Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by davids »

LightinDarkness wrote:Good news, everyone! According to TNT Tony, who as we know has a 100% spot on intel record, has informed us that we have RVed* (again!)!

*And by RVing I mean just making stuff up to get his followers to buy more from Sterling Currency over the weekend. He really played up the drama on the non-existent RV too, stopping every so often to make dramatic proclamations like "I just received a text that bank security is on lock down!" It was quite a show...a BS show, but entertaining nonetheless. When nothing happens come Monday, we'll hear about how the Cabal has stopped it...again.
Well...I don't really fit in here too well, in that I have some libertarian tendencies. But I do think sovereign citizens and dinaridjits and nesarans and birfers are hilarious in their stupidity.

I don't think Ron Paul ever said anything about the dinar craze or supported those idiots, so I don't know why you'd use his image on that picture. I get it that there are a lot of kooks that support Ron Paul, but there are also a lot of kooks that support Al Sharpton, George Bush, or Barack Obama. I would suggest the offending photo be removed as it is an attempt to make a political issue out of one which isn't.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Are you..serious? I put the GIF there because its "ITS HAPPENING" with the "IT" being the RV. Its funny because this is the 100000000000000000000000th time TNT Tony has told us "its happening!" because the RV isn't real. I mean, do I really need to explain that? Its also funny because Ron Paul is waving his hands around in a crazy manner, it could be any one it just so happened to be the first thing that came up when I google image searched.

Trying to read a political motive into hilarious and sad.
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by davids »

Jeffrey wrote:

It's not really political.
After looking at your link, yes it is. In essence, it says, in response to some unrelated dinar rv craziness, that the poster thinks ron paul or his supporters are crazy. The two subjects have nothing to do with one another. It's both political and off topic, and misleading, all at once.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by davids »

LightinDarkness wrote:Are you..serious? I put the GIF there because its "ITS HAPPENING" with the "IT" being the RV. Its funny because this is the 100000000000000000000000th time TNT Tony has told us "its happening!" because the RV isn't real. I mean, do I really need to explain that? Its also funny because Ron Paul is waving his hands around in a crazy manner, it could be any one it just so happened to be the first thing that came up when I google image searched.

Trying to read a political motive into hilarious and sad.
Well then post a picture of a non political figure waiving his hands around saying "it's happening." Perhaps I should post one of Obama saying that transparency in government and change are going to happen, while waiving his arms around in the middle of appointing Timothy Geithner, or ordering some drone strikes. I guess that wouldnt be political either.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

That link kinda explains it poorly but the images were invented by Ron Paul supporters. It was supposed to be celebratory when there was the possibility of Ron Paul winning a 2012 primary. It's shifted away from that original context to something more like crying wolf or announcing a catastrophic event.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:Trying to read a political motive into hilarious and sad.
Mod Note: I can readily see how LiD did not have a political motive in posting the gif. I can also see how B:F read such a motive into it anyway. So it goes (and so it goes). To those of you who feel that this rule is overly sensitive: I would have as well, until two years ago.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Over the next few days I will be looking into Ron Paul's connection to the dinar RV mythology. I would like to thank Bovine's hysterical overreaction for this, as I otherwise would never have even thought about it. There will be NO POLITICAL STATEMENTS just as there have been none about Ron Paul so far. This will only document Ron Paul's connections to these myths and the connections of people he has endorsed.

I might even make a whole thread about it - a cursory google search shows some of his supporters are deeply involved in the RV myth, the GCR myth, and other prosperity myths. Ron Paul is a purveyor of myths that are ESSENTIAL to the prosperity mythology, for example his whole federal reserve position (which is based on the myth that the federal reserve is a private bank and is not audited, both of which are demonstrably false).
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by davids »

LightinDarkness wrote:Over the next few days I will be looking into Ron Paul's connection to the dinar RV mythology. I would like to thank Bovine's hysterical overreaction for this, as I otherwise would never have even thought about it. There will be NO POLITICAL STATEMENTS just as there have been none about Ron Paul so far. This will only document Ron Paul's connections to these myths and the connections of people he has endorsed.

I might even make a whole thread about it - a cursory google search shows some of his supporters are deeply involved in the RV myth, the GCR myth, and other prosperity myths. Ron Paul is a purveyor of myths that are ESSENTIAL to the prosperity mythology, for example his whole federal reserve position (which is based on the myth that the federal reserve is a private bank and is not audited, both of which are demonstrably false).
I would encourage you to look into that. I've been a longtime supporter of Dr. Paul, and know that he is not a dinaridjit. But, if it turns out I am wrong, I would certainly like to know that.

I don't think you can tar ALL of his supporters, along with the Dr. himself, with the same brush that works for SOME of his "supporters." There are libertarians and then there are libertarians. Many people who don't even agree with him claimed to be his supporters, because they see him as being an anti-establishment figure. For example, there are sovereign citizen idjits who claim to be Ron Paul supporters, even though he held elective office in the government they claim doesn't exist for what, 7 terms? And then ran for President 3 times. So clearly he doesn't agree with them, even though they think they agree with him. (Fortunately, or not, many of these people don't vote!).

I'll also add that unless one did not know anyone under 40 years of age, lived under a rock, and didn't read the news, there was a huge popular support for Dr. Paul among certain sectors, and therefore if one wanted to sell a product to people in those sectors, it made sense to try to associate that product with him. I attended, along with a couple of friends of mine, one a schoolteacher, the other a financial advisor, his speech at UCLA which drew 10,000 attendees, some of them hanging out of trees outside the stadium.

In this case, I think you've got what are arguably provable con men who are trying to sell Iraqi Dinar to people. What a better target market than the young (a lot of Ron Paul supporters were college-aged) or those naive or uninformed about business and politics?

I've only met one dinaridjit in my life, a chance meeting over a beer. I remember it distinctly despite that. There was a conspiracy theorist sitting next to me babbling about everything including chemtrails, while I politely tried to redirect or offer counterpoints. This ditzy chick fresh off the beach then chimed in talking about this can't lose investment opportunity. She even had her mother invested in it as I recall. She didn't seem highly political, or highly educated, but rather seemed like a lot of women who are in their 20s - not too well informed and not caring too much about anything - yet was sold a bill of goods.

To someone like that, if one of the dinar hucksters characterizes this as something Ron Paul would support, she might think vaguely, "I've heard of him, some friends of mine who go to college support him". And so the con gets some support. It's also pretty obvious that the economic crisis of 2007- whenever was in full swing during the last two election phases, and Dr. Paul spoke a lot about economics, which is probably all that a lot of people remember about him, again giving a reason why a dinar huckster would want to associate Ron Paul with their product. But I think they're the only ones making that association, not Paul himself.

And not to pick yet another bone with you, as again I don't have a personal beef with anyone here, but LightInDarkness, if you really are a libertarian leaning Republican, everything I've said here is old hat to you already. I'll again point out that SOME of the people who voted for Clinton, Bush or Obama are probably nutcases of the third degree. And some of them have internet access. :beatinghorse: :beatinghorse:

Oh, and I'd really like to see a thorough thread and discussion on the Federal Reserve. I think he has some good points in that regard, and among them is the fact that we don't have to have a Federal Reserve Bank. The country existed for a long time without one. I'm not saying there aren't benefits, but it is true that the Federal Reserve is privately owned, and that it isn't REALLY audited, not by the govt., not openly. But it would be nice to hear something more about the counter to his position than "he's wrong."

As far as him saying things that the prosperity package nutsos try to build upon, they also build upon anything else they can think of, such as new age mysticism, free energy, sex bus communes and so on.

I'll add finally that being a libertarian-republican doesn't mean you have to agree with everything Ron Paul says. Gary Johnson to many was a more reasonable sounding candidate, and I agree with that. It doesn't change the fact that Ron Paul was not pushing dinar investment, however, but I look forward to the thread by LIghtinDarkness very much actually. I am always open to learning new things, or dispelling myths, whichever might occur as a result (both perhaps).
Last edited by davids on Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by wserra »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:his speech at UCLA which drew 10,000 attendees, some of them hanging out of trees outside the stadium.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by ashlynne39 »

To get back on topic, LID have there been anymore posts on Tonys website like the ones at Christmas, begging for the RV to happen and laying out the reasons why the powers that be should release it?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Dr. Paul has become a symbol, and so attracts those he may not support. Dove used to believe he was a NESARA supporter and included him in her "lists." Curiously enough, a legislative aide actually gave an opinion on NESARA as described to him, saying, "... the Congressman simply could not support legislation that would change existing banking contracts." A pretty strongly-worded repudiation if you ask me!

The devil has the same problem with products people believe he endorses. You don't think he listens to bands like "Black Sabbath," do you? Easy Listening is a hallmark of the lower circles of hell. Then there's the use of his image in advertising. One of the first brands of matches were named "Lucifer," and even today in Mexico the supposed image of the devil is common on matches.


First of all, not only does Satan NOT endorse any specific brand of matches for use in arson, burning at the stake, and lighting crosses, he was insulted at how they made him look. As if his nose was that big, or his horns that small. Add the hair and the beard, and it's not surprising he thought the whole package looked a little less than macho. The artist is on our "sanction with extreme prejudice" list, but given the funding cuts and new government rules regulating assassins for hire ...


But that doesn't matter, rates are on the screens in Australia, the Admiral is in Reno, and it's time to bend over, spread 'em, and get ready for the RV!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

[freeway2] ninnypickles = This is what was posted earlier \ Apr 26 3:50 PM [ninnypickles? Is this some sort of code speech for a sex act like "dirty Sanchez?"]

[ariel144] My friend's buddy in Australia went to his bank this a.m. to buy 1m dinar ($950.00 Aus dollars) ....well to buy 1 million IQD would have cost him $4.41 MILLION AUSSIE DOLLARS.

Rate $4.41 Aussie dollar for ONE Tony and DC stated: other countries have already accepted the new rate. That is all I know right now (don't know if he had time to go back and exchange yet) Come RV

Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 4:43 PM

Chatter from TNT - Saturday

Posted on April 25, 2014 by Freewill (NOT Freeway Bill)……..Subject: Update

watalady 5:12 am BBC news at 2am said that Iraq currency and other currencies around the world have revalued

7:24 am I predict all will be hush hush quiet until 12:01 am midnight Saturday night/Sunday morning, because of the double dipping buyers from currency sellers. A matter of International Security–and stiff stiff RULES. Or else a bank run on Dinar Trade places. LOL

5:59 am Remember what Max Keiser said? Some Saturday night around midnight, we will see a Global Reset?

6:01 am Well a bank Manager of TD bank said that whatever month it is, it will always happen AFTER the last Thursday night of any given month. Last night so happened to be the last Thursday night of the Month. ....

6:05 am And the month of APRIL so happens to be the IMF choice month of Revaluations for the past solid 30 years, except for 2 in September. Case is very very strong. We are in the strongest 5 day window, right now, right this moment.
[KIRKWOOD] The news i received*B-) cool yesterday late afternoon...the admiral is in Reno.. Was to sign papers to start the rv. I hope this ride to come to a END... Done and words,are just that...the only things i want to see ... (money) (money) then all will be real.. I know that words air going between the lips of SOMEONE.... I pray it is over today or Sunday... They really have used every story already .. Now it is time for the real things. ... RV RV RV !!!!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:57 AM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

ariel144] My friend's buddy in Australia went to his bank this a.m. to buy 1m dinar ($950.00 Aus dollars) ....well to buy 1 million IQD would have cost him $4.41 MILLION AUSSIE DOLLARS.

Rate $4.41 Aussie dollar for ONE Tony and DC stated: other countries have already accepted the new rate. That is all I know right now (don't know if he had time to go back and exchange yet) Come RV
I checked my currency converter and 1,000,000 dinars are still valued at AU$950. The RV is obviously not yet officially reflected in current exchange rates. However since some total stranger has posted anonymously on the internet that 1,000,000 dinars are now worth AU$4,410,000 we have irrefutable proof that the RV has happened! GO RV!

Wish I had some dinars now that it's too late. Story of my life.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

They gonna book flights to Australia with suitcases full of dinars now?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote: However since some total stranger has posted anonymously on the internet that 1,000,000 dinars are now worth AU$4,410,000 we have irrefutable proof that the RV has happened! GO RV!

Wish I had some dinars now that it's too late. Story of my life.
Guess what, you can still buy Dinars online at the old price! I know it's unbelievable that these businesses aren't in the know, but it's their loss and your gain. For example, has 40 25,000 Dinar notes for the low price of $975 plus $24 shipping for a grand total of $999, only 16% over what they're worth and 32% over what they'll buy them back for. But, when the RV is announced as having been announced, you'll be a 4-millionaire as soon as you move to Australia! G'day mate!

Saturday, April 26, 2014
4-26 dinar/dong news from Ber - really really close

Nothing but positive messages coming in today. Today is probably the last day you will be able to go down to a chase bank or wells fargo and order some dong. It looks lke we are finally there. We have said that so many times before (3 1/2 years worth for some of us - up to 11 years worth for others ) but all news today says this is going to happen and very soon; maybe this weekend. Hope you have been studying so your game plans are all in order.
Tony's call notes have some very good advice in them

from Aggie
WELL, YOU HAVE GUESSED IT, but the UST and the USA, stalled once again. Iraq is ready, been ready. The first two stages are now complete, and we wait for the third and final stage to be implemented, which is the announcement and the rollout. Since the UST passed the deadline they were given, it is now ON with PLAN B, and the IMF and the Chinese will roll it out public without the USA, which will not fair well for the USD.

The CABAL has run out of times to stall this whole deal. We are in a 72 hour window that the IMF will take the wheel from the USA. This weekend CL and JL will meet in RENO, make an announcement, and the Prosp.Package groups will be facilitated in Reno.....we will then be in the banks as soon as next week.

Iraqi banks will be closed on the 29,30, and the we will hopefully be able to exchange on Friday May 2........that’s y take on the situation anyways....Meanwhile...The US continues to provoke Russia, to get a conflict started prior to this rollout, so they can save face, and not be blamed for the ignorant fiscal policy and sherades they have played the past 40 years.......

They have their heads in the sand....and starting to turn on one another as the survival of the fittest....Good day Ya’ll
I just finish call with Zuhair to get latest update on where this happen and go. He say "Sunday morning it is expected to go" he ask me to keep calm, not be volatile with speaking to public journalist and ones i have spoke to keep them from telling story.
He know I shame them by media writing the story so he get his team in order to do what was to be done since January 2014.
Indicated me that we see price increases for first two weeks once is live. I not sure how much but I just care it happens.
Look out for Sunday morning Iraqi time
Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] At 2 am on the BBC, is that Iraq and others currencies have revalued, bringing Iraq back into the global markets. That was on television. We haven’t had announcements here in the US, but other countries are aware and ready to go. Our banks and exchange centers are ready to go, and people have been notified. Security is still in lock down. Everyone is locked down, not even going out to lunch.


watalady 5:12 am: BBC news at 2am said that Iraq currency and other
currencies around the world have revalued 7:24 am I predict all will be
hush hush quiet until 12:01 am midnight Saturday night/Sunday morning,
because of the double dipping buyers from currency sellers. A matter of
International Security—and stiff stiff RULES. Or else a bank run on Dinar
Trade places. LOL 5:59 am Remember what Max Keiser said? Some Saturday
night around midnight, we will see a Global Reset? 6:01 am Well a bank
Manager of TD bank said that whatever month it is, it will always happen
AFTER the last Thursday night of any given month. Last night so happened to
be the last Thursday night of the Month. Edited 6:05 am And the month of
APRIL so happens to be the IMF choice month of Revaluations for the past
solid 30 years, except for 2 in September. Case is very very strong. We are
in the strongest 5 day window, right now, right this moment. (party)

I did not imply that the BBC is hush hush. I believe the BBC was telling
the truth but due to International Security, from the Dinar Dealers getting
slammed with a bank run, that the BBC will be BARRED from confirming the
information about the World Global Currency Reset, until such time that the
PTB will allow for a Public Announcement. I feel that the BBC was telling
the truth, but will be STOPPED from making any confirmations, until the
right exact moment. Due to slamming Dinar sales at the last moments.
TONY’S CALL NOTES 4/25/14 - lots of good information to keep from this call
Good morning TNT!
We’re having a late call to accommodate DC. LOL The reality is we hoped this will be our one and only call for today, but we might have to do another call. DC will do his best to convince us we are there but it’s just taking a little longer to get to the finish line. LOL We won’t go in depth for obvious reasons. What we’ve seen on TV. The BBC – This morning at 2 am – announced that " Iraq currency has revalued as well as other currencies around the world, bringing Iraq into the Global World Market" We are in the exact same place as on Wednesday. Everyone is getting aggravated with waiting. Some last minute changes that took a little time
DC – some other countries that have accepted the rate. We have accepted it and are in the process of rolling it out., Banks are ready to go, people are in lockdown, being notified. We are in a great place. The questions is exactly when. They have mentioned some backup dates in case of any snafus – a positive thing. The elections are still there and the politicians are expecting this. Security has been sequestered at this moment.
The RV happened over a week ago, went live, all countries have accepted it. The reality is there are still some people who don’t want to accept it. This is more of a chess match that’s going on daily. And the match continues until it doesn’t. There are so many people (pieces ) moved off of the board. They last pieces are dancing around the board until one gets cornered. There are a lot more pieces on one side. We are at the corner of the board. We delayed the call because we thought you would be excited. Not that much more to talk about. Frustrated it hasn’t happened yet, excited it’s in the process.
Caller:252-Reprimanding those callers who have constantly called in again and again – and just shoot the breeze, and not allow others to get on the calls because they get in front of those who really want to get on to ask their important questions., T: This caller was on for 350 minutes, wanting to get this message to Tony.
Caller:520- The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Remember this at the next elections.
Caller:727 - We are gifting some of our dong to our kids who live in different states. Will we have time to fly to each one, give them the money and make their appointment. T: Complete your documents, put it in a FedEx envelope and send it before the RV to make sure they get their dong before the appointment. Do your gift letter, send them this. Or, if you don’t want to ship out the money then have them fly in.
Caller:503- I forgot what I was going to ask you. LOL, been on the call for over 200 minutes. Gift letter needed for dinars and dong? T: A lot of people say you don’t have to have one. I say better safe than sorry.
DC: We are in a fabulous place. Watch actions not words. Watch the type of people on lockdown, taking this seriously, intent on getting this done any moment. Tony, DC and 1-2 other gurus will be around for calls after the RV, maybe even for a week or two, to help those to exchange well. Educate the process at banks, and once some exchange, banks will alert us with most often questions asked and we will have some answers for you. We are doing this as a service to you.
Tony- enjoy your day. We put the call off hoping to have only one call today, maybe we will have 2 calls today. Even if it’s late tonight or tomorrow, before you run off to the bank, let us get the package and inform you first before you go – not to screw up and regret it later.


Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:04 PM
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Just in case anyone was wondering there is no new news on the Iraq Dinar on the BBC.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Like anyone, dinaridjits excepted, expected there to be.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

ashlynne39: Yes, although the frequency of those types of posts is much down from where they were a few months ago. I'd say a few threads a day pop up on his forums with people telling the mythic Powers That Be that its in their best interest to release the mythic RV for X, Y, and Z reasons. Usually its something along the lines of "its not fair that the elites got to cash out!" or "I'm a vet and I am owed this RV due to my service!" or "I just lost my house and I have been invested in the RV for 10 years and I need this now!"

You also get some hilarious posts with people explaining to the PTB that if they would RV that they would enable this huge explosion of charity from the dinarians who just have all these marvelous plans to be magnanimous philanthropists. The irony here, of course, is that if these idiots would use the money they've "invested" into worthless dinar and dong and give that to charity they would be helping a lot more than waiting on an RV that will never come.

By the way, everyone, Tony announced today (Monday) that Iraq has released the RV (again!) and that we're just waiting on the US to formally announce the rates! As usual, no one questioned this in the Q&A portion of the call and everyone immediately started asking questions about how to minimize their taxes/the cash in process ("How do I get my black card?").

For example, the first caller was VERY concerned that she would not be able to cash out at the contract rate ($38/dinar, baby!) because she was going on vacation! Not to worry though, Tony's intel man "DC" assured her that the RV would be tomorrow and she would be able to cash out by Friday.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by davids »

Deep Knight wrote:Dr. Paul has become a symbol, and so attracts those he may not support. Dove used to believe he was a NESARA supporter and included him in her "lists." Curiously enough, a legislative aide actually gave an opinion on NESARA as described to him, saying, "... the Congressman simply could not support legislation that would change existing banking contracts." A pretty strongly-worded repudiation if you ask me!

Yep, and though he doesn't spend a lot of time debunking things, a quick use of google can find him denying belief in 9-11 truther theories and much other weirdness.

Deep Knight wrote:The devil has the same problem with products people believe he endorses. You don't think he listens to bands like "Black Sabbath," do you? Easy Listening is a hallmark of the lower circles of hell. Then there's the use of his image in advertising. One of the first brands of matches were named "Lucifer," and even today in Mexico the supposed image of the devil is common on matches.

Easy listening, and Avril Lavigne's Hello Kitty video
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by davids »

wserra wrote:
Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:his speech at UCLA which drew 10,000 attendees, some of them hanging out of trees outside the stadium.
Must ... resist. Must ... resist. Must ... resist.
Yeah, well, Romney tried the same thing with his supporters. The problem is that a lot of them couldnt fit all their sister wives in the trees, which kept uprooting and tipping over about when they got to wive number 5. Some of the more geriatric Romney supporters would fall and then shatter like vases due to their old age, stiff bones, or advanced osteoporosis. A plan was hatched to borrow some of the Romster's hair gel for use as helmets, but it was too late.

Obama's supporters just flat refused to climb the trees, claiming that trees are a "badge and incidence" of slavery. Instead, the trees were declared hazardous to the health of local turtles, and chopped down and sold to China, in exchange for its purchase of T-bills that month.