omni Law passed for America. They violated enough criminal laws to put away for maybe 50,000 years in prison every federal person involved with this apparent C.I.A. website run by a person who calls himself a knight.
Bivens vs. Six Unknown Agents decided by U.S. Supreme Court and a long list of other court decisions all state I have the legal right to now sue this knight and all other federal personnel with him for $100 billion in damages. Also, my legal statement of before that I could engineer a lawsuit for $100 Trillion in Damages was not a bluff. Knight and all his associates can all be added to such a lawsuit if I decide to file it for each of them to owe $100 Trillion In Damages. It has to deal with the Abolistionists in Congress in 1865 had a plan how to bankrupt the Southern States as they stated it for 100 years. They carried out their plan which violates the Genocide Treaty signed by President Ronald Reagan into law. The American version of the Genocide Treaty was turned into the Proxmire Act under Pres. Ronald Reagan. I can now legally sue under the Genocide Treaty knight and all associated with him in government for each $100 trillion in damages as I have the legal authority for the Southern States to do this under international law. Now I know that this website would logically have been carrying out the express will of Obama in the White House to interfere with the political process during the national election of 2012. But they were to do it without getting caught! They got caught and now if the Omni Law is not passed by Congress and soon if I decide, I can go up the ranks of the federal government suing everyone in line up to Obama and each facing criminal charges under the Genocide Treaty not only for 50 states whose people were threatened with extinction (means legally murder) by knight, all associates in Wash., D.C. by dirty trick operations to try and block me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process university tests in America said all Americans will cease to exist as a race if this is not added to their diet in time and meaning this age, not in the distant future.

As a sidenote, I noticed that they wanted to smear and destroy Nesara News because they did not like this blog posting reports from many honest national sources reporting on corruption in Wash., D.C. When federal settlement time comes, I intend to see that Nesara News, American Free Press, and the Sovereign Newspaper of New York all get at least $1 million from me for practicing freedom of the press when the national survival was at stake. I believe that patriots should be rewarded for helping to save the nation.
As a sidenote, thanks to the naive knight, etc., I don't need to win with the Nov. 6 election now to get my Omni Law passed. He established the legal grounds so now my $100 billion and $100 trillion lawsuits will be airtight under both national and international law. I wanted an incident where I could so totally destroy the traitors in government that no one in any federal agency would ever again have the guts to try and conspire against the rights of the American people ever again. Knight and company gave me the legal ammo I needed and I documented all their moves in case they tried to destroy the records which will hang them in 50 states, many federal courts, and courts in all member nations of the UN. Of course, once tried abroad, they can rule death sentences for them which they will probably want to do since these federal lunatics would gladly have killed off all the people of France, Germany, Great Britain, rest of Europe, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, China, Union of South Africa, Japan, Australia, and the list goes on and on under authority of the Genocide Treaty. … But due to knight, etc., I don't need now for Nov. 6 to make or break my drive for the Omni Law. I play to win! To the knight, etc. on the chessboard, I now declare checkmate! I win! You lose!

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. Soon will go public with regular name. When I show reason for pen name, all will understand and approve!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:51 PM 0 comments

Oh my, I lose! You'll have to excuse me while I write a check to Tim for 100 trillion dollars.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971), was a case in which the United States Supreme Court ruled that an implied cause of action existed for an individual whose Fourth Amendment freedom from unreasonable search and seizures had been violated by federal agents. The victim of such a deprivation could sue for the violation of the Amendment itself, despite the lack of any federal statute authorizing such a suit.

So, Erasmus of America is planning on suing me for more money than exists for violating his 4th amendment rights. That must be the one about not making fun of people who have an IQ too large to scientifically measure, right?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Funny, I don't remember issuing a warrant without probable cause, much less seizing any person or thing. OK, so now and again I enjoy seizing a person without an oath or affirmation, but only in the privacy of my own home and when wearing full black latex protective clothing! After all, I know which side my bread is buttered on.

Erasmus, if you're reading this, I suggest you give up on the 4th amendment angle and go for a "breach of promise" lawsuit. After all, you promised to lead the South to independence once more, also somehow making part of the Russian Empire and Louisiana purchase (exactly how is a bit vague to me, I'm sure this is my fault because you certainly wrote enough about it). And I contend that promise is in breach, making a perfect case for someone as smart in law as you! After all, you are the Milli Vanilli of American Constitutional Law, and a poor minion of evil like me knows you could make mincemeat of my Jewish International Banker Lawyers any time you wish. So I guess I have no choice but to make Seneca SC "ground zero" for that October Surprise that Obama and I have been planning. I would tell you what kind of horrible, devastating catastrophe that will be, but that would spoil the surprise!
"Follow the Money"

Re: Erasmus of America

Post by Gnoose »

I stopped following Erasmus a while back (after I started to find myself craving Vatican-endorsed Wonderbread, using papers with Confederate American letterheads, and signing all business documents and personal emails as "The Arnold Palmer of Tax Fraud Education") but it's refreshing to see he's just as wacky (and just as obsessed with Deep Knight) as ever.

Also, a personal message to Erasmus:
You will never get your billimilligazingagillions of dollars back, evarr!!!

We're using it to buy up all of your Erasmus brand bread products to top off our Deep Earth Resistant Protecticiles' (DERPs; because we upgraded from DUMBs) food supplies. I mean, also we're spending it to buy elections and hookers and such, but that should go without saying.

EDITED TO ADD: Didn't anyone ever tell Erasmus that US dollars are just worthless pieces of 'funny money' paper that the Federal Reserve prints from recycled napkins and shipping invoices? Surely a man as educated as himself knows the whole system is a sham! I don't know why he wants all that worthless paper when he can just get his Euro-American empire to print actual money backed by gold, or whatever else the conspiracists are claiming constitutes 'real' money.