NESARA Loves Orly!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Call your congressman and DEMAND that he find that missing airliner RIGHT NOW!

As I predicted, experts believe that MH 370 was hijacked, most likely it is currently hidden at a military base in Pakistan, high likelihood it will be used in a 9/11 terrorist act, possibly with a nuclear bomb on it. US should stop misleading the public and should stop searching for a non-existent crash site in the Indian ocean. Call your congressmen, demand a hearing and a release of NSA, NASA, DOD, FAA, DHS, NTSB satellite, intelligence and electronic surveillance phone records and disclosure of the location of the plane and hostages, enough playing games.

Posted on | March 14, 2014

More diversion and smoke screens: why are they searching the Bay of Bengal, when the satellite data shows that the plane flew for 2.5-3 hour past the bay of Bengal

Posted on | March 14, 2014

Why don't they just listen to Orly - she knows everything!

This is outrageous, we are seeing more brain dead behavior, searches for MH 370 missing plane in the Andaman sea, when we know that the plane flew fro 3 more hours away from that area. There has to be a study of satellite data of the airports in the 3 hour flight radius from that point, the search should start with the Karachi Southern command air force base in Pakistan. they have to free the hostages before they are used on a suicide flight

Posted on | March 14, 2014

More disinformation?

Reports of Malaysian searches zeroing on on a remote island chain in the Indian ocean appear to be more smoke screen.
If they are talking about Andaman Islands, we know that MH 370 flew for about 3 hour past those islands, so there is no sense in searching there.

If they mean Diego Garcia, it is an island, not a chain and they would have stated: U.S. Navy base on Diego Garcia. Lastly, there does not appear to be an island chain 3 hours flight from Andaman Islands, which would have an airport and a landing strip, which is long enough and sturdy enough for 777, so the more plausible scenario, is one that I suggested earlier: a planned terrorist act by a nation sponsoring terrorism or tolerating terrorism, such as Pakistan or Iran. An airfield with the most suitable coordinates appears to be an air force base in Karachi Pakistan.

Posted on | March 14, 2014

Radar Shows Missing Flight #MH370 Took Course Normally Employed for Routes to Middle East

Russia says intercepted US drone over Crimea...

Posted on | March 14, 2014

Indian, Pakistani military have to release their radar data. A plane cannot fly through their air space without their military radar systems picking up the info. Time for them to disclose the info.

Posted on | March 14, 2014

Is it done on purpose? Now, when we need Indian military to provide us with their radar data on the missing MH 370 plane, which has 3 Americans on board as hostages, among others, Obama regime re-indicts an Indian diplomat on bogus charges after she was acquitted and completely exacerbates US-India relations

Posted on | March 14, 2014

Darn that Obama! If only he hadn't enforced the law we would know the truth about the missing plane by now.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly's not only solving the mystery of Flight MH370, she's also got her finger on the pulse of Russia.

Apparently in response to the threats by the US, Russians are now claiming that the sale of Alaska from Russia to US was not valid and they want Alaska back. Let’s hope we are not at the brink of WW3

Posted on | March 13, 2014 ... J94WhG4qdk

The YouTube video and all the comments are in Russian, but I found out it was a Russian "fundamentalist" group who was making noise about homosexual rights in Alaska being against religious freedom, so they wanted Alaska back. No foolin'.

Russian fundamentalists sue US, want Alaska back

Moscow: US President Barack Obama must have known that his support of gay marriage would bring him trouble. But of all possible repercussions, a demand to roll back Alaska's 1867 sale to the US was one he was unlikely to have seen coming.

And yet, that was the very claim that an ultraconservative religious group made in a Moscow arbitrage court, citing the need to protect fellow Christians from sin.

Obama's reported plans to legalise same-sex marriage threatens the freedom of religion of Alaska's Orthodox Christians, who "would never accept sin for normal behaviour", according to the non-governmental group Pchyolki ("Bees").

Obama has often spoken in support of LGBT rights, including in his 2012 presidential address.

But though he criticised bans on gay marriage imposed in various US states, he never voiced plans for a federal bill to legalise same-sex marriage.

"We see it as our duty to protect their right to freely practice their religion, which allows no tolerance to sin," the group said in a statement on their website.

The Pchyolki also cited technical violations of the terms of the 1867 deal that saw Russia sell Alaska to the US government for $7.2 million, or two cents per acre.

Payment was made by cheque and not gold coins as specified in the contract, the group said.

The lawsuit, filed in January but not reported by media until this week, was not processed because the Pchyolki failed to include a handful of mandatory papers, including documents to justify their claims, according to Moscow arbitrage court's website.

The group had until last week to provide the required paperwork, but failed to do so for reasons left unspecified.

Among the papers the group failed to file was also a notification to the defendant, the US government, which may account for it not having commented on the lawsuit so far.

The Pchyolki are a relatively obscure group created in 2008 to protect orphans' rights in Russia, which it did by campaigning against sexual education in schools, among other things.

Their biggest claim to fame, until the Alaska lawsuit, was last year's instruction for believers published after punk band Pussy Riot's notorious performance in a Moscow church.

The instruction on protecting places of worship from "blasphemers" advised to distract the offenders by spitting in their faces, ruin their recording equipment - if they have any - with holy water and detain them, with "bloodshed" deemed acceptable as long as it happens outside the church grounds.

The Russian Orthodox Church estimated its flock in Alaska at about 50,000 of the state's total population of 730,000, the BBC said in 2010.

How Orly got "threats by the US" and "brink of WW3" out of this is beyond me, but I can see what she likes about this group, especially their ability to file legal documents.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

What are the chances that the flying saucers that are bringing us NESARA scooped up the Malaysian airliner??
Sorry. I haven't slept in 38 hours.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

fortinbras wrote:What are the chances that the flying saucers that are bringing us NESARA scooped up the Malaysian airliner??
Sorry. I haven't slept in 38 hours.
Damnit all the heck fortinbras! We told you already that those aliens gave the secret cloaking technology to the CIA in exchange for the real Obama birf certificate. They are clearly cloaking the plane, much like the mothership that is hanging out in our upper atmosphere to coordinate the Dinar revaluation! Is there any other explanation?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

The MH370 mystery is probably a tragedy and one can only imagine what the family and friends of the passengers and crew are going through. Having said that, it is also interesting in what it reveals about the various conspiracy buffs who have tried to "solve" it or woven it into their narrative. Orly's a "I know and people are stupid not to see it" says a lot about her approach to presidential eligibility, as it does when the Dinar gurus hint at it delaying the big event show their lack of any decency. Then there are the "the aliens took them" and "I can PROVE they went through a 5D portal of pure love" folks John MacHaffie has been posting. If you look at the comments on new reports you get everything and its dog, including a lot of anti-Islamic "they're gonna use it to re-create 9-11" theories that feed off themselves. My favorites are the "we were talking about this at a restaurant and the man a the table next to us leaned over and said..." stories.

One is reminded of the Mary Celeste.

Wikipedia wrote:The Mary Celeste was a Canadian-built American-owned merchant brigantine famous for having been discovered on 5 December 1872 in the Atlantic Ocean, unmanned and apparently abandoned (the one lifeboat was missing, along with its crew of seven), although the weather was fine and her crew had been experienced and capable seamen.

The Mary Celeste was in seaworthy condition and still under sail heading toward the Strait of Gibraltar. She had been at sea for a month and had more than six months' worth of food and water on board. Her cargo was virtually untouched and the crew's personal belongings including valuables were still in place. None of those on board were ever seen or heard from again and their disappearance is often cited as the greatest maritime mystery of all time.

The question of why the crew left the Mary Celeste has been the subject of much speculation. Hypotheses include alcohol fumes, underwater earthquakes, waterspouts) to human actions (piracy, mutiny, errors of judgement).
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Dear Deep:

Your previous message quoted ... well, I'm not sure, maybe Orly, maybe McHaffie ... with the command:
Call your congressman and DEMAND that he find that missing airliner RIGHT NOW!
Which is expecting an awful lot of my congressman, who cannot seem to find his way out of a paper bag.

(PS: Who did issue that instruction you quoted??)
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

This from the BIRTHER REPORT actually still believes that Crazy Joe has something to tell us: ... d-for.html
which is actually a reprint from "NewzBlaze". ... story.html

Washington DC Unprepared For Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Universe Shattering Surprise
By Randy Foreman

WASHINGTON - (Newsblaze) - If Sheriff Joe Arpaio's predictions of "a universe shattering" report are true in the promised late March News release, then he may well be taking Capitol Hill by surprise, if the results of a Newsblaze query of two Republican Congressmen is common to others.

After the monthly Heritage Foundation event "Conversations with Conservatives" we tracked down some members of congress, to find out what they may or may not know about the subject.

We were only able to interview Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) and Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) Both of whom are the co-chairs of the monthly conservative press availability. We asked if they had been following developments around Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse. Our question centered around what their constituents were saying, and if they thought the sheriff was doing the right thing.

In recent months, the investigation by the Arizona law enforcement agency has taken some dramatic turns. One such turn involves a criminal case separate from the actual birth certificate. There was also the promise that "major media" is ready to break the release of the information. In addition, there was the disclosure that employees of the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency had some involvement, plus a list of the IP addresses of suspects at the White House who may have forged the April 27, 2011 released Obama Birth Certificate.

The results of our query probably will come as no surprise to eligibility activists who have been following the case and have been frustrated with the lack of answers from members of the legislative branch.

Our questions were first placed to Rep. Labrador and he told Newsblaze "I really haven't been following that issue at all."

Next we talked to Rep. Huelskamp who said almost the same thing - with some additions. He said, "Honestly, I haven't been following that at all."

Rep. Huelskamp did say what his constituents have been focusing on. "I just did fifteen town halls in the last couple of months. I don't think it [the birth certificate] came up at all. But what is coming up is the lawlessness of this administration. Not worried about the President. They are very excited when I talk about articles of impeachment of the attorney general. The birth certificate is not an issue that I've heard. We're not receiving any calls or emails it's just the broader issue of an administration that does whatever it wants."

It could be that people have given up on any information ever coming out, or they could be just waiting until it does.

Certainly, the politicians would not want to be stirring it up, because it would only have a negative effect on them, with no evidence.

So, with very few people talking about Obama's eligibility, at least in public, if Sheriff Arpaio really has some earth shattering news, there will be shocked looks on many faces around the country.

Another possibility is that it could go off with less than a bang - more like a damp squib. Only time will tell, but thankfully there isn't long to wait.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With reference to the emphasized paragraph: To date, no prosecutor (not even Arpaio's pet prosecutor in Phoenix, nor the most publicity-hungry hack in any other State) will carry the alleged criminal charge forward (and it is not publicized what the precise charge or who the precise perp is). Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) appears to be a govt or quasi-govt lab for thinking up Really high-tech stuff, somewhat more leading edge than supposedly crude Photoshop falsification. IF Obama's birth certificate were forged, I really really doubt that the artist is kept inside the White House compound. It doesn't take much to get a list of IP (internet providers) in the DC area, any of whom may have customers working in the White House and associated buildings - there are probably fewer than 30 such companies operating inside the Beltway.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Dear Deep:

Your previous message quoted ... well, I'm not sure, maybe Orly, maybe McHaffie ... with the command:
Call your congressman and DEMAND that he find that missing airliner RIGHT NOW!
Which is expecting an awful lot of my congressman, who cannot seem to find his way out of a paper bag.

(PS: Who did issue that instruction you quoted??)
The material in blue are my comments, the rest is 100% Orly from her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation site. It took her statement, "Call your congressmen, demand a hearing and a release of NSA, NASA, DOD, FAA, DHS, NTSB satellite, intelligence and electronic surveillance phone records and disclosure of the location of the plane and hostages, enough playing games" to the next illogical step.
fortinbras quoting Newsblaze wrote:In recent months, the investigation by the Arizona law enforcement agency has taken some dramatic turns. One such turn involves a criminal case separate from the actual birth certificate. There was also the promise that "major media" is ready to break the release of the information. In addition, there was the disclosure that employees of the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency had some involvement, plus a list of the IP addresses of suspects at the White House who may have forged the April 27, 2011 released Obama Birth Certificate.
By the end of March fer sure, or early April at the very latest!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:By the end of March fer sure, or early April at the very latest!
You forgot to say what year, err century..... Oh never mind!!!!! Forgot about who we were talking about...
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:By the end of March fer sure, or early April at the very latest!
You forgot to say what year, err century..... Oh never mind!!!!! Forgot about who we were talking about...
No, it is a perfectly OK question. Take your age, divide by 2, rounding up to the nearest whole number, and add the digits together. I'll wait. Take that number, multiply it by the month you were born during (1 = Jan, 12 = Dec), and add it to your age again. Then, add together all the digits in today's date, divide by 2 (rounding up again), and subtract the from the number calculated. Now add the result to 2000, and that's the year.

From Orly.

My assessment of hijacking was correct, but the landing location of MH 370 was moved 500-590 miles west from earlier coordinates, as further pings show that the plane flew for 6 more hours from Andaman islands, not 4 hours as earlier reported. There is absolutely no reason to believe that the plane crashed in the Indian ocean, it appears to be a diversion suggestion by the Obama administration, created to cover the known landing coordinates

Posted on | March 15, 2014 | 2 Comments

My assessment of hijacking was correct, but the landing location of MH 370 was moved 500-590 miles West from earlier coordinates, as further pings show that the plane flew for 6 hours from Andaman islands, not 4 hours as earlier reported. There is absolutely no reason to believe that the plane crashed in the Indian ocean, there is no evidence of wreckage, all data shows that the plane took the course, which is usually taken to fly to the Middle East and Europe, it appears to be a diversion suggestion by the Obama administration, created to cover the known landing coordinates. The question is : why U.s. is trying to claim that the plane crashed in the Indian ocean?

The arc of landing of the hijacked Malaysian plane was moved by 50o-590 miles west. It landed at an airport, more likely military airport, 3000-3,600 miles from Andaman Islands. the reason for coordinate change is due to the fact that additional pings coming from the engines. were detected. Prime minister of Malaysia held a pres conference and stated that the plane could fly either South -West or North -west from the Andaman Islands.

I believe it is more likely that the plane flew North West.

Possible countries where the plane landed, are the usual suspects: Iran and Pakistan, as well a 5 former Soviet Asian republics, which turned Muslim and radicalized after secession from Russia. These republics are :Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. I created a few maps showing possible landing locations. The top one is the map showing Baikonur, the former air-space base of the former Soviet Union, additionally, Bagram U.S. air force base in Afghanistan is on the arc of the possible landing locations.

Sadly, my wild guess is that we will be more likely to get data from somewhere in Turkmenistan, than from the Obama regime.

I need your help in writing to all these countries and seeking their assistance and their military radar data on the missing plane. We also, need to write to the ambassador of India in the US, as the plane flew through its’ air space.

Orly is really onto something with this Obama coverup thing. Someone should DEMAND she file some FOIA requests for documents right away!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

So it's the Obama Administrations fault that Malaysia air traffic can't keep track of one of their own planes, in their air space, and that no one in that part of the world couldn't seem to track either????? So now we have Orlyphysics and Orlyaviation!!!! Oh joy!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Important notice! someone made changes to the Google+ profile of Attorney Orly Taitz. aside from removing her picture, someone changed the e-mail address. some of your e-mails went to the wrong address.

Posted on | March 15, 2014 | 4 Comments

Press release
Law Offices of Orly Taitz

Today Attorney Orly Taitz, who currently has legal challenges against Barack Obama, noticed that someone has deleted her picture from her on line profile on Google. She had some difficulty re-uploading the picture. After the picture was uploaded again, she noticed that someone made a change to one of her e-mails linked to the profile. When you look closely, you will find that the gmail address linked to the account now, is, however the real gmail account of Attorney Taitz is,(period was removed after the first name). So her clients and supporters, who looked at her profile and sent the e-mails to this account, sent the e-mail to someone else. Taitz is in the process of correcting the e-mail as well.

This comes on the hills of another tampering/falsification, when pleadings and exhibits were deleted from her case Taitz v Colvin 13-cv-1878. This case deals with Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number XXXX of Harry Bounel. On 03.14.2014 Presiding Judge Ellen Hollander ordered the clerk’s office to post all missing pleadings and documents. See the order from Hon Ellen Hollander below.

Additionally Taitz has filed a complaint with the DA’s office, US Attorney and Judicial council in the Third Circuit in PA, where a court reporter Donna Anders removed 14 pages of a certified court transcript, the whole cross examination of a party in Taitz case. Taitz filed a complaint with the Chief Judge of the Circuit, Judge Theodor McKee , who covered up the whole falsification of the court record by this court reporter. So far there is no response from Philadelphia DA, US Attorney and the Judicial Counsel. Taitz’s supporters are requested to follow up on this case in Philadelphia, complaint and case number are posted below.
Additionally, yesterday Taitz filed a reply in the 9th Circuit, where US Attorneys Ed Olsen and Benjamin Wagner defrauded the court by claiming that they represented the US Congress and the Electoral college and on behalf of their clients they wanted to dismiss the case dealing with Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN and fabricated IDs. Taitz received affidavits and statements from members of the electoral College and the U.S. Congress that these U.S. Attorneys never forwarded to the members of the Electoral college and Congress any pleadings and any evidence showing Obama using fabricated IDs. Members of the Electoral college and the U.S. Congress confirmed Obama’s election without the benefit of this evidence. 9th Circuit is to rule on this issue.

More information on and info on Taitz campaign for AG is on taitz is working on these cases pro bono. any and all donations are greatly appreciated and can be given on the web sites listed above or at 29839 Salty Margarita, ste 100, WTF, CA 92688
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It's a Very Serious matter for a member of the bar to issue a press release, esp (if it could be made worse) by printing it on their lawyer letterhead paper, accusing the US Attorney of committing fraud upon a court. No joke. This could turn into a career-ender.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:It's a Very Serious matter for a member of the bar to issue a press release, esp (if it could be made worse) by printing it on their lawyer letterhead paper, accusing the US Attorney of committing fraud upon a court. No joke. This could turn into a career-ender.

As if her normal routine wasn't a career-ender?

Apparently in response to the threats by the US, Russians are now claiming that the sale of Alaska from Russia to US was not valid and they want Alaska back.
With or without Sarah Palin. There may be room to negotiate on that one. :mrgreen:
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

fortinbras wrote:It's a Very Serious matter for a member of the bar to issue a press release, esp (if it could be made worse) by printing it on their lawyer letterhead paper, accusing the US Attorney of committing fraud upon a court. No joke. This could turn into a career-ender.
Orly has always skated CA bar interest because they seem to take the attitude that they are there to protect clients against bad lawyers. Orly hasn't got any clients. I unsure what a US Attorney would bother doing, being accused of wronging by Orly falls in the category of "being savaged by a dead sheep".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Gregg wrote:With or without Sarah Palin. There may be room to negotiate on that one. :mrgreen:
I suggest a 50-50 split or meeting them half-way (then leaving Palin at the half-way point).
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly focuses her laser-like logic onto the mystery of the missing plane and deduces a solution.

Is this the solution to the mystery of the missing plane?

Posted on | March 17, 2014

Is this the solution to the mystery of the missing plane?

By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

Here is the conundrum: we know that MH 370 flew West and North-West, we know that it was detected by Malaysian military radar over Andaman islands, which are a territory of India, so with a 100% certainty the plane had to show on Indian commercial and military radars, or at least military radars, just as it appeared on Malaysian military radars. India claims that it did not appear on it’s radars.

Some are stating that the plane dropped to 5,000 ft to evade radar, however 5,000 feet will not be sufficient to evade radars, you need to drop to 100 feet or so to evade radars, and there is no indication of this happening and it would be extremely dangerous for a commercial airliner, which is not equipped for such evasion maneuvers, as the military planes.

Some are saying that the plane was going North -West and later turned sharply South-West, which explains it’s absence from radars of other countries, but that does not explain the fact that it was over Andaman islands, had to show on Indian radar and allegedly did not show.

Next conundrum. The plane had fuel only for 2,200 miles to fly after the pilot switched off the transponder. We know that it flew for about an hour, 500 miles to Andaman islands. From there it flew for 6 more hours and therefore covered 3,000-3,600 miles, but it had fuel only for 1,700 miles (2,200-5000=1,700). So, how did the plane fly 3 extra hours and some 1300-1,900 extra miles without fuel?

So, how do you solve these two conundrums?

Here is one possible solution that I thought of. We know that there is a way to take over the plane’s electronics so the plane will change course. It was demonstrated with planes, yachts and automobiles.

So, why can’t one have a device to either reprogram the plane’s transponder or simulate a transponder to transmit to towers a different identification?

If this happened, the plane could fly over any number of countries and transmit identification of another plane, which would look legitimate. This would explain, why no nation had any reports of a suspicious plane with switched off transponder flying over its’ territory, it would show a plane with a transponder, but transmitting a different identification. As a matter of fact, the plane could even land and refuel and fly further West.

Here is another point. I believe that the air traffic controllers expect certain planes of certain airlines flying certain routes at certain times, at certain hours of the day. So, the question is, whether there was a flight, which was supposed to fly in that general direction, at approximately the same time, but the flight was canceled the last moment, but air traffic controllers believed that this hijacked plane was a different plane?

So, the next thing to do, is look at any canceled flights. Next, it would be prudent for the countries in the possible flight corridor to search for planes that flew on March 8 between 1:30 am to 8:00 am (Malaysia time zone UTC +08.00), which had identification that was unusual, not what was expected or an identification of a flight which was canceled the last moment.

Further, I believe that the passengers are still alive. It was said that the pilot climbed to 45,000 feet and it could incapacitate the passengers, however the cabin in 777 is pressurized. Even if the plane were to climb to 45,000 feet, the cabin would be pressurized, as if it was at 8,000 feet and the passengers were not affected. Also, it was a red eye flight. I believe that most passengers were asleep. Also, when the plane turned around and flew West, it flew into the night, meaning it flew into the time zones, where it was still night, so the whole flight, 7 and a half hours they flew in darkness, they did not see dawn, so the passengers likely were asleep the whole time and did not know what was happening. Also, even if the plane had to refuel, the passengers could have been told that this is a necessary maintenance stop. Also, there was a difference in the length of the flight. Normally the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is 5:53, give or take 6 hours. They flew for 7 and a half hours. Most passengers, who were asleep, probably did not notice that they flew longer, the ones who noticed, were probably told that the flight took longer due to weather conditions or some technical problems.

Oh yeah, no one will notice 'cause they're all asleep. Uh huh. Earlier in the day she had an even more speculative and insulting post on the same subject.

New evidence: it is believed that the plane landed, last transmission from ground. Pakistan claims that the plane did not show on its’ radars. China and US are asked to provide their satellite data

Posted on | March 16, 2014

Well, there are some positive news that were reported lately. CNN reported today that the researches believe that the plane safely landed and the last transmission was from the ground.

Second piece of information: Pakistan is cooperating and claims that the plane did not fly over its’ space and was not detected by its’ radars. This may or may not be true, as Pakistan also claimed that it did not have Osama bin Laden. However, it might be true, as it was reported yesterday and today that the pilot was a big supporter of an opposition leader, who was imprisoned and got 5 year sentence for having gay relations, this happened 1 day before the hijacking. The pilot’s wife and 3 children left him the same day, 1 day before the hijacking.

There were no interviews with his wife, but there were interviews with a young man, who introduced himself as a close friend of the pilot.

So if the pilot was gay, which caused him to get extremely agitated about jailing of an opposition leader (the pilot was at trial), if his wife left him, then why would he fly to another Muslim country, like Pakistan, with the same strict Muslim laws against gay men? This does not make sense.

Next: two countries acted somewhat suspicious: China and U.S.

China tried to convince the public that the plane went down in South China sea and brought forward bogus evidence, bogus satellite and seismic data. Do Chinese know that the plane flew through their air space? Why did they omit from the print out of the manifest the name of one Uighur Chinese Muslim passenger? Is there a plot to create a false flag event using the plane and the passengers as human shields and blame Uighurs?

U.S. acted suspiciously, as without a shred of evidence to back it up, without any evidence of wreckage, Obama administration repeatedly claimed that the plane crashed in the Indian ocean.

Additionally there is a fact of the Iranian intelligence officer, identified by the ticket agent as Mr. Ali, buying tickets for cash for at least 2 passengers flying with stolen passports. Were these 2 used to subdue the passengers during the flight? Why Malaysian government is still refusing to release the names and nationality of 5 passengers, who checked in their luggage and did not board the plane. Who are these 5, what was in their luggage, what explanation did they give for not boarding the plane after their luggage was checked in?

We know for sure that part of the time the plane flew over India. Why don’t we get the radar reports from India. they should have the location, direction and speed of the plane while at their airspace.

So, now we know that the plane did not crash. Where is the U.S. cooperation? Where is NASA, NSA, DOD, CIA data?

Let us hope that nobody in our government was crazy enough to work with terrorists and create a false flag event.

Please, first thing tomorrow morning call every congressmen, demand release of the US NASA, NSA, CIA, DHS, FBI data relevant to this hijacked plane MH 370. US has the most sophisticated surveillance. I believe that all of the above U.S. agencies have the information on the whereabouts of this plane and hostages. If they do not open their mouth and talk, sooner or later they will be prosecuted for aiding and abetting in hijacking.

Yes, that's right, if you don't fess up right now, Orly will see that you're put in jail! A modern day Sherlock Holmes.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by davids »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
fortinbras wrote:It's a Very Serious matter for a member of the bar to issue a press release, esp (if it could be made worse) by printing it on their lawyer letterhead paper, accusing the US Attorney of committing fraud upon a court. No joke. This could turn into a career-ender.
Orly has always skated CA bar interest because they seem to take the attitude that they are there to protect clients against bad lawyers. Orly hasn't got any clients. I unsure what a US Attorney would bother doing, being accused of wronging by Orly falls in the category of "being savaged by a dead sheep".
Is that what it is? I always thought that the reason she was given a free pass is that the bar is going out of its way to show it is not politically motivated. That, and disciplining attorneys for expressing their opinions about officials is a dicey proposition, constitutionally-speaking. Add to it the relatively high burden of proof in a bar court setting, I've always thought those were the reasons why the bar essentially looked the other direction on her.

But really, at this point, it does seem like a line has been crossed. Impugning, publicly, without reason, multiple other attorneys and officials (forget the fact they are U.S. attorneys, to my way of thinking that matters not), seems rather over the line.

But...California's Rules of Professional Conduct seem to be much narrower in scope than some broader rules sets like the ABA Model Rules.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Rachel Maddow's show tonight did call attention to the fact that the various "official Malaysian spokesmen" for the Malaysian govt & airline have generally been irresponsible and unreliable, often announcing pure speculation as if proven fact, and subsequently rescinding what they had previously reported. In short, very little can now be said to be positively known about the plane or the circumstances of its disappearance. It was prepared for a six-hour flight from Malay to China, and possibly could have flown longer or farther depending on favorable winds. So far no wreckage or identifiable oil slick has been found (the supposed slicks already sighted appear not to have any jet fuel). Talk about anomalous behavior by one or more persons aboard may not be reliable. Some 25 countries - several of them on very bad terms with others of them - are supposedly involved in the search, although I would not be surprised if many of them began and ended their participation by checking if a plane was known to have come down in their own territory.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly has posted 3 more things about her theories on the Airplane mystery/tragedy, but 2 are run-of-the-mill cherry picking and only one is truly bizarre. Guess which one I'm copying?

extremely disturbing disinformation attempt coming from Congressman Peter King and a number of media puppets

Posted on | March 17, 2014 | 8 Comments

Malaysian airlines announced that the plane was intentionally diverted. We’ve seen evidence of MF370 plane making 180 degrees turn and flying for 7 more hours.

No technical failure can be consistent with that.

This appear to be a deliberate, well planed hijacking of the plane.

Today Congressman Peter King, Chairman of the Homeland Security committee 2011-2013, appeared on National TV and attempted to persuade the public of the most idiotic scenario: that the pilot tried to commit suicide and crashed the plane into Indian ocean after turning it of course and flying for 7 hours in the opposite direction.

Does Peter King believe that he can bamboozle the nation to believe in this idiocy? If the pilot wanted to crash the plane in the ocean, why didn’t he do it over the China sea? Who in his right mind would believe that a person trying to commit suicide would switch off transponders, do it exactly over the dead zone between Malaysian air traffic controllers domain and Chinese, turn the plane 180 degrees and fly for 7 more hours and land the plane?

Nobody would be that dumb to believe this theory. Today as I switched the TV, I saw Congressman King, Bill O’Reilly and a few more puppets peddling this idiocy.

This made me extremely concerned, as it tells me that King knows what is going on and was told to intentionally spread disinformation. This plane can be loaded with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. anyone who knows what is going on and is complicit in the cover up will be prosecuted by the international criminal tribunal in due time. Now is the time for people, who do not want to be prosecuted, to stand up and speak up.

"Nobody would be that dumb to believe this theory." - Orly Taitz

Boy, could I have a field day with that statement. But where's the challenge? I would rather talk about MY theory. There were snakes on the @#$%&!! plane!
"Follow the Money"