Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Jeffrey wrote:I wish I hadn't clicked that link or listened to it.
In that case you're really not want to read this transcript ( ... pril-2013/) of a April 2013 interview ( by another crackpot Internet radio station with (still) Captain Zeleny in which he describes his wartime heroism (the only Canadian pilot I ever heard of who was captured by Iran during the Iran/Iraq conflict!), let alone his dramatic tale of his battles with foreclosure!

Or this follow-up video! (

SMS Möwe
Perhaps somebody has some credible evidence about Zeleny's war hero claims but I can't find any through Google. I've used his name plus "Iran" "captured" "Canadian" "Air Force" and iterrations of the preceding but all I get on Google are hits of him blovating away about what a hero he is and about his OPPT obsessions. I fail to see how he could have been captured as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces in the Iran/Iraq war since Canada wasn't involved in that conflict.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Burnaby49 wrote:Perhaps somebody has some credible evidence about Zeleny's war hero claims but I can't find any through Google. I've used his name plus "Iran" "captured" "Canadian" "Air Force" and iterrations of the preceding but all I get on Google are hits of him blovating away about what a hero he is and about his OPPT obsessions. I fail to see how he could have been captured as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces in the Iran/Iraq war since Canada wasn't involved in that conflict.
I was more blown away by the claim that the king of the philipines or whatever had a trust fund set up with a bajillion dollars inside it and that he felt canadians should receive a chunk of that money.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

If you think the youtube gibberish made your head hurt, go online and look up SWISSINDO Trust, that'll really make you nauseous.

This sounds nothing so much as like one set of con artists having a go at another set. The SWISSINDO Trust crowd sounds like they borrowed in whole cloth from the old International Treasury Controler scam, and I would say that Heater et al are getting ready to partake fully of this latest draught of nonsense. One thing about it, they can go from harassing WF to driving the UN up the wall with their willy paperwork.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:Canada wasn't involved in that conflict.
That's what they want you to think.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Notorial you don't know how correct you are in regards to SWISSINDO - its a competition between two groups of crazies over who can promote their own little prosperity fund (OPPT vs SWISSINDO) which of course doesn't exist and is entirely made up.

SWISSINDO actually has a interesting history with the OPPT. SWISSINDO as a prosperity scam seems to be run by a small group (or single person with severe schizophrenia, which I think is actually quite likely) of non-native English speaking individuals that either live in Malaysia or some place like it. Their primary method of communication for YEARS has been through sending dozens of page long screeds of very official looking proclamations and commandments by "Mr. Sino" ordering the arrest of world leaders, commanding governments to pay people prosperity funds, etc. These insane screeds are usually sent to promoters of other prosperity programs (OPPT, St. Germain, etc.) which is how this group has gained visibility amongst prosperity believers.

Early on this year Heather and the gurus fully embraced SWISSINDO via Zeleny as it appointed him a "UN general" and told the OPPT that the all-powerful Mr. Sino liked the OPPT and would be ordering all world Provost Marshals to report to the OPPT as their government. They even sent a 20 page+ long "order" supposedly to that effect and also appointed OPPT guru Brian Kelly as their media relations person to handle the world transfer of military power. That was in March or so, and after of course nothing happened the OPPT grew quiet about SWISSINDO.

But a few months ago OPPT true believers kept asking the OPPT gurus about SWISSINDO because SWISSINDO kepts saying that they would be giving everyone prosperity funds any day now (sound familiar?) and thats when Heather had enough. Tired of SWISSINDO distracting from her own insane scam, Heather revealed that "Mr. Sino" was (SURPRISE!) not a real person but a "channeled being" whose representatives had nothing to do with the OPPT.

Zeleny, who was at one point in time a OPPT hero, was quickly dropped at that point. But Zeleny enjoys playing fake General to much, so he goes around basically ignoring that the OPPT threw him and SWISSINDO under the bus.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I couldn't tell from the very brief, and only one I intend to make, dip in that particular crazy pool just where exactly Mr Sino hangs his hat, but I think it would be prudent for him to be careful, as certain of the gov'ts/rulers of that part of the world are shall we say just a might tetchy about someone else claiming to be something they aren't shall we say, and their solutions tend to be a bit more permanent and less subtle than we are used to here. Roy T Dam of Int'l Treasury Control infamy is currently a permanent guest of either the Thai or Burmese, I forget which, penal authorities and will most like remain so, and I don't think Sino will get off as lucky considering some of those jurisdictions he is claiming authority over attitudes towards such things.

In any event, it is fun watching on con man try and con another one who is just as big a liar.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

LightinDarkness wrote:... SWISSINDO actually has a interesting history with the OPPT. SWISSINDO as a prosperity scam seems to be run by a small group (or single person with severe schizophrenia, which I think is actually quite likely) of non-native English speaking individuals that either live in Malaysia or some place like it. Their primary method of communication for YEARS has been through sending dozens of page long screeds of very official looking proclamations and commandments by "Mr. Sino" ordering the arrest of world leaders, commanding governments to pay people prosperity funds, etc. These insane screeds are usually sent to promoters of other prosperity programs (OPPT, St. Germain, etc.) which is how this group has gained visibility amongst prosperity believers. ...
Just as a general note, LightinDarkness, I very much appreciate your ongoing tracking of the OPPT soap opera and its associated menagerie of characters. I can well understand how that could become all but hypnotic - thankfully my attention tends to be drawn to other, though equally dubious, venues.

Reading your narrative on SWISSINDO reminds me of how, on my darker moments, I become ever so slightly tempted to put on a troll costume and see what kind of bizarro responses I could trigger in one of these fringe groups. Probably call myself "John Frum", to ensure that even a minimally coherent and competent individual could not possibly take me seriously. But then I think of things like SWISSINDO, or others, and realize that no matter how satiric, if I pushed the magic buttons I'd still trigger a following.

It's a scary thought. And thankfully I'm way too busy to have the time to engage in such orchestrated social engineering.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

There's actually a bit more to the whole OPPT/I-UV bit that hasn't been discussed much here. I had a thread at ATS that discussed in detail the early days of the OPPT, and how they were presenting themselves back then, we even had a true believer try to rebut all of what we were saying and tell us we weren't open enough and not on a high enough frequency to understand. That same person on the OPPT board was complaining about the lack of funds and everything else that they said and wasn't happening.. He was banking on it, and he needed it, and gambled his whole life on it, and poof nothing is happening.. Now the thread is closed but there for posterity, and anyone can read it, it's quite the fun bit.... regardless.

Now on to what I wanted to say.. This scam has evolved over time, at first it was just a bunch od UCC filings and talk of foreclosing on everything, then it became a new ageish 5D ascension cult, then Heather and company took off to Morocco, and did some drugs and went out in the desert and were given marching orders by the lights and things they saw and heard in the Sahara, they came back like it was a religious experience and used that angle, then Heather claimed all the gold was taken off Earth by Aliens to be held until it could be given out, harkening back to one of her original statements when she began that the Orion system was what Earth was based on.

All in all however even with the promises if 5 billion in Gold for everyone, and the broken timetables, the Project 13 thing being no more than a social network for 5D believers, and banks saying that they are forwarding on the paperwork to the fraud department and all the courtesy notices and fee schedules they pop out, Heather has continues to evolve it to keep all her faithful guessing and staying around, and that's the dangerous part of all of this. Heather et al, have and can created a cult around this stuff and the faithful and gurus eat it all up and love her for it, one of these days if and this is a big if, Heather, like her partner Caleb did, calls for armed reaction, you can be assured this will get bloody..

That's why I watch the OPPT closely, it's teetering on the edge of becoming a violent and bloody mess, esp if the faithful get too wound up.. I have a stack of courtesy notices and fee schedules on my desk that I have been served with by the faithful, and while that is just annoying, i wonder how far they will go to make their fantasy into reality..
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Mowe, thanks for saying that - you contribute so much to the forum with your great analysis in the soverign citizen area, and like I've said before I don't reply to most of them but read all of them because they really are great and insightful. So its great to know I am doing a little something in return for all your hard work!

We are lucky too that we have had posters come here and share their personal experiences with OPPT, as it gives invaluable insight. Vkey08 in particular your insight has been amazing and shocking - its clear you have to deal with this stuff on a daily basis (the OPPTers show up where you bank and apparently barraging your workplace). I'm not sure how you deal with it and not go crazy, if I were you I'd snap on one them and call them out in public (in the case of the bank thing, for example).

What always floors me is the total, utter disconnect from reality these people have. I mean we are in an area of crazy with soverign citizens and prosperity funds that demands the true believers either be somewhat disconnected from reality or mentally ill, but with OPPT that disconnection seems almost complete. Here is the latest example of the OPPT clearly failing yet the OPPTers trumpeting it as a "win": ... lease-Lien

Here is how this clear fail is turned into a victory:
[9:04:26 AM] Kelly Sutton: Received this yesterday and a little history behind this… I haven’t paid on this 2nd since July 2011 when I was filing for a bankruptcy. It was not part of the bankruptcy, but I was hating on Wells Fargo at the time. :) Also, they have not contacted me much of anything since that time. Being in 2nd position they could not have foreclosed unless they paid off everything in front of them. ( By their corruption ) None the less, my opinion is that they are cleaning the public books or everyone with the name Kelly Sutton received this letter from WF after our calls last week. Notice – there is no account number on the document.

Like all the other "OPPT victories" involving a lien release, the OPPTers just don't get how banking works. The letter clearly says Wells Fargo released a second lien on this OPPTer because SHE FILED BANKRUPTCY and they weren't going to get anything out of it. Only in a world of total delusion can FILING BANKRUPTCY to get a lien release because the bank gives up be a victory. What amazes me is that none of the true believers have seen this and question why an OPPTer would even need to file for bankruptcy if all the loans are fraud and the bank is foreclosed...

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

When your job is to work with people that think their civil rights have been infringed upon, you become a magnet for crazies LightinDarkness, nature of the beast.. :)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

Vkey08, on the ATS board, where is the thread on OPPT? There are a lot of forums over there and I wasn't sure where to start looking.


Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

ashlynne39 wrote:Vkey08, on the ATS board, where is the thread on OPPT? There are a lot of forums over there and I wasn't sure where to start looking.


:) 1993 replies, it's quite amusing to read..
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Let me know if this has been proposed already, but why not file a UCC statement saying "OPPT is bullshit" then claim it's been "unrebutted" and therefore law.

Deal with the crazies in their own language.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote:Let me know if this has been proposed already, but why not file a UCC statement saying "OPPT is bullshit" then claim it's been "unrebutted" and therefore law.

Deal with the crazies in their own language.
They wouldn't get the joke.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

The various filing authorities have supposedly been roundfiling the OPPT fake filings as fast as they can find them, maybe WA has finally cleaned house on Heather's nonsense by now, and the crazies are denying it happening, so what would be the point?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

I actually thought the same thing regarding making my own UCC filings and saying it was all BS and rebutted, but then I watched how the gurus respond to all the overwhelming evidence against them. I suspect they would do the same thing they do when the banks tell them they are filing non-sense paperwork and have bought into a bunch of soverign citizen theories that have no basis in reality: they claim that that doesn't count as rebuttal. How can that be? Well because in their world these things are dogma and truisms, and you can't actually rebut them. Anything that is a rebuttal will simply be dismissed as not being a rebuttal. I'm serious.

Notes from the weekly OPPT/IUV Exchange Propaganda Call:
(1) The flock continues to be fleeced - the gurus have raised $6k to buy a RV and plan to buy two more for the OPPT propaganda tour of the US. The amount of money they are going to need to plan this is pretty large, but they will simply continue to get people to take out cash advances on their credit cards and send them money to paypal instead of paying their mortgages (since the mortgages are all fraud!). I don't see how they could do the tour for less than 35-40k by the time you add in food, gas, etc. They claim they are going to have a motor that runs on water but you know what will happen to that claim - the Cabal will somehow stop them from doing it as we get closer to the tour date.

(2) One of the gurus, Bob Wright, has been spending A LOT of time on his other OPPT show the past few weeks talking about how things like monogamy and marriage are Cabal oppression tactics and how we should be like dolphins where older females take the young males out for a test sex ride to show them the rope before the males mate with younger females. So if I had to guess that's all preparation to justify lots of new age style orgies on the bus tour!

(3) OPPT true believer BZ Meyers continues to lead other true believers to harass and terrorize Wells Fargo until they give them free money. The newest effort after all the spectacular failures recently is to spam mass mail the Wells Fargo and corporate board with OPPT gibberish paperwork. But this isn't just any gibberish OPPT paperwork, this is SPECIAL gibberish. You see, BZ ensured all true believers charged their paperwork with "power" through new age crystal rituals.

(4) Bob Wright played a recording of his fourth (!) failure to "access his value." This time around the bank's legal department called him and stated that "the documents have absolutely no legal value" which of course Bob took to mean that they really could give him his free money but wouldn't ass they would not DIRECTLY "legally rebut" his paperwork. If your sensing a pattern here, its the same thing every time. Bob Wright harasses bank, bank tells Bob Wright hes nuts, Bob Wright claims victory because they don't "rebut" his crazy in the specific manner he deems acceptable.

This time the schtick was that Bob thinks hes won somehow because the bank didn't explain how the gibberish was not a negotiable instrument, instead they just kept telling him it wasn't a negotiable instrument and was a document of no legal value. You can listen to a recording of the phone call, which Bob lied to the woman and said he was not recording (how honorable) starting at 88 minutes and 30 seconds here: ... -sept-2013

My absolutely favorite part of the recording: after the banker tells him that his documents aren't based on any real legal claim, Bob Wright tells her the banks is committing a crime and is committing treason so its "extremely serious" and she should tell the legal department to do "due diligence" before they break the law. :haha:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:My absolutely favorite part of the recording: after the banker tells him that his documents aren't based on any real legal claim, Bob Wright tells her the banks is committing a crime and is committing treason so its "extremely serious" and she should tell the legal department to do "due diligence" before they break the law.
This follows much the same pattern of the yahoos who claim that you can "redeem" your FRNS, "detax" yourself, etc. from "the system". First they teach you how to file magical paperwork and claim victory. Then they tell you need to confront the employees of "the system" and explain to them how your filed paperwork means that they have to do what you are asking them to do and again claim victory. Then you are instructed that you will need to threaten the "system" employees with litigation and/or arrests since they are violating your filed papework; but again this is a victory. You are then directed to file suits in federal/state/municpal courts (regardless of whether these courts have jurisdiction over the issue) for "damages" in obscene amoutns and once more claim victory. After the suit is tossed, you can go ahead and claim victory again.

Now, I think most of the hoi polloi are at some point convinced that victory means either getting a big wad of cash or at least getting out of having to pay taxes. It is a reasonable belief, given what they have been told by all of the "experts." But that type of victory never happens and the hapless ninny who went all the way is lucky if all they did was lose some money, time and got tossed out of court. Others have ended up pulling jail time because some of their experts goaded them into doing more stupid stuff like issuing threats, filing personal notices of lien against government officials, or initiating threats and violence.

Somewhere along the line, the ninnnies lose sight of what they are supposedly chasing and go over the edge. It is sad to think that they cannot at some point wake up and tell themselves this is not working, has not worked, and does not look like it will work.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote: (2) One of the gurus, Bob Wright, has been spending A LOT of time on his other OPPT show the past few weeks talking about how things like monogamy and marriage are Cabal oppression tactics and how we should be like dolphins where older females take the young males out for a test sex ride to show them the rope before the males mate with younger females. So if I had to guess that's all preparation to justify lots of new age style orgies on the bus tour!
Either that or this is Bob's sly way of asking someone to get him a hot date with an older female dolphin.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Listened to an interview with one of the OPPT "trustees", the old hawaiian guy. Basically old guy with decades long involvement in sovereign citizen stuff so really no surprise that OPPT is just a cut and paste job with some terms replaced and drugs added in.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote: (2) One of the gurus, Bob Wright, has been spending A LOT of time on his other OPPT show the past few weeks talking about how things like monogamy and marriage are Cabal oppression tactics and how we should be like dolphins where older females take the young males out for a test sex ride to show them the rope before the males mate with younger females. So if I had to guess that's all preparation to justify lots of new age style orgies on the bus tour!
Either that or this is Bob's sly way of asking someone to get him a hot date with an older female dolphin.
My thought was the listeners were supposed to read between the lines and realize the young females humans should be initiated by old and wise-in-the-ways-of-his-wee-wee Bob, and send their daughters to the RV. Then again, these folks are way out there, so you might still warn Sea World when they're in the neighborhood...

By the way, Deep Knight does not recommend doing "test sex rides" with young uninitiated girls in RVs, no matter how spacious and plush. I have this inside information from international bankers that all of our RVs are about about to be stuffed full of Dinars.
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