Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:Thursday, June 5, 2014


Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:57 PM

At least that poster has the 'JUST AS LIKELY' part right. :whistle: :brickwall: :haha:
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

The weekly TNT Tony pumping pattern has become so obvious I actually burst out laughing when I listened to the call today. This scammer used to do 2 hour calls 3 days a week (M/W/F) but as of late ALL of the Friday calls have been very short - this Friday's call was only 8 minutes. But its ingenious. Every Friday Tony comes on and tells everyone that he was planning to share information on official cash out procedures sent to him by the US Treasury, but then right before the call they told him not to do it. Its the same story every Friday now - Tony has some sort of extremely hyped piece of intel and is just about to share....and then hes told by the Powers That Be to stop.

And every Friday, its always the same - "no negative news" - and "we could be having another call later in the day to announce the RV." It causes all his followers to rush to currency dealer sites and buy more dinar to get before the RV because SURELY its going to be this week now - Tony is so sure he couldn't even do a full call!

Of course, come Monday we will hear that they were just about to push that RV button once again and some mythical event stopped the mythical RV yet again. And then we go through yet another weekly pump cycle. Its like hes not even trying to obfuscate what hes doing - I guess he figures his listeners are so stupid they'll fall for anything...and so far he has been right!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

The poor baby must be running out of bs spiel after all this time, or else he's just getting bored and running out of steam since he knows he has a date with the Federal charges later on.

I really do hope he's looking at a nice long sojurn in the graybar when they are done with him, since otherwise he'll be right back at it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

The owner of Baghdad Invest has done another great job at exposing Tony's scam - this time the scams of his brother, Ray Renfrow. As I've commented before, Ray Renfrow rides his brothers coat tails by holding "wealth retention trusts seminars" and teaching trust/income tax scams where he charges TNT Tony followers $500+ PER PERSON to attend.

It turns out that Ray Renfrow had an injunction put against him in 2009 by the DOJ barring him from getting involved in other peoples tax returns. Now, I'm not sure about the details here - maybe our lawyers can chime in - but even if hes not doing someone's tax returns directly is the promotion of trust/income tax scams via for-fee seminars still a violation of his injunction? If so, how would we report that? I am sure the DOJ would be *VERY* interested.

Original Baghdad Invest post here: ... e-brother/

The 2007 complaint from the US government for promoting tax scams can be found here:

The 2009 injunction:

Information about the most recent for-fee seminar on these matters can be found here: ... enfrow.pdf

On another note, it turns out TNT Tony's brother is a freemason...but not for long, if I have any say in it. I live in the same state as this guy and hes a member of a mainstream lodge (Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of NC, a historically African American lodge). I am not a Prince Hall mason, but am under the AFAM Grand Lodge of NC. However, our two grand lodges recognize each other. I am going to notify his grand lodge about his involvement in the scam. You cannot promote this kind of thing as a mason, it falls under whats called "conduct unbecoming a mason" which is a serious offense that could lead to expulsion. Here is hoping that they take my complaint and investigate it.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

It would seem the scam gene runs deep in the Renrow family. Maybe they can get adjoining prison cells, soon.[ /color]
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by thunter »

I think Tony and his ilk get away with this stuff because there are so many scams on the internet that what little law enforcement there is goes only after the biggest fish. I've seen too many obvious scams go on for years and years, despite them being reported repeatedly.

And even if they indict a scammer (Tony is the perfect example), the bad guy can push his court case off for many years, and perhaps never end up in court.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Nellie »

This was found on the Dinar Daily website. A lady told Tony that she had planned on committing suicide. What does it take to be a "big fish" in the eye of the law?

I listened to Tony's call from Monday and was shocked at what I heard. The notes in the forum are only a fraction of what was said during the call. I'm sorry for the length of this post, but there was no other way to show the damage this man is doing.

Forum notes:

520 caller: This is Patricia, and we talked a few weeks ago. I just want to say that you have been under the gun so much that I have to tell everybody there is no doubt in mind you have been 100% as cryptic as anyone could possibly be.

How could anyone say you have said anything to upset the apple cart?! Some of the callers have been less cryptic, so come on, guys – we know what’s going on in the world. Also, when this is over, since you have been my only lifeline, I am going to miss your laughter more than anything else in the world. You have the greatest laugh; it sets the whole world laughing. Thank you!

Tony: Maybe when this is over, I will still be able to talk to you. [more chitchat] I was frustrated with what I was hearing last Friday, and they got upset at what I was saying. We had the whole weekend, we worked it out, and everything will be okay. I’m trying to be cool and not add flame to the fire.

Caller: We have to understand that; otherwise, we are poking a sleeping bear and we will get eaten.

Tony: I don’t want to get eaten afterwards, either! DC, you remembered her, huh?
DC: We talked to her last Friday week, midway through the call, I think.

Actual call:
T 520

C Is this me?

T Yes maam, it's you.

C Hi Tony. I actually got back on.

T Oh, did you get dropped off?

C No, I'm still here. No, I'm still here. Do you hear me.

T Yep, I hear you.

C Oh, thank God. Oh, I talked to you about 1.5-2 weeks.

T Ok.

C: Patricia and, um, I told you that....

DC That was the nice lady, huh, yeah.

C Oh, hi DC.

DC Hi, how are you? You had a great story.

C Well, I just wanted to say that #1 you have been under the gun so much, I have to tell everybody that there is no doubt in my mind all these last few weeks you have been 100% totally as cryptic as anybody could possibly be and how anybody could say that you have said anything that would upset the apple cart in any way, either one of you. You've both been great, so I don't know why anyone is upsetting the apple cart or saying that you have. But some of your callers have been a little less cryptic.

So please guys, come on. We know what's going on, we know what's going on in the world. And another thing I wanted to say and I've said this, but I don't think that you've felt the way or understood the way that I feel about you, Tony, that when this is over, since you have been my only lifeline, I can't work a computer because of my disability and you are my only lifeline and I am going to miss your laughter more than anything else in the world.

You have the greatest laugh that it just sets the whole world laughing and I thank you for that so much.

T Well, I thank you and for saying that and huh, you know, maybe when this is over you'll still be able to talk to me or maybe I'll still be able to talk to you. How about that?

C I'd love that and you did say that you were going to call me, but you never got a chance, I guess, to give me a call. You said that you were going to call me after we talked last time.

T You know what? I just wrote your name and number down again so I can call you.

C God bless you.

T But I just did it again. I'm actually looking for the last time. Yep, I got both of them right here. I do have it.

C Huh, God bless you. Thank you so much. This last weekend...I have to tell you this last weekend with the only other contact I have, actually two other people that I know that have kind of kept me up to date when there is no talk show, and I can't get on line and I can't see what is going on any of the sites and , of course, I can't be on the boards because it's been almost 3 1/2 years since I've been able to pick up the computer, hoping once this is over I'll have someone to help me, and, huh, maybe I'll be able to get on the new site; hopefully, but at least to be able to stay in contact with you one way or the other.

But this last weekend I had a bullet in my name. I'll tell ya, I was so worried about what was being said by I don't know who all.

T Well, and that's OK. And huh, you that's what Friday's call was about and I was frustrated that I was hearing it and I didn't like it and I was upset and they got upset 'cause I was bringing it up and what I was saying and hopefully DC was saying and we had the whole weekend and worked it out and everything is going to be OK. So, I mean, that is what I'm hearing. So, um.

C Thank you so much.

T And I don't want to add flame to that fire so I'm trying to be cool right now. Ok?

C And as I say, you are definitely and have always been as cryptic as anyone can possibly be, knowing what you can and cannot say. And we all have to respect that and understand that. And you have so much information in your head that you can't tell us what is going on and we have to understand that. Otherwise, as you say, you poke a sleeping bear and you're going to get eaten.

T (laughter) There you go.

C There's no doubt about it. And we don't want to get eaten when we're this close.

T That's right, we surely don't. And I don't want to get eaten afterwards, either. So I'm just putting that out there. (laughter).

C Exactly, exactly.

T So, Ok. All right. Thank you. And I am going to try and call you.

C And bless all of you again. And thank you for taking my call and I'[m glad I was able to listen to everything today so that bullet can go back in the bag and I'm not going to have to use it. 'cause....

T Well, I surely hope not, so all right. Huh, I think we'll be ok. I think you can put it back in the bag, put it in the box, or you know, you could even throw it away. So, I don't think you'll be using that. Alright?

C Ok, thank you so much.

T Have a great day.

C God bless you all. Thank you.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, not to worry. The real dope is right here: ... world.html
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Burnaby49 »

Screw that. Solve your own problems, we're keeping our gold. Since the US National debt is currently calculated at $17,552,334,317,242 we must have a hell of a pile of it!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Gregg »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Screw that. Solve your own problems, we're keeping our gold. Since the US National debt is currently calculated at $17,552,334,317,242 we must have a hell of a pile of it!
Well, all the gold in Ft Knox (and at the Fed Bank in NY) wouldn't pay the annual interest on it, so I hope they have a plan B to pay all those Savings Bonds....
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

They don't even really have a Plan A. Its all goign to happen magically dontcha know???? They have no idea how much gold, and/or precious metal there actually is in the world at this point, let alone how it is distributed, but it's gold, so its magic.

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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

TNT-Forum Post RV Celebration



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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:TNT-Forum Post RV Celebration



Las Vegas
Atlanta- CLOSED
North Carolina - CLOSED

the celebration
Must be 18 years or older to attend.
Thank you!!


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Too bad there isn't one in Boston. I'd love to attend, in person, and see all the shell-shocked faces when Tony has to admit that the RV hasn't happened yet due to the nefarious machinations of [insert your favorite villains here].
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Too bad there isn't one in Boston. I'd love to attend, in person, and see all the shell-shocked faces when Tony has to admit that the RV hasn't happened yet due to the nefarious machinations of [insert your favorite villains here].
No need to worry about Tony being embarrassed, these are POST RV parties. I have a feeling he hasn't reserved a date, especially if it involved putting down a deposit...


6-11-2014 Intel Guru TNT Tony [via Adept1] What we do know is all good news today. Bank people are still at the bank, and staff are at the exchange centers, for the most part. Everybody is still on Go, we just don’t know the exact time or should all be happy. I’m super-fantastic and I’m ready for this ride to be over! [In late June, Ramadan starts and some want to push it off to 1. July. Then some Iraqi officials says they don’t want to do it after June 28th. Is that true?] I think they will do it before then.

Perhaps this is the good news Tony is talking about.

Insurgents in northern Iraq seize key cities, advance toward Baghdad
By Loveday Morris and Liz Sly June 12 at 5:44 AM

IRBIL, Iraq — Insurgents inspired by al-Qaeda rapidly pressed toward Baghdad on Wednesday, confronting little resistance from Iraq’s collapsing security forces and expanding an arc of control that now includes a wide swath of the country.

By nightfall, the militants had reached the flash-point city of Samarra, just 70 miles outside Baghdad, after having first seized Tikrit, Saddam Hussein’s home town, and other cities while pressing southward from Mosul.

The stunning speed with which the rout has unfolded in northern Iraq has raised deep doubts about the capacity of U.S.-trained Iraqi security forces, and it has also kindled fears about the government’s grip on the capital.

Perfect time to increase the value of the currency ten-thousand fold. GO RV!!!
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey » ... ror-jihadi ... -left.html
The Islamic State of Iraq in Syria (Isis) is so hardline that it was disavowed by al-Qaida's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
But apparently, not too hardline for Tony?

Let me guess, they're taking over Iraq in order to RV huh?
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Jeffrey »

I spoke too soon. ... ist-group/
As insurgents rolled past Iraq’s second largest city, an oil hub at the vital intersection of Syria, Iraq and Turkey, and into Tikrit, several gunmen stopped at Mosul’s central bank. An incredible amount of cash was reportedly on hand, and the group made off with 500 billion Iraqi dinars — $425 million.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Jeffrey wrote:I spoke too soon. ... ist-group/
As insurgents rolled past Iraq’s second largest city, an oil hub at the vital intersection of Syria, Iraq and Turkey, and into Tikrit, several gunmen stopped at Mosul’s central bank. An incredible amount of cash was reportedly on hand, and the group made off with 500 billion Iraqi dinars — $425 million.
It's probably a Chinese/Hillary/Bilderberg/Wall Street false flag operation to sabotage the RV.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, if Iraq goes down the tubes, which it is looking like could just happen any time now, that'll definitely put a spike in the RV plans. Since I don't expect the new gov't is going to care much about what the old gov't did or their currency, and I expcet that all the currency holders outside of the country will just be left holding the worthless bag or dinar as the case may be.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:It's probably a Chinese/Hillary/Bilderberg/Wall Street false flag operation to sabotage the RV.
No, no, no! This was a legitimate operation to rescue the RV from the perps you named above. The ISIL will shortly be revealed as the new White Knights who had to resort to jihad terrrorism for the last few years as a cover to avoid detection by the Illuminati. Now they have launched this attack on the government of Iraq and are rapidly confiscating dinars as we speak.

Of course some people will point out that the dinars they are seizing are pre-RV dinars and that may present a problem later on when ISIL competes with our dinar investors in the West to see who gets funded first.
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Re: Any Day Now, the Dinar RV Story

Post by LightinDarkness »

Its funny, on Wednesday's conference call someone was actually smart enough to ask how the RV could be "any hour now" (what Tony has been saying for a year) given that Iraq is now embroiled in all this severe internal conflict.

The answer was given by DC Guy - which is Tony's co-host and is a fellow scammer that is very good about keeping his real identity hidden, but has lots of credibility with dinar idiots because he claims to have been working on the RV for the government for a decade. DC Guy thought that Iraqi being on the edge of a civil war was no reason at all for them to stop the RV, because after all if everyone is rich they won't go around shooting each other up. Yes, he really said that. I am not kidding here. And everyone just bought it like this was the most reasonable answer in the world. :brickwall:

The level of stupid we are dealing with here is truly amazing.