NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

No Christmas Truce for Taitz

Even on Dec 25th, the Dim Blonde is adding to her website accusations that Michelle Obama has been compromised in some sort of sex scandal for which absolutely no useful details are provided. except that both of the Obamas have been caught by "honey traps".
She also blames Obama personally for some sort of screw up at a Veterans Hospital in Dallas wherein an elementary school's attempt to deliver religious Christmas cards to the residents generally was frustrated because not sufficiently non- or multi-denominational (I feel sure this is a very localized bureaucratic mistake).

I think it is significant that Taitz has greatly broadened her attack on Obama. It used to be confined to the issue of his citizenship, but now she peddling every sort of accusation, no matter how flimsy or oblique, that makes Obama look bad. I had talked about her, and her kind, trolling for assassins and I wasn't kidding!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by JamesVincent »

fortinbras wrote: She also blames Obama personally for some sort of screw up at a Veterans Hospital in Dallas wherein an elementary school's attempt to deliver religious Christmas cards to the residents generally was frustrated because not sufficiently non- or multi-denominational (I feel sure this is a very localized bureaucratic mistake).
Not so localized. In the past few days I have seen multiple stories of volunteers trying to deliver Christmas cards/ presents to soldiers in VA hospitals have been told not to have anything that says "Merry Christmas". I just read a story on the cav scout page where an admins step-daughter tried to deliver Christmas stuff to the VA hospital in Montgomery, AL. The admin did a writeup on the page:
... I went to the VA hospital to deliver over 100 goodie bags that I made for all of the veterans, some of the bags said merry Christmas and I put Christmas cards in all of the bags.. On the cards I wrote Merry Christmas & Thank you for your service. The lady at the front desk called the guy downstairs that's over all of the volunteer stuff and he asked to see one of the bags so I told him sure.. Well he opened the card and informed me that I had to take all of the cards out of the bags and that I could only use the bags that did not have Merry Christmas on them, so I simply asked why's that in a very respectful way and he informed me that I could not pass out anything that had to do with Christ and that it came from Washington DC...
I'll leave the rhetoric out of it but this is not the only one that has been mentioned lately.If you want to read: ... 2544976752

Edit: If you don't like political rhetoric or strong language, don't read the comments. You don't get a bunch of soldiers riled up over something like this and get "clean" comments.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly doesn't rest on the holidays, she attacks! Not the Fuddy thing, which is so, two-weeks-ago, but the latest smoking gun!

Obama enrolls in Obamacare, but does not enroll his wife and his 2 daughters. Why? Did he use Harry Bounel’s Social security number 042-68-4425 which failed E-Verify or some other number

Posted on | December 23, 2013

This from a Politico story, ... 01483.html where she got all she needed to know from the title and first line. Too bad she didn't read down to the fifth line:
“Like some Americans, the complicated nature of the president’s case required an in-person sign-up,” the official said. “As you’d expect, the president’s personal information is not readily available in the variety of government databases uses to verify identities.”
There it is, the response she's been seeking with all those lawsuits! Turns out she could have just asked like this reporter did! But, she didn't see it! How ironic.

Comment 6 - Lea
December 23rd, 2013 @ 12:38 pm

Of course he wasn’t going to sign up himself. He has a legion of liar minions to do all his dirty work.

Excerpt from The Washington Post article:

Although Obama was involved in selecting a plan, he didn’t sign up himself. The president’s staff did that for him, going in person to the D.C. exchange over the weekend, the White House official said.
“Like some Americans, the complicated nature of the president’s case required an in-person sign-up,” the official said. “As you’d expect, the president’s personal information is not readily available in the variety of government databases uses to verify identities.”

Um, well maybe she did. No, wait, just because Orly has to approve the comments, doesn't necessarily mean she reads them. Or comment #13 from lwk6yt90ph saying the same thing. And anyway, it's not like she's making a big deal about this or anything.

Press Release: FOIA demand for explanation and records sent to Sebelius: how did Obama sign up for Obamacare with a CT Social Security number which failed E-Verify and SSNVS

Posted on | December 23, 2013

Attn. Kathleen Sebelius
Director of Health and Human services
200 Independence Ave
Washington DC 20201


Via Federal Express
One Day Delivery

5USC 552

1. On 12.23.2013 it was reported that Mr. Barack Obama enrolled in the ACA, also known as Obamacare.

2. At issue is the fact that Mr. Obama is using a Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425, which failed E-Verify and SSNVS, two official agencies of the US government used to identify invalid Social Security numbers.

3. The public is aware of the Social Security Number, which Mr. Obama is using, as on April 15, 2010 11 am, Mr. Obama posted his tax returns on line on and did not flatten the pdf file and the public could see that the number he is using is a CT SSN. Later Mr. Obama has reposted a redacted number, but by then thousands of people could see the full unredacted Social Security he is using. Later, as checked through E-Verify and SSNVS, the number showed as not assigned to Barack Obama.

4. Currently Mr. Obama is a defendant in a number of legal actions, among them Taitz et al v Democratic Party, Obama, Fuddy, Onaka et al 12-cv-1880 USDC Southern District of MS, which includes multiple RICO causes of action relating to Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs. There are a number of other legal actions dealing with Obama’s use of fabricated IDs. Among them Taitz v Donahoe, Williams 13-cv-1020 USDC District of Columbia, legal action against the Postmaster General and Inspector General for USPS dealing with Obama’s use of a fabricated Selective Service certificate with a fabricated cancellation US Postal stamp attached to it, as well as Taitz v Colvin dealing with failure by the SSA to release the Social Security application for Harry Bounel, whose SSN Obama is using. See pleadings attached.

5. At the moment petitioner is seeking any and all documentation showing how DHHS verifies Social Security numbers of applicants for ACA/Obamacare.

6. Any and all documentation explaining to the public how Barack Obama was able to sign up for Obamacare while using a Social Security number which Filed E-verify and SSNVS.

7. At the moment support for Obamacare is record low, according to the latest CNN poll released today, on 12.23.2013, only 35% of American citizens support Obamacare. If these remaining 35% will see that an individual with a failed Social Security number was able to sign up for Obamacare, it means that anyone, any illegal alien will be able to sign up for Obamacare and deplete taxpayer resources on aid, and remaining 35% of U.S. citizens will withdraw their support. The public is entitled to know, what safeguards are in place to prevent individuals with invalid IDs, illegal aliens from obtaining Obamacare and depleting public resources and why did these safeguards fail in Obama’s case.

8. By and through this letter Hon. Kathleen Sebelius is placed on notice that Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka Barack Soebarkah has fraudulently signed up for ACA/Obamacare, using invalid IDs and petitioner demands an expedient investigation by the DHHS and by the Inspector General for the DHHS.

Per 5 USC 552 response is required within 20 days from the receipt of this request, failure to do so will be seen as a refusal to provide information and will entitle the petitioner to seek a redress in the US District Court.

Further, Hon. Kathleen Sebelius is placed on notice that lack of action and resolution in this matter may be seen as complicity on her part in the cover up of Obama’s use of fabricated IDs and a stolen Social Security number and it might expose Ms. Sebelius to liability in both Civil and Criminal RICO causes of action.


/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ.

The comments to this abomination included a link to the Daily Mail which says:
'His situation is unique,' the official insisted. 'The president couldn't have used the DC exchange's website because the databases these sites use to confirm insurance eligibility wouldn't contain those sorts of records about him.'

The Secret Service, the aide explained, typically scrubs personal records of U.S. presidents from credit, financial and historical databases when they take office, as part of a range of security precautions meant to protect the occupant of the Oval Office.

Read more: ... z2ob6Yjn2C
Orly is filing a freedom of information request, which is for documents, that "demands an expedient investigation" of something already explained in the same article she used to get the information in the first place? GO RV, er, ORLY!!!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It is my understanding that the Freedom of Information Act does not apply to either (1) personal data about living persons (which would include the Prez) nor to (2) ongoing criminal investigations (since Orly explicitly cited a criminal law that she thinks is being broken, it is plausible - not likely but plausible - that an investigation is already ongoing about Obama). So two reasons that Sibelius can tell Taitz to go play in the traffic.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Respectfully," Oily says?

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Orly has evidently spread her talons to take on the gay rights issue: ... ty_gay.php
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

I need help of my supporters. I received a tip that after I exposed Obama using a stolen CT SSN in his tax returns, a criminal accomplice in Social Security issued him a new SSN, which originally belonged to US paratrooper born in 1961, buried in Arlington

Posted on | December 24, 2013 | 8 Comments
This came from the source (deep throat in Obama regime, needs to be verified in order to make sure it is not a hoax):
Deep throat:
This cannot be confirmed, since my sources could be compromised but I just narrowed down that the SSN 212-XX-XXXX belonged to an Airborne Infantryman (MOS: 11-Bravo1-Papa) from Virginia and that the number was issued to him in Maryland. This paratrooper was also born in 1961! He served in the US Army from late 1979 to 1981 and had an accident in 1981. This US Army Paratrooper was at Arlington but his body is no longer there. That’s all I can say without revealing who my sources are. I doubt there is much more, but maybe with some help from your supporters in Virginia or the Southern states you can get to the bottom of this.
Orly: FOX confirmed that Obama’s application for Obamacare was rejected due to the fact that his identity could not be confirmed.
I need help of all the volunteers, I need help in searching archives: Arlington memorial, White house log, military databases, Census records, passport records, SSA records. We need an identity of the aide who submitted Obama’s application for Obamacare. Who told him to commit fraud against United States of America and claim that the databases are scrubbed.
I wonder, where Obama found such a moron or an actor to play a part of a moron. If databases were scrubbed, how did Obama unveil his birth certificate from the Hawaiian database, how did he find his Selective Service registration from a SSS database and why Connecticut SSN 042-68-4425 was on his Tax Returns on April 15, 2010. We need the name of the aide to attest, whether Obama personally told him to commit fraud and be criminally complicit in this RICO or did it go through Valerie Jarett?

This may be a hoax or an error, but I need a supporter in DC to take a picture of a grave in Arlington National cemetery: Section 5, Number 40, 3rd grave

Posted on | December 24, 2013 | 8 Comments

Arlington National Cemetery, Section 5, Number 40, 3rd grave.
initials on the grave are T.M.
Please, take a few pictures, including the date of birth, date of death, and name on the gravesite. Maybe even take a few pictures of the graves around it so that no one can tamper with the evidence.
Not coincidentally TM was an African-American
Does anyone have Google Earth to take a picture of this grave?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

This woman adds a whole new dimension and depth to stupidity on a staggeringly regular basis, and has been punked too many times it is laughable.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ashlynne39 »

Not that I give any credence to her nutball birther theories and lawsuits. Frankly I think the courts should sanction her into oblivion. But I will say she makes an interesting point that if all Obama's records were scrubbed, which truthfully makes sense for the secret service to do, why would Obama put an ssn on his tax return, or how could the state of Hawaii produce his birth certificate, or how could his selective service records be produced? Personally, I think there is a logical explanation for all of that but I can see where this will just reinforce things for her followers.

Oh, and I haven't seen where Fox reported Obama's application was rejected. That would be a big story and I assume front and center on their webpage, which it is not. Wonder which part of fantasyland she got that from.

Are any of you DC area people going grave hunting for Orly?
Last edited by ashlynne39 on Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by JamesVincent »

The person in that grave, as best as I can tell, was born on 9/19/1924 and passed 2/21/2006. IF her information as far as name and location is correct. BTW, her blog shows up as third result in searching for that number.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne, I don't know if you were being serious, or facetious, but the records they are talking about are mostly the electronic governmental database, and I supposed a few of the remaining hardcopy types of personal information like credit accounts, DL, and things like that they don't want people rummaging through, and you know good and well they will/would if they could. School and medical records are already blocked by law, and I'm sure there are a number of things that haven't even come to mind.

Conversely, one company I worked for had their customer accounts coded, so that unless you had the right security clearance you couldn't even determine if there was a record, but heaven help anyone who tried to or even accidentally keyed in one of those account numbers. You would cry shortly get a very unpleasant visit from security and have a LOT of 'splainin' to do.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
notorial dissent
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

One of the things they didn't mention which is equally likely, is that the system wasn't working properly at the time and so wouldn't accept the info correct or not. I will admit that the "scrubbed" hypothesis is more likely the correct one, but not the only one.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ashlynne39 »

I was mostly kidding but my point was that I think she hit upon a point that will cause her followers to say that makes sense. If you are orly or one of her followers and you don't look at it too carefully or think about the level of security the president must have, for very logical reasons, then orly has made a point you can glom on to.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Well, it seems to me that, since Obama IS the occupant of the White House, he could order the various govt agencies to make his 'fake' SSN look kosher on E-verify and all the other databases so that the Dim Blonde and others wouldn't have seen any discrepancies.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

fortinbras wrote:Orly has evidently spread her talons to take on the gay rights issue: ... ty_gay.php
It says her loony brief was submitted not in her capacity as an attorney but in her capacity as President of her foundation. Regardless of the capacity she submitted it in, it demonstrates a willingness to use the legal system to grandstand for her publicity needs, including filing frivolous cases which cannot prevail. I presume this kind of idiocy makes perfect sense to her followers and is what generates donations revenue. Given that it is conduct involving a court proceeding, I don't see how it would not be a possible issue of interest for a licensing authority.

Indeed, I know of lawyers who practice run of the mill law who have been sanctioned for filing meritless papers regularly, here is one who does it on the world stage, in front of the media, and yet the bar has not acted. I wonder why that is. Are her various bar associations being extra cautious just to demonstrate that they aren't persecuting her for her viewpoint?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

If she were disciplined now, even for some of the more obviously unprofessional conduct (the list seems endless, but personally confronting a Supreme Court Justice may be near the top), she (and other birfers) would simply claim that it was a conspiratorial effort to silence her, and thus try to make her into a media martyr. I suspect, however, that her public life will take a swan dive on or about Jan 21, 2017.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:If she were disciplined now, even for some of the more obviously unprofessional conduct (the list seems endless, but personally confronting a Supreme Court Justice may be near the top), she (and other birfers) would simply claim that it was a conspiratorial effort to silence her, and thus try to make her into a media martyr. I suspect, however, that her public life will take a swan dive on or about Jan 21, 2017.
I wouldn't bet on it. Oily certainly doesn't want to go back to chasing ambulances, filling cavities, and not ever seeing her name in the media; so she will certainly continue her fight to declare the Obama presidency unconstitutional and thus void the various acts of his administration. I also wouldn't worry about her becoming a "media martyr" outside of the birfer circle-jerk. You have to have some colorable merit to your efforts to become a true media martyr; and pulling Oily's tickets will produce little more than yawns or "she deserved it!" from most people.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

She will certainly deserve her punishment, but the anti-Obama people can be counted on to (1) make her look like a martyr, and/or (2) blame Obama as a petty-minded bully if anyone tries to bring her to heel, even without any cues from the White House. And once that happens a whole bunch of narcessistic loonies will figure that becoming a drum major for the birfer parade is a good way to get attention and a modicum of what now passes as fame.

In the meantime, unfortunately, a great many people - including those amateur lawyers who love to file pro se lawsuits - are thinking that her behavior is not only acceptable but is standard for lawyers.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

I received a best-selling biography of Catherine the Great as a Christmas present and was fascinated by the story of Arseniy Matseyevich, the Russian archbishop of Rostov. Upset at Catherine trying to reign in the wealth of the church, he decided to reveal her as an usurper (she came to the throne not by birth, but by being the wife of a crazy Tsar everyone wanted to get rid of). His public pronouncements were truly over the top in a way that would make Orly jealous, and included every of the many rumors surrounding the Queen (sound familiar?). He expected the church to follow him and remove her from the throne.

Orly contends that President Obama is a dictator who is extracting revenge against her by making her car break down and causing computer problems. Not even close. Catherine, a true autocrat, first had the archbishop locked in a remote monastery, but when he kept up his slander, she had him moved to a prison where his guards didn't speak Russian so they couldn't understand what he was saying. Still, he kept screaming out his invective against the queen until his death. Now, that's how we take care of business uptown!

The other thing I learned was that "Potemkin Villages" were a myth. During a tour of "New Russia" (southern conquests) by river, the queen's minister was supposed to have made fake villages that moved overnight to new locations to make the area look more prosperous. Of course, villages were cleaned up and decorated, but there's absolutely no evidence any of them were faked. But, by this time the queen's power was starting to fade and a lot of people hated her minister, so the story got legs and is now a phrase in common usage. No doubt Orly hopes that she can do the same to the President with the phrase "Obama birth certificate."

Finally, there is the story of her death. I don't think Orly can adopt the wildly fictitious myth of a stallion slipping from a harness and crushing the queen during beastial coupling to Obama (not that Orly wouldn't be willing to try), but it's yet another example of how wild rumors can persist for over 200 years and a segue into my story. Many years ago while living in a house with our rock 'n roll band there was a built-in bookcase in the living room. The keyboard player used it to store books he didn't ever want to read again, including one given to him by his parents when he was young, called something very much like "A Youth's Treasury of Good Reading." The title alone made me peruse it, and a broken binding caused it to open to the short story "Pleasure in the Stables." Amid great laughter by all present, I penciled in "by Catherine the Great" and put it back in the bookshelf.

Our keyboardist's parents came by many months later to take him to dinner on his birthday. He hadn't arrived home yet, and his father, perusing the titles in the bookcase, recognized the book and said to his wife, "Oh, here's that great book we got for Junior." Taking it out and opening it up, he saw my penciling and started laughing loudly. His wife, wondering what was so funny, insisted on seeing, but he slammed the book closed and literally danced around the room keeping it out of her grasp. Luckily, their son arrived at this time and he was able to slip it back into the bookcase with no further questions.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

New Year's Greetings To and From Orly!

Do’t get intimidated by Obama and his accomplices who are trying to scare you. You have a right to call anyone and ask, whether they remember a person by name Harry Bounel and whether they know anything about this 1915 Daly corporation. This mob is trying to intimidate us because they know that we are closing in and criminal prosecutions are near, see below an attempted intimidation of me by someone using a pseudonym. This is an Obama accomplice or Obama himself. Such attempted intimidation by Obama accomplices is a criminal offense in itself. Help me ID this Obama accomplice threatening me with FBI

Posted on | December 31, 2013 | 18 Comments

Boy, that sounds like a really bad FOAD e-mail or comment to Orly, probably threatening her with death or at least dismemberment! Can't wait.

hedley lamarr
0 approved
Submitted on 2013/12/31 at 1:06 am

Mrs. Taitz:

You traveled down this cruel road once before. You contacted a then 11 year old — now over 80. You published her phone number. The idea that anyone alive today and living in that very different neighborhood would know a grocery clerk who lodged in a tenement nearby for what could have been a mere fleeting months or weeks over 70 years ago, is preposterous. And amounts to stalking. It’s all about you and your effort to feel important. You intrude on the privacy of others with no guilt whatsoever. Call that particular woman again, or publish her phone number again, and the FBI will be more than a little interested. That is a certainty.

Rats. This Hedley was polite and gave good advice. Gotta get us some tougher & meaner O-bots.


Kevin J Lankford
December 31st, 2013 @ 4:48 am
This person is trying to mislead as to where the guilt belongs.

December 31st, 2013 @ 5:27 am
The FBI has shown no interest in the actions of Obama and his comrades.
If they even know what is going on, it is not evident.
Should they care, they would have acted upon the nuclear plan, thwarted by officers, wherein 300,000 would have died.
Hedy Lamarr was an actress who is rumored to have been intimate with Adolph Hitler.
This “re-incarnation” is Obama in drag????

[That's HEDLEY!]
December 31st, 2013 @ 5:31 am
that’s really funny, re-incarnation is Obama in drag

December 31st, 2013 @ 5:48 am
Elizabeth is on the mark again!
Good observation!
From Wiki:
The 19-year old Lamarr had married Mandl on 10 August 1933. Mandl, reputed to be the third richest man in Austria, was a munitions manufacturer. In her autobiography Ecstasy and Me, Lamarr described Mandl as extremely controlling, preventing her from pursuing her acting career and keeping her a virtual prisoner, confined to their castle home, Schloss Schwarzenau. Although half-Jewish, Mandl had close social and business ties to the fascist governments of Italy and Germany, selling munitions to Mussolini.
December 31st, 2013 @ 5:56 am
you mean like Obama collaborators George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Harvey Weinstein and Jeff Katzenberg.
sadly there people like that, there is black sheep in every family

Andrew Morris
December 31st, 2013 @ 6:10 am
Anyone receiving these calls has the right of course to tell the caller to f#ck off.

Mildred Smith
December 31st, 2013 @ 6:15 am
“A good example of the smaller criminal syndicates dotting New York at the time is The Daly Corporation up in the Bronx. The Daly Corporation, as it was known, operated much like the mafia. It actually helped bring order for the residents of this small corner in the Bronx but the price was criminal behavior, intimidation, and thuggery. The Daly Corporation’s biggest source of income came from providing small businesses with protection from other criminals such as thieves and robbers. Other sources of income ranged from being bookies for the horse races to providing fake driver’s licenses to those recently released from prison and immigration papers to those who needed to skirt proper channels for one reason or another.”
This is from a book called Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York is a 1991 non-fiction book by Luc Sante

December 31st, 2013 @ 6:17 am
sadly true
December 31st, 2013 @ 6:25 am
as I have a right to tell it to you Andrew Morris, or whatever your real name is. Go back to Obotville, Obamaasskissers Central such as New York Times, WashPost, LATimes, HuffPost, YahooNews, Wikipedia, Daily Beast, CNN or MSNBC or other alphabet channels, you’ll feel at home there, don’t waste my time any more

December 31st, 2013 @ 7:31 am
How come Harry Bounel had a CT SSN and lived in NY? Would a search of the CT census give the answer? Just wondering.
December 31st, 2013 @ 8:05 am
a lot of people from NY moved to nearby Ct, retired there.

December 31st, 2013 @ 9:00 am
Yes, we seem to have the same background in familiarity with past characters. Thank you
for the compliment re: observations.
Since I am an amateur at looking for IP’s but I found this much. Maybe you can track the
IP to Hedy? It might give us its autograph…lol
Server: home.domain.actdsltmp
December 31st, 2013 @ 9:04 am
Here’s more; I went to a different locator:
Country: United States us flag
State/Region: California
City: Desert Hot Springs
Latitude: 33.9289 (33° 55′ 44.04″ N)
Longitude: -116.4881 (116° 29′ 17.16″ W)
Area Code: 760
Postal Code: 92240

Sandy Beach
December 31st, 2013 @ 10:07 am
The comment was sent from “hedley lamarr”
Harvey Korman played the part of State Attorney General Hedley Lamarr in the movie Blazing Saddles.

December 31st, 2013 @ 3:22 pm
There are active leads based on some on the ground research done in NYC a couple months ago, but they don’t tie to a Daly Corporation as they point to a couple different scenarios.

Hedley Lamarr
December 31st, 2013 @ 3:32 pm
Mrs. Taitz.
I am not hiding from you. We have met several times. I am not in Desert Hot Springs. That is my provider. I am in Palm Springs, near Vista Chino and Sunrise. We first met at your debate (across from the Air Museum) last year. You stared me down as I took pictures of the turnout for The FogBow. For someone who threatens opposing lawyers with charges of treason, you have a funny idea of what criminal intimidation is. As you know, the woman you contacted (as mentioned above by me), called the FBI regarding your stalking. That’s a fact, not intimidation.
I have offered before to have a one-on-one interview with you (and I did ask you a question at the Grinols hearing, although you sidestepped it), but you always turn me down. If you are interested, let me know. We will provide you with a list of questions, in advance, and tape it.
December 31st, 2013 @ 3:44 pm
I do not hide behind an assumed name. You do. If you have nothing to hide, why don’t you provide your real name.
PS from what I remember, the person who took pictures, was a female reporter from Desert times or something like that and a young man. I do not recall them at Grinols hearing

Hedley Lamarr
December 31st, 2013 @ 3:50 pm
Mrs. Taitz.
Then you remember wrong.
"Follow the Money"