Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by rogfulton »

DailyPlanet wrote:ND,
Do you think your writing in Blue Bolded Text gives you authority?
It doesn't. It is like SHOUTING - I find it hard to read, and think: Why bother?

Gregg, your:
"Almost all "lost German gold" from WWII is not in fact lost, its safe in Switzerland..."
Oh yeah, I used to have friends who worked at a Swiss Bank who used to joke they were the safest bank on the planet because they still controlled "Mr Hitler's account". When they got rescued by another Swiss bank, they stopped talking that way.

"pesky thing in the Constitution about the Senate having to "Advise and Consent" to all foreign treaties..."
Sure. That's the way it should be. Pity that Presidents discovered Executive orders, and have forgotten their vow to uphold the Constitution. But maybe you live in a parallel universe where they still do that.

You must be the most clever person I have come across, and one of the most snarky on a generally-snarky website:
"DP, you just are not willing to get in touch with reality on even a basic level. Which is strange, because some part of your conspiracy theorist mind is subconsciously screaming at you that this stuff is all made up..."
Obviously, you know what is going on in my mind better than I do... Or at least you think you do. It is a real pleasure having discourse with you.
And this is the kind of stuff that caused me to ignore DP the first time. I forgot and 'unignored' the posts and now regret it - back on ignore.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by NYGman »

All this time I thought DP was playing the role for comedic effect, didn't realize he actually believed it, that changes everything...
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Ron said in one of the latest videos that his kids have been living in his house with him for over a year. Got to wonder if they are now paying his mortgage, or if the house is just now full of deadbeats.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

thunter wrote:Ron said in one of the latest videos that his kids have been living in his house with him for over a year. Got to wonder if they are now paying his mortgage, or if the house is just now full of deadbeats.
Oh silly, RVD doesn't pay a mortgage! The house he was involved in had some illegal deed transfer from the deceased previous owner (and still has money owed on it, I believe). The bank is trying to kick RVD out but the case has taken forever.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

The real reason why our role playing Ambassador hasn't been cashing in on his scam of late...he had a heart attack!:

I really love this. It says a great deal about RVD that through it all he still believes this guy. Even though the Ambassador hasn't given RVD a dime to help with his numerous health or financial problems.

I'm sure with the greatest healthcare in the world that money can buy, the Ambassador will be fine. He claims to have had it in a "17 hour flight across the world" as part of his Ambassador duties, but if he was on a flight he'd likely be dead and I doubt the person role playing the Ambassador has enough money to get on any flight. Hes cashing in on the marks from someone's basement.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

Yeah. When I saw that video, my first thought was, "Come on, a heart attack? Really?"

What a coincidence that the Ambassador would have a heart problem, just like Ron. The guy's an obvious confidence man. "See, Ron, I'm just like you."

And people lap this stuff up, and send in more donations.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD hasn't made any new videos since May 15. He didn't even go that long without a video in the hospital. Lets hope he wasn't doing something stupid again like drinking urine.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by thunter »

RVD has continued to post updates on his Facebook page:

It seems his desktop computer is dead (he is asking for the donation of a new one), and his laptop is so infested with malware that it runs very slowly and he can't upload videos. He can't remember any of his passwords, so has no access to anything, except, amazingly, his Paypal account.

He's begging for donations to help his family.

He also said that the Ambassador had promised him help, but it never materialized and it seems he has had no communication from the mysterious Ambassador since.

And the drama continues.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

Instead of buying a desktop, maybe put that money towards, IDK, housing, food and medical expenses first?
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Gregg »

Gimme an address, I have a desktop he can have.

I'll have to think of a proper fictional character to say was the donor.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by bmxninja357 »

thunter wrote:
He also said that the Ambassador had promised him help, but it never materialized and it seems he has had no communication from the mysterious Ambassador since.
you mean there's no free money? Shocking!
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

I am convinced, at this point, that Ron Van Dyke is going to die of his own hand from his own stupid decision making. See example #182893489234, his June 12 video:

One of his blood tests shows internal bleeding, so the hospital calls him and tells him to come in immediately. They want to call an ambulance. RVD refuses, says that he feels "fine" and that while he is "uncomfortable" he is sure that is due to a lack of sleep and not internal bleeding. So hes going to wait a day or two until he decides to go to the hospital...the stupidity is unreal. This is after taxpayers (he has no money, medicaid or medicare almost certainly paid for it) probably dropped $50k on his recent hospital stays and operations.

He also revealed he had another heart attack a few weeks after his operation, but is refusing treatment. RVD's doctor wants to resign as his care provider because he is refusing to listen to medical professionals.

If RVD makes it another year doing this kind of thing, I would be shocked. If he actually followed treatment procedures he could have a very long life...but ignoring heart attacks and internal bleeding will ensure he doesn't last very long.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I think stupidity and gullibility are the hallmarks of what passes for Ron's sorry excuse for a life. Regrettably, LiD I do think you are right. I think he will manage to kill himself with his own version of self medicine and denial.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by NYGman »

I fear he will be an all too stubborn ex-guru soo enough.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD's condition continues to deteriorate...I can't help but wonder what him refusing so much medical treatment/trying various woo has done to make this worse? This might be a case of self-inflicted death if this keeps up:

He blames everything on the pharmaceutical industry - its a giant conspiracy. His evidence? He has more side-effects to the drugs this time around (well that's probably because THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU'VE HAD HEART FAILURE, RVD). RVD has figured out a vast conspiracy where the medication has on-purpose side effects and is designed to keep you ill.

Thankfully, RVD's son appears to be sane and has told him to keep taking the pills - although RVD is trying to convince him otherwise. Heart medication is serious, if RVD is dumb enough to stop taking those after two heart failures I am pretty sure he will kill himself. It turns out the son is mooching off RVD full-time and I think he might be scared if RVD kicks the bucket, he will lose access to that disability check and free rent.

As always, his followers are supporting stupid decision making:
You know what you need to do Ron! Your health is your responsibility. It is clear the drugs are detrimental. You know that you will not improve whilst you remain on them. Therefore, it makes no logical sense to continue taking them. Knowing what I know about pharmaceuticals there is absolutely no way on this earth that I would insist on a loved one taking them. I don't think your son realises that his insistence that you take (harmful drugs against your will) is abusive. I have a loved one who went through a similar experience to yourself. Their condition worsened the moment they were put on drugs. Swollen legs/feet, shortness of breath, weight loss/malnutrition, dehydration, cognitive decline, irregular heart function. The doctors treatments do not work. The support hose did not help my loved one either and the doctors wanted to perform unnecessary surgery on veins in legs to deal with swollen feet/leg ulcer. The moment my loved one stopped taking drugs, their side effects 'induced illness' improved and disappeared. Currently, your body is in a toxic state and is trying to heal itself hence all the symptoms. Your body is talking to you by sending you bold physical messages. Listen and take action now by dealing with the root cause. Coming off the drugs, detoxing, improving diet and using natural alternatives is the path to improvement. It worked with my loved one. Take care Ron. Much love and prayers to you.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

First and foremost, RVD is an idiot, and a self Darwin nominee. I don't think there is much that can be done about that other than taking the options away from him, which at this point I think has become a medical and mental health necessity.

Depending on the type of heart problems he is having, there are a variety of medications that can and will be applied, and some of them do have some side effects, nasty and otherwise, but they are the difference between him living and not. I have a friend who has a very specific heart condition that responds well to only one medication, one that most doctors don't like anymore, and which can and does have some nasty side effects. She happens to be one of the group that responds well and doesn't react. The alternatives don't work or work properly on her and their side effects, undocumented features as it were, are very bad and not at all conducive to living at all comfortably. Part, or in fact most, of RVD's problems may lie in the fact that he has so damaged and run down his system, that he would have problems regardless of what they put him on.

It still all comes down to RVD is a self destructive fool. I do pity his children in having to deal with it all.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

RVD reveals his master plan to kill himself:

He is going to keep on the meds for now because its a condition of getting medicaid to pay for his bills. As soon as the bills are covered, hes going to stop taking them and is going to a naturopath doctor.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by Jeffrey »

If I were to stop taking the prescription medications as I'd like, I would no longer be supported by the agencies that are working to get me on Medicaid so that at least part of my bills would be covered.
How dare these evil agencies cover his medical bills!
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by LightinDarkness »

Looks like RVD is officially committing suicide by stupidity:

Summary, from what I can tell:
- RVD has stopped taking his medications. Because medicine is a plot by the pharmaceutical industry to keep you on pills.
- As a result, RVD has been having issues like shortness of breath and fatigue (hmmm, could that be because your heart is starting to give up?).
- RVD's children are not happy. They need RVD alive to keep using his disability check. Both his son and daughter have told him to keep taking the prescriptions, which RVD says is proof that they don't believe in his vision.
- RVD has declared he is throwing the son and daughter out as they are aligned with the drug industry Dark Cabal. The children have told him they are refusing to leave.

It won't matter that much in a few months, if he keeps up he will probably kill himself. Death by stupidity. What a victory, RVD.
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Re: Ron Van Dyke : The REAL Man of La Mancha

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is oast time that his children seek a full guardian and conservatorship for RVD as he is no longer competent to be handling his own or any affairs, take away his internet connection and closely monitor his outside contacts.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.