From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

Anonymous said...
Yes....ANY information on Greenlight or treasury gate would be most helpful. After the Department Of Justice demise of our beneficent leader, we get NOTHING of intel. God help us all that this should come to a fruitful end for Greenlight, because the Department Of Justice and those who prosecuted will have theirs coming. A strenuous pursuit of the misadjudication will be pursued and amen.
December 31, 2011 7:07 PM
"Greenlight" and "Treasurygate?" Here's a quick tutorial (pay attention, there will be a quiz later).


Fraud Involved Nearly 2000 Victims

AMARILLO, Texas — A federal grand jury in Amarillo, Texas, returned a 39-count indictment today charging Tommy Lee Buckley, 63, with mail fraud — frauds and swindles, related to his operation of a fraudulent “investment” scheme, announced U.S. Attorney James T. Jacks of the Northern District of Texas. Buckley, of Amarillo, is expected to surrender to federal authorities.

According to the indictment, Green Light (GL) and Aragon Tontine Green Light (ATGL) were names that Buckley gave to a group of people who supported his efforts to redeem supposed financial instruments that Buckley described as “certificates of obligations.” Some of these certificates were drawn on the U.S. Treasury and made payable to heads of state in foreign countries, and some were drawn on foreign financial institutions. In fact, in 1991, Buckley attempted to obtain a receipt from the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas for a counterfeit certificate, in the amount of $33 billion, payable to “Sadam Husein.”

GL and ATGL had approximately 1800 members. “Treasury Gate” was the name that Buckley gave to his mission to redeem the certificates.

The indictment alleges that from January 1990 until the date of this indictment, Buckley ran a scheme to defraud and obtain money from other persons by convincing them that he possessed genuine financial instruments that he could redeem for trillions of dollars, and that he would share the proceeds from the certificates with GL/ATGL members. Buckley, however, was well aware that the certificates were not genuine.

As early as 1990, Buckley solicited people to join GL/ATGL by advertising in newspapers low interest loans which would be funded by the certificates. Buckley also conducted seminars to solicit people to join GL/ATGL. He charged a $50 to $1000 “up front fee” to most persons who joined GL/ATGL. Buckley represented that the certificates were genuine and worth “trillions of dollars” and that GL/ATGL members would share in the proceeds when he redeemed them.

He divided GL/ATGL into two groups ---- the “actives” and the “inactives.” The “actives” were persons who purchased a periodic, usually monthly, newsletter that Buckley penned, which cost between $14 and $17 per issue. Buckley repeatedly told the “actives” that they would receive a greater share of the proceeds than the “inactives,” who did not purchase the newsletter. In his newsletter he described his purported efforts to redeem the certificates and enticed the GL/ATGL members into continuing to send their money for the next newsletter by repeatedly representing that the redemption of the certificates was imminent.

Between 2004 and May 2008, Buckley deposited approximately $2.8 million, consisting of monthly checks and money orders sent to Buckley by GL/ATGL members, into his business account at a bank in Amarillo. He paid his wife $2500 per month out of monies he received from GT/ATGL members.

Buckley appropriated funds received from GL/ATGL members for his own use. As his only source of income, he used these GL/ATGL funds to maintain a lavish and leisurely lifestyle for himself, his wife and his extended family, including country club memberships at La Poloma Golf Club and Amarillo Country Club, Mercedes-Benz and BMW automobiles and high-end residences.

An indictment is an accusation by a federal grand jury and a defendant is entitled to the presumption of innocence unless proven guilty. However, if convicted, each of the 39 counts carries a maximum statutory sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Federal jury convicts Amarilloan on 24 mail fraud charges
June 30, 2011 - 02:08am

After a week of testimony, an Amarillo federal jury on Wednesday convicted Tommy Lee Buckley of collecting millions of dollars in a mail-fraud scheme that spanned more than 20 years.

Jurors heard charged arguments from both sides Wednesday before they deliberated for more than four hours.

They found the Amarillo man guilty on all 24 counts listed the government's indictment. He pleaded not guilty last week to all charges.

For more than 20 years, Buckley told at least 1,800 people that he had "certificates of obligation" for trillions of dollars made out to former and current world leaders.

He starting accepting monthly payments in exchange for a newsletter updating his supporters on his efforts to redeem the certificates, which the government said Buckley knew were fraudulent.

Bonnie Gunden, Buckley's attorney, told the jury in closing arguments that the "TreasuryGate" chief never knowingly intended to defraud the thousands of true believers who sent him money every month for a newsletter on his progress.

He was always transparent with federal investigators and his followers about his mission to verify and redeem the certificates, she said.

"No one could have scripted this," said Gunden, the federal public defender.

"They (the government) knew about the notes because Buckley told them about them."

On at least three occasions in the 1990s, Buckley was confronted with opinions from federal officials who said the notes were fraudulent, including a U.S. Secret Service forensic review, said Vicki Lamberson, the government's attorney.

The various historical inaccuracies and misspellings of names on the certificates also indicated that Buckley knowingly defrauded his supporters, she said.

Despite the roadblocks, Buckley continued to rally supporters to his cause and often dismissed questions from his subscribers, she said.

Unemployed for more than 20 years, Buckley used the money to maintain a lavish lifestyle for his family in Amarillo, and he knew all along that certificates were fraudulent, she said.

"He devised a scheme to create a job for himself," Lamberson said.

Gunden said Buckley did not create an investment program, and he never promised his supporters a payout would definitively occur.

She said his supporters were only signing up for a monthly newsletter, and the money they sent Buckley could be used at his discretion.

"Whether the government likes it or not, that's Tommy Lee Buckley's money," she said.

"That's the way the situation evolved."

About a half-dozen of Buckley's friends, who were in the courtroom all day, were visibly upset when U.S. District Judge Mary Lou Robinson read the jury's verdict.

All day, they continued to show Buckley support.

"Good luck, my friend," one supporter said to Buckley. "You will prevail."

Buckley will be sentenced after a presentence investigation is completed and reviewed by the judge.

Federal prosecutors are seeking the forfeiture of a southwest Amarillo house and two cars owned by convicted scammer Tommy Lee Buckley, who committed suicide hours after jurors convicted him of mail fraud in June.

“In order to pursue forfeiture and make funds potentially available for restoration to victims in this case, the government is pursuing a civil forfeiture action,” according to the federal complaint.

An Amarillo jury found Buckley guilty in June of 24 counts of mail fraud. Buckley failed to appear at a scheduled forfeiture hearing the next morning, when he shot himself to death at his home, officials said. U.S. District Judge Mary Lou Robinson dismissed the jury shortly after.

I remember being shocked and stunned when I read this. People from Amarillo are called Amarilloans? From Tommy's obit:
He had a loving and giving spirit that shown through in everyone's life that he touched. He worked with a tireless dedication to benefit the lives of others.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

My DK, don't hold back, do tell McWindbag how you really feel!!!! Not that the big words wouldn't confuse him. As to the other matter, I really doubt he is smart enough to figure out how to use the edit feature on his own system. He certainly hasn't shown any great intelligence anywhere else, his claims to the contrary not withstanding.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:"I probably have one of the better intel networks out there."

That's like saying that North Korea is probably one of the most democratic countries in the world.
But, they're officially not "North" but the "Democratic People's Republic of" Korea (조선민주주의인민공화국), a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship with an elaborate cult of personality around the Kim family and one of the lowest-ranking human rights records of any country. Just like the Nazis being socialist liberals because their official name was "National Socialist German Workers Party" this PROVES they're democratic, so let's have no more talk about it! Remember, their democratic kidnapping, torture and assassination squads have a long reach.

What you should have ridiculed is the North Korean, er, Democratic People's Republic of Korean dictatorship having one of the better intel networks out there (which is what MacHaffie really meant to say). I understand their internal spy agencies have just realized that Kim Jong Il might be seriously ill. Still, they're a couple of steps above John "RV Tuesday" MacHaffie.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I just love the official name of North Korea. It translates to "People-governed People's Thing of the People of Korea". I guess if you repeat something enough, it's true....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

What's the value of "confirmation" by other deluded idiots who get their information similarly? What's the sound of one hand clapping?

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]

(Thanks, B. :)
Reader B. sends us:
1-8-2012 Guru Lojak based on a contact we had with a very high level person in the know (with impeccable credentials) we are in the moment... we are just waiting on the loading of the currencies...I have never been a rate and date guy, but I feel great about where we are.

1-8-2012 Guru DinarWishes
What a Great Day to be alive and in this investment!!! There is nothing to be Down about or disappointed!!!! Trust me you are in a great place!!! I know we are all ready to cash out right now but the proccess is still trying to complete its course...I have been getting phone calls through the night and I'm very encouraged that we are just about there!!

1-8-2012 Guru Purplehelmet300 Best I heard was a high rate - then settling to above KWD...Not sure how long will stay high!

1-8-2012 Guru Blaino Revaluation target sighted, locked in and we are ready to fire at that FAT Pinata! I am more and more convinced that there will be NO ANNOUNCEMENT, per say...rather some vigilant person (one of THOUSANDS) will recognize that the IQD is trading and I think that's how the news will come...we are in a time frame measureable easilly in days or even hours.

1-8-2012 Guru Doc We see it as no surprise that the RV did not occur this week...there are certain items that need to be in place to support the RV. It was stated in an interview earlier this week with Ministry of Finance persons that the RV would NOT happen until Parliament passed certain laws. We believe this to be...currency law. the CBI has full control of exchange rates but Parliament must approve items such as the restructuring of debt, the issuance of government debt and new currency. This we believe is one of the keys to what Shabibi has been waiting. Unfortunately we can find no indication as to when this will be addressed by Parliament. We believe it will be soon since it should be priority to Iraq moving forward. However, we caution all to remember the wheels have turned slowly in the past and this easily could take several more weeks. We report, you decide.

1-8-2012 Guru Bluwolf we still are waiting for the final numbers to match in and get locked down, it has been taking up more time than usual right now...I think its like going into 40 hours, but we are almost done...everything is still on track.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:14 PM

More time than usual? What is more than never? What is the sound of one hand beating a dead horse?
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

John MacHaffie said...
TO ANON 10:00 This is from the original posting "Total PP letters is approx 330,000 and they have been going out at approx 10,000 a day. Delivery is done very carefully by bank courier. A courier from your designated private bank will be hand delivering a registered letter. When you sign for it -- you are under a very strict & tight Non-Disclosure. One word to anyone and you lose it all!"
What would be the legal situation if someone claimed to have intercepted several tens of thousand of these letters? Or does it depend on what they then try to do? I can just see a variation on the advance fee scam coming along here.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

More time than usual? What is more than never? What is the sound of one hand beating a dead horse?
Grasshopper, if one hand beats a dead brain cell, would you hear anything?
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
notorial dissent
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:What's the value of "confirmation" by other deluded idiots who get their information similarly? What's the sound of one hand clapping?
Well, it confirms they are idiots for one thing, for all to see.
Guru Lojak wrote: based on a contact we had with a very high level person in the know (with impeccable credentials)
Why is it that I have the inescapable feeling that the only "very high level person in the know (with impeccable credentials)" any of these bozos know is either their bartender's dishwasher, their therapist's janitor, or their brother-in-law's neighbor's gardener? Just saying!!!
Guru Blaino wrote:...we are in a time frame measureable easilly in days or even hours.
Or years, or NOT AT ALL!!!
Guru Doc wrote: We see it as no surprise that the RV did not occur this week... RV would NOT happen until Parliament passed certain laws. We believe this to be...currency law.
Shock and awe, one of the dimnicenti actually almost got it right. The RV isn't going to happen at all UNTIL the Iraqi parliament decides it will, and they still seem to be moving at a glacial pace as it is no big matter to them at the moment.
Guru Bluwolf has been taking up more time than usual right now...
Like this practitioner of the art of the dim and bewildered would have ANY idea of how long it should take to happen "usually".

Deep Knight wrote:More time than usual? What is more than never? What is the sound of one hand beating a dead horse?
Sploot sploot sploot!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:What would be the legal situation if someone claimed to have intercepted several tens of thousand of these letters? Or does it depend on what they then try to do? I can just see a variation on the advance fee scam coming along here.

As it happens, Deep Knight happens to have intercepted all 330,000 letters and is doing just that! I will release them to all those who send me an advance fee of $1000! I have all the recipients names on the envelopes, but no time to transcribe them, so just send me the money and I'll see yours gets to you. If you're not sure you're included in the deliveries (after all, you obviously read Quatloos and it's been said that those who do get taken off the list), send $1000 dollars and I'll see you get one addressed some fool not wise enough to succumb to my extortion. Add an extra $100 and I'll see it's from a nearby address so you don't have to drive too far to talk to the bank.

I will also cash in your Iraqi Dinars TODAY at $3.31 each for a 10% commission. No more waiting! Simply send me your Dinars and 10% of their cash-in value as an advance fee and $49 per order shipping and handling. I'll cash them in and send you your money in a time frame measureable easilly in days or even hours!
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

Once again, this thread is getting too long. Strange for a topic based on an event that's "going to happen very soon." I'm locking this and starting another new, new thread, RV 2012!
"Follow the Money"