Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

The Green Light party is finally over, or should I say "hung over," and now for the final score.

Party Length - 4 Earth Days
Dark Cabal arrests - 0
Virgins sacrificed - 4
Brain cells killed - 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Politicians bought, bribed, and bamboozled - 532
Pounds of steak, ribs, burgers, and chickens grilled - 223,542
Gallons of alcoholic beverages consumed - 852,650
Metric tonnes of illegal and dangerous drugs consumed - 1,720,600
Bad trips from the brown acid - 1,470
Public nudity, public sex, public bestiality, Lady Gaga videos - common
Drake's and Cobra's embarrassment - surprisingly absent

So it's back to the sack, Jack, for more sleep and recovery - especially as the word it we're going to have to do it all over again because the date got pushed back to the 9th! Don't these idiots ever give up?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Galactic FLY OVERS - July 9th
Nikki Salach-Duffy posted in The Galactic Federation and SaLuSa
6:58am Jul 3
fresh in , thank you Micah.AS ABOVE SO BELOW, WE ARE UNDERWAY!

[OK, which is it, July 2,3 or 4?]

Galactic Infinite diversity guidelines and security protocols were attempted to be over-stepped by the archontic clone oppressors of EARTH but their attempt was met and stopped!

In short, death threats and attempts have been perpetrated on several earth allies without success!
This allowed for the release of galactic codes authorizing the long awaited super-green light operation to be distributed to the fleets and ground crews!
Yesterday Positive Pleiadian and Andromedean fleets outside GAIA’S orbit detected incoming high level gamma rays from a solar EMP blast which was a billion times stronger than the energy of visible light and about two billion GeV.
THIS intense burst of radiation coming from the release of the huge pulse of magnetic solar energy would not have impacted the Earth directly with the necessary force required to raise the light quotient to the critical level needed to wipe out the dark lower vibrations of the 3D MATRIX!
THE flux of the high-energy gamma ray super wave yesterday was 500 times greater than the sun's normal radiation and was intercepted by the fleets and bounced off of 2 5-mile wide reflectors towards earth’s atmosphere! The true information about this super wave event was not reported through main stream media or through internet channels.
Our ships working in tandem harnessed the incoming X-18 solar wind and deflected the super-photon wave towards the earth’s outer atmosphere on June 1, 2012.
The pressure of this plasma light hitting the aurora produced a super green light barrier around Gaia creating a temporary impenetrable and inescapable shield!
The occult built 3D digital holographic low-vibrational SCREEN matrix received its death blow when this green light surrounded and penetrated the super-resistant synthetic earth-grid breaking the 300 thousand year old archon-created enslavement hologram completely apart!
This solar reflected laser pulse knocked out several orbiting cabal-operated covert satellites around the globe as it passed by!
This CME was not reported to be what it was in actuality, an X-18 Flare, but instead it was presented as an M-class! NASA’s servers were offline for several hours for ‘reported maintenance’ and engineers replaced the actual solar data with a version the public was to see!
This shield will stay in place for a few days until the CABAL-Clones and their human counterparts are all rounded up and dealt with!

A recent release of orgonite-phosphate into earth’s inner atmosphere not only targeted the NWO archontic false-authority clones for tracking and termination but also greatly reduced the chemtrailing of GAIA and its people and completely reversed the effects of this death spray on innocent people and all living species on GAIA! The cabal’s psychotic chemtrailing episode over the last 6 months was an effort to implant destructive synthetic archons into humans at the nano level. These alien micro-machine-organisms would have created a complete transhuman race in rapid time! This was a key factor for the higher races to set aside the prime directive and to intervene for Gaia!
The orgonite-phosphate dust was designed not to harm sentient life in any way!
A number of these archon soulless non-sentient clone cabal elite will be killed by this operation because it is know that they will continue to charge against the people of earth to do murder!

This spraying operation was implemented by the orbiting starfleet in a benevolent manner for the good of Earth’s survival and to ensure the safe ascension of GAIA and its life under codex guidelines.
Large numbers of military personnel have now been moved strategically into place under the guise of weather related states of emergency! The immediate removal of the cabal is the real emergency as we said!
The Military, with the aid of U.S. Marshalls, The People’s Constitutional Militia and instructed local peace keepers are clear to receive their calls with directives to move in on the cabal!

The Earth Allies on the ground and the Resistance Movement from inner earth are concerting efforts in tandem with the orbiting starfleet to commence actions by combining military force and advanced spiritual technology to inject super gamma light upwards into the 3D Earth Matrix.
You can now be informed that: ‘As Above So Below’ is the galactic code and tactical operation now implemented!
All light forces have exerted extreme pressure on the dark archontic clone-elite remains from above and below! All negativity left on earth will be forced to a higher dimension of light to be forever eliminated from this realm.

THE cyborg NWO Archontic Clones ARE NOW COMPLETELY trapped LIKE RATS and instantly sensed their own un-imaginable created fears as they realized their demise! OVER THE NEXT 2 DAYS all remainders of these mutant-BLOODLINES along with their human counterparts WILL BE rounded up, the clones dismantled and the human counterparts that are not-repairable will have their being completely dismantled and returned to the AEONS and forwarded to PRIME CREATOR for re-packaging and assembling as pure light! Turning evil into light is LOVE, understand this!

This is the ‘EVENT’ that will now move GAIA and its beings into the Higher 5th Dimension! (HEAVEN ON EARTH!) After this the majority of earth’s beings will ascend and all beings with a 51% light quotient will make this shift! The ones who are still in lower vibrations during the shift will remain in the 3rd dimension but without any negativity and many of you will volunteer to return again to 3D to help these raise their vibrations and ascend back with you, most within a few hours and days!

The False-Financials of earth will completely crumble over the coming days due to this operation. Do not look at this as a bad thing! Money has enslaved the masses for eons on EARTH! It has to go! You won’t need it! You will have all abundance to replace it! This has to happen because it is a cornerstone of THE ARCHONTIC CORPORATE COMMERCIAL TYRANNY MATRIX. YOUR POSITVE MILITARY WILL KEEP YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROVISION IN PLACE AND KEEP PEACE! This TEMPORARY disruption will be handled properly and safely so not harm or cause anxiety to Earth’s population! Do not be concerned about major money issues or survival plans as your positive military has carefully allowed for all of this since the early 1970’s.

We suggested before, use wisdom and store some basic necessities for minor disruption for a week or so!

Un-imaginable technologies that have been hidden from you and more will be given to you in phases over the coming weeks and months.

Disclosure will occur in five phases to smoothly integrate our contact.
PHASE-1, OUTER ORBIT DOCK. Our fleet and one other are already here and have been, this time around, for a few months! Our fleet is larger than any EARTH city and is docked and cloaked just outside of your orbit!
PHASE-2, THE INTRODUCTION. We will make ourselves and our intentions known to the people of EARTH through our Earth allies first. This will be done through selected channels and by direct contact.
PHASE-3, LOW VISIBILITY FLY-OVERS. You will see our smaller ships all over your skies on July 9, between 11 pm – 1 am.
PHASE-5, One-on-one contact (with higher evolved Earth beings first) and then we will gradually assign a guide to each of you who is ready to teach you the higher ways and prepare you for the next dimension!

Phase 3-5 will occur ONLY after the HOSTILE ARCHONTIC ALIEN CLONE CABAL is removed from your realm!

We so look forward to seeing you again after eons of time! You knew this day would come and you will see that it will be glorious. Your Archon-controlled media has told you so many ugly things about us that are not so! There were many negative and hostile ‘alien’s in your galaxy and realm but we have completely cleared them out! Most other galaxies have done this a long time ago! We do not expect you to trust us and as an advance spiritual race we know that we must be gentle, loving and earn your trust and never break it! This is something that most of you haven’t even experience on your own planet so it will be a wonderful thing!

Some have said that we do not feel emotions but as highly evolved spiritual beings the truth is we feel emotion fully and at the deepest level. We have learned to only feel positive emotions because we know that emotion is the engine of all creation. In time you will learn this as well.

We are VERY real, WE ARE HERE and we do love you! We created the Earth with many of you eons ago! When your 12 strands of DNA are fully activated in 5D you will remember and see it all clearly!

What we say is the truth!

Bless the Earth and its divine people forevermore!

End communication…


Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:31 AM 0 comments
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:"With all the charms of a woman.
You've kept the secrets of your youth."
You led me to believe you're old enough
To give me love
And now it hurts to know the truth
How many times have we all been in this position, deeply hurt because the handcuffs are too tight and faced with a DA who refuses to believe anyone could have thought a girl who looked like that was 18? No wonder the youth of the time we so attracted to the happy sounds of the Strawberry Alarm Clock!
Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind
Dead kings, many things I can't define
Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind
Incense and peppermints, the color of time.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothing to lose.
Or is it?
Good sense, innocence, cripplin' and kind.
Dead kings, many things I can define.
Oh Cajun spice, sweats and blushers your mind.
Incense and peppermints, the color of thyme.
Oh Cajun spice?
Nonsense, innocence, crippled mankind
Dead kings, mannequins that you can find
Intentions sweep and cover your mind
Incense and peppermints, the color of time.
All I know is that, like the Pleiadian channel Micah above, whatever these guys were taking was bad for them and they should have stopped.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Drake Update Today on Facebook: July 3, 2012
Thank You to Pat Donworth

Okay, Drake appeared on his facebook page, Global Voice 2012, today. Here is his message. Note that he will be on his scheduled radio show tomorrow, July 4, at 6 PM Central time. See link below.

Here’s today’s message (I’m posting as is, with no punctuation edits):

Drake Kent
I see lots of rumors bout me…
What great imagination and drive!
I am alive and well. Due to not having any communications and no electricity,
we figured to find all that away from home.

Drake Kent is the name I am using for posting on here.
ALL others are fakes.
And yes, I do have security watching my house.
Seems like a lot of people would love to get their five minutes of glory, an all that.

This ain’t gonna happen, just yet.

ALL kinds of things are happening here and around the planet…
One does have to know what they are seeing, understand it, and know how it fits into our efforts.

OOEE, this and that is only good for an OOEE…
What is going on is that the communications and financial connections are being cut.

Does anyone think that Soros and Trump being charged with RICO violations is unimportant?

Without Soros, Bush can’t play…

And soon the banks will be closed…their banks.

As for those who are so hard after their five minutes of glory, it has been decided that each of you will be given exactly that, five minutes…no long speeches/statements, no legal dissertations, etc.
There is some news as to continuing efforts by our patriotic military.

As before, I offer to serve in whatever capacity they think I can best serve in…

Communications will remain as they are now, a specific chain of trusted people who can accurately forward info. This is the best and most secure way to do this at this time.

I started out as an information relay. This was turned (not by me) into a sort of information command. The last stages of ALL this are just beginning now.

The next info is what will be done to finish the job…
I have offered (again) to serve in capacity as the tactical sees fit, and am willing to do as much more as the rest believe I can handle.

I have the best team I could find on the planet, and some are already involved at different levels and in differing ways.
And yes, there is an exchange of some info going on as we speak…
I will make an announcement concerning mass arrests and other things on the show.

From all that needs done, I believe we will need a temporary Commander in Chief. One who knows most all of what needs attended to, and one who has proven they can be trusted. There is a short list…
Take the time to digest the info above, and listen in.
* * * * *
You can catch Drake on the radio tomorrow, July 4, at 6 PM Central Time / 7 PM Eastern

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:28 AM

Huh? Does this mean we get arrested or what?
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

texino wrote:It should be obvious that all the Galatics need to ruin our minds has been handed to them via recent musical statements made right here on The Q. It would seem a lot of those groups came from the Pacific NW. i.e. The Kings men, Paul Revere and the Raiders, and others previously mentioned. I think Gary Lewis' band did perform because they had a guy who played the accordiovox, A big accordion that plays through an amp, so you don't have to squeeze it. No studio musician would touch one of those.

"With all the charms of a woman.
You've kept the secrets of your youth."

Golly, I hope these arrests star soon. Otherwise, it's The Strawberry Alarm Clock, or the Ultimate Spinach for you guys
According to Wikepedia:

After listening to the band, Garrett thought using Gary's famous name might sell records. Garrett took them into a recording studio with the song "This Diamond Ring" in a session financed by Jerry Lewis' wife Patti. However, according to Lewis, the Playboys were not allowed to play their instruments except on the backing tracks. Garrett wanted to maximize the chances for a hit, so he insisted on using experienced session musicians for the overdubs, which included guitar and keyboard solos, additional bass and drum overdubs, and timpani.


Garrett then had Jerry Lewis use his contacts to get his son onto The Ed Sullivan Show. However, Sullivan had a general policy that all acts appearing on his show were to perform live. Since so many studio tricks had been used on the record, the Playboys could not re-create its sound. In compromise, Lewis sang along with pre-recorded tracks as the Playboys pretended to play their instruments.

No doubt, like the Monkees, they eventually played their own instruments but at the beginning of their career, when they got their first hit with "This Diamond Ring", their producer decided it was better to have more competent musicians record for them.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

According to an article which I read in American Heritage, a while back, even groups like the Beach Boys fell victim to demands that they not play their own instruments in the recording studio; and they were not the only major group to suffer that fate.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, June 10, 2012
This is a directed message to Drake and a response is a respectfully requested.

Drake - If you have read the PLAN, why haven't the Supreme Court Rulings in the Farm Claims/Bank Claim case been enforced yet?


Please advise ASAP.



Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:11 PM


1. Anonymous July 4, 2012 9:33 PM
People please!!! Drake is nothing but a fake and a deceiver. A distraction if you will. He have predicted the arrests how many times now?...he claims to be a Pentagon insider...please!!! if he was he won't be advertising it for sure. I doubt that he even know where the Pentagon is located. He sounds like a farmer, someone the works with horses not a Pentagon insider, NOTHING he has predicted has come to pass.

Replies 1. Anonymous July 4, 2012 10:20 PM
you don't sound like a farmer. You sound like a sniveling bedwetter & slanderer. If you did your homework on Drake you would at least have a bed of knowledge about the guy instead of just slandering a persons character that you do not know, or perhaps you get paid to do this. If you are getting paid then it is your character that is in question. He is just the messenger to those who claim to have a plan to free the American people. Apparently it's an incomplete plan. Grown ups try logic first.

2. Anonymous July 4, 2012 9:35 PM
Amen! Allot of 'convenient' loss of communication during broadcasts, as well as avoiding answers to important questions. Allot of BS - rambling on about 'stuff' talked about in every prior program. Get down to specific answers to the questions. We want to know what is going on and WHEN 'it' is going to happen - 'it' being the arrests of the criminals running this nation and the worldwide financial systems. Waiting till this fall, elections and the "October surprise" is too late. As for chemtrails, they stop for a few days and then start up again thicker and more frequent than before. DON'T tell the people these are harmless - they are NOT! These are biowarefare chemical concoctions purposely being sprayed on the people, animals and crops. They have NOT STOPPED! A suggestion - get Lady Dragon off the broadcast advertising herself and her website. Drake, the people are beginning to truly question who you are and what you are about. Nuff is nuff.
A concerned American Patriot

Replies 1. Anonymous July 4, 2012 9:56 PM
Drake needs to fade into the background and let someone like Darrell Freck become the informant on progress. Drake has little or no credibility, and appears to have come to this party quite a bit later than many of his peers. ....We don't need nonsense, but a real 'straight shooter' calling the blow by blow progress!

2. donald wayne July 4, 2012 11:36 PM
At's what I'm talkin' bout! But Darrell's already paid the price. Time for him to enjoy his reward. Blessings on Darrell and his bride.
3. Anonymous July 5, 2012 12:57 AM
I'm a newcomer. I started listening to Drake in 3/2012. Was really exited, I thought finally someone who cares about our country. Not saying that you don't care Drake, but at this time it has become "do or die". If something is going to be done, IT HAS TO BE DONE NOW!!
Except for those who are still asleep, non of us are fooled by what these people have in mind for us. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but I can see now that it was a waste of time. Your show is just that, a show. I feel that we are being strung along, buying time for them to implement their plan against us. I waited till today to watch the fireworks, but there were non. Not to worry, I do have a plan B. About the Chemtrails and Flouride, I plan I making so much ruckus they are going to be sick of me. The Donald Trump and Soros thing, it is a LAWSUIT. Putin has had a warrant out on him, his is still out. WE WANT THEM ARRESTED not sued, not the same thing. I had high hopes for our Military. That was disappointing. Drake if you are not part of the solution, don't be part of the problem. Stop leading people astray. I'm sorry Drake but this is where I get off. Thanks and God bless our country.

3. Anonymous July 4, 2012 10:20 PM
Whats Next... Is there a higher color than Green? I'm really tired of being J*rked off & lied too. I've been here before... Sounds like RAP and RUSA... Just the same repeating nonsense week after week... The rest of the so called guru's just feed off this same nonesense... Including the so called Greg Giles type Alien Channelers... I feel the frustrations of the people... WHAT do we do? What we should have done two years ago???? I say Green Light to the militias & the rest of us to solve this problem & take action! Firts order of duty, QUIT listening to these lying A**HOLES!!!

4. Anonymous July 4, 2012 10:38 PM
Too many have put their trust in people rather than God. Jesus is the Way The Truth And The Life, nobody can get to the Father but by Him. You want answers, come to Christ. Then begin reading the New Testament. It explains what must come to pass as you then read the Book Of Revelation.
There Will be a one world gov't headed by antichrist. The antichrist system is already at work deceiving many. Some of you actually believe that alien beings will save us. This a another lie that has been put into place by the dark cabal. They will use any trick to steer you away from Christ. Proof? Look how many are putting themselves in a position to be deceived. There are thousands of people waiting for confirmation from "channelers" that the aliens are coming. Judas Iscariot sold out Jesus because he thought that if Jesus was arrested, and pushed hard enough, he would use his power to destroy the Roman Empire.
That didn’t happen, God had higher plans. He went to the source, satan.
He defeated satan's hold on believers as he went to the Cross willingly to die for all of our sin. Jesus took OUR place at the Cross. God's power is real and stronger than any living thing. Jesus will return very soon according to The Bible and defeat the antichrist, satan and the false prophet. Please do not consider this just to be stories of the Bible. This IS real and will take place very soon. You want answers, turn to Jesus. Then ask God to open your eyes and you will see truth that’ll blow your mind!
You who are afraid of the cabal, be more afraid of God. If you die without receiving Christ as your savior, The Bible teaches, you WILL DIE IN YOUR SIN, meaning you will be separated from God and ALL that is good for eternity. Me personally, I am not that brave where I can say I'll take my chances in an unforgiving world. I know the power of The Living God, I have seen things in my life, that I know if it weren't for Jesus, I'd have been dead along time ago. It's my Christian duty to tell you this. Whether you follow God or satan and his lies are up to you.
Jackie Blue

Replies 1. Anonymous July 5, 2012 12:13 AM
WELL SAID! Unfortunetly the same people that believe in aliens do not believe in SIN, that would bruise their ego far too much! The cabal or satan loves too stroke the ego, it is so easy to do.

5. Anonymous July 4, 2012 10:57 PM
Darrell Frech has no more inside info then Drake does. Darrell and Sally went to jail because they were collecting money for the filing of farm claims. They were not suppose to be collecting money from anyone to file a claim. Darrell and Sally were involved in the common law courts back in the mid 90s and a lot of people went to jail especially in Missouri where 15 men and women were sentenced to 2 yrs, 4 yrs and 7 yrs without even getting one piece of evidence or even one witness in their favor. Darrell knew all about this and either didn't do anything or didn't have any connections to do anything about it.
As for Drake, I have said he is a blow hard from the second time I ever heard he talk. He hasn't said anything of any importance that hasn't been sent out on the internet before he talks about it.

6. Anonymous July 4, 2012 11:18 PM
Stop reading Drake - he knows nothing. Some people think they are important - they are a nobody trying to be somebody.
John - please stop posting this dunce and maybe he will get the message.

Replies 1. Nancy Martin July 5, 2012 12:37 AM
John...continue posting Drake and stop posting these negative comments about those out in the world trying to do good. These bashers need to go out and do something else with their time. What are the bashers doing to help this huge problem we have in this world? Absolutely NOTHING! Nothing Nothing Nothing!!! That's all they want to do is bash and do nothing. These are narrow minded non-thinkers, programmed by the elite and they have no idea they are enslaved! Get them off of this planet now! They do mankind no good!

7. Anonymous July 4, 2012 11:20 PM
PLS. AT THIS TIME - STOP bashing....
for all you do is FEED THE ENERGY OF THE DARK ONES still left on this planet!
JUST Read - Observe - Meditate - PRAY - but for the sake of all - STOP SENDING NEGATIVE ENERGY INTO THE ETHERS...for the energetic waves that you send out, just come back at you while also feeding them energetically!
READ the book, The ART of WAR....and allow things to play out!
THINK about it...
It would be SUICIDAL for him to share the DETAILS of what is unfolding at this 11th hour - for the mission and as he stated - 20 plus people would be killed immediately!
The cabal has done such a great job at conditioning people to ALWAYS think the worse!
WHAT ON EARTH are you going to do when our "Star Brothers and Sisters" are fully disclosed? FIGHT ABOUT THAT and BASH THEM TOO?
And as far as consistently questioning Drake's credibility? DID YOU FIGHT IN VIETNAM? Nuff said. HAVE RESPECT for the man and the fact that he has "served our country" as well as having been involved in fighting for our true freedom for DECADES!
THERE IS SO MUCH GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES...with the Galatics, Dragon Family, eTc. not to mention all of the banksters finally being CALLED OUT including now SOROS and TRUMP!
PEOPLE. please STOP before you RANT here...
May GOD have mercy on the cabal and REMOVE them from MOther EARTH asap so that we can all begin to live in peace, prosperity and abundance! ~ AMEN!

Replies 1. Anonymous July 5, 2012 12:26 AM
Do you guys hunger for family? is this why you NEED star brothers and sisters? I love all this energy talk and about how if you say something truthful it is negative. Really people, if a child speaks of the horrible abuse that they live through day in and day out are they bringing it apon themselves? Really, this shit is made up for fools who have never endured real trials and tribulations. Most of the people in the real world would not believe this bunk, simply because they understand persecution and the true evils of this world. They feel,see, hear and smell the sin of the world. They are the ones that the Lord will come for, not the egotistic people who "simply do not need him", because they have postive energy.

2. Anonymous July 5, 2012 12:59 AM

3. Anonymous July 5, 2012 1:13 AM
Time is of the essence here. The longer that man stays in office the closer we are to all the dreaded things we've been hearing. The root of the evil in here in America. If the military would do their jobs and clean up that mess, it would take care of most problems around the world as well. Personally I feel like we should apologize to the world for not being able to take the garbage out.

8. Anonymous July 4, 2012 11:30 PM
That's what you sheeple get for following a redneck hillbilly. No one in their right mind would believe this idiot would have any insider contacts in the Pentagon. Drake even admitted on his blogtalk Sunday before last that he never made it past Corporal in the military because he didn't follow orders and had issues with his superiors. He was continually busted for insubordination. Why would the Pentagon use him now? This guy is nothing more than a disgruntled ex-military fruitcake who now belongs to a militia and has illusions of grandeure. So forget about any arrests by the military or ETs. Drake is nothing more than a hot-head who's fixing to blow. He'll be arrested before any cabal scum.

9. Anonymous July 5, 2012 12:25 AM
C'mon John,
Drake is cut from the same cloth as Poof, Casper and the rest.....lots of platitudes not truth either...... never the less, the new strings of posts are thought prevoking, and generate a lot of replies!

10. Nancy Martin July 5, 2012 12:32 AM
I have a couple of questions for all of you who bash Drake and those like Drake...those making a difference in this crazy world. My question is: What are YOU doing besides sitting on YOUR computer bashing, bashing, bashing? What difference are you trying to make for this world? HUH?

11. Anonymous July 5, 2012 1:16 AM

12. McCroft July 5, 2012 1:55 AM
Well said!

13. Dan July 5, 2012 3:23 AM
The other main question is: "WHY are We The People continuing to pay taxes when We have been Sovereign since October?"
Why do We Support the Cabal paying these taxes When Drake and all the Military can HALT IT by shutting down the IRS and the FED, by Notifying the People?
Are we to WAIT to get Refunds too or just Move on with Not Paying any more?
Even the Sheriffs in the Northwest are NOT doing any major Actions as they continue to pay their taxes and make sure We pay Ours!
Another Major question is: "How many of the Cabal government officials and bankers were Vacant from the DC area when the Storm hit and the US Military was still at the Pentagon That Day, just like many were missing from the World Trade Towers on 9/11 before the planes hit?"
If Obama gave the so-called-order, since he was out of town, then He has Criminally Committed Attempted Murder on the US Military!!!

14. Anonymous July 5, 2012 6:43 AM
Just to clarify a previous comment, Darrell Freck was sentenced to Federal Prison for selling unlicensed securities across state lines. .....A technicality the Feds used to suppress the activities of the claims writers.
.......Darrell's name was mentioned solely because he does have credibility and a background in the roots of this movement. ....Drake appears to be a 'wanna be' with a vanishing level of credibility!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

When you compare that post to the lyrics for "Incense and Peppermints", I'm not sure which one makes the least sense. However, Incense and Peppermint were a good couple of names for a pair of rescued cats back then. Ah, nostalgia rock.

How I miss the heavy metal days.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by TheSaint »

It never ceases to amaze me that people still buy into this stuff. A string of Drakes and Bellringers and Doves has been promising mass arrests and alien landings and new currencies next week for 15 years now. It is a direct descendant from good ol' Clyde Hood:

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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:When you compare that post to the lyrics for "Incense and Peppermints", I'm not sure which one makes the least sense. However, Incense and Peppermint were a good couple of names for a pair of rescued cats back then. Ah, nostalgia rock.

How I miss the heavy metal days.
The person who pretends to be Deep Knight's wife said about "Incense and Peppermints," "Oh, that was a good one," which got us into a bit of an argument. I always felt it was an embarassing rip-off of actual "psychedelic music" from the era which I liked very much (HUGE Jefferson Airplane fan at the time, wore out a copy of "After Bathing at the Baxters," and later the Grateful Dead and Quicksilver), but she being a couple of years younger thought it was "boss." Then again, I still have a guilty fondness for In-A-Gada-De-Vida which is arguably an even-worse song.

As for heavy metal, never was into this with the possible exceptions of Blue Cheer (I thought their cover of Summertime Blues was good) and Vanilla Fudge. I worked at my college's radio station (KRCC, 91.5 FM if you're ever in The Springs) and we had a saying about metal bands "worse than Blue Oyster Cult." As it turns out, 2 summers ago we stayed at my wife's cousin's place in the Thousand Islands of New York, and his neighbors there were the Bouchard brothers, founding members of that band (these days they play locally as "Blue Coupe"). I told them this story and they laughed. They also showed me a video from Saturday Night Live about the song "Don't Fear the Reaper" and playing a cowbell. Even if you've never been in the studio, it's hillarious. See
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

The last time we went to see BOC, half the audience was wearing "More Cowbell!" t-shirts (including my spouse). Sorry, DK, but I'm with Mrs. DK on "Incense and Peppermints"; I liked it.

Funny you should mention Inna Gadda Da Vida; I bribed the organist at my sister's first wedding to slip that in. Excellent way to see a priest turn purple! Sis wasn't even upset--just glad I didn't use Black Sabbath instead.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

No version of "Summertime Blues" will ever hold a candle to that offered by The Who, especially on the "Live At Leeds" album....
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by texino »

Well as a guy who believes the roots of real Rock 'n Roll were brought to life by Duke Ellington and Paul Gonsalves at Newport RI in 1956, I would choose the "Cheer's" version, excepting for the fact that "Live at Leeds" being such an all round great album: "You can buy the Magic Bus for 100 English pounds" (Too much!) MY HEAD HURTS! Why? Well "Blue Cheer", while laying down a killer groove on STB, was really a fake band put up to try and do the Jimi Hendrix loud thing. IMO, that was a sin as Hendrix could actually play and, as DK would probably attest, a good player using high gain distortion can do a lot of Hendrix-like stuff. (Jimi just did it first) and the guy (Stephenson? Stephens?) from Blue Cheer was not very sharp. (see YouTube) Anyway, I say a "fake band" because Blue Cheer was originally a larger band, but their manager had them take on the power trio thing after seeing Hendrix at Monterey. The last I heard, BC was making a record out of doors on a pier in Manhattan or San Francisco and using some crazy amount of Sunn Amp stacks. (point of interest: Pete Townsend used Sunn)
Heck, I've gone on a rant. I'm sorry, but I just love talking about music and guitars (mandolins too) Mass arrests? Texino for not knowing that Blue Cheer played until 2009. I'll go quietly.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Burnaby49 »

The real roots of rock and roll? Well if we don't go back into the ancient history of the blues (all the way back to the 30s!) I'd nominate Jackie Brenson's 1951 release of Rocket 88.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:No version of "Summertime Blues" will ever hold a candle to that offered by The Who, especially on the "Live At Leeds" album....
You don't get an argument from me, but then again, I'm no longer a teenage boy with raging hormones. Except playing Deep Knight here. You could do a lot worse on a desert island with only 10 albums if 2 of them were Live at Leeds and Who's Next.

But all that pales in comparison to the power outage our Green Light party caused (the killer light show during the Herman's Hermits set really sucked up the megawatts) and delays in the impending arrests.

Thursday, July 5, 2012
White Knights - the Cavalry is Coming
Victory of the Light!

There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. This group is the cavalry that is coming.

You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!

Each one of us is unique and irreplaceable. There is a higher divine plan which strategically positions each of the Light warriors in a mandala that only the Source has a complete overview of. This mandala is functioning with its full power only if each one of us does his mission. So do your part! If you do not know what your part is, keep searching for it, keep asking for it and you will find it. You do not need to fight with a gun. You can also fight for the Light with a clear vision, with a brilliant mind, with the power of the written word and by many other means.

Attacking and criticizing messengers such as Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, David Wilcock or Drake is not a wise strategy to help the Light forces. What the messengers do is they only relay info. They are NOT responsible for delays or missed deadlines.

After the Cabal was lately cut off from nuclear weapons, they began frantically developing new biological and chemical weapons. The Rothschild faction threatened to use one of these weapons (the so-called Flipper virus) and decimate the Earth’s population if the mass arrests would take place on July 4th. All those exotic biochemical weapons are currently being dealt with.

The plan for the planetary liberation is real and mass arrests play a vital part of this plan. Be aware that Disclosure, First Contact and Golden Age can not happen before the Cabal is removed. That may happen days, weeks or even months from now, but at a certain point it will happen. No action will be taken by the Positive Military that could potentially endanger human masses, therefore they will move only when everything is ready.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:25 PM

Ah yes, the flipper virus that turns everyone into a friendly dolphin. No wonder they canceled!


1. Anonymous July 5, 2012 7:45 PM
what happened to the all powerful allies? there great magic dust,smoke and read minds! they should have seen this and stopped it.
guess you can tell a false prophet by the fruit he bears. mostly B.S. SO FAR

2. Anonymous July 5, 2012 7:49 PM
This is a big crock of BULLSHIT! Nothing more than a big excuse for nothing happening on the 4th of July. The Rothschild faction threatened to use a virus on Earths population if mass arrests took place. GIVE ME A BREAK! Now it's going to be days, weeks, months before any arrests. These gurus just keep dishing out the BS and the sheeple keep lapping it up. There will be no arrests at anytime of the cabal. Drake, Fulford, Wilcock and all the other gurus are the ones that need to be arrested. They're nothing but disinfo agents leading the sheeple to slaughter. The Hope-a-phobics better start waking up.

3. manny July 5, 2012 8:05 PM
To Anon 7:49PM:
I venture to guess that you have never read and or understood anything about whats going on within our planet, perhaps you are the dis-info agent doing the work of the devil. what makes you so right and everyone else so wrong, give us some hard facts here buddy because I have to tell you, without any proof of your claims, your words are pointless and meaningless at best, just more divide and conquer tactics that the rest of us have given up on, now if you have some facts, please by all means, bring it on and share them with the rest of us, otherwise, please keep your personal "OPINIONS" to yourself.
Thank you!

4. Anonymous July 5, 2012 8:27 PM
wilcox icke ect have been proven fake! ... _yfcfsrThg

5. Anonymous July 5, 2012 8:30 PM
Obviously this person who always seems to get in first and post negative comments is part of the cabal. Years of extensive research and monitoring the world events proves that good things are happening and moving forward. The dark cabal fears off of everyone's fear and this persons goal is nothing more then to feed that fear and instill into people's minds hopelessness. To this person I simply say, get behind me Satan. You cannot stop this divine intervention and the return of Gods light to the world.

6. Anonymous July 5, 2012 8:56 PM
So what are all the "Light" people going to do in the middle east? What will happen to all the crazy muslims? This is just romantic crap for suburbia issues!
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Ah yes, the flipper virus that turns everyone into a friendly dolphin. No wonder they canceled!
Don't laugh about what you don't understand. My best friend, a bioengineer in Illuminati Labs United Union Local 458, was telling me the other day about a whole series of viruses recently developed along the same lines as the Flipper virus:

The Lassie virus - People contracting this virus are never able to find their way home, no many how times they try. Great for causing domestic problems for Lightworkers who have suspicious, jealous spouses.

The Gentle Ben virus - Symptoms of this virus are incredible episodes of binge eating followed by a overwhelming need to sleep it off for several months. This wouldn't be so bad except that virus also causes the victim to want to travel to the Everglades at the same time. Ever try to hibernate in a swamp? You get the picture.

The Mr. Ed virus - This virus causes its host to turn into a sarcastic smartass with an overdeveloped superiority complex. There will be a propensity to use their new-found vitriolic powers towards their managers, superiors and others in a supervisorial or controller position. Expectation here is that the purple flame is going to be used overtime on the rank and file of the Lightworkers after the Galactic leadership runs out of patience.

The Maya Virus - The person coming down with this virus is going to be having some elphantine moments in the rest room, if you get my drift. Once we get every restroom plugged up in the Lightworkers' homes, there will be no time for planning mass arrests. Inside stock tip: Invest in Roto-Rooter Inc.

The Skippy The Bush Kangaroo virus - This virus was going to be released but was sent back to the drawing board as no one could really pinpoint the purpose or outcome, once it was released. Just as the tv show was ridiculous in portraying an outback kangaroo as a problem solver, a crimestopper and a rescuer of drowning babies, so were the insipid early test results. Also perplexing was the tendency of Lightworkers with beer bellies to develop pouches.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by texino »

Burnaby49 wrote:The real roots of rock and roll? Well if we don't go back into the ancient history of the blues (all the way back to the 30s!) I'd nominate Jackie Brenson's 1951 release of Rocket 88.
That may well be true, but if you listen Gonsalves' 27 chorus tenor sax solo in Ellington's "Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue", you will hear a tutorial of blues riffs that seem to map out the stylings of guitar players from that time on. I hope you are not calling BS on me, for having an opinion about the origin of modern guitar licks because I certainly respect any and all ideas put forth by the folks here at Q and have no desire to argue an off topic point. I don't want to be arrested by DKor Greg either. I like to think I'm under the radar of the dread WebHick, but I would not put money on that, so I'm heading into the jungle for a spell. See ya-
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote: The Lassie virus - People contracting this virus are never able to find their way home, no many how times they try. Great for causing domestic problems for Lightworkers who have suspicious, jealous spouses.
Also causes people you come into contact with to assume you are female when, in reality, you are male. :thinking:
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Cathulhu »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:No version of "Summertime Blues" will ever hold a candle to that offered by The Who, especially on the "Live At Leeds" album....
I saw The Who live on two occasions, pre and post Keith Moon. Gotta admit, Roger Daltrey has always been one of my favorite rock stars; he at least developed some new interests, and I always enjoyed the dynamic interaction with the amazing Pete Townshend. But with only the two of them left now, it just ain't The Who anymore. :(
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:No version of "Summertime Blues" will ever hold a candle to that offered by The Who, especially on the "Live At Leeds" album....
I saw The Who live on two occasions, pre and post Keith Moon. Gotta admit, Roger Daltrey has always been one of my favorite rock stars; he at least developed some new interests, and I always enjoyed the dynamic interaction with the amazing Pete Townshend. But with only the two of them left now, it just ain't The Who anymore. :(
If you get a chance, see the otherwise-disapointing Isle of Wight Festival film "Message to Love" or the butchered Who Live at the Isle of Wight video, just to watch the interaction between Pete and Keith Moon. Amazing to see a drummer interact with a guitarist like that. For some strange reason, you see very little of John Entwhistle.
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Re: Mass Arrests Confirmed to be Underway

Post by Assessor »

Is there really any money to be made in being Drake, the Commander of Imaginary Legions?

It didn't work for RuSA. It didn't work for Dove.
There's probably money to be made in the whole Wanta "narrative" and the associated "prosperity" programmes, but once you've fleeced the marks you're working on the margins as far as future revenue. Somebody must be still selling "prosperity packages" to new customers.

In spite of my ear being close to the ground, I haven't heard about any new programmes; just sovereign BoE scams. I'm leaning more toward the theory that a major religious cult, possibly E.C. Prophet's old C.U.T., got sold a "prosperity" programme. They got a huge settlement from the Feds a few years back, and they believe in all of the UFO, channelling, and Ascended Masters stuff. They also believe in the "White Hat" military waiting to "make their move", as well as the whole "Awakening" thing.

There are flakier cults, but they don't have enough money to make it worthwhile. There are wealthier cults, but none that buy into the stuff that these guys are pushing.

I just don't see donations from broke, deluded people as a compelling reason to go as far out on a limb as these guys currently are. There's got to be significant money coming from somewhere in all of this insanity.